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17.85% World Gate Online: The Choice / Chapter 5: Tutorial

Chương 5: Tutorial

Sub-race(Possible results...)

There's a lot of option here and I don't really want to list them all so I'll just list the top 2 which is quite close to each other.

**-Dog (Lion/Wolf/Fox...) --- SH:28 + WN: 11 = 39

-Lizard (Chameleon/Iguana/Dragon...) --- SH:35 + WN:2 = 37

And so we have our winner...frankly, I don't know if all votes here are real people or not but there's nothing I can do about that. Also, you guys do realize that I said Dragon has a very small possibility right!? Don't turn the MC weird dammit!

Anyway, after that, I listed a bunch of dog breeds, some wolves, foxes, and lions...and yes I know lions are supposed to be feline but lions are large dogs to me! Deal with it!

Ahem, moving on. I also added a sort-of jackpot prize which are Fenrir and Nine-tailed Fox in case it hit the jackpot...From the list of different breeds, I rolled 5 times and picked 5 winners. Corgi, White Wolf, Blood Wolf, Rottweiler, and Blood Wolf again. Then, I rolled again out of the five again to give some choices some chance. Ultimately, it landed on **White Wolf**.

Honestly, it's the best I could hope for in that choices. Blood Wolf is also fine but I just don't want it to be Corgi...also, I rerolled like 30 times before and managed to get Fenrir...so sad...

After that, I rolled again between 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, and 80% for the animal part showing and what I got was...**10%!**

Basically, it's like this:

10% only shows 2 parts animal

20% shows 3 parts animal

40% shows 4 parts animal

50% all 5 parts and has fur on his/her limbs

80% all 5 parts, has fur on his/her limbs, and has either animal head, animal arm, animal feet as well

And so I rolled again which two parts will show among animal eyes, ear, teeth, tail, claws. The winners are **animal eyes and teeth** XD

And that's that! I did this all on my discord so others would see. Long note, I know, but this is for explaining to those who aren't in my discord XD

Now, to the chapter!


Looking at the list of sub-race, Lucas frowned in deep thought.

Among the names, his heart leaned on the Dog tribe but also on the Lizard tribe. He has seen posts of others who were lucky enough to get a Dragon-type character and his gacha urges were acting up.

In his indecision, the Goddess spoke up to him again.

"What's wrong? You're taking a long time to answer."

"Uhh, I was wondering to choose Dog or Lizard...what do you think?"

Lucas answered in surprise when he was suddenly asked by an NPC. He even asked for her opinion.

The Goddess let out a cold sweat.

"How would I know...shall I turn you into a Dog-Lizard then?"

"You can do that?"



Lucas' face twitched.

After a while, he sighed and chose the Dog tribe. There was no reason to gamble on the Dragon-type. He had also seen a lot of people regretting choosing the Lizard tribe but no way of deleting their character and resetting.

It wasn't that Lizards are bad characters. They have self-regeneration and heightened sight and hearing which are fairly powerful. However, there are others which are better.

The Dog tribe, like the Cat tribe, has heightened senses all around. heightened sight, hearing, smell, reflexes, and sense of danger. Lucas chose the Dog tribe in the end since it was his preference.

At worse, he would end up with a Corgi head...or maybe a Bulldog...

As Lucas thought about all these things, his body glowed for a few seconds. Afterward, his appearance had changed.

A mirror appeared in front of the Goddess as if to show Lucas his own reflection.

Seeing his appearance, he breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he also showed a weird expression.

On the reflection, his overall body didn't seem to have changed much. He didn't grow taller or shorter or gained any other extra limbs or parts.

He didn't even have animal ears or tails. However, his eyes were blue like a pair of gems and his teeth appeared sharp with two fangs appearing to be a bit bigger than the rest of his teeth.

His hair was also pure white in color and his brownish skin was now paler in color.

Judging from his appearance, he wasn't too different from a human. Only his eyes and teeth proved otherwise. In fact, he even looked handsome and had a kind of bad-boy vibe...However, he didn't know what sort of dog he's supposed to be.

As if answering his doubt, a status window appeared before him.

[Name: Lucas]

[Race: Werebeast (White Wolf)]

[Level: 1]

[Class: None]

[Racial Abilities: Heightened Senses (P), Danger Sense (P), Wolf Transformation (A), Wolf Howl (A)]

[Skills: None]

[STR: 5 | VIT: 10 | INT: 5 | DEX: 8 | SPD: 10 | LUK: 3]

Lucas blinked in surprise as he read his own status.

"White Wolf huh? Am I supposed to be Geralt of Rivia? Although not a rare type, at least I don't have any ridiculous appearances...moreover, the stats are higher than I expected. Although my Luck is bad..."

Although not the best one, it isn't the worst either.

Lucas read about other types such as Blood Wolves and Arctic Foxes which have higher INT and can even use magic already as part of their Racial Abilities.

Compared to that, White Wolf does seem a bit normal. But that's fine as well.

"Well then, traveler. Do you wish to undergo some training first before descending to the world?"

[Do you want to enter tutorial? You are free to end the tutorial midway.]

Lucas looked at the option in front of him and pondered. After giving it some thought, he decided there's no hard to do the tutorial. Anyway, he isn't in a hurry and he also doesn't want to look like a lunatic moving around and stretching in the middle of the plaza if he descended immediately.

Now that he thought about it, Lucas never heard of anyone mentioning the tutorial.

Well, for the first players, they probably wanted to hurry and play so they can get ahead of others.

But there should also be some who tried finishing the tutorial since, in most games, there is some reward at the end. But if there was no mention of it before, then there's probably no reward. Otherwise, there would be a lot of guides to doing the tutorial for beginners instead of skipping it.

Anyway, that doesn't matter. Lucas simply wanted to test out his movements and how well he can react and attack.

Lucas nodded and disappeared in a flash of light as he appeared in the tutorial stage.

The tutorial was simply a white room with obstacles littered around, targets, and also various weapons.

Lucas jumped a few times in place and stretched his body first to get a hang of it. He found out that he could control his body easily and it was even better than his real body.

After some light exercise, Lucas tried out the obstacle course first.

He jumped, swung, ran, crawled, and climbed repeatedly.

After a while, he grabbed some weapons and tried them out on the dummy targets. He tried using the sword, greatsword, mace, shield, bow, gun, and even the staff.

As part of the tutorial, one is allowed to use magic temporarily here even if he didn't have the racial ability or class to do so.

He tested out a bunch of spells which left him excited and breathless. For a while, he was even tempted to become a mage once he started choosing a class.

Lucas had fun in the tutorial zone and even forgot he was still there. He just kept playing excitedly for a few hours. Normal people would've been bored already and start to leave.

After an hour of playing around, a window suddenly appeared in front of him.

[INT +1]


Lucas stared at it blankly for a while then remembered where he was.

"Damn, I forgot I'm still in the tutorial zone...but it's really fun to play with magic...shall I choose Mage as my class then? But what's with this pop-up? You can increase your stats here?"

Wanting to confirm his thoughts, Lucas tried repeatedly using magic again without worries of his mana depleting since this was the tutorial zone. No matter how much you exert yourself, you won't get tired or run out of MP.

Lucas felt like this was a bug...but it can't be helped. None of the Devs probably thought of someone staying here for over an hour and, well...not 'play' the game itself.

"Well, you can't blame me for exploiting this then!"

Lucas licked his lips and started grinding some more.

As expected, not even half an hour had passed, another pop-up appeared signaling another increase in INT. It seemed faster this time since Lucas didn't waste time and simply fired magic nonstop like a machine gun...

Like this, Lucas spent a long time in the tutorial. Without noticing it, his internal alarm that he set up has rang, notifying him that he needs to wake up for work.

Lucas looked at his INT: 24 with a smile. He would continue again later.

As for playing the game? That can wait. Anyway, he is already pretty late among the top rankers, a few more days difference won't do much.

Lucas logged out and woke up.

He checked the time and got ready. He took some instant noodles for breakfast, took a bath, then got out for work.

When Lucas entered the convenience store to exchange shifts with the previous worker, a familiar person was already there waiting with a scowl on her face.


"Lucas! You're here! You damn bastard! How dare you stood me up!?"


Lucas froze.

He tried to remember what she meant but couldn't remember agreeing to meet with her anywhere.

"Look at your face! Did you already forget? I said to send me a message when you got in the game right? I was waiting for your message the whole night!"


Lucas sweated.

He did remember making that promise...but he didn't even 'enter' the game itself and was still in the tutorial area. How was he supposed to message someone?

"Sorry, I am still in the tutorial so I didn't get to send any messages."

"You-!...Huh? Tutorial? Why are you doing the tutorial?"

"Why? Well...is there something wrong?"

"What do you mean is there something wrong? The tutorial is just boring and other than the occasional increase of stats, there's nothing else to do there!"

Chloe looked at Lucas weirdly.

Lucas was surprised.

So people knew about the increase in stats? But from how she said it...it seems to be something random? Then how come I had over 20 increases in INT? Was I doing something different from them?

"I've got +20 something on INT though?"

"What!? How?"

"How...by doing the tutorial."

Chloe frowned.

"But that's...wait, from what I remember, mana won't get exhausted in the tutorial...so by repeatedly using magic, one can potentially...increase INT by a lot!? But then that's too time-consuming...how long did you do it?"

"Umm...I did it the whole night till I woke up..."

"...Nevermind, normal people don't have that kind of patience..."

Chloe sighed and shook her head.

"However, you should exploit that bug as much as you can. I suggest doing other things too and increase your other stats as well while the devs haven't noticed yet. However, they are bound to notice you soon so be prepared to get kicked out of the tutorial area forcefully by then."

"No way...will I be banned from playing then?"

"Nah, they will let you off since you discovered it. What you did can both be called either a Cheat or discovering an Easter Egg. You won't be blamed for it as long as you don't spread it. If it's really a bug, it will probably be fixed soon."

Lucas nodded with a sigh of relief.

"You seem to know a lot. Don't tell me you're a dev? Or you know someone?"

"I-I don't know what you mean?"

Chloe coughed awkwardly and immediately changed topics.

"Anyway. As soon as you leave the tutorial, message me! Understood!?"


"Good! Now cash this out please."

Suddenly, Chloe handed him a pack of beer.


Lucas scanned it and received the payment. After that, she left and never showed up again.

When Chloe left the store, she fished out her phone and called a number.

"Dad! There's a glitch in the tutorial area! With the unlimited MP, someone can train for long periods of time and gain a massive increase in their INT!"

"H-huh!? Isn't that too serious!? Hang on, I'll check with the team to fix it immediately!"



"Don't fix it yet. Fix it after five days."

"Eh? Why?"

Chloe smiled.



Since then, five days had passed.

As advised by Chloe, Lucas tried out different things in the tutorial.

Not only INT, his other stats had also increased.

After getting them at an average of around 23 points, Lucas tried something else.

Since MP is unlimited here...is HP also unlimited?

Thinking that, Lucas tried shooting himself on the head with a gun.

As expected...he died.

Meanwhile, watching his every move, the team of developers were shocked.

"Did he...just kill himself?"

"Maybe he thought that his HP is unlimited too like his MP?"

"Could be...hey, what happens if someone dies in the tutorial zone?"

"Uhh, don't they just return there?"


As they discussed amongst themselves, their team lead, Charles, pulled out his phone and called a number.

"Chloe? It's dad. Listen, about that guy you were talking about..."

Even though Chloe didn't tell her father about Lucas, it wasn't hard for him to find out who's been exploiting the bug so he was able to see and monitor Lucas.

Since Chloe seemed to know him and he did kinda report the bug, they let him exploit it for a few days more since he doesn't seem to be online for the whole day anyway. At worst, the balance was only tipped slightly.

After all, he's just one player. If there were a lot exploiting the bug, they would've wiped their stats as well to make it fair.

But since Lucas was just one guy, Charles decided to let him have a few days after discussing it with the big boss.

"Lucas? What happened to him? Did you already kick him out?"

"Uhh, we were about to but..."

"What happened?"

"He...killed himself."

"...Oh...is that bad? Wait, what happens if you die in the tutorial area?"

"We...don't know. After all, there were no enemies there so we didn't really take that into account. He still hasn't respawned."

Chloe fell silent and thought for a bit.

"In a normal scenario, if a player dies, they lose a level and respawns back to their chosen city's respawn temple after 5 mins right? How long has passed since then?"

"It should be...4 mins 35 seconds at the moment. But here's the thing...he doesn't have a chosen city yet, right? Then where will he respawn?"


The answer to that question was known after 25 more seconds had passed.

Everyone stared at the screen intently, wondering whether Lucas would respawn in the tutorial or somewhere else.

The five minutes were up.

One second...

Two seconds...

Even after one full minute, Lucas didn't show up in the tutorial area anymore.

"What's going on? Where is he?"

"Quick! Search for this character in the world! He could've respawned to a random area!"

The team quickly moved to search for Lucas.

Finally, one member shouted.

"Found him! He's in...D-215 area. Zone 53. Putting it on the screen now."

With a swipe of his finger, the screen he was looking at was shown on the large monitor for everyone to see.

There, they saw Lucas looking around in confusion.

"Where is this? Which continent!?"

"Is this a newly discovered area!?"

As if to confirm their thoughts, Lucas saw a notification appear in front of him.

[Congratulations! You are the first to discover a new map: Desserath's Lair]

[Fame stat has been generated. You have gained 1000 Fame for discovering an Elder Dragon's lair!]

[You have gained an enormous EXP! You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have reached the maximum level allowed. Please change class before leveling up again.]


Lucas was confused. What's happening!?

Just earlier, he was in the tutorial area. Now he's...in a dragon's lair? And an Elder Dragon at that!?

What the heck!? What kind of player jumps from tutorial to the last boss the next!?

He even jumped from Level 1 to Level 10 immediately! And it seemed that if it weren't for the limiter set at level 10, he would still level up some more!

Though Lucas was confused about how this happened, it didn't change the fact that he was already here.

Since he was here...might as well make the best use of it.

Lucas looked around and started to explore.

Strangely enough, there aren't any monsters around. Maybe because they're afraid of the dragon inside...

As for Lucas, he had nothing to fear! He has no equipment on besides the normal shirt, pants, and shoes. Even the gun he wielded in the tutorial area is gone.

Even if he was killed, he won't lose much. Well, he'll lose a level but that didn't matter to him since he felt like he didn't really do anything to get those levels. It was useless to feel frustrated about it when there was no effort spent.

With that in mind, Lucas began to explore the area.

Meanwhile, the dev team watching him were pulling their hairs.

Charles immediately commanded everyone.

"Get him out of there! Do it now!"

"B-but leader, we can't! Forcefully meddling with players outside the tutorial area is out of our scope! At best, we can only set his respawn point when he dies..."

"Then do it! He'll probably die anyway, that's a freaking level 300 map!"

Charles sighed and rubbed his forehead.

Chloe's voice rang out from his phone.

"Level 300 map!? No way! The highest player level at the moment is just level 70! Hold on, I'll message him! I need him to grab some equipment and loots first before he dies!"


"Bye, dad!"


Charles was speechless as he heard the dial tone.

Back in the game, just as Lucas was exploring, he suddenly received a message from a user named Clo.

"Clo? Isn't this...Chloe? How did she know my in-game name?"

Lucas thought and pulled up the messaging screen.

[Lucas! Is that you? It's me, the beautiful chick you can't stop thinking about.]


[Go to hell jerk! Why are you using your real name as your in-game name? Are you an idiot!?]

[Chloe, I don't have time to chat right now.]

[Aren't you chatting? Anyway, where are you right now?]

Lucas looked around before shrugging.

[I don't know. I died in the tutorial and appeared somewhere.]

[Is it a new area?]

[I think so? It said I was the first to discover it.]

[Good! Stay there and grab some loots! Don't die!]

[Uhh, sure.]

Lucas scratched his cheek.

Why is she treating it as if he was abroad and wanted to get souvenirs?

Lucas chuckled and shook his head.

He no longer minded Chloe and continued to explore.

After some time, he found a skeleton leaning on a wall. From the rotting clothes it was wearing, it seems that he's some kind of adventurer who was trapped here for who knows how long...

Lucas knelt down and connected both hands as a sign of prayer...before touching the whole thing to see if there's anything worth some gold.

However, the equipment the skeleton was wearing wasn't usable anymore. The only thing he could take was an old...rusty sword, and a golden key hanging on its neck.

Dirt and dust have covered the golden key but after giving it a few rubs as if it's a certain magic lamp, the golden shine could be seen again.

"Not bad. I think this one could sell a lot."

Lucas was about to check the description of the key when suddenly, he heard noises from nearby.

He looked in that direction and saw light flickering as if a fire was raging in the cave.

There were also shadowy figures and the sounds of metal clashing.

From what Lucas could tell, there was a fight happening near him.

He looked at his own getup with only simple clothes and a rusty sword...

Should he go and see what's happening?

On one hand, it is too dangerous for him with his low level and equipment. On the other hand, there might be an exit nearby there. Even if there's none, he could ask someone...of course, it remains to be seen whether he will be alive by then.


There's a fight nearby...

-Go and join the fight!

-Turn around and walk away. Search for another exit.

-Be stealthy. Sneak in and watch the fight.

-...Log out!


AN: Quite a long chapter XD

Poll ends in 2 days!

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