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38.46% Why not? HP/Twilight / Chapter 5: Chapter Five

Chương 5: Chapter Five

The library was huge. With their vampire senses, in the dim lighting of the blue flamed torches that lit themselves as they went, the other side of the library was something they could only barely see. Harry walked them onward, seeming intent on the far side of the library.

There was a time or two, when the books started shaking, in preparation to attack, but with a look and a growl from the ladies, they settled down instantly.

Harry was actually impressed and moved. Quite a bit. These women were so damn possessive and protective, but also so tenacious that the library seemed to understand that they wouldn't leave his side, no matter what. He'd not had that kind of commitment in a long time.

"You impress me." Harry admitted. "I've never seen the library act this way."

"It knows we are yours and that you are ours." Tanya said. She didn't know magic, but she knew intelligence and instinct. There was always a purpose to it, and this library seemed like it knew to listen, which was a positive sign.

"It should be instinctive to those who meet you." Kate added. "Even a stupid library that seems intent on protecting itself and you."

Harry nodded as they walked. Soon they reached the end and the tomes and books surrounding them looked ancient.

"Don't touch anything." Harry warned. "These books are from my original world. They are very old. Only magic is sustaining them. I need to use my power to protect them, before I can even touch one myself."

The ladies nodded as they walked. Some of the books were in English, but even so, the subjects covered sometimes boggled the mind of the uninformed. 'Reagents of the second quarter of initiate transmigration modifications' meant nothing to them, for example.

Harry finally reached the section he was looking for and stood there for a bit, before he took a tome and turned. A table appeared for him and he sat on the stool it provided. He opened the tome and started flipping the pages of the book.

To them it seemed like the pages were blank and Kate decided to address that. "Why are you looking through a blank book?" she asked.

"It's protected so only a magical can read it." Harry said absently. "Some of the books here will look like what you'd expect would be in them, but the titles and contents will look different to you, than to me."

"So this book doesn't say, 'Your favourite celebrities in the nude'." Tanya asked.

Harry looked over at the book she was pointing at. "Potions to disable your enemies, with embarrassing sexual organ disfigurement." he read.

"'Sexual modification for your harem'?" Kate asked, pointing another thin book out, from the same section.

"That's actually the title." Harry said. "I don't know what's in there. I haven't read it."

"Could you do something so that Tanya and I can read this one?" Kate asked.

Harry sighed, and got up. He added his protections to the book and pulled it out. He looked around quickly, to see if anything happened. Nothing did. Then he opened the book, shying his face back, in case it tried to attack him. It seemed legit. "If anything strange happens, like an unnatural desire to put your face to the book, or the inability to look away from a picture, let me know." he warned as he put the book down on the table.

The ladies moved to the book and when chairs didn't appear for them, like what had happened for Harry, Tanya looked up and growled out, "Chairs." Two chairs instantly appeared for them.

"Thank you." Kate said, with a smirk.

Harry smirked at them and then went back to his reading.

It was only a few hours later, that Harry decided to finish for the day. He had other responsibilities. Tanya and Kate took the paper Harry had conjured for them, with a pen, and followed him out. The paper disappeared, when they left the library, though.

"Hey!" Kate exclaimed.

"The library doesn't allow physical knowledge to leave it." Harry said. "You have perfect recall, though, right?"

"We do." Tanya allowed. "But we also wrote that ourselves."

"Doesn't matter." Harry said. "It's part of the library, so it won't allow you to leave with it, even if it's a copy from the books."

"So you have to memorize anything you learn?" Kate asked.

"Pretty much." Harry said.

"Why didn't you warn us?" Tanya asked.

"Honestly?" Harry asked. "I'm so used to needing to do things this way, I kind of forgot."

"We can accept that." Tanya decided. She turned around to the library. "Thank you for protecting our Harry's secrets." she said. The doors closed softly directly after. "It seems we've reached an understanding with the library." she said.

"You're the first people in two thousand years it's allowed in." Harry said. "Really impressive."

"Your secrets are ours." Kate said, simply.

"Except when Edward is around." Harry pointed out.

"We'll just think about your bedroom, when he's around." Kate said with a smile.

"You know he can't control that, right?" Harry asked. "You'll just be showing him my bits." Not that he likely hasn't seen it in the heads of both Jessica and Angela.

"We don't have much of a choice." Tanya said. "He's always listening."

Harry had a thought then. "I actually might be able to help with that." he said.

"Oh?" Tanya asked.

"It's the same thing that protects me from him reading me." Harry said. "It's called occlumency. The art of organizing and protecting the mind."

"Anyone can learn it?" Kate asked.

"Not really." Harry said. "It's a magical art. However, with a bit of rune work, and a bit of conscious effort from you, I may be able to come up with something that will block his gift. It wouldn't be able to stop someone like me, but his gift is undirected enough that I think it could work."

"You can read our thoughts?" Tanya asked.

"Surface thoughts like Edward? Sure, if I wanted to." Harry said. "Reading vampire memories is currently still a problem for me. Tried it once and passed out. Freaked the Cullens out to find me like that."

They reached the living room and discovered Esme and Carlisle sitting there. "Hi." Harry said. "Didn't expect to see you here, Carlisle."

"Since Esme would be here anyway, for her lessons, and I'm not working today, I thought I'd join her." Carlisle said. "I'll stay out of the kitchen, of course, but I thought that I'd keep Tanya and Kate here company, while you two have your lessons."

"Hi Harry." Esme said, as she got up to hug him.

"Hi Esme." Harry said with a soft smile for her, even as he returned the hug.

"I hear you've been claimed?" Esme asked. To hear her say it, it was a good thing.

"Apparently." Harry said.

"He's ours." Tanya and Kate said.

"What are the others doing?" Harry asked, trying to avoid that topic, still.

"Oh, they are discussing where to go for the holiday, and if it's a good idea to bring a human." Carlisle said.

"Bella, dear. Not you." Esme added. "We'd not leave you out of the family plans."

"He's ours." Tanya repeated, fervently.

"Of course, dear. The whole family will be invited." Esme said, with a smile.

"I say, let's go to visit Bella's mum." Harry decided. "If that's an agreeable option, of course." he added.

"Edward suggested the same thing." Carlisle chuckled.

"It should be doable, if you're not opposed to helping us blend in." Esme said. "Florida is a sunny place." she added.

"Well, it's not like I've got plans." Harry allowed. "Should be fine."

"What about your research?" Tanya asked.

"I can always come here." Harry said. "All else fails, I'll just put another instance of the house there."

"Instance?" Kate asked.

"My house is special." Harry said. "It can be everywhere and anywhere. Technically, it's connected to me, so it's always nearby for me."

"How many secret skills do you have?" Carlisle asked. The latest revelation was just another in a long line of surprises.

"More than you could get used to, I'm sure." Tanya said, with a bit of smugness to her. If his library was anything to go by, he had skills and abilities he didn't even know about yet.

"Our man is infinitely capable." Kate agreed. "He's not even learned all the skills he could use, if his-."

"Kate!" Tanya objected, having been trying to hide that. "Don't go sharing our mates' secrets!"

"Right." Kate said, nodding.

"Anyway," Esme decided, "it's time for my lessons."

"Of course." Harry agreed, getting up.

"Can't we join you?" Kate asked.

"Wouldn't want to spoil you, just yet." Harry said, with a smirk. "Have to leave a little mystery in the relationship, after all."

When Harry and Esme had left, Carlisle asked, "So, both of you are his mates?"

"If you knew his capabilities, you'd be asking why there isn't more of us." Kate said.

"He's truly a man above men." Tanya agreed. "Even for immortals."

"Really?" Carlisle asked. He didn't have the relationship Esme had with him, but he knew that she had started caring for him in a motherly way. He had a fondness for him, sure, but that didn't mean he was ready to call him 'son'.

"Really." Kate said, emphatically.

"He has skills, Carlisle, that could turn a woman from her mate, if he so chooses." Tanya said.

"Should I be worried?" Carlisle asked.

"Esme is a maternal figure to him, I think." Tanya said. "Not that I understand it, considering his age."

"His age?" Carlisle asked.

"He's really old." Tanya confirmed.

The way Tanya say it, told Carlisle that he'd underestimated the boy… man, quite a bit. "That's very interesting to know." He'd not be pushing this subject. "So, he accepted you?" he asked getting back on subject.

"He doesn't know what it means, yet." Tanya said. "But we've got time to teach him."

"Let's talk about when he moves on." Kate said, changing the subject again.


In the kitchen, Harry and Esme were making progress with everyone's dinner.

"I think just a bit more salt, for Irina." Esme said.

"You think?" Harry asked, looking at the tuna salad he was preparing for her.

"I don't know why, but I think she'd appreciate it." Esme said.

"The sign of a good chef is knowing when to alter the recipe for the diner." Harry said, as he added a pinch of blood-created salt. "You're really coming into your element with all this." he complimented.

"I've been doing my own research." Esme admitted. "The human books really makes sense, now that I know how to interpret certain things."

"Your senses still too sensitive?" Harry asked.

"Not something easily overcome." Esme agreed. "I'm learning, though."

"So, what have I gotten myself into, with those two?" Harry asked, as he started working on the next dish.

"To be mated is a permanent life-long bond." Esme said. "Mates have been known to lose their will to live after their mate dies."

"So, I'm married?" Harry asked.

"I doubt the bond is quite that strong at this point." Esme said. "I also don't know what it means that your relationship has three people in it. I've not seen that before."

"I've been in similar situations before." Harry admitted. "I once had to marry two women from different planets to cement a treaty between the rulers of those planets. They seemed happy with the arrangement."

"Why did they have to marry you?" Esme asked.

"I was the one that brought peace to their worlds." Harry said. "Abducted the ruling bodies and had them fight it out themselves with their fists. Once I refused them the ability to use their robot armies on each other, their tunes changed quickly."

"Were you happy, then?" Esme asked, wondering if he missed his wives.

"We were good friends at best." Harry said. "Our sexual organs weren't compatible, so it wasn't a physical relationship."

"You must have seen many strange things in your life." Esme said, after that last bit sank in.

"You have no idea." Harry agreed.

They continued making food, placing them on plates this time, since apparently they'd all decided to come to Harry's house for dinner. He used his magic on the lids, which did what his lunch-boxes normally did.

Before dinner, Harry went to feed the prisoners. Tanya and Kate were with him, of course. The stairs up appeared where the stairs down had been before and the ladies didn't question it, having seen enough magic not to be surprised at the revelation that one space could be used for multiple things.

They entered the detention room and Harry instantly turned around. Apparently Victoria had decided to try and lure him into her cell, with a full-frontal display of her naked body.

"You BITCH!" Kate exclaimed, hissing as she ran at the bars and slammed into them with her hands extended toward the naked vampire.

"She dies." Tanya decided, instantly. She walked up to the bars and pulled Kate back.

"Who are you?" Victoria asked, as she quickly dressed again. She was certain that would work. The last time her captor had come alone, though. She and James couldn't see each other, or speak to each other, but they knew that they were in adjoining cells. She'd seduce the man, get out and force him to release her mate. It was a simple plan, but she only had the one asset with her; her body.

"We are Harry's mates." Tanya said, as Kate still fumed. "You have made a grave mistake."

"A human cannot be mated to a vampire." Victoria said.

"This one is." Tanya said. "What were you hoping to accomplish? Did you think seeing you naked would drive him mad with desire, forgetting that you would kill him at the slightest chance?"

"To be fair," Harry said, "she's got a nice body." His mates turned on him, scowling. "I'm just saying there aren't many straight men who wouldn't fall for that display. She's probably done something like that in the past, and thought it would work for that reason." he clarified.

That seemed to mollify the ladies. "Still, she insults you by insinuating that you'd fall for that." Kate decided. "We should kill her, when you're done with your experiments."

"Or turn her human and send some of our friends to eat her." Tanya said.

"Or turn her into our puppet, who goes out to kill our enemies." Harry said.

"You can do that?" Victoria asked, fear tinting her words.

To prove his point, he lifted a hand and Victoria's cell-door opened. She was standing dead still, until she straightened. Harry walked in and stood before her. Victoria went down on one knee and said, "Master, how may I serve?"

Harry handed her the food he'd brought for her and she took it, smiling gratefully. Then Harry exited the cell and the door closed. "Eat your food." Harry commanded.

"Of course, master." Victoria said, as she dutifully started eating her food.

Harry moved over to the other cell, where James was still knocked out, which was how Harry kept him, when he was not eating. It was just simpler. He placed the food inside the cell and let James wake up.

James was instantly aware and ran at the bars, as he always did, when he saw Harry. "Let me go!" he yelled.

"Eat your food, or lose the chance." Harry said. "I'll be removing it in ten minutes, eaten or not."

Harry muted him when he looked like he was going to shout again.

"You can speak." Harry said to his ladies. "They can't hear us."

"You can manipulate people that easily?" Tanya asked.

"It's a form of dark magic." Harry said. "I don't really mind using it on bad people, though." he said as he looked at Victoria eating her food, with a smile on her face, seeming to actually enjoy it.

"Harry, please, don't think that I'm questioning who you are-" Kate started.

"I didn't use magic on you to bring you ladies to my bed, if that's what you're wondering." Harry said, realising what was likely going through her head.

"Are you reading my mind?" Kate asked.

"No, I just have a lot of experience with people. I am quite old, after all." Harry smiled at her. "If you want, I can show you what it feels like? You'll best understand that way."

"Does it hurt?" Tanya asked.

Harry smiled sadly at her. The next moment Tanya could hear a voice in her head. "Start doing squats." it said calmly in Harry's voice. The pressure it exerted on her mind was immense, when she tried to resist it. It wasn't painful, just very difficult to resist. She didn't want to, she found, and started doing squats, along with Kate, all with bemused smiles on their faces. Then the feeling vanished and they stopped.

"If I was controlling you, like I'm controlling her, you'd know it." Harry said, indicating Victoria.

"This is the first time I've experienced something like that." Kate said, relief showing on her face.

"We shouldn't have doubted you." Tanya said, apologetically.

"You have to understand that magic is capable of many things." Harry said. "There are, in fact, ways by which I could have compelled you to do something you normally wouldn't, so you have to decide if you want to trust me, because if you can't trust me, this relationship will fail."

"So you admit that you could have manipulated us?" Tanya said.

"I could have." Harry agreed. "I didn't, but if you want a bit of time, to decide if I'm worth trusting, I'd not hold it against you."

The ladies were silent, then. They waited for ten minutes in silence and by the end, Harry vanished James's plate. He noted that it was empty, as well. He knocked James out again and then he removed the spell from Victoria. Her eyes widened in realisation as her empty plate vanished from her unmoving hands. Harry then left, leading the ladies out.

"So, do you think you need some time?" Harry asked.

"No!" both the ladies said, instantly. "We were just afraid." Kate said.

"You can do so many things, that it wouldn't be inconceivable." Tanya agreed. "But you also admitted to being able to do so, freely, without needing to. You were showing us that you trusted us."

"So we'll trust you." Kate nodded. "I'm sorry we didn't do that from the start." she said, looking down.

Harry leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "You have nothing to apologise for." he said. "This is new to all of us. Some misunderstandings are expected. We'll likely end up making a few concessions along the way as well, to accommodate the needs of the other. You were nice enough to keep me company while I slept, and I know I snore sometimes. If I was a vampire, we'd have been able to spend that time together, so you've already made concessions for me."

"You are very understanding." Tanya said.

"I've been married before." Harry said, as he kissed her cheek as well.

"You have?" Kate asked interestedly.

"Quite a few times, actually." Harry said. "Some of them were even for love."


They reached the lounge again, to find all the vampires had arrived and were waiting patiently. Esme had already put the plates on the table and Harry smiled at her, for the smile she sent him.

"So, I'm assuming dinners will become a regular thing here?" he asked, with some mild amusement.

"Unless you'd rather spend the time alone with your mates." Eleazar said, smirking at him.

"That would be appreciated, at some point." Tanya said. "But for now, let's enjoy the meal Esme and Harry made for us."

"I hear he's started making separate meals for us." Kate said, excitedly.

"He did that before." Emmett pointed out. "The stew was made before he knew you."

The people soon found their places. Esme had written out names, in beautiful calligraphy, on cards and placed them with the meals.

Harry was not surprised to be seated at the head of the table, with his ladies on either side of him, with Carlisle on the other end. Wine was poured before the meal and Harry vanished the covers off the dishes, revealing everyone's personalized meal.

Suffice it to say, everyone enjoyed their meals.

"You really should see if you can find a way for someone else to produce this food." Alice said. "I know you don't want to feed the entire vampire community, but you could make a fortune selling this stuff."

"Maybe once Esme is trained up, I'll set her up with something." Harry said. "Then she can do something like a restaurant. No doubt there would be a few people who wouldn't mind learning from her and then she can open a new place, leaving someone else to run the first one."

"That's a great idea!" Emmett exclaimed. He wouldn't mind being able to eat this stuff whenever he wanted.

"You want her to start a vampire-only restaurant?" Eleazar asked.

"Well, considering what might happen if large groups of humans and vampires mixed, it makes sense." Jasper said.

"Could you make something like that?" Esme asked. "Get me what I need to make our food, without needing you as part of the process?"

"It's on the books." Harry said. "There's a lot one could do with the right magic. If I can get it to run off blood magic, it should be self-sustaining, too, without me needing to do a thing." He had an idea about making something that copied the form of one thing, using blood to recreate it, like duplication magic. Put a normal steak in one location and start producing blood-made steaks in a corresponding location. He'd need to test the theory, though. He'd seen similar devices in the past, but not one that would function on blood magic and make blood-made duplicates. Supplying the blood would be something they might struggle with, though.

"Ooh, that reminds me." Alice said. "I bought a zoo!"

"A zoo?" Harry asked.

"Yes!" Alice said excitedly. "You can try using the different animals to cater to different people's pallets."

"It's not a bad idea actually." Harry allowed. "I'm sure a chicken burger made from actual chicken blood would likely taste better…"

"Not that chickens have all that much blood to begin with." Emmett pointed out. Still, the thought had promise.

"How did your experiments go today?" Rosalie asked.

"We were in the library, before I started making food." Harry said.

"We?" Rosalie asked, while Carlisle asked, "Library?"

"Kate and I escorted Harry." Tanya said. She didn't mind if Harry thought the library could be talked about.

"You have a library?" Carlisle persisted.

"Sure." Harry said. "It's where I keep all my books."

"Could I-" Carlisle started.

"The library doesn't like people." Kate said.

"It tried to block us from going in." Tanya agreed. "Fortunately it only took one threat for it to recognize us as Harry's."

"The library tried to block you?" Carlisle asked.

"It's alive." Kate agreed. "It tried to protect itself."

"I once trusted the wrong person and the Library never forgave me." Harry sighed. "Since then, it never trusted my judgement with people."

"Until now." Tanya said. "I think we'll be fine going there from now on."

"You might be right." Harry agreed.

"But, I want to see the library too!" Alice said, plaintively.

"Give it a bit of time." Kate suggested. "It needs to get used to us first."

"Also, never try and take something out of the library." Tanya suggested.

"If you take books with you, it will likely claim them too." Harry said. "So don't take anything that you want to keep, when the time comes." He turned to Tanya then. "What did you find in that book?" he asked.

"That's for when we're alone." Tanya said, desperately trying not to think about it, seeing as how Edward was with them. Fortunately Kate had also realised and instantly thought of Harry's member.

"Could you not?" Edward pleaded.

"What?" Rosalie asked.

"They are hiding something, by thinking of Harry's magic 'thing'." Edward said.

"Nothing you haven't seen before!" Emmett crowed.

"Don't remind me." Edward said, shuddering. Despite what people thought, high school girls could also have one-track minds. "The female population have basically all had at least one fantasy about Harry, while I was around. It's not something I enjoy."

"So that's the real reason you wanted me to meet your cousins." Harry said in realisation.

"That was my reason." Edward said, easily. "I thought that if you hit things off with one of them, the girls in school might decide that you're off the table and stop putting me through the hell of seeing you do all sorts of things in my head."

"Anything interesting?" Kate asked, smirking at Edward's discomfort.

"Please don't." Harry said. He lowered his mental shields for a moment and thought, 'Divert the conversation, please, or I'll start imagining Bella naked and allowing you to see it.'

Edward's head had snapped up and looked at Harry incredulously. "You can allow me to hear you?" he asked.

"If I wanted." Harry agreed, smirking at the successful diversion. "It's called occlumency. I've already promised my ladies to try and teach them."

"Could you use it to read my mind, like I do others?" Edward asked.

"I'd rather not hear everything you're hearing, thank you very much." Harry said. "From the sounds of it, it could be torturous." He shrugged, "Also, occlumency is for defence. Legilimency is for reading others. I could read your surface thoughts with it, but as you know, reading memories at this point is going to be an issue."

"He tried it once and it hurt him." Esme said, when the newcomers looked like they were about to ask about it.

"Apparently, with our perfect recall and stronger senses, our minds have been rewired to compact the increased size of our memories." Carlisle said. "It's for that reason that one of the initial tests to make James human, failed."

"It would likely also make it impossible to become fully human, with all your memories in-tact." Harry agreed. "Chances are, I could take only your immortal memories away, but it would require a lot of work and I suspect few immortals would go for that."

There was silence again as that was contemplated. "What about making only the body mortal, but keeping the mind?" Eleazar finally asked.

"That would require a much greater knowledge on the fundamental differences in the make-up of immortal DNA and physiology than I possess at this point." Harry said. "It's also likely that having an immortal mind in a mortal body would simply cause the change to occur again."

"I have been researching this for quite some time, Harry." Carlisle said. "We could always work on your next test together?"

"Maybe later." Harry said. "I've still got quite a lot on my plate at this moment."

"I actually have something I'd like to discuss with you." Edward said. "In private." he added.

"He wants to do Bella." Emmett said, smirking at Edward. Edward looked angry. "We all know you're afraid of hurting her." he said.

"I would simply like some protection, in case I hurt her." Edward said. "I'll not be going that far, before the proper steps have been taken."

"Proper steps?" Harry asked.

"Marriage." Carlisle said. "Edward was raised a proper gentleman. He wants to do things right with Bella."

"Oh." Harry said, nodding in appreciation. "I can respect that. Good on you, Eddie."

"Can you stop calling me that?" Edward requested again. "It's started catching on."

"The kids at school decided that they want to be friendlier?" Harry asked with a smirk.

"Something like that." Edward said.

"Sure, Edward, I can do something so that you don't crush Bella in a moment of weakness." Harry said, standing up and walking to Edward. He placed a hand on his neck and focussed, doing the same thing he normally did for his own ladies. "There you go. Human temperature and your skin is at a human level of pliability. Be careful, though. You're still strong and technically less structurally sound at the moment."

"That's how he slept with you and lived!" Irina exclaimed, looking at the women sitting next to Harry.

"I also added a bit of protection for myself, just in case." Harry said.

Esme had taken Edward's hand and was feeling its softness. "Amazing." she said. "You feel like a human."

"Don't waste your time, Eddie." Kate smirked. "The magic only lasts a few hours, before you revert back."

"Go spend some time with your lady." Tanya suggested.

Edward was gone so fast, his chair hadn't even hit the floor from when he'd knocked it over, before the car was heard starting, down where he'd parked it.

"Shouldn't he be taking it slower?" Emmett asked.

"Not really." Harry said. "Internally, he's still the same. He could tear his skin, though, if he's not careful. It's as soft as a human's."

"So, he'll be able to feel if he's going too far, or exerting too much force." Carlisle said in appreciation. "Very well done." he complimented.

"Well, I was motivated to figure it out." Harry said, smiling at his ladies.

"I'll say." Emmett said. "They almost couldn't walk this morning!"

"Well, that's because I applied the magic differently to them." Harry said. "You can probably figure out why ladies are different." he said, raising an eyebrow, daring Emmett to make a crude joke. The fact was, he needed to modify things internally for the ladies, and most of them understood that.

"Could you do the same for me and Emmett?" Rosalie asked.

"Want to try it the human way?" Harry smirked at them.

"Do it." Tanya suggested. "It's… something special."

Emmett and Rosalie soon disappeared to the spare room, which it seemed that they had claimed. Emmett likely only wanted to stick around, now that Harry was making breakfast for the ladies as well, while Rosalie loved being able to use a bed that they didn't have to replace. That and the pool. While Harry wasn't always around to do the floating magic, lounging around by the pool in a bikini was still appreciated, in the warm pool room.

There were a few requests for Harry to apply the magic to the others as well and soon Harry was left with only his ladies. They wasted no time in dragging him to the pool room, where they intended to spend some time chatting and having a few drinks, with just the three of them.

They chatted and danced a bit to the music from the bar. The ladies both decided that Harry could learn a few more dances, since it seemed they had found one of his weaknesses. It would give them something to do other than research, eat and indulging in their carnal appetites.

That night Kate left Harry and Tanya in the bedroom. They'd decided that they wanted to try him for themselves. Kate wasn't happy, knowing what they'd be doing, but contented herself with the knowledge that she would have him to herself the next night.

Tanya and he started out just kissing and exploring each other's bodies with their hands and mouths. She went slowly and softly, wanting to experience everything she could with Harry to herself. Harry had no trouble taking things slowly for his lady. When they were finally disrobed, Harry kissed her softly.

"You know, you really are beautiful." Harry whispered. "I'm very glad I met you."

Tanya didn't answer. She simply grabbed onto him and kissed him deeply. She felt the same. It was a few hours before Harry became too tired and drifted off, with his lady pressed to his side, just enjoying the silence and presence of her lover.

It was with a start that Tanya awoke the next day. "I was asleep?" she asked herself.

"Thought you wouldn't mind sleeping with me, so I looked up some magic that would let you sleep when I did." Harry's voice croaked. "It was meant to be used with another spell that woke up new parents when their baby did."

"I'm jealous." Kate said, from Harry's other side. She'd not been able to cuddle up to him, because she wasn't in her more human state. "I watched you both sleep for hours."

"Then we'll have to ensure to do that tonight." Harry said.

"I'd like to ask you a favour." Kate said.

"What can I do for you, my lady?" Harry asked, as he pulled her in and did his magic on her.

"Could you make this," she said, quickly kissing him, "into a pendant too?"

"I suppose I could." Harry allowed. It shouldn't be too difficult. They both already wore the heat pendants. "Why?"

"She couldn't touch you when she came to bed." Tanya said in realisation. "I think I agree. I'd not like not being able to join you, whenever I want."

"I'll need to work it so you can activate it, somehow." Harry mused. "But I've got an idea for that." he nodded.

"Can you do that today?" Kate asked, as she moulded to his form. She hoped that they could have a morning session today, as well.

"For my ladies, the schedule can be adjusted." Harry said, as he leaned in to kiss her again.

Kate got her wish, and then some. It seemed that Harry was building up some sort of skill, because it took the ladies a few minutes before they felt they could walk again. They suspected Harry could remove the magic that left them in their more human state, to counter it, but they also enjoyed the feeling of him so thoroughly bedding them.

It was with smiles on their faces that they left the bedroom that day. Rosalie and Emmett were sitting in the lounge chatting again, but they looked excitedly up, when Harry appeared.

"Do it again!" Rosalie exclaimed, as she instantly moved up to Harry and took his hand. "Please?!"

"Do what again?" Harry asked.

"The thing from last night." Emmett said, smiling along. "It's really good." he added.

"I felt so vulnerable, but also human, and warm and soft and everything was just better!" Rosalie agreed. "We didn't even break anything!"

"At first." Emmett corrected. "When it faded, things became a little more fragile." Emmett was very impressed with the magic. Rosalie had made sounds he'd never heard from her and she'd never been as demonstrative. It was likely also something to do with the fact that they were able to do it in a house, around people, and not have to worry that people were listening in.

"Should I switch off the security cameras in my guest room, then?" Harry asked with a smirk.

"Hell no!" Emmett said, knowing Harry was joking. "I'd like to see that footage myself."

Harry chuckled, even as Rosalie rolled her eyes at Emmett, also having known it was a joke. Harry applied the magic again on the both of them and they disappeared for only a minute, before coming out of the bedroom again, with Rosalie still buttoning her top.

"Almost forgot about breakfast." Emmett said, in explanation.

"I knew he'd not be able to focus if he knew something delicious was going on in your kitchen." Rosalie said. "We're not being presumptuous, are we?" she asked.

"Nah, the more the merrier." Harry said. "I enjoy it when people enjoy my food."

"What's not to love?" Emmett asked.

Harry served them a full English breakfast that morning. It was, once again, not as filling as it could be, but he needed to keep track of stock. They were starting to use more than he produced, so he'd likely need to expand on his collection soon.

When breakfast was over, Kate and Tanya quickly left to go clean the kitchen, in thanks for the meal, while Emmett and Rosalie disappeared into their room. Harry didn't want to reduce his ladies to old-fashioned gender roles, but he also knew they were old enough to have lived in a time when such things were expected. Also, they likely hadn't had the chance to do such mundane things in quite a while, so he'd not object if it was something that brought them some joy.

Harry conjured a ring and started working on the plan he'd formed in his head. The ring had a movable outer ring, which spun around the centre. He wanted there to be a bit more resistance so he modified it. When he had that down, his ladies joined him and watched as he separated the two parts.

He got up, with those two pieces in hand. "Come on ladies, we're going to the rune workshop." he said as he led them up the stairs to a whole new room.

"Where's the prison?" Tanya asked.

"There are many floors in this house. They are all up or down the stairs, and that could change, since that's part of how the house functions." Harry said.

"So you just think about something and the house provides it?" Tanya asked.

"It has to actually exist." Harry said. "I can use an empty room to set up something new, though."

"That's useful." Kate said, as they looked around the large room. There were workbenches all around, with all kinds of implements, ranging from chisels to futuristic looking machines with lights and strange attachments.

Harry walked to one of those futuristic ones. He put the outer ring into a kind of clamp and allowed the machine to pull the ring in. "Now for the fun part." he said, smirking.

The machine powered up and Harry started working. He'd found everything he needed the previous day and now he just needed to test implementation.


It took a few hours and a bit of extra time testing the resulting creation on himself, to keep the surprise from the watching ladies, but by the end Harry was happy with the result. He went to a drawer and pulled out a small bar of platinum, which he then inserted into another machine, which was attached to the first. The machine made a bit of a high-pitched wail as it worked, but half an hour later, two identical rings, made of platinum, were ejected out of the machine. He'd added a bit of a pattern, which ascended and then descended in a kind of two-dimensional spiral.

Harry took them and walked up to his ladies, before bending a knee. "My lovely ladies Tanya and Katrina, I normally do things in a certain order, but since you are my ladies already, I would be honoured if you accepted these gifts from me, and wear them as a symbol of our union."

Neither Kate nor Tanya had expected that, but they both looked touched at the gesture. "Yes!" Kate said instantly.

"Of course!" Tanya followed.

They held out their left hands and Harry slipped the rings onto their ring fingers.

"Then you are now my wives." Harry said. "By the power vested in me by the galactic council of the dominion, I claim you both as my wives, until such a time as either death do us part, or we conquer another planet and need to expand my household to maintain the peace."

The ladies were moved, but frowned at the last part. "Wait, what?" Tanya asked.

"It's just a formality." Harry assured her as he stood up. "I have to say it every time. Since we don't intend to go concurring other planets, and there is no galactic council here, nor am I a lord of the dominion anymore, we shouldn't have to worry about that."

"You'll need to tell us that story one day." Kate said.

"I will tell you that story and many others, given time." Harry allowed, as he kissed first Tanya and then Kate. "For now, Esme just arrived and it's time to get cooking."

"Wait, what do the rings do?" Kate asked.

"Oh, right." Harry said. Taking her hand. "This ring works like the pendant, except you need to turn it to align the runes." He turned the ring and stopped in a specific location, with an indentation on the inner ring pointing out the place to align it to. He kept it there for a second, until he felt it heat up for a moment, and then he turned it to a new location. "The ring will heat up to let you know that it's activated the function. There's a human body-temperature function, a softening function, a soft-lighting function and a cancellation function." he said, showing them where the other two were, but not allowing it to activate them.

"Soft-lighting?" Tanya asked.

"Allows you to go in the sun without turning into a disco ball." Harry said, with a smirk.

"With these, we can fit in with humans almost perfectly!" Kate exclaimed.

"I also left room for other functions, once I've figured out what is necessary." Harry allowed. "The bonus here is that you can use the rings, pass them to someone else and have them use them too. It will only take the required energy from the person it's working on, so you won't drain yourselves."

"But I never intend to take this off." Tanya said, jealously. "It's sacred!"

"And while I'm happy to hear you feel that way, it's also a useful tool for you to use." Harry said. "I'll not take offense if you use it for that purpose, but do me a favour?"

"Anything, my husband." Tanya said, trying it out.

"Don't let those leave your sight." Harry requested.

"Never." both Kate and Tanya swore.

"Good." Harry said. "Now, let's go greet Esme."


A routine of sorts started over the next few days, where he would research, cook, host dinner, bed his ladies and tinker with new applications for blood-rune magic.

It was after dinner one evening, when a familiar car drove up the driveway, carrying two teenage girls.

"Are those the floozies you bedded before you met real women?" Tanya asked as they watched the girls get out of the car, through the window.

"That's Jessica and Angela." Harry corrected. "They're perfectly nice girls and were a fun distraction, until I met you."

"We can handle them." Kate said, as she turned and walked to the door.

Tanya was right there with her and Harry quickly followed, but Tanya turned around. "Trust us to handle this." she said, sternly.

Harry stopped, sighed and nodded. It wasn't right. He should be the one to do this, but there was likely some sort of girl-code or something that he was not privy to.

Tanya and Kate walked up to the shocked girls and they chatted for a few minutes, before the other girls got in the car and drove off, somehow not even seeming all that upset.

"What did you do?" Harry asked, as they re-entered the house.

"We had a civilized conversation with the girls." Tanya said, smugly.

"They even asked for our numbers." Kate added.

"How, though?" Harry asked. They should have been upset.

"We're attractive to all sexes, dear." Tanya said. "They weren't upset, because they think we're lesbians. Or, rather, hope we're lesbians."

"For more than one reason." Kate said.

"Let that be a lesson to me." Harry said, with a smile on his face. "My wives are awesome. That could have been a very tricky situation for me."

"They arrived horny, they left confused." Kate said. "We have our own skills too."

That night, Harry and Kate had a night alone. They normally didn't split up their nights, after that first time, but sometimes they wanted their personal attention, too. Kate, for example, liked to be in control, or to be controlled, and she liked it a bit on the rough side. She wasn't domineering, but she liked a bit of a power game and when they got busy, she liked it rough and hard. Harry could easily comply with that, and her screaming climaxes only drove him on. He loved how he could drive her insane with desire and leave her in a satisfied puddle on the bed, before they cuddled. They'd normally call the other and then they'd all fall asleep together.

The sleep thing was not something all the immortals wanted, since they didn't all have partners that needed it, but it was a welcome thing to know. Immortals or not, they could still become tired, mentally, and one or two of them had actually asked Harry to let them sleep in the guest room, on occasion. Rosalie and Emmett had not liked that, though, since they'd apparently claimed the room as theirs, so Harry had simply added another guest room. It wasn't hard to do, but if someone walked through the house with a critical eye, they might realise that the space available and the space used, did not make sense, so it was decided to always keep that room locked, unless it was in use.

Before long, the week was over and weekend had arrived.

"Damn, I forgot about Charlie." he swore Saturday morning, after he and the ladies had spent themselves in the usual morning activity. "He's expecting a steak dinner tonight."

"Tell him that you invited a few more people." Tanya said.

"I don't know that he'd feel comfortable around so many people he doesn't know." Harry explained. "A big part of enjoying your meal, is feeling comfortable."

"You're not kicking us out." Tanya said, sternly. "Tell him that you have two people joining."

"Yeah, the problem with that, is that he asked me to take a sabbatical from women." Harry said.

"The local school girls, maybe." Kate said. "It will be fine. Just say we're old friends."

"With benefits." Tanya added.

"I think I'll leave that part out." Harry said. "He will likely pick up on it on his own."

Harry called Esme in early and they had a conversation about his plans for the day. It was decided that Esme had learned enough to make a meal for her family and guests and Harry provided her with everything she'd need to make them all a delicious steak dinner. Just to be on the safe side, they went over Harry's recipe one more time and then Esme left. Harry wanted to spend the day doing normal stuff, so he and the ladies got themselves presentable and drove into town in the Chevy.

The ladies loved interacting with people, shaking hands with the people Harry greeted and not getting any strange looks, for their cold, hard skin. They got looks, but that was expected. Harry was known for his talents and antics, and everyone just assumed that he'd gained more fans. The parents of teenaged girls would sigh a breath of relief when they found out their daughters were finally safe.

Harry purchased everything he'd need for dinner and stopped by the liquor store where Tanya purchased beer for the evening, since the store owner's daughter wasn't on duty, as Harry had hoped. Harry could pass for older, but he was too well known a figure now, to easily get away with buying alcohol in a country where the drinking age is twenty-one, which Tanya could pass for. Tanya wasn't even asked for her ID, after she smiled at the store owner.

Then Harry set off to the Swan residence. When he pulled up in front of the house, Charlie came walking out.

"Got her running, then?" Charlie asked with a smirk.

"Oh, yeah." Harry said, as he got out. "You'd be surprised what you can do, when you suddenly find you have time."

Charlie was not smiling anymore, though, because two girls, that looked like they were older than Harry, got out of the car. They were also exquisitely beautiful.

"Oh, sorry, let me introduce you." Harry said. "This is Tanya and this is Kate." he pointed them out.

Both ladies smiled at Charlie and greeted him with a hand-shake. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Kate said.

"Harry's told us all about you." Tanya finished.

"Good things, I'm hoping?" he asked, smiling back. The smile didn't reach his eyes, though.

"They're old friends." Harry explained.

Charlie's features finally cleared at that. "Of course." he said. "Forgive me, I thought Harry was pulling another Casanova trick."

"That's understandable." Tanya said. "Our Harry is quite the catch, I'm not surprised to hear the locals find him as interesting as we always have."

"We're here to keep him out of trouble." Kate added.

"Good luck with that." Charlie said. "So, I'm assuming dinner is cancelled? Got to show your friends the sights?"

"No." Harry denied. "I'm just here to tell you to bring a guest or two, since I've got these two. I'd also love to see Bella again. We've not spoken since the suspension."

"Glad that's over?" Charlie asked, also realising the week was up.

"I don't know yet." Harry admitted. "I've found that I can be quite productive, left to my own devices."

"Not having too many visitors, I hope." Charlie asked. He'd heard that Jessica girl's car had been seen coming and going down that way a few times. Her and that friend of hers.

"Oh, yes, there were those friends that showed up for coffee one night." Tanya said. "Jacky, or something?"

"Jessica." Harry corrected, rolling his eyes.

"Kate and I had a nice talk with her." Tanya said. "She's not going to be causing our Harry any more issues."

"Seriously, spreading such rumours." Kate added.

"She spread the rumours?" Charlie asked. Why would the girl do that to herself?

"Bragging, more like." Harry said. "Just because I gave her some attention, doesn't mean I like it out in the world like that. Just see how much trouble it caused already!"

"Well, let's just hope there aren't any more rumours anytime soon." Charlie said. His implication was clear.

"I hope so too." Harry agreed. "Anyway, so we'll see you at six?" he asked.

"Should be fine." Charlie said. "I'll bring Bells. She'll likely ask that we bring Edward. You're still friends right?"

"Edward has dinner plans with his family." Harry countered. Esme's first time cooking for the family was likely something she was looking forward to. Harry had assumed Edward would come, too, but had decided not to ruin Esme's big night.

"Still close to the Cullens, then?" Charlie asked. "I don't know, maybe I'll ask Billy if he's got plans?"

"Bring whoever you like Charlie." Harry smiled. "I bought way too much food. I don't want to eat leftovers all week."

"We, don't want to eat leftovers all week." Kate corrected.

"They're living with you?" Charlie asked.

"Where else?" Tanya asked. "He's the best cook I know. No chance are we staying in a hotel if we can sponge off Harry."

"Oh, really, I'm just your live-in cook now?" Harry asked, smirking at his lady.

"Of course!" Kate said. "Now, take us home and make us some snacks!"

"I'm hoping for a bit of sun." Tanya said. "I need a tan and your pool room is calling me."

Harry said goodbye and they drove off, with Charlie smiling after them. Hopefully Harry wasn't putting the move on these girls as well. They seemed good for him.

"You handled him really well." Harry said, as they drove off.

"We've had to deal with all kinds of people." Tanya said. "He's the good sort, though. I can see why you like him."

"How are you going to handle it when he sees us flirting?" Kate asked. There was no chance that they'd be able to help themselves.

"None of his business?" Harry asked. "No, he'd just think I'm using you or something."

"Tell him we're still fighting about which one of us gets you." Tanya said. "It'll allow us to be more ourselves, while he enjoys the show."

"Fun." Kate decided.


They went home and Harry decided to add something to the pool house. A large fireplace and a chimney. It would add something to the atmosphere and work for a place to cook some things. He'd just finished the extension, when the ladies reminded him of the time and he realised he had some prep work to do, so he hurried to the kitchen and started.

By the time he was done, the guests had just arrived. He went out to greet them. Charlie got out of his car and helped his friend into a wheelchair, while Harry greeted Bella, before introducing Harry to Billy Black.

"A Black, eh?" Harry asked. "My godfather was a Black."

"From around here?" Billy asked.

"Nah, back in England." Harry said. "Good man though."

"So you lived with him?" Charlie asked. He knew Harry was an orphan.

"No, I stayed with my mother's sister." Harry said. "Not the best people."

Charlie wanted to kick himself. He'd done the background check after all. "Sorry." he said.

"It's in the past." Harry shrugged it off.

"Where are your friends?" Charlie asked, trying to change the subject.

"Doing something or other in the house." Harry said. "Come on. The fire's burning and the beer is chilled."

"You've not been drinking?" Charlie asked, sternly.

"The beer's for you, Charlie." Harry said. "Once again, if I wanted to hide something like that, I'd not have told you."

Charlie nodded in acceptance. "Where'd you get the beer?" he asked.

"Tanya's old enough." Harry said as he led them to the staircase up. "Oh, yeah, let me help you with that." he said, as Charlie looked between the staircase and the wheelchair.

"Didn't think of that." Charlie admitted.

"It's not a problem." Harry said. "Between the two of us, we can handle it. All else fails, there's a path around back that goes to the pool room."

They did end up making it up the stairs reasonably easily. Harry may have helped a bit, using his power.

"Welcome to my home, Charlie, Mister Black." Harry said.

"Billy, please." Billy said. "Charlie tells me you're the one feeding us. Can't have you calling me 'Mister'." he chuckled.

"Bella, if you want to go for a swim, I think Tanya or Kate might have a spare bathing suit for you." Harry offered.

"Swim, now?" Bella asked.

"Haven't been here since the pool party, have you?" Harry asked. "There's been a couple of upgrades."

"Really?" Bella asked.

"Come on, see for yourself." Harry said, indicating for them to follow him. They walked into the pool room and Bella looked shocked. She knew a bit, but hadn't been told about this by Edward.

"This is more than a little different." Bella said. "How much money did you spend on all this?"

"Money isn't a problem I have, but don't go telling people, please?" Harry asked.

"Of course." Bella agreed.

"Harry!" Kate yelled from the pool.

"Come join us!" Tanya added.

"That's where you two disappeared off to." Harry said. "We've got guests, so maybe later."

"Billy, Bella, this is Tanya and Kate." Harry said, pointing them out, as they got out of the water and walked up to meet the guests.

"Sorry for the wet hands." Tanya said, as she shook first Bella's and then Billy's hands.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Kate added.

Billy was looking at them strangely. Those eyes and bleak skin meant something, but they were warm and felt human enough. "Pleasure is mine." he finally said.

"If you don't mind?" Kate said, as she took one of Harry's arms, while Tanya took the other and they dragged him along and jumped in the pool.

When Harry came up, he was laughing. "You girls are incorrigible." he said, as he splashed both girls, before he swam to the side. "First Emmett, and now I'm in the pool with my shoes on."

"Emmett likes to jump in fully clothed." Bella explained to Charlie.

Charlie, in the meanwhile, had noticed the bar. "Nice bar." he said dryly.

"Beers in the chiller back there." Harry said. "Help yourself. Billy, can I get you something?"

"Beer's good." Billy said, he was still watching the ladies. His instincts were warning him, but his eyes were telling him he was just seeing two beautiful girls playing and splashing in the water. Shaking himself, he decided to just see what happened, but he'd keep his guard up, anyway. He wheeled himself to the fireplace and took the beer from Charlie. "Nice fireplace." Billy said, when Harry joined them. He was drying himself with a towel.

"I know, right?" Harry said. "Thought it added something."

"It's very welcome." Billy said. "It gets cold in these parts. A heated pool and a fireplace will likely make this the place to be, this winter."

"I like guests." Harry agreed. "Gives me a chance to cook."

"Harry cooks for the Cullens even." Bella put in.

That got Billy's attention. He looked at their young host. He was definitely human. He had green eyes and didn't feel like a monster. He also didn't have such pale skin.

"He does?" Billy asked.

"Yeah." Harry said, not realising what the old man had put together. "I like them. They helped me with this place and I cook for them."

"He's teaching Esme Cullen some of his recipes." Charlie added. He was still curious about the bar, but Harry had yet to lie to him, that he was aware of, and he trusted the kid, to not overdo things. He doubted the bar was just a decoration, but Harry was very mature, likely due to his past.

"Don't go telling anyone," Harry said, "but between you and me, she's making one of my recipes tonight."

"Special occasion?" Charlie asked.

"Yes." Harry said. "You. I couldn't cook for them and Esme is sure that she's got one recipe down."

"So, you're the only one that cooks for them?" Charlie asked.

"Basically." Harry said. "Their whole family is on a special diet. My family had some people in it that had similar dietary requirements and had a special way of making food that didn't cause them problems."

"Which is why you're such a good cook." Charlie said, in understanding. "So, before you came, they just ate, what, nothing?"

"They ate, but it's not something you or I would find appetizing." Harry said. "Just, keep it to yourself, okay? It's not something they want known. I don't think they'd mind me telling you, but… You know?"

"Their private business." Charlie said, nodding. "Thanks for helping, then. Carlisle and Esme are good people."

"That they are." Harry agreed. "You good Billy?" he asked the man, who was looking at him strangely. "Did I say something strange?"

"No, no, it's fine." Billy said, shaking himself from his thoughts. "I just got lost in my thoughts. Us old-timers sometimes do that."

"You can't be all that old." Harry said. "Young enough to enjoy a brew and a steak. That's young enough for me."

"Got all the original teeth, at least." Billy agreed, smirking.

They chatted after that about happenings in town, and Harry's suspension was mentioned, shortly after Bella joined the girls in the pool. Billy seemed to take that as a funny story. "Girl brags about bagging you and you're the one that's punished?" Billy asked. "Back in the day it was the other way around."

"You're telling me." Harry said. "I'm thinking the school got complaints from a parent and they forced the principal's hand."

"Likely." Charlie agreed, thinking of his need to visit Harry during his suspension, because of similar circumstances. "Small town."

"Still, it's progress." Harry said, smiling. "Can't be too sad, though. Got the Chevy running and met up with some friends."

"And now you've got two blonde models living in your house with you." Charlie said. "I thought you were going to take a break from girls, Harry?"

"Well, could you blame me?" Harry asked, looking back at the girls.

"Are they also on a special diet?" Billy asked.

Harry got it that time. He looked at the old man and smirked. "Yes they are. Know something about special diets, Billy?" he asked.

"Well, I am a diabetic." Billy said. He'd seen the recognition in his eyes. The smile on his face meant something too. "How about you? Any special diets?"

"I can eat anything I want, fortunately." Harry said.

"It would be a shame for a chef to not be able to enjoy his own cooking." Charlie agreed.

"Sorry about the diabetes. Tonight's menu should be fine, though. I'll check in my family books. Maybe I have something special in there for you." Harry said. "Well, let me go start the food." he said, as he walked to the house.

"Not going to flame-grill it over the fire?" Charlie called.

"That could be good, but I promised you the best, didn't I?" Harry called back.

Harry was in the kitchen for twenty minutes or so, before he started bringing out steaks, still sizzling in the plates. "These need to stand for a few minutes before they'll be perfect." Harry said, as he placed them on the table, near the pool table.

"They look good now." Charlie said, looking at the thick cuts of meat, with home-made thick-cut French fries and a salad on the side.

"Trust me, Charlie." Harry said. "Girls, you might want to dry off." he called over to them. "Food's here."

The girls quickly joined them and Harry made sure to hand the correct plates to the correct people, bringing drinks to the table from the bar, where he'd put something for those with special diets as well. "Okay people, dig in." Harry announced, as he started cutting into his own.

By the sounds of appreciation, Harry suspected he'd done a good job.

"This is the best steak I've ever eaten." Charlie said with wide eyes.

"It's almost like magic, isn't it?" Tanya agreed, winking at Billy, when she saw him watching her eat her food.

"Now, Tanya, you'll not be sharing any of my secrets tonight will you?" Harry chided mildly.

"But you have so many." Kate said, smirking.

"Something wrong, Billy?" Harry asked.

Billy had been watching the girls and quickly started cutting into the food. After his first bite, he started enjoying the meal.

Charlie was enjoying the food so much, he didn't even notice Billy had been looking at the girls without eating.

When Billy was busy with the food, Harry used some power to inspect the man. There was something about him. Something magical, but dormant? Harry couldn't identify it, but at least it could explain why he knew about vampires. Harry would need to investigate this.

When dinner was finished, Charlie sat back and smiled. "Really, Harry, become a chef. You've got a talent."

"We think so." Kate said.

"That's what all the girls in school seem to think, too." Bella said, without thinking.

"Really, all the girls?" Harry asked her with a smirk.

"Um." Bella said, as a blush formed.

"Ha!" Harry laughed. "You're too easy. Seriously, though," he said, turning to Charlie, "I know I can cook, and even like to, but I don't know if I want to spend my whole life in a kitchen."

"They say, do what you're passionate about." Billy suggested.

"Yeah, but they also said familiarity breeds contempt." Harry countered. "I'd hate to turn my love of cooking into some sort of torture for myself."

"Harry would hate working in a kitchen." Tanya said. "Part of his fun is seeing people enjoy his efforts."

"He'd get paid." Charlie said reasonably. "He'd see their gratitude in the amount of money he makes."

"Money really isn't something I care about." Harry said. "It's caused enough problems for me."

"Right." Charlie said, deflating. "Sorry again."

"Why do you keep apologising?" Harry asked.

"I may have done a background check on you, when Bells told me about you." Charlie confessed. "It wasn't because I didn't trust you, of course, I didn't know you. I just wanted to make sure you weren't in America because of something you did back home."

"Looking out for your daughter is a father's job." Harry said easily. "I'll not hold it against you. Just, don't go telling everyone my past. I'd like to leave it behind me." The quick background setup he'd done when he arrived in this world had been rather simple. A digital record simply appeared, stating that a fire ruined the physical documents and that new records had been made. It was always the same background, so that he didn't need to lie too much and didn't have to get used to a new story every time. Wealthy parents died, leaving Harry with money-grubbing relatives. Foul play was suspected on the side of the same relatives, but it could never be proven.

"Thanks for understanding." Charlie said. Technically it was an abuse of power. He had no right to go looking, but it was his little girl, so he justified it to himself that way.

"Nothing to forgive." Harry said. "So, who wants dessert? I've got an ice-cream maker in the kitchen and I could have it whipped up in no time flat."

"I'm good." Charlie said, shaking his head. "I'm going to let this steak settle for a bit and then I've got to get this old-timer home, before they send out a search party."

"You can't call me old! Our kids are the same age." Billy objected. He seemed to be doing a little better.

"How is Jacob doing?" Charlie asked. "I've not seen him in a while."

"He's been busy." Billy said, as his face fell a bit. He glanced at the girls again, which Harry and they noticed. "School and stuff." he added.

Somehow, Harry thought less 'school' and more 'stuff' was going on there. If there was an issue, between the vampires and the Quileute tribe, Harry wanted to know about it.

The evening closed off soon after that and Harry walked them back to the car, taking the route around the house, rather than the stairs. Harry pushed the wheelchair, while Charlie led the way a bit ahead.

"You know what they are?" Billy asked, quietly.

"I do." Harry said. "This going to be a problem?" he asked.

"Not if they are like the Cullens." Billy said. "You're not planning on bringing any more, are you?"

"All the ones with the special diet are here." Harry said. "I'm helping them to fit in better. All they want are to live normal lives."

"And the food?" Billy asked.

"Still their special diet, just in a different form, and more humane." Harry allowed. "This is affecting the tribe?" he asked in concern.

"I can't talk about that." Billy clammed up.

"So it's the magic I felt." Harry agreed. "Better not to confirm anything. You and I both know that they're listening."

"You can feel something?" Billy asked.

"It's something I have access to, too." Harry allowed. "Keep my secret, I'll keep yours."

"Deal." Billy said. "I will need to inform the tribe. It's my responsibility."

"I can understand that." Harry allowed. "Just, no spreading word or writing it down, where people can find it."

"That's acceptable." Billy agreed. "We'll need to discuss this, on safe ground."

"Tomorrow?" Harry asked.

"12pm." Billy agreed. "At the reservation."

"My ladies will want to accompany me." Harry said.

"They are not allowed on our lands." Billy denied.

"That's going to be a problem." Tanya said, as she joined them, with Kate chatting with Bella. "He's our mate."

"You're one of them?" Billy asked.

"No, I'm human." Harry said. "But I'm also more."

"Outside the reservation then." Billy said. "I can't allow them."

"We can do that." Harry allowed. The trail wasn't all that long, so they had to stop talking.

"What are you girls whispering about?" Charlie asked, referring to Harry and Billy.

"Just asking directions to the reservation." Harry said. "Billy here thinks if I marry one of the tribe, he can have my cooking all the time." he joked.

"Over my dead body." Billy joined. "Your cooking's good, but your skin is too pale." he laughed.

"Hey, I'm English. Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to get a tan?" Harry asked, incredulously. "You've seen the ladies, they have the same problem. Porcelain skin burns before it gains one shade."

"There's another side to that." Charlie said. "They say too much sun, makes you look older faster. Just look at Billy. He was a fisherman and he looks ancient."

"Hey!" Billy objected. "I'll show you ancient!" he said as he rolled his wheelchair forward, intent on ramming Charlie. It was apparently a game they played often, because Charlie was ready for him and jumped out of the way, playfully dodging him and talking smack.

They left soon after, with Kate telling Bella to visit again, soon. Harry didn't know what they'd discussed, but he was certain Bella knew what they were.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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