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89.47% Multiversal Internet Cafe! / Chapter 33: Chapter 28 - Out of Luck

Chương 33: Chapter 28 - Out of Luck

Seiko rushed towards Hirota, clashing fists with him.

[Complete Restoration has been erased]

They both got pushed from the impact of the clash, entire universes and more trembling. Seiko landed on a planet similar to Saturn's, sliding across its ring. He launched towards Hirota again, throwing a punch. Hirota swiftly ducked, quickly countering with two fast jabs that Seiko blocked. Seiko retaliated and tried to sweep Hirota by the legs. However, Hirota's stature was firm and he quickly punished with a lightning-fast right hook to the jaw, his fist engulfed in the same purple and white mix from before.

Seiko went flying but quickly recovered mid-air, stopping himself.


His golden aura flared up, getting more intense and vibrant as he rushed towards Hirota once more.

"That's right. Entertain me some more!" Hirota laughed maniacally before also rushing towards Seiko, his form covered in a dark red aura.

They both traded a blow, punching each other in the face. They quickly recovered clashing with each other again and again, trading blows. Each clash was overwhelmingly destructive, causing brilliant explosions and shockwaves that destroyed multiverses. Each blow ripped a tear in dimensions until they clashed with a final punch, the universe crashing around them. The dimension that surrounded them was vibrant and riddled with colors.

Seiko jumped back, confused on what happened.

"Huh? What the hell just happened?"

"Isn't it obvious? Reality couldn't handle both of our immense power and crashed to the ground like glass!"

"So what? I'm still gonna kick your ass."


Seiko pulled up his pants, his golden aura flaring up again and increasing in size. Hirota quickly got into stance too, extending his left arm out in front of him while his right arm was drawn back, also sliding his left leg to align with his left arm.

"Come at me." He smirked.

Seiko shot towards him, swinging his leg towards Hirota's head with tremendous force. Hirota swiftly blocked it with his left arm, ducking under another kick from Seiko. Seiko went for a jab, but Hirota dodged, moving his head to the side. He quickly punished with an elbow to the face, spinning and kicking Seiko away. Seiko quickly recovered, retaliating with a straight powerful punch to the nose, sending Hirota flying.

Hirota appeared behind him, throwing a swift jab. Seiko barely dodged the jab, ducking to the left before turning around and throwing a powerful punch. Hirota swiped the punch to the side, quickly countering with a devastating punch to the liver, causing Seiko to stagger back in pain. He quickly followed it up, grabbing him by the shirt with one hand and pulling him closer in order to land a headbutt. The impact resonated across the universe, causing it to tremble with overwhelming intensity.

"AAAGH!!" Seiko took a step back, holding his head in pain.

Hirota punches him in the jaw, disorienting him even more. Seiko's legs felt weak, causing him to wobble around and stumble.

"Come on! Don't lose focus now!" Hirota smirked.

He continued the assault, landing a powerful blow to the gut. Seiko spat up a mouthful of blood, leaning over to the point where he could almost fall. Hirota calmly waked behind him before holding out his hand in front of him. In an instant, Seiko was sent flying by a crushing invisible force, crashing into another planet.

Seiko laid on the ground, groaning in pain. He pushed through it and got up however. He looked up, seeing an entire star being hurled at him. The heat of the star quickly began scorching up the surface of the planet as it got closer. He swiftly reacted, gathering large amounts of energy into his palm. With a shout, he fired the powerful beam towards the star, piercing through the celestial body with little difficulty. The beam continued on its journey, shooting towards Hirota with increasing intensity and radiance. Hirota however simply slapped it away, like swatting a fly.

'Nothing I do works against this guy! Even [BRAINROT] was only a temporary advantage...'

Suddenly, Hirota appeared behind him, smiling devilishly.

"What are ya thinking about?"

Seiko quickly turned around, trying to punch him. But Hirota quickly catched his punch before backhanding him. Seiko staggered back, but before he could even do anything, Hirota grabbed him by the face and slammed him into the ground.

"You are pathetic!"

Seiko spat up a mouth of blood as he boumced off the ground. Swiftly, Hirota grabbed him by the shirt and slapped him on the face, sending Seiko hurling through the air. In an instant, Hirota teleported behind Seiko, unleashing a powerful kick directly to his spine. Seiko shouted in pain as he felt the brutal impact to cause his spine to cave in. Hirota wasn't done however, turning Seiko around before slapping him in his face once again, his hand engulfed in the purple and white mix. Seiko went flying, crashing into a planet that was on the verge of destruction. Seiko laid there, spitting out large amounts of blood as he struggled to recover.

Hirota flew down, landing in front of him.

"Well well well, look how the mighty has fallen!"

Hirota kicked him in the head, sending him flying a couple of meters away. Seiko struggled to get up from the ground, barely able to get up onto his knees. He looked at him in anger as Hirota slowly walked towards him.

"Do you hate my smug grin that much?" Hirota laughed.

Seiko groaned, balling his fists.

"Well don't worry, because you won't have to see it much longer!"

Hirota opened his palm, a cube laid there comfortably. The cube shot towards Seiko and he was now immediately going face-to-face with a Quantum Nova in such a terrible condition.


He held up his hands in front of him, trying to hold back the Quantum Nova. His arms felt like they were getting ripped apart and put back together again, constantly vibrating and teleporing out of place.





With a roar, he kicked it up into the air, watching it explode.

"You know, it wasn't a very smart decision to block that." Hirota chuckled.

"Maybe not.....BUT THATS WHAT MAKES IT FUN RIGHT!?!?" Seiko laughed.

Hirota smirked.

"I think you're losing it pal."

Hirota rushed towards him, clashing fists with him. The impact pushed both of them back, shattering the void and opening into another universe.


Seiko rushed towards him again, firing a ki blast towards Hirota. Hirota smacked the blast away before swiftly blocking Seiko's kick and countering with a punch, his fist once again engulfed in the same purple and white mix. However, Seiko had disappeared from where he was standing, his presence completely disappearing. Hirota quickly turned around, seeing Seiko flying backwards as a cube laid at his fingertips.

"Quantum Nova."

Hirota stood there, watching the projectile fly at him.

"How annoying."

The Quantum Nova landed, creating a brilliant explosion with multiple flashing colors. After the smoke cleared, Hirota stood there, unfazed.

"You sure have a lot of tricks!" Seiko chuckled.

"I can say the same for you."

Hirota rushed towards him, clashing fists with him. He swiftly conjured a sword, swinging it in an attempt to cleanly slice off Seiko's head. Seiko reacted quickly, clenching the blade within his teeth before shattering it with little difficulty. He pulled Hirota in closer before headbutting him, creating a resounding impact that echoed throughout the universe. Hirota didn't stay disoriented for long, sweeping Seiko by the legs before grabbing him by the shirt and throwing him into the air.

He swiftly followed it up, appearing above Seiko before grabbing him on the arm. However, in an unexpected turn of events, Seiko ended up dislocating his own arm to escape Hirota's grip, sending Hirota crashing back down to the planet with a powerful kick to the neck. Seiko smiled widely as he grabbed his left arm, snapping it back into place.

[LUCKY COIN X 500,000]

A cascade of hundreds of thousands of golden coins enveloped Seiko, resembling crystallization in its shimmering brilliance before spontaneously breaking away. After the light dissipated, Seiko stood there with a glimmering new aura, covered by random bursts of sparkling gold.

"How do you like the look?"

Hirota brushed himself off, looking up at Seiko with a wide grin.

"You look piss yellow."

Seiko rushed towards him, throwing a powerful punch. Swiftly responding, Hirota managed to block the strike, but the sheer force behind Seiko's blow caused his arms to cave in and emit an audible creak.


Hirota countered, throwing a punch of his own. The blow landed, however, Seiko took it without a change in expression. The impact echoed and it was like hitting metal. Seiko's fist collided squarelt with Hirota's face, propelling him through the air. After swiftly recovering mid-flight, Hirota found himself forced to block a sudden kick. The formidable force behind the kick sent him hurtling further, crashing with impact into another distant planet.

"Urgh!" Hirota grunted as he crashed into the ground.

Then suddenly, he sensed something and looked up. Seiko came down from above with his arm reeled back for a powerful blow. Hirota quickly got up, jumping backwards out of the way as Seiko punched the ground where he once was. The ground cracked and shattered, large pieces of rubble flying into the air. Before Hirota could even react and touch the ground, Seiko appeared in front of him, his arm turning a golden hue.


Hirota blocked Seiko's punch, every bone in his body breaking and twisting as he gets sent hurling by the tremendous impact of the blow. He spun uncontrollably, crashing through the barrier of thousands of universes. He finally crashes landed on another planet, landing with a force that shatters the entire planet. Seiko landed on the planet, looking around the crash site for Hirota.

"Where did you go?"

Meanwhile, Hirota hid underground, thinking. His limbs snapped back into place autonomously, regenerating at a rapid pace. Seiko thrust his hand into the ground, transforming the planet into a vibrant yellow hue before it erupted in shimmering brilliance. As the smoke dissipated, Hirota emerged, encircled by a protective barrier.

"Found you!" Seiko smiled like a maniac.

Seiko swiftly charged and shot out a powerful golden beam. Hirota stood there unfazed as the beam engulfed him. In an instant, he materialized in front of Seiko, grabbing him by the face before propelling him away with a quick but powerful blast.

"Not yet.." Hirota smirked.

Seiko swiftly recovered, charging back towards Hirota. Spinning around, he aimed a swift kick at Hirota's neck. Hirota quickly ducked under the kick, seizing Seiko by the shirt before hurling him downward. Following through, Hirota appeared above Seiko during his descent, delivering a powerful kick. Seiko managed to catch himself before crashing into the ground, landing on his feet. Gazing upward, he spotted a large black and red ball of energy hurtling toward him.

Placing his hands in front of him, Seiko conjured a thick golden strand. Gripping it firmly, he hurled it towards the incoming energy ball. The golden strand spun with remarkable speed, piercing through the ball and now hurtling toward Hirota. Hirota just barely dodged, the strand whizzing past him with immense speed.

"Is that the best you've got!?" Hirota chuckled.

"IS IT!?" Seiko maniacally laughed.

[LUCKY COIN X 1,000,000]

Millions of coins erupted from behind Seiko, creating an ocean of golden wealth that seemed to defy the laws of gravity. Seiko continued to laugh maniacally as the sea of gold coins surged towards him, enveloping him in a radiant cascade. A bright yellow light erupted, blinding Hirota. The light illuminating and reflecting off the entirety of the universe. Eventually, the brilliance dissipated, revealing a golden silhouette of Seiko standing triumphantly. But just then...


The golden silhouette faded away, leaving Seiko to collapse onto his knees, the once-vibrant laughter silenced by a painful reality. As Seiko continued to spit up blood, Hirota flew down, landing in front of him.

"Finally. It took a while to happen."

Seiko looked up at him, barely able to talk with the amount of pain he was in.

"Your luck...."

Hirota formed a wide grin on his face.

"Has finally ran out."

Hirota crouched down to his level, laughing in front of his face. Seiko spat blood in his face, smirking through the pain. Hirota stood up unfazed, wiping the blood off his face before delivering a brutal kick to Seiko's stomach,his foot crashing and caving into Seiko's spine. The force expelled the air from Seiko's lungs, causing him to cough up even more blood.


Hirota ascended into the air, two cubes laid on his palms that constantly turned in and out with random bursts of distortion. Merging them seamlessly, a dazzling display of random, shimmering lights erupted, casting an otherworldly brilliance.


Hirota propelled the Quantum Nova towards Seiko. The colossal blast slowly made its way towards Seiko, erasing everything it touched in a relentless tide of destruction. It left in its wake a cosmic tapestry of ruptured dimensions, the universe itself quaking in response to its cataclysmic power.

Seiko gazed upwards, not being able to do anything except watch as the blast made its path to him. But then, everything stopped. Hirota, Seiko, and even the blast before. Time had come to a standstill.

[Loading God Terminal....]












[>Grant{Skill: Division}

[Are you sure? Y/N]


[Loading command...]

[Entering values.....]

[Changing variables...]

[Checking stability.....]

01000011 01101111 01101111 01101100 00100000 01100011 01101111 01100100 01100101 00100000 01110111 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01101100 01101111 01101100

Suddenly, Seiko's demeanor returned to normal as he looked at his hands in surprise.

[You have been granted a temporary Godly skill: Division]

'What? When did I gain this?'

Seiko was confused, but decided to quickly take advantage of his new skill.


A cascade of numbers materialized before him, extending infinitely. Time was of the essence, so Seiko hurriedly scrolled down the list, eventually pressing zero. The number zero manifested a few meters above his outstretched hand, suspended in the air.


Before Hirota could fully comprehend the unfolding events, it was already too late. The digit made contact with the impending Quantum Nova, and...



TheOtakuGod TheOtakuGod

I've flown back from Kansas yall, enjoy

Load failed, please RETRY

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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