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8.17% Elementalist in a dungeon(Danmachi fanfiction) / Chapter 20: Chapter 20(Upper Floors Monster Rex)

Chương 20: Chapter 20(Upper Floors Monster Rex)

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and appearance+ Monster Sources)

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---18th Floor Safe Zone, Loki Familia Camp Site.

Waking up early Yang quickly got dressed in his tent before stepping out to be greeted by the chill morning air. Walking out of his tent he quickly stored all of his gear into his inventory only to look around and find Finn sitting around last night's fire with papers in his hand. Seeing him Yang took the opportunity to speak to him.

Yang: "Yo Finn, good morning."

Finn: "You're up early after all that fighting yesterday, good morning Yang. Do you still plan to solo the Goliath?"

Yang: "Yup, the guild had pages of research on him but it's all a long way of saying he's stronger and tougher so don't get caught right. That should be easy enough."

Finn: "Seeing as I can't convince you otherwise just don't be afraid to run away alright. You can always try again with a team if you can't do it alone."

Yang: "Yeah don't worry I don't wanna die in here."

Finna: "That's good to hear. Bete and Tiona are looking for firewood. The others are getting dressed in their tents so we should be heading out after breakfast. You?"

Yang: "After I wish everyone good luck I'm gonna head out. Already ate a ration in my tent before coming out. Kind of a habit I got when I went training outside of the city." Awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck Yang is't sure if his behaviour is normal or not.

Finn: "How many of those can you store?"

Yang: "A few months worth is all I had the money for but I've got lots of room for more."

Finn: "That, would really be useful if one of us had it. We can't exactly take a porter down to the lower levels because of how dangerous it is."

Yang: "Can't say I know that feeling. I got this magic at level 1 so I've never been without it."

Finn: "What?"

Yang: "Oh right nobody knew that. Meh, whatever everyone already looks at me funny anyway so I don't really care."

As they continued speaking the Loki familia slowly began emerging from their tents and joined the conversation whilst setting up for breakfast. Eventually, after a few minutes, Bete and Tiona came back to the campsite with firewood and were preparing to set up breakfast. Standing in their regular scantily clad attire the ebony amazon twins Tiona and Tione were anxiously awaiting the fire as the cold morning air passed over them. Noticing this Lefiya quickly got an idea and slowly made her way over to where Yang was still talking to Finn and interrupted their conversation.

Lefiya: "Hi, I hope I'm not interrupting but uh, it's a bit cold" Flashing Yang a pleading look.

Finn: "Well, Bete should have the fire set up in a moment so just wa--"

As he was about to finish speaking a sudden warmth passed over his body originating from Yang who is now smirking at the slightly blushing Lefiya. The warmth enveloped the small campsite causing everyone to look at Yang some simply shocked by the sudden action and others such as the twins with grateful looks.

Yang: "Haha don't think anything of it. Just a little trick I thought of. Hot and cold don't really affect me much because of my magic but, a certain cute girl gave me the idea for this last night." His words causing Lefiya to blush slightly.

Tiona: "Thank you I really appreciate it, hey Lefiya come here let's have a chat."

Finn: "That's very useful, don't suppose you could help with the fire as well, can you?"

Yang: "Sure."

Bete: "I don't need help just give me a moment."

As he finished speaking a wisp of flame flew from Yang's hand and enveloped all the firewood in the pit to create a roaring flame instantly.

Riveria: "Hmm, most magic can't really be fine-tuned like that you know. That's why mages don't just use spells for daily necessities like this. Yours seems to be really convenient and versatile. How does it work? If you don't mind me asking."

Yang: "Mmm, well I obviously can't tell much but the basics are I don't have any set spells as I've read about mages like you having. I read about some spells like firebolt and can manipulate elements to copy them and modify them but certain elements take more mana than others. Fire and wind are the easiest. Lightning is a bit tougher to project but using it on my body is almost as easy. Cryo doesn't take much but some things are easier to freeze than others. Hydro and Earth are the hardest since their solid. That's the basics."

Hearing his words everyone aside from Lefiya and Riveria was stunned as they had discussed this previously in their tent.

Riveria: "That really is interesting. Your magic truly is unique. No wonder you have that much mana. Your magic cost a ridiculous amount. Close combat mages aren't normal especially as powerful as you."

Yang: "Well my magic suites me, what more could a person ask for right."

Riveria: "Agreed."

As the Loki familia began making their breakfast Yang quickly began saying his goodbyes and wishing them luck before casually walking off towards the entrance to the 17th floor. As the Loki familia settled in around the warm fire to eat Finn began to speak.

Finn: "I had a nice chat with him this morning before you all came out of your tents. It seems that he's had magic since level 1. His storage magic that is. It's extremely useful."

Bete: "What you wanna hire him as our porter hahaha."

Finn: "He clearly doesn't work in teams for whatever reason."

Lefiya quickly followed up on Finn's statement and began speaking.

Lefiya: "I think it's because of the treat event when he first went into the dungeon. He said his last team didn't do well in the dungeon so he works alone. Guess he still blames himself."

As her words took over the conversation everyone went silent, they all knew the pain of feeling like you weren't strong enough to protect who you care about, they knew the pain, that's why none of them could really blame him for retreating the way he did from teams.

Tione: "Well he may be against the team idea but he is clearly open to, hmm, what were his words again "Cute girls" huh Lefiya. What did you guys talk about last night huh. "

Lefiya: "N-nn-nothing much we just walked across the lake and I asked how he got so strong that's all."

At her words, everyone's attention was immediately on her causing her to blush even more before a voice broke the silence.

Ais: "What was his answer for getting stronger? Did he tell you?"

Hearing this question everyone noticed the downcast expression Lefiya now had on her face before she answered.

Lefiya: "He said that he woke up with no memories of anything or anyone. He doesn't know if he caused that or someone did it to him but he thinks that's the price of being strong."

Finn: "That's a heavy price."

Lefiya: "Yeah, he thinks the dungeon might have the answer so that's why he chose to challenge the dungeon."

Ais: "Hmm...the price of power..."

As the group quickly fell back into silence Tione was the one who broke the silence this time.

Tione: "What did you mean by 'We walked across the lake'?"

Lefiya hearing this almost choked on her team before answering.

Lefiya: "He controls the water so we can walk on it, we walked on the lake before we had our talk that's all." She quickly says as a blush reclaims her face.

Riveria: "I can't speak for anyone else but I'd like to see how he fights."

Finn: "Agreed, shall we?"

Riveria: "Yes let's go."

Lefiya: "Wait up!"

As the 3 adventurers started walking towards the entrance to the 17th floor to see Yang challenge to goliath their fellow party members were stunned for a moment before Ais ran after them leaving Bete and the twins to watch the campsite.

---Floor 17 Goliath Room...

At the doorway of the tunnel entrance leading into this massive room, a young man could seen. 6ft tall with a massive smile on his face. Across the room, he was currently staring at a 30ft tall gray-skinned humanoid-looking figure with extremely muscular limbs and white hair standing motionlessly as if challenging him to approach it.

With no hesitation, his smile broadened into a tooth smile before the fire and wind of his magic swirled into being and his Mage Armor coated him allowing him to rocket in a straight line towards the monster's face. 'Haha c'mon, you fall and I've cleared the upper floors' he thought as he sped up towards the creature.

Reacting to him the monster did not stand still but instead lumbered forward and immediately tried to swat him out of the air with its open hand only for him to respond with his AMP reaction time and boost straight up causing him to rocket over its hand directly toward its face for a direct attack. In a move that no level 3 adventurer has likely even been stupid or powerful enough to try, he spread his hands out to steady himself as thrusters of flames formed on his back further boosting him, feet first into the monster's face.

This impact with the help of his new skill left his leg numb instead of shattered as it could have been one level ago 'Ahhh ok ok ok that hurt but now I know I can knock around smaller monsters at least'. The monster took a few steps back much to not only its own surprise but the surprise of the spectators that neither fighter knew of.

Reacting quickly before the monster steadied itself Yang bosted 15ft away and hovered in the air with his flames as he clasped his hands together as if to say a prayer before releasing more magic than any of the attacks he had previously ever done, after a few moments of focusing Fire and Wind magic to his hands he parted them before pushing them forward together as he exclaimed "PRESSURE DAMAGE!".

In a moment the entire room was blasted with wind and fire that seemed to swirl and stir as the different currents of elements intersected with each other. As the initial fire hit the creature it seemed fine until the wind hit but a moment later. Swirling and amplifying the flames this process repeated itself over and over until the wind pressure became so intense that small pieces of rocks were being stripped away as the intense head blistered the stone room.

As the attack subsided the goliath could be seen with its gray skin now burnt and having small cuts littering its body.

In the entrance to the room against the far wall, a small green sphere could be seen as a certain team was within the shield because of the previous attack.

Riveria: "Ok, didn't expect it to get all the way back here. I see how he got down here alone."

Tione: "Well at least your boyfriend is strong and good at naming his moves Lefiya."


Tione: "Yeah yeah let's watch the fight."

Yang hovered in the air observing his opponent. 'This is perfect, I've got new moves and needed a test dummy, as long as I don't get carried away I can try out stuff'. Alright, let's try a new move or 2.

Yang quickly ascended further towards the ceiling before spreading his hands out and focusing much of his mana into his right hands before winding back as if he were throwing a javelin as lightning began to form within his palm.

Closing his grip on his right hand a bolt of physical lightning bold could now be seen arcing and crackling to life in his grasp as he slowly aims at the Goliath. As he takes his time to line up his aim the monster is not simply going to stand and wait.

Seeing its opponent out of reach the monster begins hurling massive stones causing Yang to dodge in the air as he tried to aim. 'Damn it I can't get a clean shot, ugh, fuck it let's try this', he quickly channels wind magic into his lightning bolt and throws it directly towards the goliath.

Seeing the lightning bold caused the spectators to be surprised a bit but now as they saw it about to collide head-on with a massive stone the monster threw they expect it to hit the stone and nothing to happen. This thought is exactly why they were all so shocked when instead of being grounded by the stone or shattering it but the lightning bolt pierced the rock leaving them all shocked as Yang's voice echoed yelling "LIGHTNING BOLT" throughout the room.

Adding wind to the lightning move gave it the ability to pierce the stone but Yang then had to dodge the massive rock which got a bit too close for his comfort. As the goliath was hit in the chest with the bolt that came out the back of the monster a hole appeared in its body where it was pierced and burnt through by his attack. At the bottom of the hole, Yang saw a small shiny bit of the monster crystal peaking out and boosted toward the monster until he was only 20ft away and once again placing his hands together causing Riveria to instinctively summon a shield as she didn't want to underestimate him again.

The last thing the Loki familia or the monster heard was the word "FIREBALL!" echo through the room before the blinding light shone in the room forcing everyone to avert their eyes. Opening their eyes they saw the entire left side of the monster's head and torso missing as Yang hovered in the air with the use of his flames with a Minotaurs' Greatsword piercing the crystal in its chest.

A moment later the body of the monster turned to ash and disappeared as the crystal simply fell to the ground and Yang dropped the 15ft to the ground as if it were nothing. Without hesitation, Riveria walked out of the tunnel they were in and began to approach him with her entire team in tow.

Riveria: "Nice fight, I see why they call you the Elementalist, hearing about it is one thing but seeing it really is absurd. Are you hurt."

Yang: "Thanks, uh, did you guys watch the entire fight?"

Finn: "We arrived a bit before the move you called, Pressure Damage?"

Hearing his words Yang winced a bit knowing the range of that specific move.

Yang: "Ohh, sorry about that is everyone ok. Moves like that are one of the reasons I try to fight alone heh."

Riveria: "We didn't expect that range but we were fine, we are adventurers after all. Do you need healing? You seem to of taken some hits there."

Yang took this moment to look at his body and to his surprise, it appeared that the stones the monster threw shattered and caused small cuts on him.

Yang: "Nah I'm fine I heal when my magic affects me remember. This probably happened when I held the lightning, It takes a lot of energy for that attack so my armor had to come down while I held it."

Riveria: "The bolt that pierced stone and wasn't grounded you mean?"

Yang sensed the hidden question and decided to solve it for her.

Yang: "Mixing wind gives it a better piercing quality. 'Pressure Damage' is a firey explosion supported by rapid changes in wind pressure causing winds to constantly swirl and empower the fire in an area. I generally mix elements a lot."

Riveria: "That, I didn't think that was possible, at least at level 3."

Yang: "Huh?"

Finn: "It's not usually possible, mostly because people can't cast multiple spells at once. Casting whilst moving is already a feat in itself but multicasting and mixing elements should be impossible. Well unless you are the Elementalist apparently. We weren't the only ones who saw you so just expect word to get around. Some people went back to call their teams since the boss is gone they can head up to the surface with their goods now."

Yang: "Well everyone was going to find out soon enough anyway. I'm gonna head to the surface if we're done here. Are we?"

Finn: "Yeah sorry for keeping you. We also have our expedition to get to as well."

Yang: "Alright I'll see you guys when you get to the surface, good luck down there, stay safe Lefiya. Can't have you in bandages for our date now can we."

As he said his goodbyes he quickly shot off like a rocked leaving everyone a bit surprised by not only his speed but also his words. Slowly Tione turned to Lefiya with stars in her eyes.


Lefiya: "Um, we really should focus on the dungeon you know."

Tione: "We've got some time to have girl talk, c'mon."

As Tione drags Lefiya back towards the town Finn turns to his remaining teammates and speaks in a serious tone.

Finn: "We just confirmed our suspicions that Yang is a serious monster. Killing Goliath is supposed to be a team effort even for some level 2 parties. Doing it solo without taking any real damage and in 3 hits. That's unheard of for a level 3. If we cant recruit him we can at least just continue as we are. He seems to get along fine with us and trusts us plus Lefiya caught his eye so having him in our pocket if we need him on one of the lower floors in the future is good. Bete don't do anything stupid."

Bete: "Why is everyone looking at me, I'm cool."

Finn: "Let's head to the village and find Tione before she exhausts Lefiya with her questions."


keanu_eugene keanu_eugene

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.



: At level 3 imagine the speed of Ironman from Ironman 1 at max for travel, combat speed is lower of course

Pressure Damage:

Air and fire magic to cause one large explosion with streams that continuously build pressure to slice and burn all within.

Lightning Bolt:

Yeah, it's a lightning bolt self-explanatory.

---Yes I did change how stats update and level-ups work, I changed it to a more video game-like system so you just need the gods or someone capable/the revealing potion to view them, you still need the adventure to level up, however.

---Oh yeah no more hiding from everyone. People saw his fight that isn't just the Loki familia who already are considering if he is worth the risk of pissing of potentially Hephaestus to recruit him but at least want him on speed dial if things go sideways in the dungeon.

---What do you think about the romance stuff. I'm keeping it sidelined, I personally love romance but that's not the main focus right now at least and it's not what I described this book as so I'd rather not betray the readers by going full romance.

---Any thought on what Monster Hunter World weapon he should have because that's coming up eventually, switch axe gang is winning so far.

Load failed, please RETRY

Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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