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72.34% Land of Magic / Chapter 34: Sudden Changes

Chương 34: Sudden Changes

Chapter: 34

Sudden Changes


The trio was laughing hard at the sight of Rodolfo and Kellam's entrance. The two of them turned around to look for the source of laughter, seeing them Rodolfo ran happily to Kyle and hugged him.

"It's good that you are well. Our group did not have the best time down here. The thought of something happening to you was driving me crazy. "Said he after he had Kyle in his hands.

Kyle was startled by this sudden affection from his father, who rarely showed this many feelings. He could only answer in an embarrassed manner. "We have had quite the dangerous time down there too, but we did not come back empty-handed."

He was wanting to explain what had happened to them, down in the enormous cave, and tell them of their adventure. Also wanting to surprise his dad that they had achieved their goal, Kyle got ready to tell everything but was interrupted by some clapping sound.

"Clap, clap, clap…. What a pleasant view. It is so touching to see a family reunion this close, It´s just that I need to interrupt you."

Hearing this, all present people focused on the source of the sudden clapping sound and found a dark-cloaked person standing at the start of the forest. He was walking towards them with a condescending tone in his voice. This person had a weird face, all over it could be seen stitches where it had been operated on. His eyes looked menacing in a glowing yellow manner and he had no hair on his head.

Rodolfo let go of Kyle the moment he saw who had come and wore a grave expression. Richard, Sniffy, and Kyle did not know, what was going on but were sure that this was not the kind of person that they wanted to meet randomly in the woods.

"I would say it's nice to see you, but that would be quite wrong. What are you doing here, Nefarion? It shouldn't be a coincidence to meet you out here." Asked Rodolfo in a calm voice.

"Ah, yes. Long time no see, old friend. Would you believe me if I say that I was just strolling through this forest and just so happened to meet you here?" Nefarion answered in an amusing tone.

As the name was mentioned, Richard looked with a questioning gaze at Kyle and whispered. "Who the hell is that? Nefarion, he seems really full of himself."

Kyle heard this and was brought out of his stupor, which he fell in when he heard the name. Seeing Richard's gaze, he thought back to what he knew about this person and fear crept into his expression. "He is one of Dad's oldest enemies. A dark wizard. They fought many battles, years ago and never managed to kill each other.

He is a vampire hater and abducted vampires all over the world to experiment on them. Nefarion's goal is to recreate immortality. He envies all of us and wants it for himself too.

The death of my grandparents was his fault, and that was the last time dad and he had fought. However, dad was too late and could not rescue them. Sadly, they died on a labor table like many before them. This happened way before my time, and I only heard some stories from my dad. We thought he died after my dad had him seriously injured, but it looks like he is neither dead nor looks older."

Richard and Sniffy were quietly listening to the story and could only gulp at that. Richard's family really had not much luck. First, his grandparents got killed, and after that, Rodolfo's wife died while giving birth to Kyle. Their faces grew graver as the story went on and they could now imagine how powerful this Nefarion had to be. It looks they tapped right into his trap and could only search for a way out.

"Cut the crap, you old piece of shite. I thought I killed you last time, but it looks like I need to remind you of how much stronger I am." Rodolfo seethed with rage, after hearing Nefarion's words and shouted back while getting into a fighting stance. Ready to attack at any given moment.

Nefarion could not be bothered by this and spoke back in a calm and condescending voice. "Last time it was my loss, but you truly don´t think that I came to fight you without any backup? It is just not my thing to play fair."

He clapped with his hands and out of the woods walked loads of people. All of them wore black clothes and had a somewhat crazed and blank look on their faces. The place behind Nefarion was soon filled with people, and Rodolfo could only grit his knuckles so hard that blood flowed out of his hands and dripped to the ground.

When these people emerged, the expression of the trio got worse as the seconds went on. Earlier they had still had a chance to get out of this somewhat unscathed, but now it took a turn for the worse.

Rodolfo could only grit his teeth and whisper to Kellam. "Brother, can you look for a way and bring the kids out of here? I will try to buy you some time."

Kellam heard this, nodded his head, and walked towards Richard, Sniffy, and Kyle. Richard could only shout out the frustration that he felt into his mind and cursed himself for being too weak. He was sure that he could not do much in a fight with such calibers. It also did not help that his magic reserves were only at 52%. He was not able to regain the magic that he spent inside the mountain.

The golden energy in his body was also completely gone, and he didn´t even have any of his defensive trinkets anymore. If he wanted to interfere in any kind of way, then he was sure that he wouldn´t be able to achieve too much.

He tried to think of some way out and asked Sniffy in an almost nonexistent voice. "Are you able to apparate us out of here?"

Sniffy was just as fearful as the rest of them and only when she heard Richard's voice, could she get out of her stumped self. She then tried to use her magic, to see if she could apparate, but could only shake her head after she felt her surroundings.

It was just a kind of feeling that she had, but she knew that if she tried and apparated out of here, they would be injured, possibly even killed.

Richard had expected that and got back into his thoughts. 'That would have been too easy. It was expected that they had some contingencies in place to not allow us and flee in such a manner. I guess it is an enchantment or some ward. Such a thing would at least be able to envelop a few hundred meters. If we can manage to get into the woods, we could have a slight chance of getting out of here.

But looking at the good 50 people behind Nefarion, they are surely not only here to watch a fight.

Something else does bug me, though. It is definitely a trap, set up by these people, but how come they knew where we were. We never got into any contact with people on our way, so someone who knew where we were going talked. The one who told Rodolfo about the whereabouts of this place was put under a magical vow and could not have talked. It was surely not one of us 3 and Rodolfo can be excluded, too.'

Realizing something, Richard turned his head to the one person who was coming closer to them. He could only shout out towards Rodolfo, who stood with his back faced to them.

"Watch out." But it was already too late. Kellam was now directly behind Rodolfo and a fierce glint could be seen inside his eyes at this instant. The same moment when Richards shouted was the moment he acted. With his reaming hand and ax at the ready, he attacked Rodolfo with all of his might.

Rodolfo was perplexed by this sudden shout and could only adjust his body slightly to the left and avoid Kellam's strike. The strike went for his head, and after he moved his body, it pierced his right shoulder instead.

"Thummmmmppp, Damnnnnnn."

A thumping sound could be heard. It was the sound of a hand falling onto the ground and after that, Rodolfo let out a shriek while he distanced himself from Kellam. Who was now walking towards Nefarion with a smile on his face.

"Why the hell did you do that? We are brothers and have known each other forever. How could you let go of your hatred towards the murderer of our parents?" Rodolfo could only ask in a stunned manner. He never would have imagined such an outcome.

"You just don't understand me, brother, never have." Said Kellam and shook his head. "I stood always in your shadow and could never do what I wanted. But the most important part is that you stole the love of my life from my fingertips and now you get what you deserve."

Kellam answered in an angry but calm manner. Today would be the end of all his regrets and then he could live the life he had ever wanted.

The trio heard this and was stumped, that all of this was for such a dumb reason. What was Kellam thinking? Colluding with the enemy to kill his own brother over his love?

Rodolfo was bewildered for a moment and could only shout at his brother with fury emitting out of his whole being. "What do you mean, you never mentioned anything about having any interest in Sarah? You knew her for a much longer time and would it not have been for you, then I would have never met her."

Hearing this, Kellam shouted back in a seething tone. "What do you mean, you clearly stole her from me? She was meant to be mine, but you put your filthy hands on her. For that fact, you will pay with your life and I will become the new city lord."

Rodolfo could not understand his brother and tried to reason with him. "You would just have needed to say something to me. How would I have known how you feel? I thought we had your consent, but it looks like Sarah and I completely misunderstood you."

Kellam could not hear any more of this and just said. "Enough. I have had enough of your lies. I don´t argue with a dead person. Just know that all of this is your fault."

Seeing Kellam's face with no emotions on it, broke Rodolfo's heart. He had thought that he understood his brother, but it seems like everything he had ever known about him was a lie.

The buds of hatred should have grown from the very beginning and now was just the time they erupted. Rodolfo could only think of one last thing and he asked his brother.

"Maybe it was my fault that I have never seen what you were going through, but do you really need to take out your hatred on these three kids? Just let them go and I let you kill me."

Kyle heard this and screamed at his dad. "You cannot do that, dad. We will just have to fight them with our life on the line. We surely will find a way out of this situation. Don´t ever give up and say something like this again."

Richard and Sniffy heard this and could only smile when they heard this. They never would sacrifice someone just to live another day. Better to die on the battlefield than life with the burden of someone's life. Sniffy was sure that she did not want Rodolfo to sacrifice himself.

Richard had to chip in and say to Rodolfo in a way that only he and his friends could hear him. "Kyles words are true, don´t ever give up your life. Don´t be too worried about us, if we give it our all, we should be able to find a way out of this situation. Even if they decide to let us go, would they keep their word, don´t trust scum like them."

On the other side, Kellam stood beside Nefarion and did not even think about Rodolfo's plea and spat back. "I don´t care about these 2 kids but Kyle needs to stay here forever. I will not let a kid run around that has the same blood that you have. Something like that will never be happening.

There is also the problem of not becoming the city lord if he lives. No can do, brother. You are not in a place where you can bargain."

A bit of a distance behind Nefarion and Kellam stood a wizard with a bald head. He looked at Richard and Sniffy with an amusing expression. He then said. "If it's not too much trouble, then can I have these two pups? They should be somehow connected with Kyle's helper, and I want to torture everything out of them."

The trio looked over and found out that this bald wizard was the one who wanted to capture Kyle in Rome.

Nefarion heard this and just answered. "I am sure you can have some fun with them, but be warned. If you somehow don´t find out anything about this hidden assailant, then you will be punished accordingly."

Brian could only assure his master that he will fail no request ever again and looked at the trio with an amusing smile on his face.

At this moment, Rodolfo stepped forward and walked calmly towards Nefarion and Kellam while he was saying. "I am sorry kiddos, but I can only buy you some time. I hope you will get out of this alive."

Tears were streaming out of Kyle's eyes when he heard this and he was trying to walk forward and help his father, but Richard grabbed him and held him back.

"Don´t, that is his decision, don´t let his sacrifice go to waste. Remember, we just need to get stronger to kill all of them, then we can do something. Right now, we can only try our best and help him in a way where we are not in the way. I did never say that we should run right away. We will of course help your dad."

Kyle looked at Richard and Sniffy and was astonished that, although they shivered in fear, they were not backing down. Sniffy was holding Richard's clothes with one hand but was resolute in helping them somewhat to get out of this situation. Yes, they were completely at a disadvantage, but that did not mean that they couldn´t help Rodolfo.

On the way to Kellam and Nefarion, Rodolfo took out one of his swords and got ready to fight. At the same moment, when he passed his hand that was lying on the floor, he poked it with his sword and moved it toward his stump.

Getting into a fighting stance, Kellam saw this and shouted. "Don´t let him reattach his arm. He will definitely be a much greater problem with two hands."

Nefarion could only nod at this and got ready. His wand already in his left hand, he let out a shout and shot a black spell at Rodolfo's right shoulder. However, his opponent was prepared for this and evaded this attack with ease. After that, his hand reattached itself to his shoulder.

Enveloped in black-red light, it was slowly healing itself. It would take some time to be useful again, but not too long. He then mocked Nefarion.

"You are never as fast in these things. I thought you improved yourself over the last century where you locked yourself away. But it looks like I have overestimated you."

Nefarion was prideful and arrogant, but long ago, he had acknowledged that he could not beat Rodolfo in a fair fight. The last time they battled, he could only get away when he used a sacrificing spell. It took him decades to shake off the side effects and get his strength back. Now that he had the opportunity to get his revenge, he strived for it.

It did not embarrass him that he needed all these people to get rid of him and shouted at his underlings.

"What are you standing there for? Start attacking."

Meanwhile, Kellam stood to the side and looked at this. He knew he needed to team up with the bastard that had killed his parents, but he had no other choice. He had a goal and was sure to fulfill it in any way.

At the moment, when the underlings went forward, Sniffy whispered to her two friends. "It looks like my invisibility enchantments come in handy right now."

The two remembered that Sniffy had enchanted their clothes with this and activated it as the wizards charged at Rodolfo. A few of them went in their direction.

Kyle and Sniffy had activated this enchantment earlier in the crater filled with fog, but it did not help them in any way. The bone creatures in there completely ignored it and could sense them somehow while they were invisible.

All three of them activated them, and Richard whispered to Kyle. "Can you try and snipe a few of them with your metal spikes?" He knew Kyle had gotten a few of them in case of an ambush and to not be pushed back like last time when he battled against Brian.

The trio repositioned themselves and Richard and Kyle were glad that Sniffy was such an astounding person. She had somehow invented a spell that let them see each other, even when they were invisible. They wouldn´t lose sight of their friends and could fight unimpeded.

Kyle and Richard's clothes changed from being cloaked into much more form-fitting clothes. Like this, they would not impede them in any form, and it let them fight much more easily.

Meanwhile, at the place where Rodolfo was standing.

He looked at the forthcoming wizards and witches with an amusing smile while saying. "Are you truly sure that trash like you can kill me?" Rodolfo mocked them and then charged at the nearest person.

At one second, he stood in one place, and in the next second, he was seen right next to a cloaked wizard. One sword strike later, a head went flying into the air and he proceeded toward his next victim. Blood was flowing into the air and the body hit the ground in a gruesome manner.

The next person could not even see his opponent and was not putting up any resistance. He got casually sliced into two pieces and these halves fell onto the ground.

The surrounding people gradually realized what is happening and could only cover back in fear.

Nefarion saw this and shouted angrily at his underlings. "What the hell are you doing? Use your brain dammit. You learned spells for this. Kellam, what are you doing? You promised to hold him down."

The cannon fodder heard this, and they started to cast spells on themselves.

Rodolfo did not wait for them to get ready and killed another 2 in just a few seconds.

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