"Come out!"
The officer, Su Liao, who also worked for Jiang Zhen and had arrested Wei and shot Fu Renshu, yelled at Wei from outside the prison.
Wei's expression didn't falter. He calmly looked up, waiting for him to say further.
Su Liao sneered. "I am here to take you back to your family. Prison is not an ideal place to torture you. Boss said that he will personally meet you in a few days when he takes up the Mafia King throne. Until then, spend as much time with your family as you can."
He said nothing.
"It will be more fun watching us having fun with your family and you witnessing it."
He said nothing.
Su Liao took him to the Jiang villa. Making up an excuse for Wei's absence in the prison was a trivial thing now that Jiang Zhan controlled most of the lawforce.
As they reached, Wei saw a different set of guards guarding the villa. They didn't belong to his Mafia world. It meant that Jiang Zhen had already placed the family in house arrest.
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