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Chương 13: CHAPTER 12: HARLEM 1


"Incredible." Reed Richard mutter as he, Tony Stark, Professor X, Ant-Man and Beast all look at a certain video of Four Arms blasting a curing beam toward The Lizard who has returned to the normal human back.

"And we have taken a look at Doctor Connor's DNA. It has made him become a normal human back." Beast said toward them.

"This symbol or should I say device, a shape-shifting one and has a beam that can correct any anomaly in the gene," Reed concluded of what he sees of Ultimatrix capability so far.

"That is about it. Okay, and we manage to get some footage from the underground station discovering the same thing happens with all the infected people who have become normal human back." Tony said while showing footage of what happened in the underground station.

"It's official. I want to see this guy and ask about his device." Reed said.

"Urghh. Yeah, I also want to have a long talk with him." Ant-Man said while holding his back.

"Have Jarvis find any of his track that can lead us to his home or secret lair?" He continued.

"No," Tony replied with a solemn tone.

"How can that be?" Professor X wonders.

"Because there's a third party that takes control of all the security cameras whenever this Enforcer guy showed up," Tony replied.

"Did you think he is a military guy?" Reed shot a question toward them.

"Maybe. Since he is with Secret Service." Tony replied as his hand keep typing something.

"Damn it. Whoever this third party, he or she or it hide the track of Enforcer very well." Tony said as he ushers away the recording that just makes him annoyed.

"I am more interested in this creature. Many of them have the same symbol and this shapeshifter changes his appearance whoever he hit this symbol. Perhaps, the real identity of the shapeshifter is among the alien?" Reed opened up a question.

"Or Skrull try to mess with us again by doing a different way to shale shift," Tony said as they all go quiet.

"Way to kill the mood Stark," Ant-Man said as he walks out of the room to spend time with his ant team leaving the mutant with both genius leader of the respective team alone.

"The Junior Avengers, they encountered him, right?" Tony ask as Professor X sigh.

"Yes, and they all are the first ones to initiate the stack first so it is not this Enforcer's fault." Professor X said to the Billionaire.

"Whoever this Enforcer guy, he hates the sight of us," Beast commented.

"Not everyone like us after what we all have done," Reed muttered in a sombre tone as he walks out of the room.

"I also need to go, sometimes I wonder if I should give up my position as the Director of SHIELD. It is fucking boring and tiring at the same time. I miss the old day where I just create many different of armour without having to attend important meetings every single day." Tony mutters as the bald mutant chuckle hearing that.

"We too shall return to our turf," Beast said as he pushes Professor X wheelchair out of the room.


"Okay. This is the last step." I who now is in my human form is staring at a large computer that looks like Bat Computer in a cave that is still being decorated as I twist the Ultimatrix finding a certain red alien.

My hand smack it down as I grow shorter with me now wears an aviator's outfit which comes with an ascot. My skin has changed to a more crimson-red and is much smoother. My eye has black pupils with my ears are now spiked, and my nose is bigger. I also have a spike on my chin and one near each of y eyes. The Omnitrix symbol is now on my waist.

"Jury Rigg!" I announced as I head to the table that has any equipment that I have created using 2 of my alien form, Grey Matter and Upgrade.

"Disassemble!" I shouted in glee as my hand became blurry as I keep entering many stiffs from all the equipment to build "something".

For an hour, I have now been in this form as I have finished building it as in front of me is a Battery that is the same size as me as many wires, circuits, a special case that envelop it with it has a number "10" on the base and up of it and lastly, it can turn into a small robot.

"Okay. Now, time to turn this baby on." I shouted as I snap my hand as the battery seems to come into life as the battery clearance which is half black and white with the middle is the Ultimatrix symbol with green circuits like the Upgrade's body glows as then a hologram face appeared on the face above the Ultimatrix symbol in a green hologram as two pair of hands and legs formed from the main body as it approaches me.

He then stares at me and then kneels toward me.

"My master." He greeted me as I grin madly knowing the setting as a loyal butler paid off with the voice that sounded like Sebastian from Black Butler.

"Morph into the form that I have set up for you," I said toward him as its body morphed like the Transformium from the Transformer Movie as it now has changed into a Lockdown but in a human form as it continues to kneel before me.

"Tell me L, have you download all the information of this universe," I ask him as he looks at me.

"80% sir but as of we are speaking right now, it has to turn into 81%." He replied.

"Download your mainframe toward this computer and this house along with other electronic equipment you found in this house. Also, give " Q", the nerfed version of you toward my contact who is named Amy right now." I command him.

"As you requested." L said as his eyes shine green as I messages, Amy, for an incoming AI frame that I will send to her for her to use and send toward Secret Service.

"All those command you have requested have been completed, sir. I will not enter this Internet and will follow this " Jarvis" you are talking about. I will copy all data from him without him knowing." He said to me as I return to my human form as a message comes from Amy arrives as I see she wants to call me.

"Good. Continue your work and decorate this lair of ours to my liking. I already give you the sketch and pictures of it in your head." I said to him.

"Yes, Master." He said to me as I go up toward my bedroom to have a chat with Amy.

"May you have a good night sir." He bid goodbye to me as I pat his shoulder.

"Peter, this is amazing. This AI of yours. It simply is brilliant. With this AI right now, we now can prevent anything to hack into our system without me monitoring." She said to me.

"And our network frame now has its guardian with me can focus on being your eye while the AI will handle the hacking and become our eyes from the satellite." She said to me.

"Yeah. Make sure you tell Mike to tip me more. The Secret Service can use that AI for all I care. I have spent many nights building it with my aliens." I told her as she laughs hearing that.

"Oh man, I am going to have a nice time with this AI you have sent toward me. I am going to explore what this baby can do." She said to me.

"Have a great time with her?" I tell her.

"You made a female?" She asks me.

"Yup," I replied.

"Nice." She said as she starts to giggle.

"So, call me anything if you wanted help or is there a job for me to do. I am going to be busy relaxing in my comfy bedroom." I told her.

"Yeah, just don't get fatter Peter." She said to me making me laugh as we ended our call by saying goodbye to each other.

Having an AI is good since they can monitor all the network frame preventing any hacker from hacking you or gives an alert to you in case anything and happen in the network frame.

Lying on my bed, I start to think about what I am going to do tomorrow.

"Hmm. Let's just goes to another town tomorrow by the sweet bike that I have bought, Kawasaki Z1000." It was black with red lining across the body that glows during the night and my bike front and backlight are red coloured with both tyres has a blue light on the rim.

Yup, I am following the same concept and design from Robocop.

Even the helmet is almost identical to Robocop with the jacket is the same.

When I bought it, it was purely in black but due to my alien's help, I can create it to whatever I want with the helmet and jacket is being built by myself using my smartest alien.

Okay, enough geeking out about Robocop. Time to have a good sleep.



A black motorcycle just surpasses many vehicles in the road as they all see me who is also like Robocop as I cannot help but smirk whenever people stare at me.

"Sir, do you perhaps want to go to Harlem?" L asks me as my helmet has a communicator and interim surface like Iron Man has.

"Maybe. I did not know where to go so I decide to go there." I tell him.

"Very well then sir. For how long will you stay in that city?" He asks me.

"Well, Mike did not call me so maybe 2 or 3 days," I replied.

"Do you perhaps want me to book me a room for you to rest sir?" He asks me.

"That will be great help L. Just find the one which is the most comfortable." I talk to him.

"Very well then sir." L replied as he ended the call as I have brought 2 canvas that I placed behind on my bag that we filled with cloth, underwear and pant.

Arriving in Harlem. the first thing I find is a restaurant since I need to have my lunch as I find a pizza place called Harlem Pizza.

I park at the motorcycle parking place which makes a dude who rode a scooter park beside me es seeing my bike.

"Nice ride there." He commented when I take off my helmet.

"Thanks. I decorated it by myself." I said to him.

"Then you are one fine designer." He said to me as I just smirk as I hope down with the bike make a beeping sound as it turned into a safety mode.

My helmet is placed on my bike as it made a humming sound like no one able to take it from me as my bike did not have a key rather a fingerprint as whenever I touch the bike, it will activate itself.

Entering the place, I see there are many people here as I go to the counter order Margherita Pizza and Pepperoni Pizza with flavoured sparkling water.

Waiting for my order for about 10 minutes, I bring the tray that has my pizzas and my drink to a table that is at the right corner of this place that no one sits as I put my tray down with me take out my phone only to remember that if any messages arrive, L will tell me so I put my phone back into my pocket as I start to munch the pepperoni pizza.

It was delicious as I finish eating it and then proceed to eat my second pizza when a female voice sounded near me.

"Excuse us but is this place free?" I turn my head up only to widen as I see a heroine that I almost want to hit the dial of the Omnitrix but I calm down.

Jessica Jones, a female heroine that is stronger than a normal human, besides her Fogy, Ben Ulrich and Claire Temple.

"Yeah. It is free." I said to her as I look at them while munching my pizza as they only had one pizza to eat.

"Guess you must be pretty hungry huh?" Ben ask me as I smile hearing his question.

"Yeah. Besides I am a fan of pizza though only eat once in 2 weeks." I tell him as I thank him that Jessica did not notice me since I did not change my appearance at all.

Yup, I just want to let the people that has wronged me that I am fucking alive enjoying my new life while waiting for the chance to fuck them up.

"Have we met before?" Jessica asks me as I keep smiling at her.

"Maybe?Or maybe not." I replied in a playful tone as Jessica now stares at me from my head to my feet.

"I swear I have seen your face before." Jessica mutter as I never bother to introduce myself as I munch my pizzas as my head sting in pain as an image of a truck that suddenly goes haywire and hit the customers who just enter this pizza place and behind the truck is 2 fools who have shot the front tyres since they need to goes faster than the police who are chasing them.

Luckily, I am on my last slice of pizza as I gulp or in one bite and finish my drink quickly as ai stand up.

"Well, good meeting with you guys," K said toward them as I quickly mutter a sentence toward Jessica.

"Say hi to Luka Cage too Knightress," I mutter as she widens her eyes hearing that as I walk away from her.

"What's wrong Jessica?" Ben who noticed her surprised ask the heroine.

"That guy. He said my old hero name even though people know me more as Jewel." She mutters to him.

"Have you guys seen this guy before?" She asks them as they all shake their head.

"I am going to tell Luke about this. Someone who knows my hero identity which is a past one is not good." Jessica said toward them as then they heard a screeching sound as they all sees a truck that almost hit a family as Jessica is ready to stop it only to see a huge red man that stops the truck.

"Red skin and has four arms. Wait for a second, that guy is the Enforcer." Foggy said as Jessica take her phone out as she calls Luke.

"Hey Jess, what's up?" Luke ask her.

"Luke. He is here." She said toward him.

"Who is here Jessica?" Luke ask her back.

"The Enforcer." She replied as Luke keep quiet.

"Great. Now I can pummel him for injuring my spider friends. Tell me where you are right now?" Luke ask Jessica.

"Harlem Pizza." She replied.

"Only 15 minutes from where I am right now. I am going to bring Danny or Daredevil with me while you keep following that Enforcer." Luke said toward Jessica.

"Fine. Make sure come here quickly, I am not that confident enough to take on this guy." Jessica said.

"Okay. See you soon." Luke ended the call.

Meanwhile, I am now sighing relief as I manage to stop the truck before hitting a fairly father, mother and a son who now is approaching me.

I did not take notice of this as I open the driver door and unclip the driver seat belt as I carry the driver out from the truck.

I laid him on the ground while checking him. It seems he just passed out due to the sudden stop which makes him bump into the steering wheel.

I then look at the father who now is looking at me.

"Can you call the cops and an ambulance?" I ask him as he nodded his head as he takes out his phone to call them as the little bit now is approaching me.

"Whoa. You are the Enforcer. You are massive like the Hulk." He said to me as I just grin hearing that.

"Enforcer is not my hero name kid I prefer myself to be called Zero. Tell that toward your friends." I told him while patting his head as he seems to be smiling widely being patter by me.

A motorcycle passes by me as I see it is a blue Suzuki Gixxer.

And the passenger right now keeps shooting blindly toward a police car with his Skorpion.

"Need to smack that thing away." I slap my Ultimatrix as I become the blue fur speedster as I run toward them and snatch his weapon from his hand as I put it into the co-pilot seat which surprises him.

"Take care of it," I said to him as an run past the bike and slap my Ultimatrix back turning me back to Tetramand as I run toward them as I deliver a straight punch hitting both of them as the driver has his helmet lense crack as both of them get push backwards hitting the cop's car front bumper as the bike have been stopped my lower arms.

And the money bag now is on my and as I throw it toward the cop as they both approaches me.

"Please do not point your guns toward me or I will be so upset." I thought in my head.

"Thank you for your assistance to capture these robbers." The one who is the driver of the car thanks me as I just smile toward him knowing he did not point his gun toward me.

"You have been a great help Enforcer." The other one said.

"Not Enforcer but Zero. That is my Hero Name. Spread it for my fans to call me that. Until we see each other again." I bid them goodbye as I leap toward a roof as I tap the Ultimatrix to blend into the society as I have turned back to my human form.

The roof has a door that did not been unlocked so I am lucky to get out of that building that seems to have some people living in it.

"All the cameras in that area have been controlled by me sir so no one will see your action or when you transform back to your human form." L said to me through ear com that is placed directly below my earlobe that has been camouflaged to match my skin colour.

"Good. Keep notify me if there are any villain or illegals business ongoing in the city. Maybe we can clean some of them for good." I tell L.

"Very well then sir." He replied as I walk back toward my bike.

As for Jessica Jones, she misses her chance to the case after me as I take a detour as I have a prediction that she will chase after me with his I have revealed her name or when I go into my alien form, the heroes will be after my head after what I do to Avengers Junior.

Thank you, L for informing me what Jessica want to do after he manages to sneakily hears what Luke instruct her to do after I made him enter Jessica's mobile phone when she is near me.

I know my vacation in Harlem is going to be an interesting one.

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