In the World of Exterreri, within one of the seven vast continents above the eternal void. Dwelled the race known as Monstre, with their violent nature and cunning intelligence. They created the Clan of Monstre and now got considered as one of the remaining seven ancient clans in the World of Exterreri.
With their power, they began to set their sight to those worlds beyond. The foreign worlds near them were doomed to fall under their control. Unfortunately for them, there discovered a vast world, bigger than the World of Exterreri. From its locals, it was called the Realm of Piksyon.
It has been centuries since they discovered the Realm of Piksyon. They investigated its Continental Regions which were the Endless Grasslands, Glacies Tundra, Arcanum Region, their current location Calidus Desert, and finally, the Great Forest. After their further investigation, they entered an unfortunate desolated spot.