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87.35% QT: To Break An Oath (BL) (PAUSED) / Chapter 75: 4.1

Chương 75: 4.1

"Now that you've seen what the corpse like..." The gentle and soothing voice sounded.

He looked around and fixed his eyes on the corpse. His slender fingers covered with gloves touches the rotten body, and caresses the skin that turned gray and violet.

He turned around and saw few youngsters who was wearing the same white coat and was observing all his movements, while also taking some notes.

Seeing this, the young man flashed a smile. "This is my question, how did this person dies?" He shifted his eyes and attentively gave clues, "Now remember, the patient first complaint of a sore throat, a fever and a cough."

They all looked at the corpse in full focus. The body was very terrifying to looked at, the tummy was filled with complicated stitches and the skin was starting to decompose. The corpse was only a man in thirties, who was their test subject for today. The youths started taking notes and waited for the instruction of the professor.

"Additionally, this corpse died only two months..." The gentle professor grinned, seeing his students vigilant and attentive. He added, "Considering those factors, can you find this man's cause of death?"

One of the students touches the arms and unexpectedly, the hands fell down making her screamed. The remaining persons looked at her and even stifled a chuckled. The girl panicked and immediately put back the hands that fell.

The young professor raised his eyebrow, "So, does any of you got theory of the caused of death based only on this information?"

The girl with a heavy makeup raised her hand and smiled ambitiously, "Tuberculosis?"

The others laughed and looked at her with astonishing, while the girl was only staring at the young professor, licking her lips seductively.

The professor furrowed his eyebrow and slammed his head in annoyance, "This isn't time for fooling around, Charlotte."

"What? I am just stating my conclusion."

There is no single person in the room who didn't know what her real intention was, including the professor. Charlotte was the school beauty of their school, and she was very popular. There is no limit in her suitors, furthermore, she was indeed a beauty. Her hair blonde and tied into a ponytail, with her face dyed in make up, everyone will find her attractive. But she already set her eyes on the young professor. Hence, her constantly flirting doesn't have any good result for the reason that although the young professor was nice and gentle, his heart was cold and distant. Attractive faces couldn't trap him, and his full attention was only on science.

"Nice try, Charlotte, but your conclusion was incorrect." The young professor was unmoved.

Detecting that her initiative was a failure, Charlotte pursed her lips.

Discerning that all of them was afraid to voice out their theories, the young professor started to call their names, "Leon?"

The athletic man put down his notebook and shook his head.

The young professor frowned and turned his eyes to the young man in glasses, "Caleb?"

Caleb leaned down and pulled out his medical flashlight on his side, turning it on, and gently opened the mouth of the corpse. Inspecting any abnormalities and finding the caused and root of the infection.

He pulled out and turned his gaze to the professor, "Influenza."

The young professor eyes' lit up, "Correct. Now what's strains it is Caleb?"

"It is H5N1?"

"Close. It is H1N1." The young professor corrected and put his hands into the corpse's bulging tummy and gave it a push, "Take note the collapsed air sacs, they couldn't inflate, and so they couldn't provide oxygen. That's what killed him."

The remaining students stiffened and took full notes of the new knowledge that they gained. Some had concern and worried expression on their faces, making the young professor smiled.

"Don't worry. This wasn't graded at all." He heard them sighed in relief, so he added, "But I will take note for your performance, Caleb. You gained plus points. Dismiss."


"Professor, not again!"

Amidst of their whines, the young professor already take off his gloves and started to walk away in the room. As he stepped out in the hallway, the flashing light on the ceiling greeted him, highlighting his handsome face and gentle temperament. Some individuals who passed by greeted him respectfully, and the young professor can only nod in response.

He started pacing his steps, turning into one direction when a soft hand pulled his sleeves.

"Professor, are you free today?" Charlotte smiled friendly. She was really pretty, even without those make up, her features was striking.

But the young professor had really no interest in affair, let alone a young girl like her, who was his student. He pulled his sleeves gently and flashed a smile, "Sorry, I have something to do."


"I'm really busy. In fact, I've gotta go." He turned around, not waiting for her response.

Charlotte gritted her teeth as she watched the young professor's departing back, her knuckles turning white in anger.

The young professor finally found some peace and pushed the door to his room. To his surprised, he found a familiar face sitting on his desk and playing with his name plate on the table.

He sneered, "What are you doing here?"

The man sitting on the table looked at him and exclaimed intimately, "Cousin, I miss you!" He stood up and was about to jump to him, but the young professor pushed him in disgust.

"Phillip, what is it this time?" The young professor had long known that his cousin was a cunning one. He wouldn't come here if he didn't have any objectives.

Phillip froze and let out a crazy laugh before he stopped, and his gaze turned firm, "You knew me too well. I've got the lead."

This time, the young professor was the one who was stunned. His gentle face turned serious, and his eyes went cold. He moved away and sat down to his desk, and arrange the name plate on his table.

'Dr. Peter Steins.'

"Where did you get that? Are your sources reliable?" He asked solemnly.

Phillip grinned, "Of course it is. This is my expertise, and don't ever underestimate my strength."

Although Phillip was a rebellious one, he was an excellent archeologist, that many people wouldn't believe it at first. But his actual job was actually a Tomb Raider. He had an adventurous nature which couldn't control by his family, as a result, his grandfather jokingly scolded him that raiding some tombs was meant for him. Who wouldn't believe that Phillip will actually consider that idea, and create his team of tomb raiders.

Of course, his field of expertise doesn't include illegal means. He was nice to his brothers and fair to his clients.

Phillip smirked mischievously at his train of thoughts and pulled a map in his pocket. He spread it on the desk and pointed the marks on the map.

"Actually, with the clues that provided, it was very hard finding the location, but fortunately, my team was able to distinguish the correct location."

He doesn't know why, but his cousin seems obsessed by the tomb of the great tyrant Emperor in the history. In their young age, their grandfather was fond of the ancient time. As a result, he wouldn't stop talking about that even in front of his grandchildren. Of course, Phillip doesn't like that, even his other cousin, only this specific cousin was interested in that.

Who wouldn't expect that this cousin wanted to find the tomb of the Emperor a decade later, with some already provided evidence. However, the clues couldn't specify the correct location of the place, which resulted for a two year investigation of Phillip and his team.

Luckily, they had a lead now!

"Good. This is good news." His cousin muttered unconsciously. "How long till we get to that place?"

"I already sent some of my teams to monitor that place, in three days, we will depart. Are you coming?"

"Of course!"

The young professor was excited. For almost two decades, he finally obtained the outcome that he wants.

It's not that he was really interested in the tyranny of the Emperor, instead, he was pretty interested about the undecaying body of the Emperor's sparrow written in the books.

Long ago, the new Emperor was obsessed with the beautiful sparrow, who was also the most favored sparrow of the late Emperor. But the beautiful sparrow only wanted to escape and freed from his own destiny. But unfortunately, he had an appearance that could destroy nations and made everyone fascinated with him, rumors said that the new Emperor killed his own father to claim the beautiful sparrow.

The sparrow was confined in a cage crafted perfectly for him, others who could see his appearance will lose their lives. That dynasty was the most terrifying dynasty of all time. People couldn't walk in the city without fear, and many individuals died due to poverty and ruthless law.

The Emperor was already crazy and the moment the sparrow died unexpectedly, his madness turned completely severe. He conquered the other four nations, even the kingdom who supported him was not spared. Madness corrupted his mind and there is no sanity nor mercy in his heart.

He captured various doctors, physicians and poison expert to make some medicine to keep the sparrow's body away from decaying. Several who couldn't fulfill his request will lose their heads immediately, fortunately, some expert developed a medicine that not only could keep the body from decaying, it could also make the corpse the same thing when living.

People was hopeful that this outcome would eliminate the madness on the Emperor, but it didn't. The Emperor continued conquering other kingdoms until the remaining nations collided just to take him down.

Luckily, the Emperor's tyranny ended on last winter. He was defeated and was put into an execution, in front of all people. But the day he was about to face his retribution, he escaped. Some onlookers saw him fleeing to the directions of the Jade Palace, who was the cage of his sparrow.

The guards chased him, but the moment they arrived at the Jade Palace, the place had collapse, and it seems that it was swallowed underground. They couldn't believe themselves and conduct investigation only to find out that they couldn't dig the ground.

However, such outcome made them jumped in joy. Thus, it ended the dark history in the dynasty.

Peter was only interested in the medicine that was used towards the sparrow. But there is no specific place written in the history book where the jade palace collapsed. Even the sparrow's name has yet revealed.

Peter was a forensic pathologist and a temporary teacher in the medicine school. If he could get the corpse of the Emperor's sparrow and developed a medicine just like in the history, he would get a huge contribution in their country. However, he was not the only one who was interested in this ancient history, with information provided, he discovers that there are other doctors conducting an investigation about this topic. But if Peter were the first one to succeed, it will make him more honorable.

That's why, at young, he already started collecting books and information about this. And for almost decades of hardwork, he will get pay off.

Three days passed, they started to set their expedition.

The location was found in the narrow valley of B city. It was unpopulated and only few people lived in this area, which made them relief. Though, they couldn't let their guard down and decided to take off at night.

It was already dark, and the breeze was freezing, aside from Phillip and Peter, there are also individuals, who participated in this expedition.

"Come on, dig faster!" Phillip whined harshly.

The sound of the digging continued. After a minute, they finally made a cracked on the ground. Someone kicked off the soil several times and a large hole gradually appeared. They exclaimed in excitement.

According to their analysis, this is the gateway inside the underground cave where the Jade Palace were buried. It is written in some concealed information that once a large hole appeared, it is the correct location.

"There is a hole indeed." Someone murmured.

Phillip was also happy, "What are you waiting for? Let's start!"

They started setting up some tools and instruments used for the exploration. The teams were divided in two groups, others will enter the cave while the other group will monitor from above.

They didn't waste time and started to set out their journey. The underground cave was unexpectedly large and wide, there are few objects hindering them from entering. But it seems like the tomb raiders was already used to this, as they effortlessly moved the objects away. Peter was amazed at his cousin's capabilities.

The light from their flashlights were scattered in the dark cave. As they constantly followed the map, they could see some ancient letters and symbols written on the rocks, which deeply fascinated them. There are someone who dared brought polaroid and took pictures.

"Ouch!" Suddenly, someone screamed.

They all looked at the young man who was stifling a painful groaned.

"What's wrong David?"

"I touched something sharp, don't worry." He replied and bandage his wounded palms.

They didn't concern themselves anymore and returned to explore the cave. And after an hour, they finally get to their destination. Phillip, who was in the front, stopped and reviewed the map that he was holding.

"This is it. Boys, help me push the door."

The others nodded and proceed to conveyed his commands. It took all their efforts before the door finally opened, and what greeted them made them stunned.

It was a room filled with jade sculptors and were filled with gold everywhere. Their eyes widened in greed and almost started to steal all those treasures.

"Wait, we need to find the corpse first. Coby and Cole, stay here and collect the things that was vulnerable." Phillip commanded and took the remaining people to explore the other part of the palace.

They reached the deepest part and the temperature suddenly turned colder. Another door met them. This time, it wasn't hard to push, and they easily entered the last door.

Compared to the other room that was filled with golds, this one was unusually different. Along the way, roses blooms in the every corner, the rocks were distributed along the sideway which made this place beautiful. Unexpectedly, this place wasn't dark and it seems there is a moonstone in the ceiling, gradually sprinkled some light in the place. They took a deep breath and resumed to search.

Until they reach the hidden place where there is a transparent river that was clear as the sky in heaven, there are no ripple forming in the surface, so calm and tranquil. When they looked around, their gazes pauses, and they almost forgot to breathe for a while.

In the center of calm river was a transparent coffin made of the finest jade in the history. It was beautiful and exquisite, but this is inferior compared to what is inside the coffin.

Peter recalls the book that he had read, the history indeed wasn't exaggerated.

Even at the distance, they could perfectly visualize the appearance of the man inside that coffin.

"S-So beautiful..."

Phillip, who had played men and women in the past were also stunned. What's more, with inexperienced men at the back?

"How can someone be beautiful?!"

The moonstone above illuminated the features of the young man. The person inside seems doesn't look like a corpse at all. Skin pale as a snow and smooth as the finest delicate jade, hair that was perfectly arranged inside and face that transcend beyond gender.

No wonder, both Emperors are crazy about this sparrow.

"What are you dazed off? Let's get the corpse and leave!" Phillip was the first one to recover.

Peter and others started to prepared and went to the river. A closed contact of the water made them shivers in cold, but this didn't stop them from reaching their goals.

"Damn, I forgot that I was wounded, fuck!"

"Tss. Don't be so petty."

Peter and Phillip didn't bother at them and quickly reached to the center. They took a deep breath and examined the figure in the coffin.

Fuck. It was even more beautiful in close distance!

Suddenly, the communicator in Phillip's ears sounded, "Chief, we detected some individuals heading our way."

The expression on Phillip's eyes darkened, "Copy. Hide for now, we will immediately depart."

"What's wrong?" Peter noticed his panic.

"We got company. Quickly, let's get this corpse and leave right now!"

They cooperated and combined their strength to open the coffin, and successfully getting the corpse.

Afterwards, they hurriedly leave the place.

Unknowingly to them, once the corpse was removed, the moonstone stopped shining and the whole area was filled with darkness.

They were unaware that there is another coffin hidden in the corner, and that coffin emitted muffled sounds as the air turned severe and cold. The calm river suddenly started rushing, and the rocks shook violently. As this situation happened, the dark coffin opened and the rivers turned calm again.

Slowly, a large figure stepped out, and the whole area was enveloped with dark fog. The creature who opened the coffin was only bones and not a bit of flesh, his pace was unsteady and the dragon robe that covered his bones kissed the ground.

The only attractive part of him is the jade crown on his bald head. The creature groaned and walked slowly towards the center of the river. The sight was absolutely terrific. He did not stop even if he sank in the river. As he reached his destination, he touched the empty coffin.


Where is it. Where is it. Where is it?!


His treasure was gone!

His sparrow...

His sparrow?!

He let out a thunderous roared and the black gas merge into his body, forming a figure of a handsome man. He did not stop roaring until his transformation was completed.

Destroy this. Destroy the world.

His treasure was gone... his sparrow...

Kill them. All of them.

The man opened his eyes and the sinister scarlet eyes flashed a cold glint.

This is the start. He would destroy this world. Starting this night.

This is the night before everything ends.

BunnyDubu BunnyDubu

Actually, the dialogue in the first part I've got it from a movie HAHAHA well I'm not a medicine student. Welcome to the fourth arc!

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