Sir Bellings had a bead of sweat drip down the side of his face as he stood there. He was waiting for the light to flicker back on. He stood there with his arms crossed across his chest and his foot tapping impatiently. As for Bi Ling, she had already jumped back up on top of the giant teddy bear's head and began playing cards with Mei Ling again. Kana had broken out a campire set with chairs and began roasting meat.
A few hours passed, and Sir Bellings still refused to give up waiting. If he actually gave up and admitted to the little girl breaking the light, then he would look like an idiot! He had just said she could not break it! So he was determined to wait for the light to come back on!
The two instructors waiting at the second test, a middle aged man and the other a young woman, were starting to get impatient. "Why is the strength test taking so long? Did everyone fail?"
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