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12.65% Autumn / Chapter 10: Week 5 - pt 2

Chương 10: Week 5 - pt 2

4th October

Connor and Dan had met Autumn by the bridge and had made it into school on time. After registration they all went off to their first lesson. Stenton sat next to her. 'So are you all ready for the party tomorrow.'


'Can't wait it was a blast last year I sure hope it is this year,'

'I'm sure it will be.'

'Right class settle down.'

He smiled at her this party was going to be the best now they'd got a hot new chick there.

The bell rang and they all walked out of class. 'I'll see you tomorrow at the party red.'

'Yeah later Stenton.'

They walked their separate ways.

'So was that Stenton.'

'It was.'

'He bothering you babe.'

'Not really no.'

'Cool lets go to lesson.'

Connor and Autumn walked down the corridor to their next lesson. They walked over the meeting ground to the cigarette corner lighting their cigarettes. 'Autumn, Con.' They all chimed walking up to them lighting a cigarette. 'No Dan?'

'I'm here.' He answered joining them lighting a cigarette.

'Where have yo been?'

'Bitch kept us back.'

'So you daint do your homework!'

Daniel stared sarcastically at James blowing the smoke out of his mouth, onto James's face who coughed. 'No one did.'

'Bet that pissed her off.'

'A lot. She wants it in by next lesson or we'll all have an hour detention to do it in.'

'Well you best do it hadn't you?'

'Sunday maybe.'

'Why not tomorrow.'

'I'm not missing the party.'

'You have plenty of time before the party.'


The bell rang and they doubted their nubs out going inside for the final lesson before lunch.

The ate their lunch going to have a cigarette before the bell rang for the end of lunch and registration.

Autumn sat by Ashby in her next lesson. He smiled. She just looked at him.

'You okay babe?'

'Yeh I'm fine.'

'You having trouble in finding something to wear tomorrow.'

'Yeah something like that.'

'Just come as yourself Autumn no one will criticise you. You are who you are.' He smiled.

They walked out of class Connor slipped his arm around her kissing her cheek. 'You okay babe?'

'Yeah I'm fine.'

'Good let's get to lesson.'

They all walked away going to their final lesson.

They all walked out of school walking home.

'We'll see you guys tomorrow.'

'Sure later.'

Connor and Daniel walked Autumn to the bridge. 'We'll see you tomorrow babe.' He. Said kissing her cheek.

'Night Con.'

'Night babe.'

'Night red.'

'Night Dan.'

They all walked their separate ways heading home.

5th October

Daniel met Autumn in the milkshake bar in town he'd already ordered though unsure

what she liked. She walked in, he waved her over smiling. She walked over to him slipping into the booth. 'I ordered two shakes I weren't to sure why flavour you liked.'




'No probs.'

'Maybe you should say sorry more often.'


They slurped their shakes. 'So are you looking forward to the party later.'


'Me too.' He looked at her. 'None of us offended you the other day did we?'

'I've heard it all before Dan. I guess I should be used to it by now.'

'Guess you're not.'

'No not really.'

'So Con say something stupid too.'

'Could say that.'

'You didn't look to pleased with him.'

'We sorted it.'

'So it was a lovers tiff?'

'No!' She snapped.

He shot back into the chair.

'We're friends though he clearly isn't happy with that and wants more.'

'He ain't the only one.'

She chocked.

'You okay red?'

'Yeah I'm fine. Just went down the wrong way that's all.' She coughed.

'Sorry it came out wrong.'

'So how was it meant to come out?'

'I know Con has a thing for you, but I like you to. I'd like it if we could see each other.'

She chocked again.

'You okay red?'

'Yeah.' She coughed.

'I'm sorry I shouldn't've asked.'

'I'm sorry Dan. I let Con down because I'm not the best person to be around right now.'

'And me?'

She stared at him.

'Con right.'


'I thought so.'

'Please don't say anything Dan he doesn't understand.'

'Your demons right.'

'I've lost one guy. I can't bare to loose another.'

'My lips are sealed.' He said zipping his lips shut with his thumb and index finger.

'We're still friends aren't we?'


She smiled.

'Finally I got you to smile.'

She flushed.

'Bet Con can't get you to do that.'

She looked at him her some fading.

'I'm sorry red it's just that I've never seen you smile, or get embarrassed before.'

'I'm sorry Dan I can't do happy, not right now.'

'I understand red. You may not think I do but I do.'

'Promise me I'll never loose you.'

'I promise.' He moved forward pressing his lips on hers kissing her. He moved away their eyes connected for a short second.

'Here you go babe.'

They both looked up at Connor had they been busted?

'Thanks.' She replied.

'Bodge up.'

She slid across the booth.

'Well I best be going I'll see you at Hazza's later.'


'About eight.'


Dan pulled himself up. 'Later Autumn, Con.'

'Later Dan.'

'Yeah later.'

Daniel walked away. 'What's going on with Dan babe?'

She swallowed almost chocking. 'Nothing.' She coughed.

'Why did he kiss you?'

'I don't know you best ask him yourself.'

'I will.'

She slurped her shake nervously.

'So Dan buy you two?'

'Yeah he wasn't sure which one I liked.'

'Mmh.' He said slurping his shake. 'I hope you like mint chocolate chip.'

'Never tried it.'

'You will.' He looked at her. 'So we still on for the party later.'

'Yeah why did you ask?'

'I thought Dan may have asked you.'

'No why?'

'Because he's digging on you.'

She chocked. 'Don't be ridiculous Con.'

'He won't be after tonight. I'll make sure he knows your mine.'

'You don't have to so obsessive over me Con. He's my friend like you are.'

'He's still digging on you.'

'So are you don't mean I'm going to go with either of you does it?'

'I guess not.'

'Look Con we're all friends and I'd like it to stay that way.'

He place his hand on hers. 'Sorry babe I feel as if I've got to protect you.'

'You haven't got to. I can protect myself.'

'I'd like to Autumn till school ends. Then you can decide then whether you want it to go any further or not okay.'

'Okay.' She sighed defeated.

'Drink your shake then we can sort your clobber out for the party.'

'What about yours?'

'It won't take half as long as yours.' He cracked, smiling.

They drank their shakes. 'So what do you think?'

'It's certainly different,'

'So did you like it?'


'See I told you you would,' He smiled. 'Come on let's get sorted for this party.'

They pulled themselves up leaning the diner he dropped his arm over her shoulders and they walked away heading to hers. 'We can study together.'


'Cool it begins after the new year.'


'It'll be okay Autumn with all our help.'

'So are you going to let Dan help me too?'

'We'll see.'

'So are we meeting Dan?'

'No we're meeting there. Once we're done we can go.'

She closed the door behind her. 'I'm back mom Con's here too.'


'Come on you can wait in my room while I shower.'


They leaped up the staircase going into her room. Connor sat on the bed as she grabbed her clothes and towels. 'I won't be long.'

He smiled as she left the room.

She walked back in wearing a black top with a skull which pronounced in the centre, skull rings and bracelets, a belt with a skull belt tied around her baggy black combats with many pockets and drapes. Her pumps big and heavy, her makeup the same which excelled her gothic look. 'So are we ready to go?'

'Yeah.' He said pulling himself up off the bed. 'We're off now.'

'Would you and Connor like something to eat?'

'No thanks mom.'


'No thanks Mrs. Cleveland there'll be food at the party.'


'I'll make sure she's back by eleven.'

'Okay. Do you kids need a lift?'

Connor opened his mouth, but Autumn answered. 'No thanks mom we're fine, bye mom.' She replied pulling Connor with her out of the house.

'Bye you two and enjoy yourselves.'

'We will bye.' She said closing the door behind her.

She smiled to herself she remembered when she was their age and boys with the quick exit.

'We could've had a lift babe.'

'No way she's like way too embarrassing, trust me.'

'Okay, but it's along walk. Unless you want to catch the bus, my treat.'

'I'm not fussed.'

Connor looked at his watch. 'We've got an hour till the bus.'

'Is that long enough?'

'Yeah I'll make it quick. We could've walked if you hadn't taken two hours to get ready.'

'You could've always gone home Con and I'd've met you.'

'Not to worry babe.' He said closing the door. He pulled her up to his room. 'Wait here okay I won't be long.'


'You can sit down Autumn.'

She sat down as he rushed round gathering his clothes and towels.

He walked back in wearing a dark coloured shirt, half buttoned with combats and skater trainers smelling like a perfume shop.

She coughed. 'Gee Con you have a bath in it?"

'No. Come on or we'll miss that bus.' He grabbed her hand pulling her off the bed. Out of his room and the house, closing the door behind them. They leaped onto the bus sitting down. 'So how far is it?'

'Ten mins.'

'So why didn't we walk?"

He looked at her.


'It's almost half eight babe he'll begin to think we ain't coming. I know girls like to be fashionably late, but there's taking the piss and there's taking the piss.' He said ringing the bell. 'We've got a five minute walk.'


They got off the bus and her took her hand. 'If were quick we can make it before everything's gone.'

'It ain't that bad is it?'

'Yeah food's usually gone by nine you'll be lucky to get a drink by ten.'


'Be prepared Autumn there'll be lots of kids there.'

'I will be.'

They turned up Dewberry Lane. Connor knocked the door loudly. Harry opened the door. 'Guys what time do you call this?' He said tapping his watch laughing.

'Autumn had a fashion crisis.'

'Come in the food and drinks are in the kitchen my advise is eat as much as you can before it all goes.'

'Thanks.' Connor said leading Autumn in the hallway as Harry closed the door. The hallway was rammed, she just hoped the rest of the house wasn't this bad. They walked into the kitchen as Harry went into lounge. 'Told you daint I.'

'Wow they sure know how to eat.'

'I bet this is the fourth lot.'


They turned. 'Guys.'

They crashed fists.

'Nice get up Autumn.'

'You too.' She said looking at their baggy attire.

'So I take it Dan chose not to come with you?'

'Yeah is he here.'

'Somewhere pissed at a guess.'

'Well we best get something to eat before it all goes.'

'Sure we'll catch you later.'

'Later guys.'


'Yeah later.'

They all walked out of the kitchen as Connor and Autumn filled their plates doing themselves

a drink. 'So are you okay now you're here?'


'Good now all you need to do is let your hair down and enjoy yourself.'

'I'll try.'

They ate their food and sipped their drinks the kitchen getting busy. 'I'm just going outside Con.'

'Sure I'll be with you in a while I'm just going to talk to the guys.'


He pecked her on the cheek. She opened the back door stepping out onto patio into the cool aired night. He turned walking out of the kitchen to find the others. Dan looked up. 'Con.'

Connor pinned him to the wall.

'Hey whats wrong dude?'

'Don't dude me.'

'What gives Con just chill.'

'You and Autumn.'

'What about us?'

'I saw you, so you tell me why the hell you kiss her for. Cause she ain't giving nought away.'

'A respect thing.'

'So you did try it on?'

'She's not interested Con. And I can understand why.'

'Why's that?'

'She doesn't want to loose either of us.'

'Stay away she's mine.'

'We're friends.'

'Touch her again.'

'I won't I promise.'

'Just stay away.'


He loosed Daniel walking away.

Autumn doubted her cigarette out Connor wrapped his arms round her. 'So you okay now?'

'Yeah. It was just getting a little clostro in there.'

'How's about a dance it's getting late. I don't want your mom thinking I've abducted you.' He cracked.

'Okay just one.'

He smiled taking his arms from around her taking her hand leading her back inside. They walked into the lounge where everyone was dancing . He pulled her close dancing with her. Daniel looked over, Connors chin on her shoulder, he stared directly at him looking coldly at him. Whispering into her ear. 'Come on let's get you home.'

Their arms dropped from round one another. He took her hand. Looking over at their friends. 'Thanks for inviting us Hazza.'

'No probs.'

'Later guys, and thanks Haz.'

'My pleasure Autumn.'

Connor nodded walking out.

'Any bets he's going to bone her.'

'Please guys.'

'What you jealous Dan?'

'Of Con. Yeah right.'

'You aren't you? You dirty dog.'

'I really enjoyed tonight.'

'Me to.'

'We should go out more often.'

'As friends.'

'Anything. So what you say I meet you tomorrow?'


He turned looking at her as they stood by the bridge. 'I feel so close to you Autumn.'

'I know.'

'Yet I feel so far away.'

'I can't help it Con.'

'I know. Anyway I'll meet you here at two okay.'


He pressed his lips on hers kissing her. He moved away. 'Come on or your mom will have the dogs out.'

'We don't have any dogs Con.'


She looked phased at him.

'Never mind come on.'

'He led her away walking passed the lake to the house. 'We'll hang in the hols okay.'

'Sure but what about the guys?'

'Them to.' He kissed her cheek. 'I'll see you tomorrow okay.'


'Night babe.'

'Night Con.'

She opened the door he turned walking away, she looked at him how much longer could she keep lying to him, to herself. She closed the door behind her slothing up the stair to her room crashing on her bed, closing her eyes.

6th October

Autumn. and Stenton sat in the café having a hot chocolate and a latte while they done

their home work. 'So did you enjoy the party last night?'


'Good....So what gives with Con and Dan they didn't look too pleased with each other if looks could kill they would.'

'I don't know maybe you should ask them.'

They finished their drinks. 'So are we all done?'

'We are.'

'Fancy coming back to mine, or are you doing something.'

'I'm sorry I can't I'm meeting Con.'

'Sure maybe another time. I'll walk with you.'

'You don't have to.'

'I insist red.'


They pulled themselves up putting their stuff into their bags. 'Maybe you can come to mine next tome or I'll come to yours.'


'I don't bite red.'

'I'll be the judge of that.'

'So, where about do yo live?'

'By the river.'

'Cool it's nice out there.'

'I know. I like to go out there to get away from it all.'

'Can't say I blame you. Come on I'll walk you half way or to the lake.'

'The lake will be fine. I'm meeting Con there.'


They walked out of the café heading for the lake. 'Well I guess this is where I love you and leave you.'


'I'll see you tomorrow red and thanks again for the help.'

'My pleasure. I'll see you tomorrow.'

'Later red.'

'Later Stenton.'

He walked away, she lit a cigarette waiting in the bridge looking over the rippling water of the lake. She doubted her cigarette out, waiting for Connor as Daniel approached her. She looked at him. 'Dan what are you doing here?

'I know I shouldn't be here, but I just came to tell you that we can no longer be friends.'


'I think you know why.'

'This is to do with Con and the crush you have on me isn't it?

'Both. I can't compete with Con,'

'You don't have to. You're both my friends.'

'I know, but it makes no dif to Con. He wants you so bad red, so I'm stepping back.'

'But you promised.'

'Bye red.'

'Bu..' She said confused as he walked away. He'd promised her she'd never loose him or his friendship and all because of him and Connor having the same feelings for her she had.

Connor pecked her on the cheek. 'You okay babe?'

'Yeah it's just Dan.'

'What about him?'

'He said we could no longer be friends.'


'Just now.'


'What did you say to him at the party?'

'Not much why?'

'Cause he's acting so cold.'

'I'll talk to him okay.'

She looked at him lost.

'I promise I'll sort this out okay.'

'Okay.' She sighed.

He pressed his lips on hers kissing her. He moved away. 'Come on let's go bowling or summert then get a bite to eat. Try to forget about what I did or didn't say to Dan okay.'


'Come on.' He said dropping his arm over her walking away. They had a few games before having a burger and coke.

Autumn and Connor stood by the bridge. 'Tomz here usual time.'


'School will be okay I promise.'

'What about Dan?'

'I'll sort it it'll be back to normal I promise.'

She looked at him hoping it would be . He leaned forward kissing her. 'Here tomoz okay.'


'Night babe.'

'Night Con.'

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Quà tặng -- Nhận quà

    Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

    Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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