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Chương 20: CHAPTER 19:WHO AM I?


"What the fuck just I do?" I mutter as I am in my lair watching my monitor that is thought the news about my fight against Warbird and Spiderwoman.

"Boss, in that fight 35 people are injured and no death." L informs me making me release a sigh of relief.

I surely will not be able to get a peaceful sleep if I heard some people die because of that battle that I initiated.

"Peter Parker will not like this if he knows about this. Gosh, I let innocent people in danger. " I run my forehead.

"Who am I? Kaito Haimura? Peter Parker?" I tap the table with my finger as I close my eyes and then I slap my forehead.

"You fool. You are just a guy who inhabited Peter Parker's body but at the cost no spider-powers but in return, no tumour in your brain has healing capability and sense danger like spider-sense. You also have the ULTIMATRIX for you to use. You just want to pay back what those people do toward Peter.

Is it wrong? No. It is not wrong. Why? Because I said so. The Avengers so far has portrayed themselves as godlike being with no one dares to touch them. Resurrecting people they care when they are dead. Not believing a kind man who gets possessed by that fucking Octopus. Yes. That is it.

KILL. I AM GOING TO KILL THEM ALL. Who the fuck gives damn care when they ruined Peter's life. Oh yeah. What am I? A good samaritan accepts their apology and becomes their friends back. NO! Enough with GOOD HERO ACT!

FUCK THIS MARVEL WORLD!" I said with venom as I punch the wall.

"Even Peter curse this world to go to hell in his final moment. So be it." I added as I look at the Ultimatrix.

"Ultimatrix. Have you completed scanning all the life forms I'm this universe?" I ask as the Ultimatrix glow green.

"75%," Ultimatrix replied.

"Display only all the forms that you have scanned. Do not show any life form that is not from this universe." I commanded as the Ultimatrix been 3 times as it rises to reveal a hologram of a figure that I know very much making me smile.

"Now, this makes me happy," I mutter.


"Fuck. That guy is going to get his ass beaten by me the next time I see him." Warbird mutters as she is recovering herself in the med bay with beside her is Jessica.

"Carol. About the blood,"

"We have Sue analysed it for us. The moment the result is up, we will know if that'," Carol froze her words as she is gripping her fist to not lash out after remembering what that Zero said to her as both heroines are taking their time to comprehend and relax after what happened.

"What if he is Peter Parker?" Jessica mutters making the blond hero snap her head to look at her friend with a stunning gaze.

"Are seriously going to believe that Zero guy? He could be another damn clone like Kaine." Carol said as she refuses to believe that Zero is Peter Parker.

"I-I do not know how to say this Carol but seeing his face just make me remember about Peter," Jessica told her friend as then the door of their ward opened revealing Black Widow or her real name, Natasha Romanoff enters the roof along with She-Hulk.

"So girls, I heard you get your ass kicked by this Zero. Anything you want to tell us during your confirmation against him?" The red-haired spy asks both heroines.

"He did not win against us, Natasha," Carol respond with an annoyed and angry tone hearing that statement.

"And you did not win against him too." The spy replied with a blunt tone as Carol huff in anger hearing that.

"Say this Zero guy, have we had any clue regarding his real identity?" Jessica asks as Carol glance at her.

"No. Somehow every time he appears the cameras will be lag even when he does his mission escorting senator children," Natasha replied as she take out bubble gum and throw it into her mouth.

"Heh. Next time she appears I am going to smack him and knock him out cold." Jennifer said as she throws a punch upward.

"Just do not get your ass get beat by him, Walters," Natasha replied making the Hulk's cousin shoot a glare which did not scare the Russian spy at all.

"Say. I have been wondering about this but what is that thing that Zero held in his hand that make you fight with him?" Jennifer asks Jessica who then take out something under her pillow revealing a Spiderman mask that has one of the lense missing with tears on it.

"Huh. Parker's mask." Natasha commented as deep in her heart she misses that spiderling since she has a romantic history with him which she enjoys a lot.

"We just visited Peter's old apartment when we sees Zero there with this mask. Then the fight initiated. He irks me a lot." Carol grip her fist in anger remembering her encounter with Zero.

"Oh. What is the odd chance of him to be there? Maybe the Spidey has an enemy that knows his picking place and decides to thrash it?" Jennifer said making the other heroine ponder in thought.

"But what makes me feel very weird is that last moment? Something happens that makes you both stunned." Natasha looks at Carol and Jessica who avoid her stares.

"Tell us what happened at that movement." Said, Natasha but both keep quiet at her request.

"Just something that we need confirmation about," Jessica replied as she look at the mask she has been keeping.

"Say, do you guys know any Peter Parker clones that we never find before?" Carol shoot a question.

"Well, we need to ask Scarlet Spider for that question Carol. Why?" Natasha asks the half breed heroine.

"Just wondering Romanoff," Carol replied but the spy catches the uncertainty in her tone.

"Hmm. Maybe she knows something that she did not dare to tell. The same goes for Jessica. Well, I guess I need to let them take a break and then ask them what the hell " The spy thought in his head.


"Valerie, come on, let me play with it too." A blond kid who look around 6 years old said toward another blond-haired girl who is holding a figure of Spiderman.

"No. You already hold this Spiderman figure for an entire day so that means I can hold it too with the same amount." Valerie replied.

"But it is already a day," Franklin tells her sister.

"No. It's only 12 hours since I hold this figure." She replied to her brother who tried to snatch it from her hand but she avoids his attempt and stuck out her tongue at him.

And the brawl between brother and sister beginner the Spiderman figure as both of them roll over the floor until the figure slip out from Valerie's hand as it landed on a rock thigh.

Then a rock hand pick up the figure.

"Franklin, Valerie. Do not fight with each other." Ben Grim or the world know him as The Thing said as both children look at him not bothering to answer him.

"Give us the figurine," Franklin said to him as The Thing sighed in sadness.

"Are you still angry with us?" He asks both children who did not bother to look at him as Valerie take the Spidey figure from his hand as both children walk away from him.

Once again he releases a sigh of sadness as he looks at his palm that once held a figure of his friend who he had damn.

"Webhead." He said in a low tone as he even though he has a rock face a regret expression can be seen on his face. He then hears footsteps from behind him and sees a blond-haired man with blue eyes walking toward the refrigerator taking out a bottle of orange juice.

And they did not say anything like they usually do as they will insult and bicker with each other but now rarely do they do those.

The Thing looks at Johnny Storm who did not look cheerful like he usually does.

"Hey Flamehead, you do anything today?" The Thing asks the hero who looks at him.

"No." He replied in a dull tone which makes Ben cringe hearing his tone as he heard the same tone these past days.

"Good. I am thinking about strolling around. You up for it?" He asks Johnny who look at his glass as he is contemplating very important in his head.

The Thing then stands up and take his glass with Johnny's as he washes them in the sink.

"I will take that silence as a yes Matchstick. I will wait for you downstairs. If you do not get downstairs in 5 minutes I am going to kick your ass to the moon." Ben said to Johnny who nodded his head.


"Say, Ben, where will we go?" Both members of Fantastic Four now are walking through the street with Johnny is behind the big man who did not bother to hide his appearance since he got used to their gazes that were directed toward him.

"I don't know Johnny. I just want to stroll around this city to get some fresh air and clear up my mind." Ben said as his eyes linger around.

Johnny meanwhile keeps doing the same until his eyes catch something.

"Hey how about we have a hotdog?" Johnny asks Ben who follows his gaze making him remember one hero who seems to like that food a lot.

"Sure. But you'll pay for them." He said to Johnny with a sly smile which Johnny responded with a simple nod.

"Figures. If this is the normal him he will retire or make fun of me." Ben thought in his head as both heroes goes to the hotdog stall.

"How many do you want bro?" The owner asks as Ben replied to him.

"4," Ben replied as the owner did not even comment on his appearance the same goes for Johnny as both of them are quite well known with then did not attempt to hide their identity.

"Here for you heroes. Hope you enjoy them." The owner gave them the hotdog with Ben grabbing 3 and Johnny gran the remaining one.

Ben munch both hotdogs at once as he savours the tasty food in his mouth.

"Haha. Damn it's been a long time since I serve heroes. The last time I serve one, he makes a fuss about it and ends up eating mine almost every day." The owner suddenly starts a conversation with them.

"Huh. Sound like one of my friends." Ben commented as he glance at Johnny who has stopped eating his hotdog.

"Say. I've been wondering if you know where is the Spidey? I mean not the Scarlet or that Black coloured Spiderling? I mean the old blue and red Spidey. I feel like it's been year's since he swing around this city and eat at my stall. I had to admit I miss his jokes." The owner said making Bento frown in sadness hearing that with Johnny just look down as he finish eating his hotdog.

"H-he's" Johnny's words stop as he did not know what to say about that hero with Ben patting his shoulder.

"Oops. Sorry if this is a sensitive question for you heroes. It just seems lonely you know. I mean I lost count of how many times I sees that Spidey stop by to my stall to eat hotdog, help that old lady to walk across the street, beat Rhino at that street, web up Vulture at that top of the building and I will not forget how he stops a bus from crashing to me with others when Juggernaut throw it toward us. He seems to be a great man. I am not his close friend but even I know when he is happy and when he is sad. Gosh. Sometimes ai can see how tired he is a bit still he keeps swinging around this city to keep us safe. Damn, some bastards just did not know how to appreciate that guy to take care of us streets people. Especially Jonah. If he is in front of me I will slap his stupid face with my hand any time." The owner rambled as both heroes nodded solemnly hearing that.


Now they are in a comic store with them where some of the kids wear Spider costumes making them feel as if the universe is mocking them for what they do toward Spider as ever they go they will see his face.

Johnny then grabbed one costume with Ben decided to grab 2 figures of Spiderman for Franklin and Valerie, both of who liked that hero as deep in his heart he hole he can be closer toward them.

Both of them paid for the items they bought as they walk back toward their apartment.

Arriving at their living place they go toward the dining table as they see children who now is watching Spiderman fight against Doctor Octavius on a tablet that has a case of Spiderman symbol.

"Valerie, Franklin, here, Spiderman figures. I hope you liked them." Ben put both figures on the table as he did not bother to see their faces with Johnny sitting across them.

"Are you still mad at us Franklin, Valerie?" Johnny ask both kids with a solemn tone as they look at their uncle.

"Yes." Both of them replied at the same time.

"Uncle Johnny. You did not believe Spiderman when he said that Doctor Octopus reside his body. " Franklin said to him.

"And you did not bother to help him when he need your help," Valerie added.

"But the worst of all you guys abandoned him," Franklin said as he glares at his uncle.

"Spidey is a kind man. He is never a liar. But you did not bother to listen or to at least investigate hair word actions." Valerie commented after his brother.

"He has helped our family so many times. He is your best friend. What kind of best friend did not believe what his friend told him?" Franklin said as all the utensils keep shaking as Valerie grasp his brother hand to calm him down.

"Franklin is right. You guys are jerks. And now with him is gone, you guys now realise of what he said is true. In our eyes, he always is a hero. The best and amazing one." Valerie added as he with Franklin walk away from Johnny who closes his eyes as he grasp the Spidey costume he bought as Ben just sits on the sofa.

"They are right." Johnny suddenly said as Ben looked at Johnny who has a regret expression on his face, the expression he always has on his face whenever Spidey is mentioned.

"We all know that. But some does not." Ben commented as then a new figure enter the dining table.

"So you guys are back." Susan Storm commented as she pick up her children players and proceed to wash them.

"So where did you guys go today?" She asks.

"Out from this building," Johnny replied as his sister looked at his brother.

Her eyes then catch what is on his hand as she looks away but it can be seen she got her lip in frustration.

"Those are nice gifts you bought," Susan said.

"Yeah. It makes me remember that Webhead who always hang with us." Ben commented as Johnny take out the costume from its package.

"Do you think he will forgive us?" Johnny asked as Susan sit across him as she smiles sadly looking at the costume.

"I don't know how to reply to that. But if it was me in his situation, I will not." Susan replied in a sad tone.

"Me too," Ben answered as he open his television to watch some news but all of them shows the fight between Warbird and Spiderwoman against Zero.

"Now I remember Jessica ask me to analyse a blood sample". Susan said as she remembers how the female spiderling gives her that.

" Why? Does it belong to someone or this Zero?" Ben ask the Invisible Woman who shrugs her shoulder.

"I do not know but Carol is adamant to keep the result a secret and request me to only tell them," Susan replied.

"But I will do it tomorrow. I need to sleep. You to Johnny. You look like Panda right now." She said to her brother who just nodded his head as he then enter his room leaving the Thing alone in the living room.

"I miss you Webhead. We all do." The Thing said as he shut off his television and proceed to go to his bedroom.


At the hotdog stall, the owner who's named is Lee is currently sitting on his chair as he decides to call it a day when a male approaches him.


"Sup. Can I have 2 hotdogs, please?" I greeted this Lee guy who I know own the hotdog stall that the old Peter Parker always visited and eat

"Sure. You can sit on that chair." Lee said as I take my seat and just enjoy my time as my phone vibrates as I see a private message from Rudy as I give him my number after he plead with me for 10 minutes straight to give him my number.

"Great. Another escort mission----huh? Seriously? That place. Damn great." I commented as I feel really happy to know which place I will go next.

"Here you go, lad." Lee gives me my hotdog as I eat them as I can sense Lee stares at me.

"Do I have anything on my face?" I ask him as he rubs his head sheepishly.

"It's just that you kinda remind me of someone." He replied.

"Who?" I ask him.

"Spiderman. The Amazing One." He replied as I just smiles hearing that.

"What is the resemblance that made you remained me of him?" I ask him.

"Your voice. I have served Spiderman hotdog so many time during winter, fall and summer. But it is just my guts feeling that make me feel that you resemble him." Lee replied honestly as I finish eating my 2 hotdogs as I take out 10000 dollars from the duffle bag as I give it to him.

"Whoa. This is a lot." He exclaims as I just smile at him.

"Consider this as thanks for still remembering me, Lee. Your hotdog still is the same. Tasty as usual." I said to him with a simple as his eyes widen in recognition as I quickly walk say from him ignoring his shout.

Pulling up my left sleeve I activate my Ultimatrix as I decide to do some patrol in this city.

As if the universe wants me to be a hero an explosion happens as I see a giant robot that resembles Iron Monger from the MCU but with weapons like War Machine, which mean many rocket launcher and battling hung with other bn h of weapons that are ready to be released.

"Okay. Time to go Hero." I exclaim as this night is far from over.

A flash of green occurs as I had to squeeze my huge body out from the alley as I release a roar that can be heard through the whole city.

Time to announce me as a walking dinosaur in this city.

"Come at me you overgrown scrap metal. " I roar at this Iron Monger as we both run to each other.

Seriously now this feels like Jaeger face-off against Kaiju right now like in the Pacific Rim. Not that anyone in this universe knows about it.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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