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I am now panting after having 2 hour and a half session of hand to hand combat lesson with Mike and Ralph, his best friend who I had to admit now look like Liam Neeson, but young, as they both completely drilled to me to hone my none weapon combat skills.

It lasts for only an hour as they have missions to do but the time is enough for them to leave my right eye bruise with all my body feels ache as my healing factor lessen all the injuries I suffered from being hit by them.

I go toward the shower and has a nice bath which makes me stay in it for about 20 minutes.

After finish bathing, I wear a long black shirt, white pant and combat boot as I head to the cafeteria to grab a large number of foods for myself to eat.

I scoop up a large amount of mashed potato, bacon, fried chicken, salad and lastly fried rice as I settle myself on a table that has no occupants as I have a large cup of mineral water beside my plate of food.

"Bon Appetit," I mutter as my mouth starts to munch all the foods I have picked up from my self while ignoring the stares from the surrounding people around me as they all have disbelief stares seeing me, a single man eat a large amount of food that equal to what more than 10 people will eat.

After about 15 minutes of stuffing and eating all the good, I gulp down my glass as I released a sigh of relief as my body now feel refresh as my body now is full of energy back.

Putting away the plate in the sink along with my glass, I grab my vest along with other stuff that signifies I am their enforcer as I approached the door that leads to the outside of the building.

As I walk outside while checking that I did not have any single mission for me to do, I decide to just patrol the city and maybe solve some crimes.

And if I am lucky, I can stumble against some of the villains or heroes in New York. A dangerous glint crosses my eyes as I had an evil smirk at the possibilities of meeting them.

I activate the Ultimatrix as I dial it, making me scroll through many alien until I stumble into one as I rose my eyebrows seeing this.

"Huh? I get an Autobot here. This is going to be an awesome one." I said as the figure gives me the view of a certain yellow Autobot as my hand smack onto the watch as green flash surround me blinding the people around me.

My body grows taller as my blood veins now are replaced by alloy liquid as my whole body then got covered by yellow with black armour as tyres also start to assemble with my body. The Ultimatrix replaced the symbol where the Autobot logo is located.

"Whoa. I become Bumblebee." I said with a not funny voice like in the movies as I see I am now a 16 feet tall robot as my appearance catch the attention of the people around me as I laugh nervously seeing this.

I mean, who will not be surprised to see a 28 years old man suddenly become a tall robot with a gauntlet.

"Heh, you are one unique person I ever meet." A voiced sound on my left as I see a blond bob haired girl who has a blue-eyed girl as he is now drinking her soda can with a straw.

"You can say that," I said.

"So what this one called?" She asks as she eyes me upside down.

" I call this one Bumblebee," I replied.

"Huh?A fitting name for this transformation." She said.

"So anyway, Peter Parker are you going to patrol the city like you usually do?" She asks me as I widen my eyes like this girl said my real name as I never introduced my name to her.

"Yes. But who are you? I swear I never meet you." I said.

"Well, I am going to be your teammates and your girl behind the scenes. My name is Amelia Queen, but you can call Amy." She introduced herself as she shows her badge to me.

"Huh? Guess I have a teammate that can watch my back. So what are you specialised at?" I ask her.

"Computer, hacking and anything that you want involves technology, I can do it for you." He said as she takes out a tablet.

"Huh, sweet," I said as my body morphed into Camarao 2006 as her grin widen seeing this.

"Sweet car." She said.

"Come on, hop in," I told her as she opens the door and sits in the driver seat.

"So, do you have any car license?" I ask her.

"Yes." She replied but then I moved to make her startled. She shows her card toward the guard as we now are on the road toward

"Just pretend you drive it as I will move. Now please search any time for us to solve." I inform her as she takes out a mini laptop as types something in her laptop.

"We got a runaway robber in his motorcycle, 3.5 kilometres in front of us. " She informs me as I accelerate myself as I pass through many trucks, cars and even police cars that now are moving at almost the same as my speed.

"You see that Green Scrambler? That is the robber." Amy told me as I see the rider who has a big gym bag in front of him as I am now beside him.

"I assume you have a plan to defeat him. I mean, if you want to ram him, there will be a traffic jam that will irk all these people." Any said to me as I scoff hearing that.

"Of course I have an idea," I replied as suddenly blaster appears on the roof.

"So, do you want to shoot him or you shoot him?" I ask her as she grins.

"Time to make my hero debut. But how exactly am I going to " The steering gets replaced by a gun with the meter speed now shows a live video with a scope that now shows the rider?

"I am glad that I played Fortnite before meeting you." She mutters.

"We should play together then after this," I told her as she moves the scope directly toward the rider and presses the trigger of the gun as my blaster shot directly toward the rider helmet.

The robber flies to his left which did not have any vehicles as I quickly enter the lane on my left with I abruptly stop as I flash the light on my back as the vehicles behind me understand the meaning as they go toward the middle lane.

"Oh yeah. Headshot." Amy cheers as I see the incoming cops who have stopped their cars.

An officer knew the driver window as I pull down the window as Amy flash her badge toward her as the officer nod his head.

"Thank you for your assistance. We have been chasing him for an hour." The officer told us as Amy just replied welcome to him as the police officer walk away, doing his job as I start to move toward the town.

"Any more crime that we need to stop?" I ask her again as she has a wide smile on her face.

"Oh man, you are going to love this."

"Please tell me a villain that we need to stop," I said to her but she just smiles making ne to speed up my current body.

"Who and where?" I ask her.

"Well, it seems the Vulture who just kidnap the son of New York Manager is at the top of the current building while demanding all the money in the bank or he will drop the poor boy." Any said to me as I manoeuvre myself in the city that never sleeps as we now have arrives at the alley that is a block away from the said location we want to go.

"Okay, I need you to stay in touch with me. Ultimatrix, establish a communication with the laptop." I command my Ultimatrix which goods green.

"Oh. That is fast." Amy take out an ear com and wear it on her right ear.

"Give me an update of anything that happens around here," I told her as she nods her head as I easily climb the building as my right hand morph into the plasma cannon.

The plasma cannon makes a humming sound as I charged up the energy in the weapon as I grin happily seeing the Vulture's back is on my view.

I released a shot as the blue energy beam hit the Vulture back that make his wing crack with him has lost grip of the boys the villain get a blast away to the building opposite of where he at as I tap the Ultimatrix as my body shrink to a human height as I changed into my blue speedster alien, Fasttrack.

I sped toward the fallen boy but my eyes see another spider-themed hero as I internally smirk seeing the scarlet and black coloured on his suit.

After all, it was one of my damn clone named Kaine, or as his name goes, Scarlet Spider.



"You better catch up with me Kaine." I look at the swinging spider-themed hero who goes by his classic red and blue spider hero suit.

Peter Parker, the source of my genetic and the same person that makes me have this ability ad we both decide to patrol the city after eating so many hotdogs that he had paid for us both.

"Come on Peter. It is just Vulture. We can just web him up with our web shooter and he will be down." I told him as he turns to look at me until something hit him as I scream for his name.

"Spider-man!" I shouted his name as I see the figure who crash him in a certain symbiote. a plain that causes headache for us heroes and villains, Venom.

But I thought Venom has to turn into a new leaf. Why attack Peter all of sudden? But then I take notice how this Venom is a lot like Peter Parker body and shape as he shot a net of web toward me but I shot toward a rail on my right as I pull myself making myself to avoid being caught by the Venom web.

"Venom, why are you doing this?" I ask him but this Venom ignored me as his right-hand morph into a blade he appeared to Peter as my eyes become wide.

"No!" I aim my web shooter but no web shot out as my spine goes cold seeing Peter get stabby him as anger consume me.

"You damn shit!" I roar and lung toward him but this Venom envelop me with his giant hand as I struggle to frees myself as this Venom make me approach him.

"You feels angry when I killed Parker, Kaine? But why you left me alone like the others?" Venom's voice change into Peter as the mask reveals the figure of Peter Parker with a place skin with emotionless eyes as I am at loss for words.

"P-p-peter. I-I" Peter's head exploded as his blood spray all over my body as I stare at my hand as the symbiote has disappeared.

"My blood is at your body. Fitting as I no longer want to live in a world where no one wanted me around them." Peter's voice echoed as I fell on my knees as reamed.

"Harghh!" My eyes open as I see I am in my bedroom in an apartment, 5 blocks away from Avengers towers as I look at my surrounding while gasping for breath.

"That dream. Fuck." I curse as I stare at my hand as in a split second, Peter's blood appear on my but then it disappears.

"What a nightmare," I commented as I enter my bathroom as I take a shower.

After finish shower, I decide to have breakfast with Miles and the others at Avengers towers as I donned my suit.

I swing toward the tower as I flash my Avengers ID card toward Jarvis who permit me to enter the building that many famous superheroes reside and hang.

Entering the kitchen, I see Miles who has badges over his eyebrows, Silk, Iron Fist, Black Widow and Steve Rogers.

"Morning guys." I greeted them as I take off my mask as I see there are many waffles and pancakes on the table.

"Greeting my fellow warriors." A voice booming from the living room as I see Hercules who has come to greet us followed by Amadeus Cho and Hawkeye as we all grab a bite on the breakfast that probably made by the heroines.

"So this new shapeshifter hero we recently heard, is he on our side?" Steve Rogers or mostly many people who know him as Captain America, a super soldier ask us.

"We do not know that since he pretty much kicks my ass so many time," Miles grumbled while munching the pancake.

"Hmm. It seems this new guy has his popularity up though some people are not content with his brutal way of handling the criminals." Black Widow commented as a floating screen in front of her shows the clip of Rath brutally kick the shit out of Extremis men.

"Remind me of Logan." She said as she takes notice of the symbol.

"My, it seems this shapeshifter has the same symbol as mine but in green," Natasha commented.

"Must be one of your fans," Hawkeye said.

"But is he a Skrull?" Steve asked.

"I believe this being is not a Skrull." Amadeus Cho suddenly voiced out as all the heroes and heroine look at the genius teenager who manages to become Hulk on his own.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask him as he takes out his tablet.

"I stumbled upon one video that piqued my interest. Here, look at this video clip." He then shows us a video of an oversized bug.

"Is that insect belong to Hank?" Hawkeye ask.

"No. I believe it is not." Iron Fist said.

"I sure hope so." Silk mutters as they all see how the insect seems to spit out the green goo from his mouth.

"Gross." A new voice sounded as she just enters the kitchen.

Scarlet Witch or as her real name goes by Wanda Maximoff.

"Okay. You showed us this insect spit out the green goo. This pique your interest Amadeus. I never take for you has this kind of taste." Miles tease him as the genius glares at him.

"I am not Miles. And this did not pique my interest. What happened next does." Amadeus said as we then see how the creature slaps the symbol on the centre of his body as green flashes as the humanoid tiger who beat up Miles replace the insect.

"His shapeshifting ability occurs a green flash," Steve said.

"Yes, but look from a different point. " Amadeus then shows the symbol of Ultimatrix.

"We can see how the insect smack this symbol to change into weretiger that has the personality of Wolverine. I think, his shapeshifting ability involves this symbol." Amadeus said.

"You made a point there." Black Widow said as they all stare at this symbol with me is the same.

"Maybe it is some new technology that let a being change into many creatures?" I suggested.

"That is a possibility here. But I need to gather more data and shows the Big Brain about this." Amadeus said as we all know he is referring to Tony Stark, Reed Richard and Hank Pym.

But then Jarvis makes a beeping sound as we all know a villain may cause that for the AI to make that sound.

"Jarvis? Which villain and where?"Steve ask as a screen shows Vulture who is holding a hot whose age is about 10 to 11 years old In his grasp.

" New York Bank," Jarvis inform us as I stand up as I wear my mask back.

"I got this one," I told them.

"Wait. I also want to go." Miles said but Steve grabs his shoulder.

"Son. You are still recovering from the injuries you suffered these past days. Let Scarlet Spider handle this." Steve told him as Miles has to grungily nod his head as I immediately swing toward the location.

I swing as fast as I can as I see Vulture who is shouting some nonsense about giving him all the money in the bank until a blue energy beam hit his back as he got there to the opposite building of the bank as the boy now has fallen to the ground.

Seeing this, I fasten up my pace until I see a blue blur that is now behind the fallen boy.

"Quicksilver?" I pondered in my head as I see the blur has run on the building as it then catches the boy as I see it is not Quicksilver rather another being who has the same symbol like the wind that Miles encounter yesterday.

"Hmm. A speedster this time." I thought it my head as I landed in front of him as he put up his guard and his battle stance, making himself look like he is about to fight me.

My spider-sense now is flaring as I know this speedster has a hostile presence.

"Wait. I did not want to fight you." I told him as the speedster loosen up his guard but his gaze still lingers on me as I secretly activated my lens that recorded the speedster.

But then the speedster moves as I duck from being hit by a swing from an arm but a kick landed on my stomach as many kicks landed on my body in seconds as I grit my teeth enduring the hits I received from this being.

I evade a kick that direct on my face but a fist land on my right cheek that makes me fit backwards as I swear that punch feels like being punch about 5 times.

"This is why I hate fighting a speedster." A palm thrust hit my stomach as I gasp for breath as I hit a hotdog stand.

Oh, man.

I stand up and is met with the being who has his fist ready to punch me as I hold my hand up.

"Look here dude, I did not want to fight you," I said to him as my hand slowly make its way toward my Avengers ID card on my back pocket.

"Say that toward your friend who randomly attacks me." He told me as my hand has entered the back pocket only to feel nothing as I feel confused seeing no item that I wanted to touch.

"Looking for this card?" The speedster asks while shows me my Avengers ID Card as I immensely dash toward him to snatch the card back from him but he disappears as I unleash a kick toward behind me but no sight of the speedster as hand grab my arm as I get thrown toward a car.

Crap. This is one tough opponent for me to face today.

"This is going to be a long day for me," I commented as I flip on the roof of the car but the speedster gaze at me as he scoff.

"You just waste my time here. Look, the Vulture has fleed away due to you interrupting me to capture him. Tch." He clicks his tongue as he sped away as I sigh in relief as something almost hit my face had I did not catch it only to see my Avengers ID Card as I feel the relief I did not lose it.

But then my ear com make a sound as I touch it.

"Kaine? Do you require assistance?" Silk ask me.

"No," I replied as I swing after Vulture.

"Sound like you need help if the speedster engage fight with you." Silk said.

"I am on my way toward your current destination." She informs me.

"I am feeling sluggish today, that is why the speedster manages to beat me up," I tell her.

"Why are you feeling sluggish?" She asks me.

"Just had a nightmare," I replied.

"What kind of nightmare?" She asks me again but this time I did not reply.

Had I know that a certain Camarao is also chasing the flying villain.


"Damn. You kick that Scarlet Spider butt there." Any told me as I have turned back to Bumblebee as we are now chasing Vulture who is now just above us as I make a blaster appear on the roof as Amy start to shoot at him.

Vulture this time manages to avoid it as he glares at us.

He then throws many grenades toward us as 2 other getting guns appeared on my rears as they shoot all those grenades that exploded upon getting hit by all the bullets.

"Keep shooting at him," Amy said as she continued the spam energy shot toward Vulture who now has dived down toward us with his shape wing as he tried to impale the bumper.

"Fool," Amy said as she shot toward Vulture but the villains use his left being to cover himself as the other wing also impose the bumper had the gattling gun start to hit his armour as he returned.

"What kind of car you got?" Vulture asks as Amy shot him back as the villain balance himself in the air.

"The best one," Amy said as she aims at the right-wing but Vulture avoid it as he now focuses on running away.

"Oh no, you don't." I start to fasten up my movement as I start to see an opportunity to defeat this flying villain.

"Amy. Hold on." I told her as Amy quickly do what I said as I see a double-decker truck that has no car inside it as I make myself jump on the rails by using a turbo.

I pump it more as now I am flying toward Vulture as Amy start to aim at Vulture and released a plasma shot toward Vulture who get blasted toward the road as I managed to ram him toward a fire truck as he coughs out blood.

"Be glad that his blood is not on your bumper," Amy said to me as I moved ds as Vulture open his eyes as he glares at me but I spin myself as the back part of myself hit Vulture sending him across the road.

"Okay. Then, we will clash with him and he will not be able to move after this. Might want to lit turbo when we clash against him." Amy suggested as I pump turbo as I move faster as my front almost crash Vulture had a string of web pull him up as I see Scarlet Spider as Amy immediately move the scope toward the hero as she shot toward him as Kai One avoid it.

I cannot use my gattling guns since there are many passersby's here as I decide to not hold back anymore as many blasters sprouted from my rears replacing the getting guns as I shot them all as Scarlet Spider manages to evade them all.

"You better try harder." He said as he is about to swing away.

"Well. He is the one who said we had to try harder." Amy said as she locks in toward Scarlet Spider as my bumper has a rocket launcher that launches a miniature missile that is locked to the heat signature of Kaine as the spiderling wide his lense seeing incoming missile as he throws away Vulture as he wraps him up in a cocoon on the roof a building.

He now is swinging away as the missile is chasing after him.

"Amy. I suggest you wear a mask." I told him as Amy take out a white mask.

"I come prepared." She said as I morph myself into my robot form as Amy now is on my shoulder.

I use my enhanced jump and grip to climb over a building that had Vulture as the moment I arrive on top, I shot my plasma cannon destroying a web that almost hit my face as my heart grow cold seeing her here.

"Silk." I grip the edge of the building as Amy take notice of this as she now has 2 handguns on her hand.

"If you want to finish off Vulture, go ahead. I will handle this female spiderling." Amy said to me in a modulated tone but I shake my head.

"No. I will handle her." I without mercy shot a powerful plasma shot that makes Silk drag Vulture away as part of the roof has destroyed but my other hand has a launcher that launch missiles that make Silk shot many hardened web bullet that counter my missiles as I morphed my missile launcher to gattling gun.

Amy did not sit idle as she released shots toward both heroine and villain as Silk shot a web toward Amy but my massive leg covers her from being hit.

Silk tries to pull my leg off but I plant myself on the floor of the roof as I build up my plasma cannon and released it, scattering Vulture and Silk from each other as my shoulder has a missile that is shot toward Silk who make a wall of the web as the missile make an explosion upon hitting the wall as I use my machine gun to shot toward Vulture but a black blur swept him up making me a bit irked.

"Okay. You guys are the ones who wanted this." I mutter in a cold tone as I now start to released shots at both of them without mercy with my shoulder missile, machine gun and plasma cannon as both spider ling now has a really hard time evading them as Amy also supported me as she also released shots without stopping with her changing magazines as fast as she can.

Eventually, Kaine is the first one to get hit as my missile hit his shoulder followed by my plasmas shot as I did not care of how his shoulder has been burned and bleeding badly as Silk has 2 bullets pierce through her knee as I take this chance to kick her to the edge of the roof.

"Gender equality," Amy commented as she points her gun toward Silk as I look toward Vulture who try to stand but my feet stomp over his body without mercy making a cracking sound as I have broken his rib.

He screams in pain but I ignored his wail of pain as my right hand now has plasma cannon the pointed toward my wings as I released shots.

His wings got destroyed easily as now he cannot fly as I then grip his body with my left hand that is now normal.

"F-fuck. W-what k-kind of h-hero are you?" He asks me but I smash his body to the floor as he cough out more blood as I did not bother to listen to this man words.

My right hand now has a plasma cannon pointed toward him as he now is feeling scared as he can see that I am not hesitant to end his life right now.

"W-wait. I-I can give you money. Or diamond. Name it, I can give you anything you wanted. P-please s-spare my life." He pleaded to me but I unleashed my plasma shot at point-blank as his entire suit get destroyed with his body now has scorch mark all over it as I see half of his face has torn flesh.

He now is in the state of almost dead which is good as I grab his body and throw him into the air as I then turn my body toward Amy.

"You did a good job crippling the villain." She said as I know by her tone, she did not care at all about villain like I do as I heard a body landed on behind me as I know it was Vulture who probably now cannot walk and maybe spend all his entire life on his bed, just lying there waiting for his life to end.

"M-monster." I heard Kaine mutters as he now has stood up while glaring at me but I backhand him as he grunts in pain as his body lay on the floor.

I point my plasma cannon toward him.

"You know, I can end your life right now. I mean, you are not supposed to exist had that Jackal did not create you using the DNA of Peter Parker." I said to him as his right eye which now exposes to the real world widen hearing this as I cannot contain the smug expression on my face seeing his expression.

"H-how did you know about that?" He asks me but I just chuckle.

"From Peter Parker," I replied as both spider long flinch hearing my name.

"Kukuku. I know he is the Spider-man. And I know all of you spiderling real identity. I mean, the current Spidey is Miles Morales. You meanwhile are Kaine Parker. And that lady over there is Cindy Moon." I said to them as they shuddered and gobsmacked as I said all their real name even though they are wearing their masks.

"3 spiders now have been defeated by me. What a record I have." I said as I signal Amy to follow me as our business here is finished.

"W-wait. H-how do you know P-peter Parker?" Silk asks me as I just keep quiet as then I replied to her question.

"Not your fucking business Moon." My cold voice sounded on the roof as I climb down toward the road as I morph into the car as Amy insist on her to drive me toward our HQ.

"This is a great day for us both. I cannot believe my first patrol with you involves us injured 2 heroes badly and cripple a villain. Wait until the others hear this." She said as I notice she has a record of what we do for this entire day.

"Give me that video too. And make sure to spread it to social media but conceal yourself. Just shows the scene of us defeating the criminals, with the fight scene we had with the heroes and villain." I told her.

"Already done and post it. Kuuhh. I know we are going to ne viral tomorrow." She told me in an excited tone.

I meanwhile feel very satisfied as I able to cripple one of the Sinister Six, Vulture. That should make the other Peter's foes feel scared and aware of me.

For once, I never regret what I do toward the villain because I never cared for his well being.

After all, Vulture and the other villains should just disappear from this damn planet for good.

Animelover07 Animelover07

Okay. In the next chapter, we will have some relaxing moment and a fight scene with Bullseye.

And Peter will meet Luke Cage. So yeah, the next one is going to be interesting.

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