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3.7% I was supposed to be The Gamer but the author forgot it midway. / Chapter 1: Sedative Mother; Lurer Teacher!

Chương 1: Sedative Mother; Lurer Teacher!

Death. I have seen it many times. The death of my parents; the death of my friends; the death of my relatives; even after seeing the death many times, I never understood it—no! It was more like that I understood it; understood it better than others. Isn't that the reason that I could see it? It has to be. I mean, I don't think a normal human being can see or tell who is going to die. At least, I haven't met one.

But even after 'understanding' death, I could not understand the sorrow it brought. Everyone is bound to die, one day or the other. Since the time we are born, our death is written.

We all know that neither we nor others are immortal. We all are ephemeral; prone to die one day. And yet, we can't come to face it. When my parents died, I questioned myself while watching my siblings and other relatives crying: Why are they crying? I mean, I felt nothing. Watching the bodies of my parents, I felt hollow. As if this is how things should be.

Was it abnormal? Well, I already knew that. I mean, where do you find one who can see death?

"Sigh. Now that I am dead too, I feel nothing. Is that how everyone feels when they die?"

Maybe no one can answer my question, after all, I am in a black hollow void currently, with nothing in sight but overstretching darkness, with this screen floating in front of my eyes, making me question my mentality.

{You have been chosen as The Gamer!}

Now, as an 'ordinary' human, I should ask myself: am I dreaming? Or maybe I should panic a little? But sadly, I've never been panicked in my whole life, not openly at least.

The question is, what is this screen? Though, as a reader of novels, I can guess where this is going.

{You have guessed right. This is the Gamer system that will help you reach the apex!}

Yeah, right. I can see that happening if this shit is real. But no point in questioning myself; let's just be over with this. But what should I do? I have no idea. Can you tell me, system?

{As a gamer, all you need to do is play. Once the game starts, you will be sent to a randomly chosen world. Do you accept being a gamer?


Randomly chosen world? That sounds dangerous. What if it throws me into the world of Emperor's Domination? I wouldn't live a day with all that BS power scaling there you know. People can pluck galaxies there. That shit is too hard for me. But it seems that I don't have another choice. What will happen to me if I did not become a gamer?

{Nothing. As you have been chosen to be reincarnated, you will be reincarnated whether you chose to become a The Gamer or not. But in this case, you will be thrown into a random world without the powers of The Gamer.}

Accept! I chose to become The Gamer! What shit is this? Forced play? Don't tell me you are a sadist gamer. It's like buying a product from a shop at double the price of it, but you can't do anything since only that shop has it. He knows that only he has it and you need it, so even if he doubled the price, the customer will still be buying, though reluctant.

Since I am to be thrown into a random world, as well as take this cheat known as The Gamer System.

{Congratulations! You have become The Gamer. I hope you have a safe journey! Adios!}

Oi, oi, oi! At least tell me how this shit works? What am I supposed to do if I awake in some dangerous situations? This system is even more broken than Skyrim!

But all of my dissatisfaction was for nothing as I felt a gentle tug to my consciousness. Ugh… it feels nauseating; as if I am on some roller coaster—no! it's like that one enjoyment in an amusement park, what was it called? The thing that looks like a cup and you sit in it while it manically spins? I can't remember. Whatever.

While monologuing to myself, I find my vision darkens before I felt free-fall motion.

BOOM! No. I did not fall. It's just a sound effect that I added to tell what it felt like since I did fall. Not literally, but metaphorically.

"Ugh… what in the gaming world is this place?" I groaned as I tried to examine my surroundings. They looked normal and ordinary. A bed, a shelf, a table with books on it, a cabinet. I am currently on the bed, by the way,

{Quest [Find where you are!]

As a gamer, you first should examine your surroundings and find where you are.

Rewards: 100XP. The knowledge of this body.

Failure: Be a dumb shit and never find out where you are.


Wow! Isn't there censorship in this system? If I can, I want to report. It doesn't answer me, whatever. First, I should really find where I am. Other things can come at a later time.

So, without any further ado, I stood up from my bed. My body feels like it is submerged into the sea of mud — heavy as fuck! What did 'I' did? Don't tell me that I was fapping the whole night?

Walking in front of the mirror, I see myself. Aww, isn't I'm the cutest things alive… NOT THAT! What the fuck happened to my badass fuckery appearance?! How did I become something this cute and adorable?! I can't! I'll be attacked by Onee-sans!... it doesn't sound bad.

I have short white hair with a bang coming in-between my crimson eyes. There was a barcode right below my left eye. I had… babyface, dammit! At least I can still see some manliness in it, my only salvation.

(AN: First, though it is explained that he has a babyface, that doesn't mean that he is short or shota. He has a normal high of an Asian high schooler. Here's the image.)

"Sigh. Whatever. From now on, this is my new face, I should get used to it. On the other hand, I still don't know where I am."

"Ma-kun~. Wake up~. Okaa-san is waiting for you~."

Hearing the sudden shout, I was startled but something washed up my brain and I calmed down. Ma-kun? Is that me? I don't know, since it could be that she is calling someone else in this home. But why does it sound so… familiar? Ma-kun… hmmm… where have I heard this name before.

…Ugh. Forget it. No point in thinking. I hate this feeling. When you know something but can't remember it. It is right there, at the tip of your tongue, but just don't want to come out.

First of all, I need to find how to use this system of which I have no idea. Hmm. What should I say…? I chose you, system! Nothing? How about, come and answer my biding! I, The Gamer, calls you!

… yes. My chunni blood is crunching definitely. Let's go with the conventional method.

Status Screen. There you go.


Name: Masato Oosuki

Class: The Gamer

Level: 1 (0%)

HP: 100 (50 per five mint.,)

MP: 90 (45 per mint.,)

CON: 100 (50 per mint.,)

STR: 7

VIT: 10

DEX: 10

INT: 9

WIS: 9

LUK: 12

Money: 0$

MP Regen = [WIS X 5] per minute

MP = [INT X 10]

CON Regen = [VIT X 5] per minute

Health Regen = [VIT X 5] per five minutes

Health = [VIT X 10]

CON = [VIT X 10]


Well, I am weak as fuck. Masato Oosuki, is that my name? Wow… I can feel why my intelligence is so low. What a dumb question.

"Sigh. Whatever. But I remember this name somewhere though that dude had a different appearance than mine, maybe a different universe. And the Game has not shown that the quest has been completed, then that means that this is not the world of 'Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?' I mumbled to myself.

Now there are two answers, but first, I need to go down and see the face of my 'Okaa-san'. Only then can I deduce other things.


Ding! A new skill [Observe] has been unlocked due to a specific action!

[Observe] MAX

Skill to find the target's information.

Usage: 50MP


Huh? A new skill? And what is with this scarce information? 'Skill to find the target's information?' That is just too vague. I should try it on my 'Okaa-san' to find out more about this. And I can only use it once per minute.

Wearing the cabinet at my side, I take out whatever my hands get first.

A white hoodie while the hoodie was black in color, reaching up to my chin. It had red lines at its' edges, with red strings coming from the front. It didn't have one of its sleeves, maybe a fashion or something. I wore black pants. I have to say, I look absolutely adorable to pinch and hug. Maybe I'll get lots of Onee-san soon.

Well, let's see what this world has in hold for me.


Walking down the stairs, as his room was on the first floor, Masato looked all around, examining his surroundings. Even with the suddenness of everything, he was calm and collected as he tried to find out where he was. He had his guess but needed to prove to affirm them.

Reaching the dining table, Masato's eyes feel upon a slender woman with a prominent bust, slender waist. She had long wavy brown hair that is braided around her head and tied with a blue and red bow around the back. She was wearing a one-piece gown with a revealing top and blue corset.

'Damn… she is beautiful," thinking, Masato made his way towards the table.

Mamako, the woman, hearing the sound behind her, looked behind. Seeing Masato, her face beamed. Placing the ladle in her hand, she rushed towards him and hugged him, burying his face into her two mounds.

"Aww~! My Ma-kun is as adorable as always~. Okaa-san can't have enough of Ma-kun~," rubbing her cheeks with her adorable son, Mamako shouted with excitement.

Masato's body tensed a little since he had no memory of this body, the one he was inhabiting. He didn't know how to act currently, so opt to stay quiet. He needs to go and find out where he was, or he would be in trouble for sure.

"Where are you so quiet Ma-kun? Are you alright?" Masato's body trembled, hearing her soft voice as her warm breath tingle over his skin.

'Control. Control, control, me! She is your mother in this world! Stop with this indecent thought process!' chanting inside his mind, Masato tried to calm his mind. He could feel his blood rushing to his head.

"You are suffocating me Okaa-san," trying to act as calm as he could, Masato pushed her away, a little. Though he really was having a hard time breathing due to the suffocation that her valleys provided him.

"Moo~," Mamako pouted cutely, "But Okaa-san wants to hug Ma-kun. Ma-kun smells so good."

Masato has to say that she was a pack of killer attacks, one after another. Seriously, he thought he was cute, but it seems that his mother was even more so.

Looking at her, Masato used [Observe] on her. He could feel his MP falling to 40 with just one use.


Name: Mamako Oosuki

Level: 13

HP: 180

MP: 120

CON: 180

STR: 9

VIT: 18

DEX: 10

INT: 12

WIS: 11

LUK: 50

Affection: 99/100

She loves you but due to the fear of society, she does not want to cross the line.

Obedience: 100/100

If you forced yourself on her, she will definitely not retaliate. She might even accept it.

Ding! Perk [Mothers' Affection] has been unlocked!

[Mothers' Affection]

An increase in affection and obedience with mothers will become easier.


'Well… this is surprising. Now after reading this, I am having even more bold thoughts. But at least I was able to confirm how this skill works, and the fact that we are not in the 'Okaa-san Online' world. So, it can either be a xover or a world where characters of different worlds are present. I really hope it's not the first one though. It would be a mess.'

While he was wondering, Mamako already placed the breakfast on the table and happily beckoned her son, "Come Ma-kun, Okaa-san will feed you~."

He was really tempted, seeing Mamako patting her lap and looking at him with stars in her eyes. But he shook his head. Right now, he needs to find where he was first before trying anything else. The problem was that he could not just leave, so he sat next to her and started eating his breakfast as fast as he could. He really wanted the breakfast to be finished as fast as possible while trying not to talk with Mamako too much, lest he want to allow her to think that he was not her son anymore.

"Mooo~. Okaa-san want to feed Ma-kun!" Mamako pouted, her cheeks swelling cutely.

Hurriedly finishing his breakfast, he stood up and left for his room as fast as possible, "I remember something Okaa-san, I'll be back," saying, he ran to his room.

"Is Ma-kun angry with me?" tears started to gather in Mamako's eyes, thinking that he hated her. He was ignoring her since the morning after all.

Entering his room, Masato sighed. He felt really out of the place while eating down with Mamako. He had no knowledge of this body after all.

'I need to find where this place is ASAP. Seriously, at least give me the memories of this body. But first, Skill Screen,' he thought and another screen opened in front of him.



[Observe][Gamers' Mind][Gamers' Body][Mystic Eyes of Death Perception]

"What?! Why do I have Mystic eyes?" saying, Masato clicked on it as another window popped in front of his eyes.

[Mystic Eyes of Death Perception Level: 1/100 (0%) MP: 100/second]

As someone who has understood the basic concept of Death, you have unlocked the power to 'perceive death'. While using these eyes, you can see the 'Lines of Death'. Cutting such lines will allow the user to kill the target in the true sense.


"100MP per second? Well, I can't even use it right now," mumbling, Masato sighed, "Who thought that after watching death so many times and trying to understand it, I would gain such a boon. But this ability is useless to the current me. Even if I can use it, I don't have any knowledge of combat. To kill, I have to cut. And to cut, I have to fight. To fight, I need knowledge, that I lack."

Sighing again, he thought of experimenting with his ability for a later time. Right now, he needs to find out the world he was in. But maybe he was lucky, or lady luck was smiling upon him, Masato heard a loud explosion outside. It was too quiet and feeble, but he definitely caught the sound of it.

Running towards his window, he opened it to look in the direction where he felt the sound came from. He saw nothing much to his disappointment.

'Maybe I need to go out to find out where I am,' he thought when his eyes caught something black, akin to a dot, flying in the air with something big in front of it. Narrowing his eyes and trying to get a better view, Masato's eyes widen as his gaze landed on a girl with black hair, with several strands of hair hanging between her eyebrows. She was short and petit. She was wearing black Kimono like clothing. But that was not important, it was that she was holding a white standard katana in her hand as she faces something monster-like, which had a bone mask on its face.

"If my mind is not playing with me, and my eyes perceive what I am seeing, then she is definitely Kuchiki Rukia! Is this the world of Bleach?"


Ding! Quest [Find where you are?] has been completed!

As a gamer, you first should examine your surroundings and find where you are.

Rewards: 100XP. The knowledge of this body.

Failure: Be a dumb shit and never find out where you are.


Looking at the screen, Masato was happy that he found out the world he was in when he was suddenly assaulted with a great amount of knowledge and memories of his current body. Holding his head, he gritted his teeth.

After a moment or two, his sudden migraine finally calmed down.

"I see," after getting the memories of this body, Masato finally sighed. Since he could finally act 'normal' with Mamako and not creep her out with his sudden transformation in his behavior.

Looking back at where Rukia was fighting the hollow, he found the clear sky. It seems that she has already left after defeating the hollow.

"Since she is here, the plot must be about to start since she is still a Shinigami," Masato said before he heard the knock on his door.

"Ma-kun… are you alright? Is Ma-kun angry at the mother?" hearing her sobbing voice, Masato felt guilty even though he shouldn't. He knew that it was the feeling of this body, and he didn't hate it. He would have felt guilty even without the feelings of this body. Who wants to see such a cute mother crying, and that only because he ignored her?

'Damn. I really envy this Masako guy for having such a mother. Well, now she is mine,' shrugging, he went to his room door and opened it.

Mamako was standing at the other side with her hands clasped above her chest with tears in her eyes.

"I am sorry Okaa-san. I really had something to do. I am not angry at you or anything," Masato tried to calm her down. He felt like he needed to protect her at all cost.

"Really? Ma-kun is not angry with Okaa-san? You will not ignore Okaa-san, right?" she asked, her worries vanishing from her face.

Smiling guiltily, Masato hugged Mamako while gently wiping her tears from her eyes, "I am not. Please don't cry. It makes my heartache."

Mamako had sudden blush on her face when Masato hugged her while cleaning her face, but her face bloomed, hearing that he did not hate her. Hearing him saying that his heart ached to see her crying made her feel the warmth from her 'son'.

"Hm. Okaa-san will not cry," nodding, Mamako pinched his cheeks, "But Ma-kun! Why are you not ready for your school yet? You don't want to be late for your first day, right?"

"Ahhh! I-I wasssh abouuut to."

Smiling, Mamako left his cheeks before giving him a kiss on his right cheek, "Then you should. You can't be late on your first day, okay? You will ruin your first impression on your class and teacher. They will think that you are irresponsible," reprimanding her son, Mamako kissed his other cheek before leaving while sexually swaying her hips. Even if Mamako was unaware of it, she unconsciously wanted her son to treat her like a woman and not his mother.

Seeing the seductive sway, Masato smirked, "What can I say system… I love this game already."


The system is grateful that The Gamer likes the game.



Walking on the side of the pavement, Masato's eyes were unfocused as he looked at the screen in front of his eyes.


Name: Masato Oosuki

Class: The Gamer

Level: 2 (0%)

HP: 110 (55 per five mint.,)

MP: 100 (50 per mint.,)

CON: 110 (55 per mint.,)

STR: 8

VIT: 11

DEX: 11

INT: 10

WIS: 10

LUK: 12

States Point (SP): 5

Money: 100$


"So every stats increases one per level and five stats point to distribute among the stats, huh," while mumbling to himself, Masato kept walking in the direction of the school. He was wondering about which route he should take.

'Since this is the world of Bleach, should I go with close-combat? I also have Mystic eyes. It can be of great help in close-combat. But the thing is, it takes 100MP per second and I can only use it for a second currently. So first, I need to increase my INT. If I am not wrong, I should be able to raise my stats by doing a specific task e.g., lifting weight should increase my STR.'

Looking at his side, he used [Observe] on the passerby to check the status of a normal human, 'Average stat of every human is around 10-20. For now, I should level up a little before deciding which route I should take. First, I need to learn a skill I.D create — a prefect leveling up playground. I also need to think about my future actions and what I should do.'

'Since it's my first world, I have no idea when or how I can leave. So, for now, I'll think that I can leave either after completing a certain part of the plot or I have to wait for the plot to finish.' Masato thought. This was his first world, and he had no idea about how to leave it. Should he complete a certain objective or should he wait for the plot to finish? He had no idea. The Game also did not explain this stuff.


A Gamer should be adventurous and find everything by themselves.


"Yah, right," Masato clicked his tongue before he bumped into someone.

"Kyaa!" hearing the girlish sound, he looked down and saw a white panty of a girl, of course.

'Wow. Is this legendary bumping into a girl while going to your school?'

"Are you alright, Miss?" giving her his hand, Masato asked while admiring the figure of the girl in front of his eyes. He has to say, she was beautiful; especially, those knockers of her, 'Big!'

"Eh? Ah! Y-yes! I am sorry!" understanding her situation, the girl bowed.

"You don't have to apologize. In fact, it should be me who should apologize as I was not paying attention to my surroundings," waving his hand, Masato sheepishly smiled.


+10 affection with Orihime Inoue (10/100).


'Ohhh~! She is Orihime! I totally didn't know that. My memories are kinda fuzzy about this anime. It's quite old, after all.'

Looking at her clothes, Masato asked, "Em, are you from Karakura High School?" of course, he knew. Even with fuzzy memories, he remembers the name of the school.

Orihime, while dusting her clothes, nodded, "Yes. Oh! You are also a student of Karakura School?" she asked, seeing Masato also wearing the uniform of Karakura High School.

"I just transferred today," Masato replied before smiling, 'Since I have this cute face, might as well put it in good use.' "I am new to this town as we have just moved here. Can you lead me to the school? Since I don't the direction of it. Oh! By the way, my name is Masato Oosuki."

"It is nice to meet you, Oosuki-kun. I am Inoue Orihime," Orihime smiled, "You can come with me. I was going to school."

"Perfect! I am really thankful, Orihime," talking her hand, Masato innocently smiled. It was really hard to find it otherwise due to his adorable appearance. People would unconsciously let their guard down around him.



+5 affection with Orihime Inoue (15/100)


'Isn't it quite easy to earn her affection? Stop! I shouldn't jinx it!'

"Come. I'll lead you to the school, Oosuki-kun."

"Please call me by my name. I am not good with formalities. You can even call me Ma-kun if you want."

"Ma-kun?" Orihime shook her head, "I'll call you Masato then!"

"Um. Please do. By the way, Orihime, do you know a place called Urahara Candy Shop?" Masato asked. If he could, he wanted to know the location of Urahara's shop so he can avoid it. If he was afraid of someone in Bleach, then it would be Urahara and Aizen. Both were snakes that he did not want to associate with; especially, Urahara, since Aizen's zanpakuto was useless on him due to his skill [Gamers' Mind]. But that was not the case with Urahara. that guy would do anything for the soul society, and Masato knew that he was not a good guy. If he wanted something from the soul society, then he wouldn't mind using underhand tactics to get it, 'But… Yoruichi is also a part of Urahara Candy Shop, and she is must have waifu material in Bleach. So, should I involve myself with Urahara or not?'

"Emmm," with her finger on chin, Orihime thought for a second, "Oh!"

"Hm? Do you know?" seeing her face as if she had an epiphany, Masato asked, 'Maybe I can safe some of my time now from finding it myself.'

"Huh? No. I don't. I remember that I needed to buy groceries today," Orihime happily replied.

"Oh. I see…" Masato thought that he was an idiot for asking her. She was the mascot character of Bleach after all.

After walking for some time, both reached Karakura High School. It wasn't all that impressive, to be honest, just your normal high school. I mean, it was a town. What did you accept?

"Should I lead you to the teacher's office too, Masato?" Orihime asked, thinking he also didn't know the teacher's office.

"I would really appreciate that, thank you, Orihime," Masato nodded and replied with a polite smile.

Following Orihime, Masato kept user [Observe] two times every minute and tried to get as much information as he could. After using it on more than ten people, he found out that not everyone had stats in-between 10-20, some had a particular stat passing even 50s — really surprising. It made him realize how normal and ordinary he was.

'But not for too long. With the Gamer system, become the strongest existence wouldn't be that hard.'

"Oi! Orihime! You are finally here. The first period is about to start, hurry up!" both Orihime and Masato looked behind and saw a teenager of average height with black hair and brown eyes. Masato raised his brow as he tried to remember the name of the girl.

"Tatsuki-chan! Good Morning~!" Orihime, with a big smile on her face, waved her hand at the girl.

"Good Morning. Where have you been? You are almost late for the class. Now hurry up or we will be late," Tatsuki took Orihime's hand and dragged her towards the class but Orihime stopped her, "Wait, Tatsuki-chan. I need to lead Masako-kun to teachers' room."

"Masato-kun?" looking towards Masato, Tatsuki examined him from head to toe.


+5 affection with Arisawa Tatsuki for looking adorable (5/100)


"Hello, it is nice to meet you, Tatsuki-chan. I am Oosuki Masato," doing a polite bow, Masato introduced himself. He was also praising himself for looking adorable and getting free 5 affection points, 'I wish everyone will give me free points based on my looks only. Will reduce lots of my work.'

"Don't call me Tatsuki-chan! My name is Arisawa Tatsuki!" Tatsuki, with a frown on her face, replied.

Masato remembered that using the first name, for the first time, was not-so-welcome in Japan. But since he already has said it, he was not going to back down.

'Time to put my looks into use.'

"I-are you angry? I am sorry, I didn't mean to. It's just that, I am not good with formalities, and I thought we could be a close friend," Masato used the legendary puppet eyes technique, which was super effective with his looks.

"E-eh? No. I am not angry. Stop, don't cry, aright, you can call me whatever you want," waving her hand in front of her, Tatsuki hurriedly replied as she could see tears gathering in his eyes. She felt bad.

"Really. Then… Suki-nee-chan?"


+15 affection with Arisawa Tatsuki (20/100)


"Awww~! You look so cute Masato-kun!" Orihime rubbed her cheeks with him.

'Game… have I ever thank you for giving me this body? No? Then let me say this, I like it damn well!'


+5 affection with Inoue Orihime (20/100)


"Orihime. Stop hugging him like this, others are watching us," Tatsuki stopped her as people were gathering around them before she looked towards Masato, "Let's go. I'll lead you to the teacher's office."

"Please," Masato nodded while following behind her. "[Observe]" he murmured under his breath.


Name: Arisawa Tatsuki

Level: 26

HP: 200

MP: 198

CON: 185

STR: 24

VIT: 18

DEX: 26

INT: 16

WIS: 11

LUK: 11


'Wow. She is stronger than most of the people I have seen here, no, she is the strongest human I have seen till now. I wonder what will be the stats of Ichigo. That guy had the blood of all three races of Bleach in him — a fucking cheat, not that I am not,' Masato thought.

Ichigo had to start spiritual energy close to that of Lieutenant due to him having Shinigami, Hollow, and Quincy's blood and powers in him. Really. If Ichigo tried, then he could have become Soul King. Since, just like Soul King, he had all three bloodlines. So, his bloodline should be reaching close to that of Soul King, as Shinigami, and Quincy were sons of Soul King.

But he never had many ambitions. He fought to protect. Really, he had the same thought process as Yun Che: As long as I can protect my loved ones, I don't need power or any form of position — naïve thinking. Without absolute power, you cannot protect your loved ones. Who knows when or where an eccentric powerhouse comes and kills your family? At the time, you could only stand and watch, since you don't have the power to stop him.

That's why Masato was going to become the strongest. Since he knew, he has the system. He cannot live a normal life anymore and will be dragged into the fates of others one way or the other. Powerful people tend to gather others like them, whether they like it or not. It's their charisma.

Masato was aware; aware that no matter what he will do, he can't escape Aizens' eyes. That person had the whole Karakura town under his surveillance. Once he creates I.D Create, Aizen will found it. Since it's not a silent process, but using spatial laws to build an identical environment like the one he was standing in. About how Zombie and other stuff works? He had no idea. He just left it as something special only to the system.

"Here is the teacher's office, you can go in and check your papers," Tatsuki said, pointing towards the office.

"Thank you, Suki-nee-chan," showing his teeth, he gave his best smile. Seriously, he felt tired doing all this stuff. But booty comes before anything else. Since he had this appearance, might as well make it useful.


+5 affection with Arisawa Tatsuki (25/100)

+5 affection with Inoue Orihime (25/100)


"I-it's alright. Let's go Orihime," taking Orihimes' hand, Tatsuki left.

Masato smiled, seeing tiny blush on her face.

After completing his papers, Masato followed his teacher towards his class. Masato smiled looking at his teacher, who was acting quite clumsy and shy.

She was a tall and quite thin young woman with smooth waist-length light-brown hair that is tied back with bangs hanging over her forehead, hazel eyes, she wears natural style makeup. He could tell that she took care of her appearance a lot.

"Masato-kun, you are new to this town, right?" she asked, smiling at him.

If Masato did not know her character, then he might think that she was just a pure and innocent girl.


Name: Akane Minagawa

Level: 16

Affection: (5/100)

Thoughts about you: Thinks that you are innocent and wants to 'eat' you.


"Yes, Akane-sensei. I am new to this town. We have just moved this week due to some reasons," Masato answered while enjoying her back view. She really was beautiful.

"Is that so…" Akane licked her lips, though she had her hand on her lips, it did not escape Masatos' eyes, "You should be careful, okay?" leaning close to him, with her hands on her waist, Akane continued, "There are many dangerous people in this town. With your adorable looks, they might eat you away."

Masato's face 'flushed', hearing her, "S-sensei… what are you saying? It's indecent."

"Ara~, is Masato-kun is innocent. Don't worry, Sensei will make sure nothing happens to Masato-kun," Akane smiled while giving him a short hug, though her smile was not-so-normal for others.


+10 affection with Akane Minagawa (15/100)


"S-sensei… stop it," 'flustered', Masato replied.

'Just you wait, I'll make sure you beg for me to stop on the bed.'


Ding! Quest [Show your teacher her place.]

Your teacher wants to play with you and then throw you away. Show her that, as a gamer, only you are allowed to play with others.

Extra Objective: Fuck her senseless and make her your obedient slave.

Rewards: 5000XP, increase in the affection with Akane Minagawa, increase in obedience with Akane Minagawa, a skill book.

Extra Rewards: 10000XP. A massive increase in affection with Akane Minagawa. A massive increase in obedience with Akane Minagawa.

Failure: Be used by Akane Minagawa and thrown away. Akane Minagawa route closed.

Do you accept?



'Of course, I do. Heh! I'll show you when to not play with wrong people, little Akane-chan.'

A moment later, they reached their class. Akane opened the door and entered the class with Masato, "Attention class! We have a new transfer student today~,"

Her voice brought the class to stop as everyone hurriedly took their seats, "Come in, Masato-kun, introduce yourself."

"It is nice to meet you, everyone, my name is Oosuki Masato. Please call me Masato as I am not used to formalities. As Akane-sensei has said, I'll be spending my next two years with you all. So, please take care of me," doing a polite bow, Masato introduced himself the best he could. He really sucked at the introduction in his previous life. He remembered going on an interview and them asking: tell us four special things about you. He couldn't think of one.

"Oh~~! He is so adorable~!"

"Is he younger than us? He looks so young."

"Is your hair dyed, Masato-kun?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"What is your type?"


Akane clapped her hands to stop the constant flow of the questions, "Alright, calm down everyone. One question at a time."

Masato gave them his polite smile while replying to their questions, "No, this is my natural hair. Also, I don't have a girlfriend," his eyes landed on Orihime, his smile largening. Just as their eyes met each other, Masato gave a teasing smile, "I am still in the process of getting one."


+10 affection with Inoue Orihime (35/100)


Orihimes' face flushed a little as she could understand the hidden meaning behind his words. Thankfully, none seems to catch it or she would have died of embarrassment.

"Also, for my type? That's a secret~" Masato winked, gaining pouts from the girls.

"Good. Now you can take a seat behind Kurosaki-san," Akane smiled and spoke.

"Thank you, Akane-sensei," Masato nodded and smiled before going to take his seat.

Looking towards Ichigo, he gave him a nod before sitting in his seat.



Name: Kurosaki Ichigo

Level: 27

HP: 200

MP: 486

CON: 200

STR: 29

VIT: 18

DEX: 30

INT: 12

WIS: 11

LUK: 85


'What is with his mana and luck? What is this? Protagonist aura or something?' Masato was astonished, seeing his MP and LUC stats. He knew that Ichigo had higher spiritual energy than others, but to this that it was close to 500. And this was still when he was human. Masato knew that his spiritual energy would spike once he became a Shinigami. And the double boost after every release and his cheating ascension.

'I think I need to speed up the process a little. The plot is about to start and I want to be at least lieutenant level before Kuchiki comes. I ain't gonna miss that spicy arc of going to soul society,' Masato thought, 'But then I need to be in a good relationship with Ichigo at least. Knowing that Urahara would doubt me less if I have a relationship with Ichigo.'


"Please don't forget to review it at home, okay? I don't want you guys to get low grades," Akane said as the bell rang, indicating the end of the period.

"Yes, sensei~. We can't have our cute sensei to worry about us, now can we?" the other laughed, hearing this student while Akane pouted cutely, "Moo~, don't make fun of Sensei. I will get angry, you know." The whole class laughed, hearing her.

Masato, who was sitting behind Ichigo, was looking outside of the window while thinking of how to utilize his time. Since, due to [Gamers' Body], he had no need to sleep and eat. All he needed was to rest or meditate a little, and his HP, MP, and CON would restore. The perk of being a gamer character.

"Masato-kun, I heard that you are new to this town, do you want to hang out with us after school? We can show you around."

"Oi! Don't you have to go out with your sister after school, Keigo?"

"E-eh? Ah, Ha-ha-ha-ha… I forgot."

"Sigh. You are going to get your ass beaten by your sister again."

Keigo hurriedly gripped his head, "Don't say that! You don't get it. That's why you can say that. That gorilla sister of mine!"

"Oh, Mizuho-san."


"I was kidding."

"You bastard!"

While they both were fighting, Masato looked towards Orihime and Tatsuki, "Orihime, Suki-nee-chan, are you both free after school? I would really appreciate it if you can show me around the town."

"Man, don't talk with such stiff way of speech," Tatsuki said. She felt really uncomfortable with him talking so formally.

"We are free, Masato-kun. If you are okay with it, then I'll show you around the town," Orihime replied.

"Thanks. It would be really helpful since I am new to town and all," Masato wanted to get as close as he could to her before her brother attacked her. Since he thought that when her brother attached Orihime, that should be the perfect time for his debut in the supernatural world. It would look, at least, plausible. He can always say that he started to develop supernatural powers after getting in contact with Rukia, and being attacked by Hollow. Even Aizen wouldn't find that explanation weird. Since Hogyuko completed the wishes of those around it unconsciously.

"Then after the class ends, I'll wait for you, Masato-kun," Orihime happily said.

Masato nodded and looked to his front, at Ichigo, "Hello, I hope we get along together."

"Huh?" Ichigo looked back at him and shook his head, "Yeah, same. I am Kurosaki Ichigo."

"Where do you live, Masato-kun?" Mizurio asked.

"Hm. I live on the other side of Karasu River in Minamikawase, close to Sakurabashi," Masato explained. He was really glad that he at least had the memories of his address.

"You live quite close to Inoue-san and Chad-san," Mizurio replied, looking towards Chad, who just nodded his head, and Orihime, who was tilting her head in question.

"Ichigo and Tatsuki also lives in Minamikawase."

"That's great. Then we can go out together this weekend. It would help me in knowing you guys better. Same for you guys as you can know me better," Masato said, "What do you guys think?"

"I am free. So I don't mind," Tatsuki said.

"Are we going out together? I also want to~," Orihime joined, not really understanding much about the situation except the fact that they are going out. She spaced out a lot.

"What about you Ichigo?"

"I don't mind. I don't really have anything to do on weekends anyway," Ichigo yawned and answered. He had nothing to do on weekends and usually would spend his time loitering around at home or outside.

"Then I will come too. What about you, Keigo?" Mizurio asked, looking towards Keigo with a smile.

"Of course, I'll come! I don't want to go to Dojo with my sister! She beats the shit out of me every time!" Keigo answered.

"Good. Then let's exchange the contact info.," Masato proposed.

Others nodded and exchanged their contact information.

Just then the bell rings, indicating the start of the next period. Hearing the bell, the others went back to their seats as the class descends into the silence again.


It was afternoon and Masato was walking back to his home after going out with Orihime and Tatsuki. Not much had happened except the fact that he was able to raise their affection points by 5. Other than that, it was a normal outgoing.

Masato didn't know why, but their affection was rising at the same rate. He wondered if there was a reason behind this since both of them had the same affection level. Not that he minded it.

"Hm?" looking at his side, Masato tilted his head, "This feeling… is this spiritual power?"

This was his first time feeling this pressure. Though it was quite far away, he could tell that it was some form of energy. And the only energy in Bleach was spiritual energy or Reiryoku. So Masato thought that this was spiritual pressure that he was feeling.

"Should I… never mind. I am too weak currently. Should develop some skills first," Masato shook his head and continue his way back to his house.

Several minutes later, Masato reached his home and opened the door, "I am home," he greeted.

"Ma-kun~~~! You are back~. Okaa-san missed you," comes Mamako from the kitchen with an apron on. Even with the apron on, Masato could see her sexy and enticing body.

Smiling softly, Masato went and hugged Mamako while giving a kiss on her cheek, "I also missed you, O~kaa-san~," he gently whispered in her ears.

Hearing his voice close to her ear, Mamakos' body shivered before she gained control over herself, "Ara~, Ma-kun~, when did you learn to tease Okaa-san?"

"Do you hate it, Okaa-san?" Masato asked. He knew that his mother had masochist tendencies, though she hid it quite well.


"Of course, I was joking," cutting her, Masato laughed, "Okaa-san is just too cute to tease."

Mamako pouted, hearing her before she pinched his cheeks, "Moo~, don't tease me!"

"Hahaha! Sorry, sorry… It hurts!"

"Hurry up and ready for the dinner, I'll be waiting," Mamako, going back to the kitchen, said.

Masato nodded before going back to his room to change.

After changing, he went for dinner. With dinner finished, he went back to his room. Nothing much happened during the dinner except the fact that he teased Mamako a little. He was waiting for the right opportunity. He knew that she was not ready to close the last line. And Masato was in full mode to make sure she makes the first move; he will happily riposte to her advances.


Right now, Masato was standing in Tsubakidai Park alone. It was night as rays of the moon spill over the earth.

"Well, let's get started. This park, though close, is quite far away from my place. I mean, it's on the other side of the river," Masato mumbled to himself before he raised his hands in the air, separating his finger. Closing his eyes, he started to pour his energy into his hand while imagining himself entering a 'Protected Space'.

Protected Space; it was an artificial space created by people in Abyss. Since if people of Abyss disturbed the real world, they might get smith by Gaia. So, they would create a Protected Space that would not affect the real world and its inhabitant. Normally, a Protected Space is just an empty artificial space identical to that of the real world, but due to his gamer powers, it becomes something special.


Ding! Due to a specific action, a new skill has been unlocked!

[Instant Dungeon Create MAX MP: 50]

An ability to create instant dungeons. Coming in contact with different entities can unlock other dungeons.


Looking at his surroundings, Masato found out that everything has become eerily quiet. There was no sound of wind, insects, or any stray animal. It was complete silence.

"I just hope that no one else can enter it… though I highly doubt that. Since even in The Gamer, other people were able to enter others' protected spaces," Masato said. He knew that one with enough understanding of space laws could enter this space, but he was not sure. Since it could be that his ability made this space special. And he hoped so. He did not want to risk it.

"I have around 7 hours to train. I can't farm right now since I don't have any monster I.Ds. But according to the description of the skill, I should be able to create Hollow one once I come in contact with a Hollow," Masato said.

"First, Physical Enchantment," he said before he started to gather his mana around his body, thinking of trying to coat it in the mana layer.


Ding! Due to a specific action, a new skill has been unlocked!

[Physical Enchantment Level: 1/100 (0%) MP: 20/mint.]

Coating mana around your body to increase your body's physical strength.

+30% STR.

+30% DEX.


"Perfect. Status Screen."


Name: Masato Oosuki

Class: The Gamer

Level: 2 (0%)

HP: 110 (55 per five mint.,)

MP: 100 (50 per mint.,)

CON: 110 (55 per mint.,)

STR: 8 (+2.4)

VIT: 11

DEX: 11 (+3.3)

INT: 10

WIS: 10

LUK: 12

SP: 5

Money: 100$


"Hmmm. It's not much but still, I am at level one. Once I reach higher levels, I can have tremendous boast in my physical strength with this skill," he said, "Should I check the Mystic Eyes too?"

Looking at the boulder in front of him, Masato took a deep breath. Taking a kitchen knife out of his inventory, tightly holding it in his hand, he looked towards the boulder before activating his Mystic Eyes.

Suddenly, the world in vision broke into tinny cracks all over. Everything and everywhere his eyes fell, it was filled with cracks with different lines coming out of them. Masato knew that these were the 'Lines of Death'. So, without wasting any time, as he only had a second, he cut the line of the boulder in a swift motion… who is he kidding, he missed it miserably before slumping on the ground due to exhaustion.

"Huf… Huf… damn… it is a lot harder than I thought… to cut the lines that are," he said between his breath.


Ding! [Mystic Eyes of Death Perception] has leveled up!

[Mystic Eyes of Death Perception Level: 2/100 (23%) MP: 98/second]

As someone who has understood the basic concept of Death, you have unlocked the power to 'perceive death'. While using these eyes, you can see the 'Lines of Death'. Cutting such lines will allow the user to kill the target in the true sense.


"A level with a single-use? And its cost decreased by 2. If it decreased by 2 ever level then at level 50, it should become a passive skill," Masato sighed. He had a long road ahead of him till then.

"Let's try to get another skill," saying, Masato sat in a cross-legged position and closed his eyes, 'Guide my energy all the way to my dantian, below the ribs…'


Ding! Due to a specific action, a new skill has been unlocked!

[Meditation Level: 1/100 (3.3%)]

An ancient method of Chi recovery from China. It calms the mind of the user while increasing the rate of recovery. Can't be used during battle as the user has to sit still during it.

+50% HP regen.

+50% MP regen.

+50% CON regen.


Masato smiled, seeing the rate of his MP regeneration increasing, "This will increase my training time," he said.

"Now for the last two skills for today and then starting their training," he said, taking the kitchen knife in his hands.


Ding! Due to a specific action, a new skill has been unlocked!

[Kinfe Mastery Level: 1/100 (2.9%)]

Allows the user to freely handle knives. 10% increase in knife damage.

Ding! Due to a specific action, a new skill has been unlocked!

[Close-Comat Mastery Level: 1/100 (1.5%)]

Allows the user to freely fight in close-combat. 10% increase in attack damage while fighting in close-combat.


"Good. Now all I need to do is train, train, and train. Though I wanted to attain sneak too," looking at his surroundings, with no inhabitant to hide from, Masato sighed, "It seems that I'll have to learn it tomorrow at school."

To learn to speak, he needed to sneak from someone. Otherwise, the system will not consider it a skill. So, he thought of doing it tomorrow since there would be lots of chances to sneak.

"Yosh! Let's get started," pumping his fist towards the sky, Masato started his training. He activated [Physical Enchantment] and took the knife in his hand while looking towards the boulder. After seeing his MP bar going completely full, he activated his eyes as they turned rainbow-colored. Seeing the 'Line of Death', Masato again tried to cut it. This time, he felt his motions to be smoother than before. Probably because of [Knife Mastery].

As he cut the line, Masato was astonished to see the big boulder being cut into two pieces. Following the Line, his knife cut through the boulder like a hot knife through butter. Even though he knew the effects, seeing it with his own eyes was a completely different experience.

Seeing his MP back to zero, he sighed and sat in a meditation pose.

After getting his MP back, he repeated the process. Cut. Meditation. Cut. Meditation. He kept repeating this process over and over for 6 hours. At the end of the sixth hour, he stopped training as he needed to go back home before Mamako woke up.

"This is not bad," Masato smiled in satisfaction as he looked at his skills.


[Physical Enchantment Level: 6/100 (58.2%) MP: 17/mint.]

Coating mana around your body to increase your body's physical strength.

+65% STR.

+65% DEX.

[Mystic Eyes of Death Perception Level: 4/100 (23%) MP: 92/second]

As someone who has understood the basic concept of Death, you have unlocked the power to 'perceive death'. While using these eyes, you can see the 'Lines of Death'. Cutting such lines will allow the user to kill the target in the true sense.

[Meditation Level: 5/100 (32%)]

An ancient method of Chi recovery from China. It calms the mind of the user while increasing the rate of recovery. Can't be used during battle as the user has to sit still during it.

+100% HP regen.

+100% MP regen.

+100% CON regen.

[Kinfe Mastery Level: 9/100 (68.1%)]

Allows the user to freely handle knives. 90% increase in knife damage.

[Close-Comat Mastery Level: 7/100 (32%)]

Allows the user to freely fight in close-combat. 70% increase in attack damage while fighting in close-combat.


Nodding to himself, Masato raised his hand in the air and wised to escape the I.D.

Cracks started to form in the sky as if a glass about to shatter.


With the sound, his surroundings broke like glass.


Ding! Due to a specific action, a new skill has been unlocked!

[Instant Dungeon Escape MAX MP: 50]

An ability to escape instant dungeons.


Seeing that it is dawn and the sun is about to come out, Masato was about to start running in the house direction before he abruptly stopped, "Shit! Why didn't I thought of it before?!" he shouted, "Whatever, I'll try it now."

He said as he started to gather mana below his feet. As more mana gathered under his feet, Masato thought of exploding the mana, trying to propel himself straight ahead.


In a flash, he appeared 5 meters away from his initial position but couldn't stop himself as he stubbled for some distance before stopping himself.


Ding! Due to a specific action, a new skill has been unlocked!

[??? Level: 1/100 (0.2%) MP: 10]

By gathering mana under your soles, you can propel yourself further with extra speed.

Current Distance: 5 meters

Since this is a skill created by the gamer, please name it.


"Name, huh. Well, should I call it flash step?"


Do you want to change the name to 'Name, huh? Well, should I call it flash step?"?



"How about a single step to reach heaven?" Masato thought, ignoring the prompt of the system in front of his eyes, "Forget it. I'll go with the flash step too. If they want to copy-write me, they can give it a try."


[Flash Step Level: 1/100 (0.2%) MP: 10]

By gathering mana under your sole, you can propel yourself further with extra speed.


Nodding to himself, Masato used flash steps and started to run in the direction of his home. After doing it 10 times, he started to run normally for one minute before again using it 10 times. This way, it didn't take him more than 30 minutes to reach his home. He even got +1 points in his DEX and STR along the way. Of course, he was not worried about being caught by anyone as the sun has not risen yet and he could not feel any spiritual energy nearby.

Though if Urahara and the black cat were near, he couldn't tell.

With this, his first day in his new world was finally ended.


Hello, everyone! meatball-chan here!

First, I would like to say that my other ff (King of Seven Realms) will be on hiatus. I got kinda bored with it. Since I was reading some gamer fics, I wanted to write one myself. And so here it is.

I would also like to say that though Masato looks like a kid in the pic, by no means he is. I just picked the picture to give you guys a general idea of how he looks like.

Now let's talk about the updates, I have no idea. I am trying, you know. With my University shutting down again (those bastards opened it so they can take exams physically and then shut it down! Saying BS like we are following SOPs. Could have taken the exams online too.), I have more time on my hands now, not really, but I'll try to upload, at least, a chapter per week.

Of course, it would not be short in length, minimum would be 10k (I hope), it could be a little up and down but not by a large margin.

With that being said, Here's the discord link. You can find character pics there: https://discord.gg/r5Q2z9HqYp


meatball_san meatball_san

Ah~! <3

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