[Third person pov]
During the period our MC was undergoing his ascension and even after he had succeeded, at the same time around the world several key figures felt threatened, some saw a chance for an ally, some saw a chance for an underling, all they had in common was a single thought "STRONG".
We direct our view towards a dimensional pocket in the universe of rwby,to see two ethereal beings,one of light and the other of darkness both bearing horns,conversing when suddenly they both turned towards one direction with a supposedly awe-struck expression.
[remnant god brothers pov]
L.god: Brother did you feel that?
D.god: Yeah,i sure did,this could be problematic
L.god: Indeed, a being that possesses such a power level,its like it just came into existence out of nothing.Hmmm.....this is indeed alarming, what do you propose we do?
D.god: Lets find the anomaly and observe it's actions
L.god:(Nods) i agree brother
D.god: Lets get to it
[Third person pov]
Now lets go towards a certain dark aura filled ces pool of grimm, if we move further from the pool of dark aurawe can see a castle, going into it, we see a throne on which sits a beautiful woman, she could be said to be both demonic and beautiful at the same time,possessing unhealthily pale skin and white hair with black like tendrils intertwined and a pair of demonic eyes(black cornea and red pupils; sorta like a ghouls).., this beauty has been known by many names but only one strikes fear into the people of remnant,the name "Salem".
[Salem pov]
My day was just like my usual ones,spent in silence and solitude,apart for the occasional grimm rawr, however today, something shocking happened,something terrifying,i felt fear the fear pf death by anothers hand. My back dripped in cold sweat, i took to searching for the source of this ominous feeling, so i can counter it.
I never want to feel like that again, Never. Even ozma wasn't this powerful in his prime.
[Third person pov]
In the city of atlas,specifically at atlas academy,in the office of the prinicipal, we see middle aged bearded man with black hair dressed in atlesian military wear, assigning tasks towards certain people in a meeting with him via their holograms on display in his office. This would be our good old General James Ironwood.
General iron wood: I want to know what made those energy readings at minstral and i want to know it now as soon as possible no delays. Send a few 1000 military bots with 10 soldiers to scout the area.We have to know what made those energy readings, wether they are friend...(reaches for his "due process")...or foe.
Holograms:Sir,yes sir!!!!!
General iron wood: Move out Ace operatives.
[Third person pov]
This situations have been going on just like as shown, after our dear MC has brought such chaos in remnant.....and where is perpertrator of this problem,he's watching anime on his phone,while chilling under a tree undisturbed....hahhahaha.
[Stephenwolf blodd pov]
Well since my ascension has signaled the big boys and girls,lets get this show on the road(grins wildly).First things first,gotta ask for leave and then i get to have my fun...hahhahahhaahahaha....
[Sorry about not posting this earlier had a test today,needed to chill out and rest my head afterwards, well same thing might happen friday....but we keep moving on.....oh and sorry for the inconvenience (Bows slightly) ]