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Chương 2: A New World


I didn't really expect anyone to really read this, so I feel a bit embarrassed now😅. I feel I'm a pretty bad author hoho, but I guess most will find out if a fic like this is for you in this chapter.

I'll try doing 2k per chapter. If you think it's short please tell me.


A couple of days have passed since I've learned swimming, and now I felt it was time to learn some new move. 'Quick attack should be my focus, after all my training it should be easy to learn' I thought before I started to accelerate. Soon I was all out sprinting before I tried to apply the normal energy that my body is filled with, and then it happened. I flew like a rocket straight towards a tree, not keen on crashing. I tried to jump up the tree and continue.

Without all the training I did I would most likely have hurt myself quite badly trying this, but it was worth it. The freedom I felt while zooming ahead was exhilarating, this power was almost addictive, but with all the knowledge I had I knew this was but the start of something great.

The next few days I learned a lot of the "beginner moves", like double hit, tackle, scary face and even echoed voice. 'Learning and using moves is actually a bit weird' I thought, all you had to do was simply visualize what would happen and have some ideas of what you want, then the energy just does the rest of the job. It simply happens, one could say. So for quick attack you would have to run fast, then simply "see" yourself go so fast you become a blur, and then know that's what you want, and then the energy just wills it into existence.

I finally felt I was ready enough to leave this paradise, after all peace would only stifle my growth. My body, now larger than an average Eevee, sped towards the highest tree, and climbed it. What I saw when I reached the top was trees in every direction, but I could barely see a mountain at the horizon. So I took that mountain as my goal, and started to climb a bit back down.

After getting to a large branch, I started to sprint and then I jumped. I jumped and jumped forward between branches, trying my best to go unnoticed of any stealthy ambushers, after all who knows where I am.

I traveled longer than expected before I sighted another pokémon, a weedle, and it wasn't just one, no it was several.

I jumped from the trees and landed with a scary face, and started to growl. I visualized my growl starting to echo, and the effects were obvious. The 8 weedles all had a grimace, thanks to the sound wave attacking them. 4 of the weedles used poison sting and the other 4 used string shot, but because I slowed them it was easy to predict where they would attack, and so I kept dodging their attacks while repeatedly using echoed voice, now you could barely hear anything but my growl.

When the weedles finally were dead I stopped growling, and after a couple of seconds nature was once again silent. I went towards the biggest weedle corpse and started to eat it while running away from this place. After all if there are weedles, there are bedrills as well close by, so I had to run quickly to avoid them.

Weedle actually tasted quite good, which only made me look forward to the future even more. 'Tauros must taste amazing' I thought.

I ran for quite a while longer than I thought I would, I guess experience has become a natural law in this world. It felt like every part of my being suddenly increased a bit in strength, and that made me run both longer and faster than I thought. If I knew I could have eaten another weedle 'what a shame'.

On my way towards the mountain I stumbled upon a river. I scouted the area for nearby pokémon, but saw only a couple rattata and a lone caterpie. I was quite thirsty, so the risk of the unknown pokémon in the water wouldn't stop me from taking a drink.

I jumped down from the branch and walked towards the edge of the river. I quenched my thirst and was about to leave, when I saw a Horsea swim past my vision. My horniness almost took over me, after all a blowjob from a Horsea must be heavenly, but I couldn't take the risk because I'm still very weak in this world. 'Wish I could evolve into espeon and just learn hypnosis' I thought.

I continued towards the mountain, hoping to find out where I am in this world. 'I'm most likely in Kanto, Viridian Forest because of the types of pokémon I've seen, but perhaps I can find the answer exactly where I am on that mountain' I thought.

After a couple hours I was tired and tried to find a hideout for the night. I looked around until I saw a cluster of trees making what seems like a quilt of leaves and branches. I jumped up the tree and found myself a comfortable position in this nature made bed.

I then started to meditate, preparation for my possible psychic evolution, and also to learn a useful move called calm mind. I then had a thought 'Perhaps I could make a mind palace in this world' I got a bit too excited at the thought before getting back to meditating.

I then tried to do as I remember from what I read in my previous life of occlumency. I cleared my mind and then moved the energy of my body to the brain. I did this until I passed out from exhaustion.

-Twelve days later-

I marveled at my size as I ran closer to the mountain. These last twelve days I've just been hunting to gain experience, studying how I absorb the normal type energy with the use of my special vision, and using the move meditate before going to sleep.

I had to leave because I wasn't gaining any more strength from these weak pokémon that was living close by, but it was all worth it. I've become a lot stronger in base stats, and I believe I could carry tens of kilos. Before I could use only one wish before directly passing out from energy exhaustion, but now I could use it 7 times before passing out.

My body now is at least twice the size of a regular eevee, and I felt I could grow a bit more still. Of course I grew in all parts, my dick now 40cm long, my claws have become fully grown almost looking like that tigress in my memory, my large tail obeys the dao of softness in hardness, even my senses have been improved. My sense of smell is so keen now I've unlocked what I think is the ability pick up, which makes me able to "smell" treasure.

I also finally feel that my tail is sufficiently strong to try iron tail. So while I jumped from tree to tree I tried to get better at acrobatics, like frontflips, backflips, jumping upside down, trying to swing myself with my tail.

After swinging for a while and also barely getting the hang of iron tail, I noticed how a more rocky terrain started rather than just this forest. 'Only a

a couple more days and I would reach the mountain' I thought, while I tried to swing with a better posture, you could feel the raw dominance from my posture, it was actually charming in a fitting way. .

I suddenly realized I had to learn to posture, not only for helping myself learn charm in the future, but it would also help scare away potential ambushers, but it would also help in acting in different ways to manipulate others.

As I started to get exhausted I tried a very similar process like quick attack, but instead this time I visualized not me going fast, but the world going slow. In a way, that was what agility was, speeding up the users time, not just perception but almost as a whole. Slowly but surely, my speed improved thrice, but my body couldn't handle more before leaking energy so I could only maintain this speed for now.

For a while I zoomed ahead, still in the trees but soon I can't continue that as the tree thins. Then my ears twitched, catching a rather unnatural sound. It sounded like a fight. I stealthily made my way towards them, and what I saw was unexpected. A pikachu fighting three spearows, and it seemed like the spearows were winning.

Pikachu can't be that old since she can't beat a couple spearows, I concluded after seeing the bruises on pikachu's body. I could smell the pheromones that with no mistake belong to a female from that pikachu., so I decided to help her.

In a ferocious manner I jumped from the tree and body slammed two of the spearows down to the ground. Before they could even react I killed both with an iron tail to the neck. The last spearow seeing this hurriedly flew away, while releasing his intentions of revenge.

(first and last r-18 warning)

The pikachu couldn't even nuzzle her savior before fainting, only remembering an eevee jumping out from the sky. Meanwhile I was dragging pikachu with my tail while I had the two spearows in my mouth and looking for a place to rest. I couldn't help but let the tip of my tail touch pikachus cute little pussy. I could feel her pussy around the tip of my tail, and it felt so warm and comfortable I just wanted to fuck her brains out right now.

I slowly moved my tail up and down and I could feel pikachus arousement drip over my tail. This honey like pheromone I smelt in the air made it even harder to focus on what should be done. After walking for a couple of minutes I heard one of the cutest and naughtiest sounds I've ever heard from pikachu, and I quickly felt why. My tail now soaked from her juices meant that she squirted while unconscious.

This was as far as I would take it for now, because I wanted pikachu to be conscious during this. A couple minutes later I finally found a nice hideout. It looked like there had been someone else seeking shelter here some time ago, and by the size of the hideout, I can only think of a raichu.

I dragged pikachu down into the burrow, which had barely enough space for both of us. Then I ate the spearows, which tasted better than any bird I had ever eaten, while looking for some oran berries or sitrus berries. In the end I found a couple of sitrus berries and even several oran berries. I took them all back into the burrow and laid them close to pikachu while falling asleep, the air stuffed with pheromones from both pikachu and myself.

(Pikachu pov)

When pikachu woke up she panicked a little bit from being in an unknown place, but calmed down after seeing the eevee that helped her. She then looked around herself to see where she was, and then she noticed the berries. Pikachu felt her cheeks heat up at the kindness shown and given, but not only her cheeks.

She felt her pussy heat up, both from the pheromones and from love perhaps. She ate some of the berries, which helped heal her and fill her stomach. She couldn't help but look at the eevee while eating, and she unconsciously got closer to him. When she finished eating her nose was already in the eevees fur, smelling the manly musk oozing from his whole being.

Pikachu got wetter and wetter, but she also felt she had to show her appreciation to eevee, and not only sate her own lust. So her nose smelt its way to the origin of the musk. Straight towards his vulpine dick. Before she knew it she had her nose sniffing his dick and balls so hard you would think she was smelling the best delicacy in the world.

She couldn't help but lick it, and nothing could stop her. She then took his long dick into her mouth, even when she felt him rousing awake she continued. Nothing could stop her from this sacred duty.

(Mc pov)

I woke up feeling a very pleasurable feeling, and when I opened my eyes I could only see pikachu's tail shake in happiness. I could feel my dick being sucked and licked like a lollipop, and it was so pleasurable I felt I would come soon. Pikachu sensing me awake did something very unexpected, she used her electric type to give me even more pleasure through electric stimulation. This made me quickly go over the edge, and all I could do was groan in pleasure as my seed quickly filled the whole stomach of pikachu.

Pikachu lapped at my semen that still was on my dick while trembling in pleasure. You could see her whole body quivering in orgasm after orgasm from my semen. If it wasn't for my dick filling her mouth you would clearly hear her moans filling this whole area.

After pikachu cleaned my dick from all the seed she reluctantly took it out from her mouth and crawled away from it. I couldn't hide the amusement I felt, and Pikachu quickly blushed before running out from the burrow while sending intentions of seeing me later.

ExaltedCrow ExaltedCrow

should the iris of eevee eye have tenseigan pattern? kinda fits because of special vision and i imagine it would look very cool. if you think anything else could fit just comment

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