The arena around her quickly rearranged itself to Headmaster Zhong Qiu's arm movements. He spread them out as the arena quickly became more like a race. The forest part was first, then the ice, then the ocean, then the desert, and finally the flag.
He smiled and said, "Instructor Le Yi will start chasing you after a minute. Keep in mind that she will chase you very quickly once she sees you. Don't think of racing her in a test of speed. We will have all of the foxes head to the start and remember, don't think each environment is small. It will feel like an actual forest. Please do not get surprised if you're in an area for over thirty minutes. We will also pull anyone out who is in danger. Now, everyone, make sure you are in fox form and head to the starting line!"
Feng Hei Lang quickly moved along with the other crowd to a white line marked on the ground while switching into fox form. The forest was huge, spanning over all the areas of her vision. Behind her, she could see some foxes sitting on some sort of bleachers.
Headmaster Zhong Qiu shouted, "And the annual Hu Li University tournament begins...NOW!"
A stampede started from the start line. Some foxes instantly became invisible, while others flew into the air. Some even went underground.
Feng Hei Lang decided to simply run into the forest first. She dived into the undergrowth and laid there, letting all types of foxes trample past. Smoke reached her nose. She blinked a few times and turned around. There was a smell of a fire from her east.
Headmaster Zhong Qiu's voice projected over the arena. "Instructor Le Yi will now be chasing you down!"
The forest became completely silent with only a rustle of leaves here and there. Feng Hei Lang activated [Presence Concealment] and [Camouflage] before moving. She could hear some foxes' yowling as they got caught. She shuddered and continued her way through the undergrowth. A sudden spike of sound made her freeze. Through a few leaves, she saw Instructor Le Yi thunder past, zooming towards a fox trying to run.
Within a few seconds, Instructor Le Yi had tagged them and they hissed in dejection. Feng Hei Lang's heart pounded as she looked over to where she was. 'No! I can't get out yet!'
Instructor Le Yi slowly creeped closer, her paws completely silent. Feng Hei Lang was about to make a dash for it when Instructor Le Yi lashed out a paw. A fox fell from in front of her.
She almost jumped in surprise. 'What the heck?! Someone was there?'
The fox was teleported away as they became out. Then, Instructor Le Yi started running towards where the fire came from.
Feng Hei Lang let out a sigh of relief. 'I was so lucky! Being on the ground makes me unable to see her coming...'
She slowly pulled herself up on the tree, claws silently pushing against the bark. Using [Flashing Steps], she quickly leapt from branch to branch. 'This forest is endless!'
Feng Hei Lang stopped on a branch when she heard a rustle. Then, a fox from above pounced on her. She hissed as she said, "What are you doing? This isn't going to benefit either of us!'
The female fox tussled with her, swiping paws at her snout. "I'm helping Instructor Le Yi get rid of all these foxes faster!"
They both fell from the branch, snarling, hissing, twisting, and turning. Feng Hei Lang used [Chomp] and bit down hard on the fox's shoulder when she let out a growl. Blood spurted and coated her mouth, replenishing her strength.
She quickly licked the sweet taste away from her mouth. The fox hissed and leapt back onto her feet.
Feng Hei Lang heard footsteps thundering closer so she leapt up the tree and hid along the leaves just when Instructor Le Yi burst from the bushes and tackled right into the other fox, making her out.
Instructor Le Yi then looked up and down a few times before spotting her. Feng Hei Lang tightened her mouth before activating [Dash] and [Flashing Steps].
She ran, leaping between trees. Instructor Le Yi was running right behind her, her paws almost touching her tail.
Feng Hei Lang decided to activate [Angel's Fury] too. She double her speed and started running even faster.
Instructor Le Yi started running faster too. 'Of course that wasn't her max speed, I just need to make it to the ice!'
Feng Hei Lang watched her health slowly drain away as she put her remaining stat points into agility. Her sudden burst of speed made Instructor Le Yi paused for a second before resuming a tank. 'She never gives up! Why can't she change targets?'
She saw a opening between some leaves, leading to a white, snowy area. Feng Hei Lang dived for the gap, landing in a soft, cold pile of snow. She sank deep into it from her momentum. She couldn't hear a similar thump behind her. 'She must have finally changed targets!'
Feng Hei Lang sighed in relief before realizing she was in a pile of snow. She started to pull herself up before realizing she didn't know which way was out. Her eyes widened as snow got into her snout. She coughed and tried to keep digging. 'Am I going down? Is this the right way? No, I can't let the instructors know I'm in danger, then they'll pull me out!'
She kept digging, seeing layer after layer of fluffy white snow. 'Where's the exit?!'
Hello hello~ All of you are correct for the last question:D
I enjoy many things from youtube to anime, digital drawing, and reading~^^
Question of the chapter:
What instruments do I think I play? :P
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