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51.06% Land of Magic / Chapter 24: Two Months

Chương 24: Two Months

Two Months

Chapter: 24

The days went by and the trio continued their daily routine with training at the dojo each day.

Two months passed in this fashion and they got much better and regained some control of their powers.

Sniffy and Richard were staying in the hotel for the time being and were looking around the city every other day to have a break from their constant training. The Everlasting City had many new things, which no normal being would ever be able to see.

Apparently, the city could only be found by those who were residents of it, or those who would be invited into it by someone, but this ability only a minority of people and most of them needed to use up a huge amount of stored up credits.

Credits was similar to money and consisted of a system inside the city. All the really good stuff could only be bought with these credits. To obtain them, you could work for the city or sell stuff to obtain them. Usually, it would take normal people around 100 years to amass enough of them to invite one person inside. The was not a huge problem, because it was a city of vampires therefore a century was not that much time for them.

Without an invitation, no one even had any chance to find this city and the reason for that was, a huge and powerful spell was cast onto the city that only allowed residents or those that were invited into it to know anything about it.

That was some really powerful safety measure and the spell worked like the Fidelius charm but also differed from it.

If the Fidelius charm is used, then there is a secret keeper that can give the hidden information to other people, therefore it could theoretically be spread indefinitely. The spell that was cast onto the city worked like a better kept secret. The secret could be spread to those who were residents or invited in, through some sort of pact and the best part of it was that no one who had taken this pact, could spread any information about this city at all. Therefore, this city was a complete secret to most people.

Richard and Sniffy were made aware of this when they had tried to write a letter back to Sirius to tell him that they were staying a bit longer than anticipated and that they did not know when they would come back exactly.

At first, they tried to write down that they found this amazing city full of vampires but when Richard began to write, he could only write to the point where he wanted to explain something about this amazing city and was stopped there. Alone the thoughts of what he wanted to write stayed inside his head and could not be written onto the paper.

After consulting about this with Kyle, both of them then found out that they were not able to spread any information about The Everlasting City and they were confused because they had not taken a pact or something similar to it. Kyle explained that he had vouched for them on their behalf and that the spell was now also affecting them. He had used up his chances to invite someone for Richard and Sniffy and both of them were touched when they heard this.

Kyle just waved it off as nothing, at first it was a favor for saving his live but not that they were friends, he was quite smug with himself when he explained this.

Richard was shocked at first, that there was such a powerful spell that hid such a big city and calmed down fast and thought that it was no wonder that he had never heard or had read of this city at all.

After thinking for a bit, he then began to get excited and thought that if there was such an amazing spell that was able to affect every magical being on this planet to not spread a secret, than there should be much more magic like this out there and he vowed to himself that one day he will learn it and even reach a step above the one who had casted it.

Sniffy did not really mind that she was not able to spread the knowledge of this city to other people, because she would not even know to whom she would say it. That fact was then ignored completely by her.

When Richard thought a bit more about all the possibilities that such a strong magic made possible and he became curiouser of what else was hidden on the planet. Having found a new goal, which he added to his list, he then silently thanked the one who had sent him to this world.

Sirius got a letter from Richard and Sniffy that told him, that they had found something amazing and were staying for longer and they had no idea when they would return. He also should not even bother to write a reply to them, because it would never find its way towards them.

Sirius read the letter and was confused at what a place they were staying to not be found by owls, but he ignored it after he saw his girlfriend coming home from work.

Apart from this letter he also wrote one for the Lovegoods in which he explained that got some seer blood inside him and had found out that Pandora would die in the next few years on some experiment in the basement. Richard wrote that she should be careful while experimenting and add a few precautions. He wrote that it is of great importance that she does not die and could only hope that they would heed his warning.

Richard did not want to see a Luna growing up without a mother by her side. That was one of the things he vowed himself to change and could not wait to visit them after they are done in this city.

Anyway, the city was really marvelous and one nice day they went to the zoo of which Kyle told them a lot about. It was on the edges of the city and to name it a zoo was really understating what it really was. It was more like a whole different world. In there was every ecosystem that one could find on the planet and there lived many animals that neither Richard nor Sniffy had ever seen or heard before.

There were some scary one inside it and the one what scared Sniffy the most lived inside a jungle on a huge mountain. After taking a closer look at the mountain, they found out that it was not one at all, it could not be more from the truth.

It consisted of countless brown larvae. They were stacked up on each other and in time to time, there were some flying insects seen above them that threw some food down for them. The prey who fell down was instantly eaten and nothing remained, not even bones.

Their meals consisted of elephant like beings that were good 4 times lager than the largest elephant that was walking around in South Afrika.

Richard was speechless at this and Sniffy had her eyes closed and was almost crying because she hated insects. She was sure that the picture of this many insects will haunt her for some time.

Richard was about to turn away, to walk to the next section but then he saw a large dragon attack these insects and breathed fire at them. It looked like his meal was stolen from him and it was enraged, but Richard could only stand there with his mouth gaping open when 100 insect like beings flew up to the dragon and attacked it. Said dragon was about 50 meters long, but was these insects were far faster than it and it got swarmed on not time. It lost his ability to fly and was then seen falling into the mountain of insects and got devoured in about 2 seconds. Nothing remained.

He just thought, that it was good that Sniffy had not seen this and seeing Kyle laughing while he was looking at his expression, he then asked what these insects are. They were apparently found in some ancient ruins and only a couple was brought back, but they ate everything and procreated far faster then every other living being. The one who tried to study them got eaten instantly and it did take a special force to trap these creatures inside a cage.

After that they got then transported to this new place and are now living there comfortably. The whole zoo was some kind of magical artifact with the power to store every type of being inside.

It would be a disaster if some of these creatures inside got free.

Anyhow, they then got onwards to see more of this zoo.

Kyle then explained to them that the zoo was split up in sections that contained pocket dimensions, in which people could see into and therefore they were able to enjoy all the exotic animals without facing any danger. The windows into which they could view the habitants of the zoo worked like some kind of screen that showed them all that was happening inside, but no one was in any danger.

Richard could only shudder at the thought that these beings could break free and wreak havoc on earth.

Kyle assured them that the pocked dimension that the animals were locked inside, were nearly as big as a planet and they were created by some of their ancestors, but the knowledge for that was now lost to the flow of time. It was a marvelous artefact.

The only one responsible for them and to add new and almost extinct species to the pocket dimensions, was none other than Newt Scamander. Apparently, he was also a blood wizard and was turned in the last 10 years or so. He got it from his master whom is now nowhere to be found.

Kyle has met him twice already and was quite the fanboy. He could not quite down after he began to tell the story of him visiting Newt's bag, where many animals lived and he explained that it was larger than anything he had ever seen.

Richard also got more and more curious of how the great Newt Scamander was in real life and wrote on his mental to do list, to meet him some day.

Later the same day and after Kyle and Sniffy needed to pull Richard away from the pocket dimension that housed magical snow wolves which were 3 times bigger than normal ones and they looked much more menacing. In Richards eyes they looked only beautiful and majestic.

He could see himself riding on one of them. Feeling their fur with his hands and imagining that it must feel legendary.

He just wanted to look at these beautiful and amazing creatures for the whole day. After a few hours when Sniffy and Kyle returned from their tour because they let him be, after they tried to pull him with them but he was adamant about staying here.

This day ended perfectly with a nice meal inside The Mortals Heaven Treehouse where they feasted until they all could no longer continue. The trio also used the shortcut to get down from it again and they loved the feeling of falling freely down from it.

2 months were over in a really short period of time and all three grew much more powerful.

Richard was now able to control his magic much better and was able to cast his normal spells without any trouble again and since he had much more magic than before, he could also cast them a lot more.

On one day he tried on how many times he was able to cast Lumos, but had to stop after he got tired for an hour of seeing it lit. It did not put a dent into his magical energy reserves, he concluded that he did not need too much magic for such low level's spells anymore.

He also was able to control his output to the degree where he was able to dim it or let it be brighter like he wanted it to be. The telekinesis control was also coming along well and he was now able to shoot the marble in one direction accurately, but he needed to train his aim some more. He only hit accurate in a 10-meter radius around himself.

Richard was now back to let his coin float around his body under his robes at all times, but he could not let spin it anymore. He would lose control over it when he tried it. He was quite satisfied with his improvements in the magical aspect. It took him only one month of training his magic for half a day, while he used the other half day for his physical training. After this one month, he then switched all his attention on his physical body since he had much more troubles with it.

He could now consistently control about 50 % of his strength and trained now on the 10 level of the gravitation room. His body got used to the constant pressure and he made some nice improvements.

However, he was not able to really fight outside of the gravitational room and therefore he had to improvise a bit. It took him some time and after one and a half months, he found a solution to his problem.

Richard had remembered about the training outfit that Kyle had mention at the beginning. He looked for it and found it in the changing room. After putting it on and adding some magic to it, he was surprised that they completely vanished after magic was put inside them. Richard concluded that they were supposed to be worn at all times like this.

The clothes not only made themselves heavier but acted like the minor gravitational room, but in a more concentrated manner. It did only affect his body and not his surroundings. He adjusted his magic output to the clothes and it felt like he was now on the 7th level of the gravitational room. That put his mind more at ease, because he now could control his body at all time. The only downside to it was that he needed to deactivate it when he wanted to grab something, because he would crush it into bits every time.

He could live with that tried to use it for training. Now he had it active for about 10 minutes and then deactivated it. That helped him a lot with controlling his power. One strange thing was that it did not affect the surroundings. His body was under the strain of the added gravitation but his whole body was not affecting the floor or other things. He would not crush things because of his added weight. It was a weird thing.

But the training assured him of the fact, that even if he could not manage to get completely used to his physical body right now, he would not miss out on anything.

The trainings clothes could also be worn all day and he only had to imprint them with his magical power to be able to leave with them from the dojo. Richard remembered that Kyle had said something that you could not leave with the clothes on but he proved it to him otherwise.

There was only one disadvantage to it, he needed to constantly put his magic into it to let it be heavy. That was quite the challenge to Richard, but after half a month, he got it under control. The only downside of it was that he was only able to use about 20% of his whole magic for other things.

But the good side to it was that he constantly used his magic and his magic pool grew bigger and bigger through that over time. The other good or bad thing was that even if his magic grew stronger, his body was the same and through the constant strain that it was put under, it was also growing alongside with his own magic. Therefore, both powers held itself in check and it was a strange balance that had formed.

Richard did not mind it much, because he gradually grew stronger and if he felt that his body was to light, he just added more magic to his trainings outfit and he grew heavier with it.

The magical pool inside himself grew to 10 meters in diameter and it was quite funny to look at it, because it was only ever really half full, the other half was constantly used for his training clothes, he only could use 20% though or he would run out of magic to put into is clothes and would then not be able to get around with his body anymore, at least that was a problem in fights.

Richard wanted to try out what would happen when he channeled magic through his body and if that would make him stronger or not. He then proceeded to try it out once, but because he was not able to control his physical strength, he only saw a blur and then flew hard onto the wall while 2 booms could be heard.

One was from breaking through the sound barrier and the other was from his impact.

He was grateful for the fact that he did not try this in the gravitational room and instead he used the magical training room. Richard knew that his body would not have been able to handle this much power and he would have died without the protection of the barrier.

The barrier was quite magical, it completely negated the damage he should have received on impacting on the wall. He was not even shaken a bit and felt normal like he was standing there the whole time.

It was like he never even had accelerated at all. After that, he knew that he should not do that again for the time being and that he would need to train his eyes and mind a lot more. Or else he would not be able to react at this speed.

Nothing was more useless than some guy that could only run in one direction for an unknown amount of time and without seeing or feeling even a little bit. He would just die when he hit the next few trees or walls.

That maybe was only good if he was able to run away from someone.

Kyle and Sniffy also made some nice improvements and after more than a month had gone by. It was time to eat dinner when Kyle was stepping out of the training room, with a happy smile on his face. He told them that he now had managed to step past the 23 level and could now withstand the 24 level somewhat. It did take him more than half a year to reach that level and they decided to party after this good news.

Richard could not even fathom what physical strength he would need to get to the 24 level and that Kyle must be a monster in this regard.

He wondered how he got beaten by the bald wizard but it was maybe more the fault of the artefact which the wizard had or that Kyle was too unexperienced in battles.

Sniffy also did manage to get her magic under control again and was now able to cast all her old spells without any troubles anymore. She also said that she was now able to cast them completely effortless compared to before her breakthrough.

The other thing that seemed to have changed was her affinity towards earth and she one day explained to Richard and Kyle that she felt some kind of connection to it. After Richard asked if she was able to control it, she tried it out and was able to move a stone without any kind of telekinesis or house-elf magic.

Richard then said to her that she should try to improve her control over that and that she may be able to use more of this power.

He told her what she may be able to do in the future and that if she got strong enough that she should be able to control gravity around herself, or being able to learn some healing spells from mother earth if she concentrated more on her inner being.

Richard knew that elves were beings of nature and therefore should have a much better connection to the surroundings around themselves.

So he told her to try and see if she could learn some spells while she meditated inside the forest behind the dojo.

After half a month of trying, she was now able to control plants to a certain degree, it may not be much right now and she was only able to trip some people or entangle them inside grass but it showed how much potential was inside herself.

Sniffy learned this while she meditated and the spells came to here naturally like she had some sort of heredity memory.

Kyle was now a real friend to Richard and Sniffy, after all the time they had spent together they got used to being together. One day he told them, that he was also only 9 years old, but because of the fact that vampires age much faster at the beginning, he was looking much older.

Richard and Sniffy were stunned when he told them this and knowing that they were all of the same age Richard began thinking if Kyle could go to Hogwarts with them somehow. He was sure that Sniffy would get a letter of Hogwarts, because she was as old as Richard and had only lived homeless for a bit before she met Richard.

After Sniffy changed into a proper elf, the master servant bond which they had got dissolved, but they did not care about it at all. Richard and Sniffy treated themselves more like brother and sister for the past few years anyway, therefore it did not matter to them.

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I hope you enjoyed it guys^^ Thanks for reading.

See you again tomorrow.

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