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95.74% Land of Magic / Chapter 45: Occlumency Breakthrough

Chương 45: Occlumency Breakthrough

Chapter: 45

Occlumency Breakthrough

Hello guys, be sure to check out the last chapter as I have deleted the announcement chapter.

/(^ x ^)\

A step later, Richard stepped into the Slytherin common room. It looked like it was described in the books, but bigger. Greenlight was lightening it up and the water that was seen outside the windows gave it a mesmerizing and calm look.

Many students were sitting around chatting with each other or playing gobstones and wizarding chess. The entire room was outfitted with the house's color green, and snake banners were hanging everywhere.

Richard looked over his shoulder and found his accomplice right behind him. Nodding his head in his direction, he took out something from his spatial ring. In his hand appeared a white round ball the size of a tennis ball.

Both he and Kyle had some mischievous talents and Sirius was not a poor teacher in this art. They had spent a lot of time at home chasing after him with some new pranking ideas and now was the time to start with their plan.

With a wave of his hand, the ball was flying to the floor and white gas was released upon contact. On the other side, Kyle was doing the same and the whole common room was shrouded in whiteness in mere seconds. A few startled cries were heard, and Kyle and Richard used this smokescreen to cast one of their most loved spells.

They stumbled upon it about a year ago in a random book for jinx.

Magic was flowing out of Richard's hands and got infused in his surroundings. The spell was done in a second and the smokescreen was surely not needed, but it added a bit of confusion to the situation.

The noise inside changed abruptly. Cries turned into grunts and every sound uttered by a human got changed into that of an animal. To not completely turn this into madness, the fog vanished and Richard and Kyle bathed into the madness that they had created.

All students in the snake den were completely bewildered and wanted to ask about what was happening, but only cries of monkeys, lions, crocodiles, and more were heard. Some students came down from their dormitories to look on about what was going on but were stunned when they got down.

The older students tried to break the spell and tapped their wands at their throats, but it changed nothing. A few of the more relaxed children used this chance and turned this ability into a game and played with each other while screaming with their new sounds at their friends and chases each other through the room.

Kyle and Richard looked at this whole thing and kept weaving through students before the jinx lost its duration. It was set to just 5 minutes and was meant to be on the funny side of things. Seeing that nothing had gone wrong, and the spells had ended correctly, they both went out and appeared outside of the common room in a corridor next to it.


Both directly fell into a burst of full-blown laughter when they appeared and rolled around while clutching their bellies.

It took a few minutes to calm them down, and Richard said. "Seeing some of these stuck-up purebloods speak with monkey noises really did it. They looked utterly ridiculous."

"Yeah, but I liked the squeaking noises of hamsters more. A picture to remember. We only have 3 more common rooms to hit today." Kyle answered, and both boys chatted for a bit before heading up to eat dinner.

On their way up to the great hall, they talked a bit about their plan and went inside it in no time. This time, both had to wait for the girls to show up before eating. Soon it was 7 pm and strangely no word from the Slytherins was heard about something happening. Kyle and Richard had not told the girls about it, and they were sure that they would figure it out eventually.

Saying that they had something to do before meeting them at the library, the duo headed towards the Hufflepuff common room. They had found the entrance to it as it was almost next to the kitchen area where they had started to sketch the map.

It took them about an hour to "visit" their own common room and also to hit the Ravenclaw, therefore they met the girls at 8 in the library as it was about to close.

At the question of where the two came back from, nothing but smiles came back as an answer and they could only find out on their own.

Soon, the entire castle was speaking about these attacks.

Escorting Mia and Alex back to their house, they then wished all of them goodnight and would meet up tomorrow at breakfast. Getting back into their common room, they were flanked by Fred and George, who had stars in their eyes.

"Do you know what happened here earlier?" both asked at the same time and Sniffy knew that they had done something. Looking completely clueless, Kyle then asked what was this fuss about and both twins told them the tale.

Sniffy was just shaking her head at the ongoings and ignored Kyle and Richard and walked up to her room. She was never a fan of their pranking, but as long as they did not go too far with them, then she was fine with it.

Kyle and Richard were asking more about this "attack" and Fred and George praised these unknown troublemakers for quite some time. After chatting about this for a couple of minutes, the duo also excused themselves and get back up to their rooms to do a little late-night reading.

They now had a completely new routine and did not want to lose too much time. They wanted to train their occlumency or magic control before going to bed each day. Richard was thinking back to their prank, and a smile appeared on his face. It was not every day that you could pull something like this on a large group of people.

The night was soon over, and the trio was seen outside the castle, running toward their training place. Today was a cool day, and the sky was glad in white clouds. Using the few hours in the morning to get their training done, they then teleported back to the castle and walked into the great hall to have a rich breakfast.

Sitting down at their usual table on the Gryffindor side, they were greeted by Alex and Mia in just seconds after sitting down. Making a place for both of them, they ate and chat with them.

No one had any problems with both newcomers, and the girls were warmly welcomed to the table. The entire hall was abuzz with yesterday's happenings and most of the students were wondering who the troublemakers could be.

Kyle and Richard looked awfully smug while this topic was discussed. Sniffy could not be bothered by them and was chatting with Alex and Mia.

The whole day, they were continuing to map out the castle in separate groups and only met each other at mealtimes. Some new shortcuts were found and a few new secret places were encountered, but nothing major.

After they all had finished with dinner, their group went on to an unused classroom right next to the great hall as they wanted to figure out who won the bet.

The classroom was signed with the number 34b and looked quite abandoned. Chairs and tables were standing and lying all over the place, spider webs and dust covered almost every inch of it.

The only thing it took was a few spells of the trio and the classroom was dust-free and clean all over. Alex and Mia looked with stars in their eyes at them as they saw their friends use magic like that.

Mia and Alex were adamant about them teaching them a few spells, that they all agreed to a few lessons every day, and then both groups got seated at a table and took out their maps.

"We have found out about 8 shortcuts and not less than 23 secret rooms. Most of them were only some hidden cupboards."

Started Sniffy and looked at the expression of Kyle and Richard and both looked like they had just eaten a fly.

"Damn, we only found 6 shortcuts and 17 rooms. How were you able to find so many? We did our best, and I truly thought that we would win." Richard said and looked at the girls with a look of respect on his face.

"Nice, I did not think we would win this, but Sniffy was truly marvelous at this. She found every secret in an instant. Mia almost could not get everything sketched down in time." Alex answered and the girls high-fived each other.

After that, they compared their maps and shared their findings. All of them concluded it would at least take them a couple more weekends to finish their map. The castle was just that enormous, but they had found every classroom which they needed to attend and could go there easily through some shortcuts.

Time flew by and it was almost time for curfew. No one wanted to be too late and have some time before bed, so they walked the girls to their common room and wished them goodnight. They would see each other at breakfast like every day and then a few times during class.

Getting back into their own rooms took them only a couple of minutes, thanks to the shortcut that they had found next to the Ravenclaw entrance. It was a flowery carpet, and you had to step in two exact places for it to open up. It directly led them to the corridor in which their own house was located and helped them immensely at saving time.

Back at their own house, they also did not linger any longer and Sniffy split up to chat a bit with her housemates.

Fred and George were chatting with Lee inside the living room and Kyle and Richard were joining them, too. They just talked about nothing really and all of them were very interested in their classes the next morning. They would start with transfiguration and charms would be not before afternoon. All of them were quite psyched up about this since no one other than Kyle and Richard had started on their journey of magic.

Fred had explained that their mother had completely forbidden them from learning any magic, and she handed their wands over shortly before the train ride. Lee, on the other hand, was a Muggle-born and did not know how to do magic and did not want to try out anything that could be dangerous on his own.

Chatting for a bit before heading to their separate rooms, Richard then thought of what to achieve this year and murmured to himself.

"This and the next year, we should have complete undisturbed years. I need to use this time wisely and become stronger alongside Kyle and Sniffy. Finding the room of requirement is only a matter of time and I don´t really need it for anything at the moment, so let's wait until our map gets finished.

I am truly curious if the chamber of secret entrance can be found with this magical sight, but I highly doubt that something like this is not used by the headmaster.

After we have mapped the entire castle, we could begin with exploring the forest, but maybe we need to help Mia and Alex a bit before that. Would not want to get into a dangerous forest with no defense or attacking spells and we definitely don´t want to leave them behind.

One other thing to focus on is my magic control. I am lacking in this department and could surely improve in it some more.

But what truly baffles me is my body. In the last 1 and a half years, I have made absolutely no progress in controlling the strength that I truly have and can only suppress continuously it with the training clothes. That bugs me very much.

Maybe I can find something about this in some books here. The library is quite amazing.

Other than that, I do also need to work on my occlumency. I am feeling that I am closing in on something, but I am not sure on what exactly.

And I should find out more about dark artifacts like the Horcrux. Maybe there is more to them than it was ever described in the books. I have a strange feeling about them every time I think about them.

Knowledge is power, that is for sure. Looks like the next couple of weeks will be spent in the library."

Richard had thought quite a lot about the "story" and now that he lived in this new world, he had to take a lot more into consideration. It was not a children's story anymore and who knows what had changed already through his intervention with things?

The whole Inorim thing showed him that this world was much more than it was ever shown in any of the books. They only ever focused on England and nothing much more. Only bits and pieces of neighboring countries were mentioned here and there, but nothing more.

But an entire world was out there and knowing that there should at least be 3 colossal magical cities out there made it not any easier.

Richard could only focus on the present and do his best for now. That was to get stronger and also enjoy the next couple of years with his friends.

Getting out of his head, he then changed his clothes into nice and comfy pajamas. He then walked to his bed and sat down on it in a meditative position.

Relaxing his mind while closing his eyes, Richard soon went into a thoughtless state and woke up in his head. His occlumency was not forgotten over the past few months and had progressed nicely.

Looking around, he saw the sky who was dark, and stars were seen overhead. He was creating them for the last couple of years and focused solely on that. The barrier to shield his thoughts was only rudimentary, but it was enough for the moment.

Richard did not want to waste too much time on a barrier that he would need to bring down, eventually. Sirius had taught them how important it was to find your own style while changing your mind. The first step was finished ages ago when he took all his memories and sorted them out.

They were now all stored into different stars, light years away from each other, and sorted by definition. The rock on which he was now standing was only holding the memories of today, and he needed to sort through them now and take them where they belonged.

This step helped him with familiarizing and remembering the memories clearly for a longer period of time and he only needed to go through them a few more times to not forget them. Ha had created a system for that and would sift through a bunch of memories each day.

It was a good thing that time worked differently in here, since he was working with the speed of thought and was not hindered by some physical means. Otherwise, something like this would have taken hours on the outside.

After sifting through a bunch of memories.

Richard had created things like stars, asteroids, moons, and so on for a couple of years now and was now feeling like he would arrive at some limit if he created some more. It was a vague feeling for now, but he wanted to see how far he could go and how big this universe of his could get.

The feeling of knowing everything in here was quite particular, and Richard needed some time to get used to it in the beginning. It was like he was an omnipotent being in here and could do everything, which was not wrong. He was God in this place and could create anything that he could imagine.

The current shield that was shielding his surface thoughts was spanning around the complete universe and was encasing everything in it.

Concentrating on creating some new moons for a few planets, the night soon went on, and shortly before the clock in his mind rang and told him to get out of his mind, something happened.

It was when he finished his second moon for the planet he was currently standing on.


The whole universe in his mind was expanding at an exceptional rate. Planets got created, stars got lit up and asteroids were flying all over the place and impacting on a few places.

He was floating around with his consciousness and was loving the new feeling of this place. It now felt much closer to him than ever before. The surrounding shield broke down and vanished. Instead of it, something new appeared. It was a kind of energy that was now being born into his own mind and gradually seeped into every nook and cranny of it.

After inspecting it for a moment, he knew this was a much better shield than what he had before. If someone wanted to snoop around his head, then he would need to go through this energy and he would surely notice the intruder.

Not finding any other difference than this, Richard then went on and woke up from his concentrated state. Stretching his whole body while getting up, he noticed he felt much calmer now. It was difficult to describe. Before, he was clearheaded most of the time, but his juvenile body affected him somewhat. But now he was more in control of his whole being than ever before.

"That sure feels nice. It's like I was constantly suppressed before, but now I feel truly free. Whole, and utter freedom."

Richard enjoyed this feeling for a couple of minutes and then put some magic inside his pajamas and changed into his training outfit. Not wanting to let his friends wait any longer, he went out and joined them in the common room.

Both noticed that something was different about him but could not tell what exactly had happened to their friend.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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