[Note: This section is in Leo's POV]
While Father and I went to the training center, Leo went shopping with his parents at the local shopping mall.
Leo was slightly bored watching his Mom buying clothes for herself while him and Dad waited outside. After accompanying his parents for a while, he found a drug store across the street. A light bulb suddenly appeared in his mind.
"Mom, Dad, I need to go buy something at the drug store."
"Why Honey, are you sick?" Leo's mom asked in a concerned tone.
"No. I just need to stock up on some essentials. Our supply of Ad*il expired, remember? I'll go buy more."
"Okay, but remember to come back when you're done." Leo's mom waved at Leo as he walked quickly across the street and into the local drug store.
Leo entered the family planning asile within the drug store. He took a look at the items on the counter. "Hm..... What size should I buy?" Leo imagined a certained someone's "baggage". He could approximately predict the size since he fondled it yesterday. After picturing the manhood of his crush, he immediately gulped. His little guy became erect.
After calming himself down, he finally took the XL sized pack and also grabbed a bottle of lubricant.
He later got a pack of Ad*il at the Cold and Flu asile and headed to the cashier. After paying, he immediately stuffed everything in his backpack. "Have fun." The store clerk winked at him as he was paying. Leo blushed.
"Th-thank you." He ran out of the drug store and headed back to the shopping mall.
After Leo's mom was satisfied shopping for clothes, their family headed back home. Leo helped carried the multiple shopping bags for his mother and headed upstairs to the living room. He placed the bags at the master bedroom before returning to his room. He closed the door and locked it.
Leo's room is neat and tidy, unlike other boys his age. His meticulousness took after his mom, who also liked to keep tidy. There were multiple posters of certain famous BL novels on the walls of his room. However, the largest poster was a huge enlarged photo of Hunter. He was standing on the basketball court, he was taking the bottom of his jersey to wipe his face, revealing his beautifully crafted eight-pack abs. His tanned abdomen was sweaty, exuding an irresistable masculine charm. His face was very serious, since he was playing the finals of the national basketball championship, his hazel eyes deep and radiant. The sweat drops on his face made him look exceptionally handsome.
Leo became hard after taking a look at the poster. He reached into his backpack and grabbed the bottle of lubricant. He undressed and the laid down on the bed completely naked.
He opened the bottle of lubricant and squeezed some out to his right hand. He then rose his as* upwards and pured some lubricant into his hole. The cold feeling of a slimy liquid entering his sensitive back cave made him shiver. Then, he slowly inserted his index finger into his hole. While finding a certain erogenous zone inside, he started staring at the poster of Hunter lavisciously, licking his dry lips. After swirling around inside his bottom, he finally found the place. As he pressed onto his prostate, a weird sensation was immediately transmitted across his whole body.
"Ah~" He unconsciously moaned. He started rubbing around the area in circles. After a while, he entered his middle finger inside his hole. His rock hard manhood is now leaking a clear liquid, it dripped down his well-endowed phallic rod and reached his balls. While massaging his insides, he started imagining Hunter doing unspeakable things to him. He stuffed his ring finger inside his hole as well. "Hunter... Hunter daddy...Hah..." He panted and moaned. He couldn't help but turn on his phone with his left hand and text him.
After seeing that Hunter was replied to his message, he released his fingers and took a picture of his filled hole, sending it directly to Hunter through text. Afterwards, he videocalled Hunter.
He stuffed his three fingers back inside his hole.
After a few seconds, Hunter accepted the call. Leo saw his handsome cold face. He removed his fingers from his behind and started rubbing his now leaking d*ck. Gazing at his face filled with disdain, he couldn't help but think of the ways Hunter might punish him if he were here. He started to quicken his movements, rubbing back and forth.
"Hunter...*hah hah*... please don't look at me like that. Or else I'm gonna, I'm gonna... AH!!"
He sprayed himself all over his abdomen and chest, some of the liquid reached all the way to his adam's apple. Leo's eyes couldn't see anything but stars. He was revelling in his pleasure. After a while, his heartbeat started to slow. He looked at his phone and found that Hunter had already cancelled their videocall. Leo was a little disappointed. However, he suddenly thought of something.
Leo took a picture of his upper body and took a look. His snow-white body was sprayed with a suspicious semi-white liquid, some of which fell in his abs that were less defined than Hunter's, some of which fell inside his belly button. He smirked, immediately sending the picture to Hunter.
He started wiping on the liquid using his hand and raised his hand up high, allowing the liquid to onto his outstretched tongue. Then, with his tongue outstretched, he took a picture of his face. His face was now red from all the physical activity from before. He sent the photo to Hunter as well.
Afterwards, he headed to the bathroom since there were still some transparent liquid that was leaking from his back hole. He entered the shower and started showering. He started fingering his sensitive hole to allow the liquid to come out, in the process making his manhood hard again. He calmed the little guy down after a few minutes and finished showering.
After heading out of the shower, he took a look at his phone, hoping for Hunter to reply to him. However, he waited for the rest of the day and still there was no reply.
[Note: This section is in Hunter's father's POV]
When Father arrived home, he first tucked in his son to sleep, then changed. Afterwards, he entered the study room. He sat down on the swivel chair inside the room and took out Flint Walker's name card. He then went around the room to find an LED flashlight. He turned on the flashlight and shined it on the name card.
He found that on the name card, words started to appear. Above and below Walker's name, position and number were words that read, "Ares is watching you."
He furrowed his brows and contemplated on what the message meant. He then flipped the name card to the back. Above and below Ares International's logo were a bunch of numbers, it read,
120°49'7'' 101420XX2100"
The numbers denoted the longitude and latitude of a place and a specific date and time. His face hardened.
"I don't like being led by the nose." He thought to himself.
He then took out his phone and tried to call Walker's number, but the call went straight to voicemail. He started thinking for a while before deciding to put this situation to the back of his mind.
He walked back to the master bedroom and started packing his clothes to his luggage, as he needed to catch a flight the next morning. He then headed to his bathroom. As he was showering, he couldn't help but think back to a few hours ago, when Walker was touching him. As he did not have any s*xual interactions for a long time, he immediately became hard. His mind felt complicated as his stared at his erect little brother. He started stroking it with one hand while squeezing his nipple with the other. He grunted.
After fiddling with his nipples, his hand headed towards his back hole. He inserted his index finger inside. With his experience, he immediately found his prostate. He started massaging it with his fingers. Mature, deep grunts sounded from inside the shower room. After a long time, the sound peaked, then stopped.
Father headed to bed. He tilted his body to the side and stared at his son with a loving gaze. He stared for a long time before drifting off to dreamland.
The next day, I was woken up by my father at 6:30am.
As I opened my eyes, Father leaned towards me and kissed my forehead.
"Hunter, I am heading off to the airport." Father said softly.
"Mhm. When are you coming back?"
"If nothing goes wrong, I will be back in two weeks."
I nodded in acknowledgement.
"Go back to sleep. It's a Sunday, you should sleep in."
"Stay safe, Father."
"You too, son."
I closed my eyes. I listened to the sound of my father's heavy footsteps walking down the staircase and heading out the front door, along with the rolling sound of his luggage. I heard the door shut. It was then that I drifted off to sleep again.
I was disturbed again when I heard the sound of footsteps. I opened my eyes and rolled to the edge of the bed and took a look at the digital clock that was sitting on the nightstand.
The footsteps was light, as if someone was trying to make as little sound as possible. However, I was still able to hear it due to my adept ears. The unidentified person slowly walked up the stairs.
I slowly opened the drawer of the nightstand and grabbed a fully loaded Glock.
The person tiptoed towards my bedroom. Then, there were no more sounds.
I slowly got off the bed and walked delicately towards my room, holding the Glock with both my hands, one hand's index finger on the trigger, the other steadying my aim.
I found the door to my room slightly tilted open. As I slowly walked in, I immediately pointed the gun at the person that was laying on my bed.
"Daddy, I'm hungry. This bunny would like to eat your big, thick carrot." The person whined pitifully.
I lowered the gun and put it on my desk.
"What are you doing here, Leo, and how did you get in?" I asked in a monotone voice.
Leo was wearing nothing but a bunny ear headband above his head. There was something stuffed in his back hole, with a thick tail protruding out of it. He bent his arms 45 degrees, looking like a bunny, completely revealing his thin snow white body. His cheeks were pink and his eyes looked longingly towards me. My face darkened.
"Why didn't you look at my messages?" Leo asked, completely ignoring my questions.
"I didn't have the time." I lied. "Anyways, how did you get in?"
"I'll answer the question if you check my messages."
I rolled my eyes and took out my phone. I checked his message. There was a photo of Leo's upper body coated with a thick white liquid. Another photo was of Leo's face. His tongue protruded out, carrying a suspicious substance. I became completely aroused.
"How did you get in?" I asked again as I tried my hardest to contain myself as I glared at Leo's sensual body that looked as if it was calling for me.
"Your father gave a spare key to my dad, remember?" Leo told me. Before giving me time to respond, he then grabbed his tail and thrusted it in and out. "Ah... Hunter, it feels so good..." He moaned, staring at me with his fiery hot eyes. His manhood stood erect and was leaking out a transparent liquid. My mind overloaded.
I immediately headed towards Leo and violently thrusted the tail/di*do deep into his hole, before abruptly pulling all out it out in one go.
"Ah!" Leo whimpered, unable to control himself. As the d*ldo left his body, thick liquid was immediately released from his little brother and sprayed all over his naked body and onto my bed.
My eyes glinted. I tried my best to control myself as I headed to my wardrobe and took out a spare pants. I then pulled Leo's legs to the edge of the bed and helped him wear my pants. I then immediately carried Leo, still half-naked, up onto my arms in a princess-carrying position.
"Wh-what are you doing?" Leo asked, blushing.
I ignored him and started running down the staircase and headed to the backdoor. I opened the door, threw Leo out and immediately closed and locked the door.
"Hunter, what are you doing? LET ME IN!" Leo frantically banged on my back door. I ignored him again and headed back to my own room.
"Since his house is right next to mine, he can climb over the fence and head back to his house through my backyard." I thought. "I hope he has the door keys to his back door."
Afterwards, I still had a dilemma to solve: There was now an enlarged bulge in my crotch. I sighed and headed towards the bathroom, coming out only after half an hour. I then used some wet wipes to clean the white liquid from my bed.
Leo headed back to my house after half an hour in normal clothes.
"I'm back!" He smiled brightly. I rolled my eyes.
"What do you want?" I spat.
"My parents went out, so I'm staying at your place today."
"When are they coming back?" I asked.
"After dinner."
I nodded. "Did you have brunch yet?"
"No, I headed straight here this morning without eating anything." Leo shook his head. "I got to slirp some of my own cu-"
"Stop talking."
"-when I went back to my house just now though." I tried to cut Leo off the conversation to no avail.
"I'm gonna make us something to eat, go sit on the sofa first." I sighed.
"I just wanted some peace and quiet, why does this walking hurricane always have to disturb me?" I thought frustratedly in my mind.
Leo sat on the sofa in the living room and turned on the TV, while I headed to the kitchen and put on my apron. I started cooking.
After a while, Leo appeared. I was focusing on my cooking and did not have time to see what he was doing. Leo headed beind my back and started wrapping his arms around my body. He reached a hand down to my crotch and one up to my abs beneath my pants and clothes respectively.
"Stop, Leo, I'm trying to cook! You'll spoil the food!" I yelled at him.
Leo completely ignored me and started molesting my body. I tried to yell at him again but he opened his mouth wide and bit me on the jugular.
"Ah!" I was so shocked that I almost spilled the hot food on the ground. I immediately turned around and pushed Leo to the ground. I removed my apron and crouched downwards. I tied Leo's legs with my apron, making it very hard for him to move.
"Hey, Hunter! Get me out of this!"
As Leo tried to wiggle around to get the apron off of him, I continued cooking.
After I finished cooking, I placed the food onto two dishes and placed them on the dining table. I then returned to the kitchen and untied the apron.
"Hunter, that was so mean!" Leo whined.
"You deserved this." I replied disdainfully.
We sat opposite each other during brunch. Leo described what happened to him yesterday, including the extremely explicit details yesterday afternoon. I had to kick him a few times to stop talking. He then whined about how I did not read his messages even once yesterday and b*tched about how he was so lonely without me. I had to restrain the urge to roll my eyes during the entire conversation.
"Stop talking and eat your food." I commanded.
Leo pouted and started wolfing down the food, shoving them all down his throat.
"I'm done." Leo smiled. He started heading over to my side, "Now show we engage in some husband and wife activites?" He winked.
I ignored his antics and said, "Let's go play the Portable Station 4."
Leo looked slightly disappointed but nodded anyways.
We initially played an FPS game. I realized that being good with the gun in real life does not translate to being good in the game. I was killed multiple times by Leo and other AIs, losing many rounds. I was slightly disappointed at first, but seeing Leo's ecstatic face made my heart soften. I decided to play a few more rounds with him.
We played a few more video games, then played some board games. Time passed really quickly and the sun is almost setting.
I headed over to the kitchen to make dinner.
This time, Leo behaved and did not start molesting me again. When we had dinner, Leo started babbling on about random things while I listened, gazing at his smiling and content face. I couldn't help but subconsciously raise my lips upwards as well. After dinner, Leo headed back home. As he stood at the entrance of my house, he turned towards me.
"Aren't you gonna kiss me goodbye?" Leo asked.
I shook my head. "No." I replied curtly.
Leo then attacked me with his puppy dog eyes, he looked like his parents just abandoned him.
I sighed.
I placed my index and middle fingers on my lips and then placed them on his.
"There." I said.
Leo pouted. "That's not a kiss."
I rolled my eyes. I came close to him and kissed him on the forehead.
"What are you, my dad?" He asked disdainfully.
"Yes, I'm your daddy." I replied jokingly.
Leo wanted to reply, but I pushed him out the door and immediately slammed the door in front of him, locking the door.
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