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Chương 256: Announcements

Discord: https://discord.gg/K7f8qGpvuk


"Elementalist In A Dungeon, is finally over...whew.

Suppose you want to talk about anything, including future projects or your own projects feel free to join my discord. I love helping people with their stories, anything so you don't have a horrible first volume like the beginning of this story was. I know I wish I had someone to talk to when I was starting :/

If you want to give any support feel free to join my pa-treon, there will be more content from the 1-year gap between Yang and Bell's story posted there, including a small adventure I have planned in The Far East.

Or if you just want to show some support for all the work that went into this story :)

At the time of you reading this, chapter 1 of my next story, an MHA story, has been posted on my account so feel free to go add that if you're interested in MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi).

I posted chapter 1 so people can throw whatever ideas they have at me, still not sure about the upload schedule, and trying to build up a nice chapter backlog to really get my pa-treon flowing for a change, so you can expect content on there during this new story.

Again, Discord is the place to be if you have any questions or suggestions.

The reason I went with an MHA story instead of either of the Avatar stories I originally planned was simple... if I had to write one more elemental character directly after Yang Shen I would have killed myself, 660K words of this story was a lot.

Hero In A Dungeon, Bell's story, will happen most likely after my MHA story, it's already planned from chapter 1 to the finale.

Now that all of that is out of the way, thank you for reading till the end I hope you enjoyed the journey and seeing my writing hopefully improve along the way, and I hope to have you join me for future adventures.

See ya." -Author Keanu Eugene...


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