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Chương 148: Dark Pit

In his seclusion, the purple-orange lion opened his eyes and put swallowed a pink pill he refined himself. But, by the time he got up, he wasn't in his lion form anymore but looked like his former human self.

Looking at the youth reflecting on the lake's crystalline water, he revealed a full satisfied grin. "Yeah, looks great."

During this time he noticed constant thoughts and worries seemed to force him in remaining into beast form, like a defense mechanism.

The pill was a mixture of herbs and treasures with calming effects, he found the recipes within the beasts' belongings and they easily let he borrow it. He then studied how to refine that pill and then finally Thomas get his former appearance back.

Of course, he would still need to return to his lion form whenever he needs to go all out but until then he would get used to it and won't have to rely on this pill.

"Lulu's not here yet?" Stepping outside, the night sky was revealed before him. The single moon was a little less majestic than the sight of the three suns, yet beautiful nonetheless. Getting a little worried, he left his resting place and let his senses spread across dozen miles. Thomas covered the whole of the Verdan Mountain Range with it and even a little bit beyond.

He even recognized a couple of the beasts such as the twilight lion Luke, the water lion kid that tried to get engaged to Lulu and her sisters.

The number and overhaul strength of every beast in the range of his senses became clear to him. Specially the huge group of beasts northeast of Aaron. Their breaths and auras were the only ones which differ from the remaining beasts.

'Eight hundred and all in the peak 6-star." From the huge increase in strength, he could tell they had all shed their beast skins and turned into Daemons. Of course, it was only a small part of the group, the rest were all big snake-headed men and women. Yes, the Krias were here.

More important was that Lulu and over hundreds of beasts were still within the city and couldn't find a exit at all.

A group of that strength would be more than enough to wipe out the whole of Dexia, maybe the whole western cities together. Lulu would definitely have a problem in taken all those couple thousand beasts away with him. This was most certainly so since majority of the group were weaker beasts around 3-stars and bellow as well children and their mothers.

Eight hundred 3-star elite adepts are a huge strength no city on mars or earth has, considering Arthur has approximately thirteen thousand beasts in his side, yeah, this is not something one can beet with pure strength.

Thomas gave a passing look at a large black orb in his pocket. Ever since it's refining, this divine tool hasn't been able to merge in his body.

Now, he need to bring this huge orb with him wherever he goes.

"I guess I need to offer my assistance now." Being nighttime, this is the best time for a attack. At least taking all eight hundred 6-star Daemons should deal a good hit in the Demon Prince's forces.

'System, open my status window.'


Name: Thomas Ries Race: Titan

Divine Energy: 100%

Title: Prometheus, Demon Lord's Successor, The Blacksmith Titan, Formation Adept,

Affinity: Light, Shadow, Fire, Earth

Racial Traits: Diamond Skin (Titan), Trait Steal (Titan) Child of the Moon (Demon), Ruler of the Shadows (Demon) Sunlight Dweller (Demon), [Herald of the Sun (Demon) King of Beasts (Beast)

Sun and Moon Demonic Body (Crippled)

Soulbound Armament: [Unnamed Divine Artifact]

Body: E (120) Spirit F (86) Divinity: F (52)

Index Skills: <Synchronize> <Scan> <Assimilate> <Upgrade>

Passive Skills: [Resistance Against Eagles(Passive)] [Perfect Precision (Passive)] [Titan Blacksmithing (Passive)] [Advanced Craftsmanship (Passive)] [Proficiency with Spears I (Passive)] [Proficiency with Knives II(Passive)] [Shroud of Fertility (Passive)]

Active Skills: [Overclock (Active)] [Spatial Storage(Active)] [Titan God's Hand / Titan God's Shadow (Active)] [Warlord (Active)] [Speed (Active)] [Shroud of Immortality (Active)] [Divinity Unleashed (Active)]

System Access level D (64%) Store Credits: 8.685.121


Prometheus (Deity)

Description: The Firegiver, wise and a champion of humankind. A deity whose kindness knows no bounds, giving away it's own future for the good of the people. Guardian of the Primordial Flames and Ancient Titan.

Effects: Greatly increases amount of experience earned when refining weapons and armor. Earn faith faster by doing miracles related to blacksmithing.

Divinity Unleashed (Active Skill)

Effect: Unleashed the powers of the true name by assuming a Deity's Primordial Form as well unlocks the chosen deity's (Authority).

Yeah, this is certainly more than enough.

Moving his paws, a pale white glow manifests around the whole claw, now overflowing with a mighty and divine feel.

'Sure enough it deserves it's name.'

He understood this energy turned out to originate from the Unnamed Attribute that suddenly appeared. He once tried to ask what was it and the system only replied saying it was a gift from one of the deities so he let it be for the time being.

Now he understood this attribute seemed to be <Divinity> and it was related to the divine energy now inside his body that had now completely replaced the demonic energy.

Feeling the presence of the new energy inside his body, Thomas knew it was at least twice as effect when compared to Demonic energy. It's look and feel is much calmer and gentle than any other energy.

He also understood why it remained hidden all along from the mere feel it gave and that it's how formidable this energy is.

"Fine, now let's move to the next step."

Thomas already decided to mess with Arthur's plan but he couldn't let anyone see him. Sure no one would see it, Thomas simply dived into the ground, his own shadow to be precise.

Sure enough, the effects of the traits remain the same. As soon he went down the mountain, his path was blocked by a tall creatures with eyes all over it's body.

Yet, not dared get near and simply watched as he, wondering what was their benefactor going to do now.


In dark pit in the middle of the fallen city of Glamadon. Hundreds and more hundreds of bodies, all pilled up until nothing else could be seen. Only blood and dilacerated bodies everywhere.

Right there was a single man of long gold hair and a fairly handsome face, yet as a complete contrast to his looks the man was biting onto the corpse of a tall Bull as he swallowed it up very quickly.

Then he picked another rotting right beast leg and chewed on it rather noisily. As he savored the wonderful taste in his mouth, he even choked a little as he swallowed a big chunk of meat feeling completely entranced. Little by little his body his changed, the horns adding his head grew over 10 inches and could be spotted even from afar now.

The golden mist and aura lost it's color. The lustrous gold hair lost most of it's glimmer, now turning into a muddy gray color before it all fell off. And even his previously handsome face was now defiled and ugly. With his skin gray as well and deformed, if he was here to see this Thomas would say he looked exactly like the Nosferatu by F. W. Murnau.

No one knows for how long he was deep down there, only that he did not seem to stop and continued feasting on the bodies as if his life depended on it.

After a while the Demon Prince clicked its tongue and shifted its eyes back to the direction of Aaron and the Verdan Mountain Range.

"Ah, ah!! I can feel it. This is truly the paradise!" Arthorias could sense the aura of the demon inside growing faster than ever. By feeding on beasts, his own demonic powers were advancing by several times faster than even the Emperor's altar back in the Demon Domain.

The fresh meat filled with vitality which he couldn't taste before in his life he was now present in abundance. How powerful would he be after devouring a couple thousands? the twelve thousand? Then what about the mysterious Archis, the source and origin of the demon civilization? He's so close to something even the greatest of the demon emperors only sees as a myth.

How much stronger would the army he's creating become once he acquires the Archis and devour all remaining beasts of this world? With his forces of him amounting over fifteen thousand Daemons, he easily takes over this world that is so filled with wonder and treasures.

To think such a marvelous chance would be presented to him! The Hierarch of demons was based upon their own personal strength more the strength of the forces they commanded. Low rank, middle rank, high-rank, noble, royal and imperial is how the hierarchy of the demon domain is organized.

For a clan to be recognized as a demon clan, it needs to have at least one Demon Lord. In terms of rank, a demon lord is certainly a noble demon just like all his future descendants of him and those with the blood of a clan would be middle-rank at minimum. Only the mixed blood and worthless gray demons are low-rank. Demon Princes are known to be royal demons of great prestige but this is only due to being sons or daughters of Demon Kings.

In most cases, a demon prince is only as powerful as a high-rank demon. Although it's still early, Arthur felt confident of boasting as much power as a weak Demon Lord or a peak 3-star Master Adept. 'The Master Adept? No, I'll soon become much greater than that!'

Look at his army of fifteen thousand Daemons whose talents are equivalent to high-rank demons! Not even his imperial father possess such an army! Forget about earth, it would be much better to head straight back home and finish off those he calls family.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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