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47.36% the bird cage / Chapter 9: ch 9. the backlash

Chương 9: ch 9. the backlash

tae was happy and hopped around. finally suga would come back after months. kook watched him cleaning the cell franticly. "u know he will not look for a clean cell, when he can held u after all this weeks" taes sweaty face lit up. "u think?" "yeah, so stop already! get a shower and prepare for some get together again". tae smiled, took his towel and ran to the showers.

scrubbed clean and shiny tae waited for his love. he was nervous as hell. *how will yoongi react? should i greet him naked?* he looked up to the door and jolt in joy. there he was, the one he was craving to see so much. he jumped into suga, hugged him and kissed his face all over. suga stood there tensed up, like a statue. he pushed tae away with force. "NAMJOON!" he yelled out. tae flew through the room and was shocked. his brain couldnt grasped what was going on. "yoongi" he whispered. "HOW DARE U SAY MY NAME!" joon and kook came running in. "what happend?" they looked from suga to tae and return. suga pointed to tae. "who is this freak? why is he in my cell? get him out!" they were all surprised. "yoongi, its tae!" "so what" "he is your cellmate and your boyfriend" kook said. suga looked at kook. "who are u?" joon sat down on taes bed. "are u kidding me? thats kook. my cell mate and lover. u know both of them since they came in." sugas breath hitched several times. his eyes wandered between tae, kook and joon. "what are u saying?! i dont know each of them." tae slid down the wall he was leaning since he got pushed into it. tears started to fall down. kook went to tae, pulled him up and took him with him. "come with me for the moment" he whispered to tae. after the boys were out, suga moved again. he sat down at the table. "what is going on, joon?" he looked over the neat table with books and pens on it. they were college books. he looked to the sink and saw two toothbrushes. he looked to the beds and saw that both were in use. joon tilted his head and watched every look of suga to find out why he couldnt remember. "what is the last thing u remember?" "lockdown. i got stabbed." "thats all?" "i just know that i had the urge to get into the block. thats all" "u wanted to get to tae. to protect him." suga shook his head. "cant be. u must mistaken my actions. i dont know him and i dont wanna know him either. so get him out of my cell asap!" jin came in. "u are back" he stated. suga smiled. "hey jin!" "whats the problem? kook came in in panic. jimin is with them." "who is jimin" jin looked at joon. he just shrugged his shoulders. "he doesnt remember tae, kook or jimin." "what?" suga sighed. "can u stop babbling about those guys? i have a headache and i am hungry"

they settlet down on the table. all watched suga shoveling his food in. joon leaned in to kook. "tae?" he whisperd. kook shook his head. joon sighed. suga starred at jimin. "hi i am suga" "i know. we know each other dummie" jimin let out his wonderful smile. suga was mesmerized. jin squinted his eyes. "we need to find out whats wrong with him asap" he whispered at joon watching sugas flirting with jimin. "i dont wanna kill a friend" he said voiceless. joon grabbed his shoulders. "calm down. we will find a way" "unfortunatly u have to hold out a bit with your current cellmate yoongi." jin threw it out loud inbetween the talking men. suga stopt in his tracks and lost his smile. "what?why?" "we are full. and u want to be alone. so that isnt working now." suga cursed severly.

tae returned before lights out into his cell. he was still in shock. he quietly went to his bed and started to change into new boxers for sleeping. suga watched his moves from the table where he sat and was lost in his thoughts. he looked up and down taes body. he smirked at him. "did u liked my cock?" he suddenly asked. tae froze. one leg in the pants, one outside and he gave suga a pretty sight of his jewles. he quickly sat down and tried to hide his bare body. "what?" "did u like me fucking u? did u like sucking my cock?" he kept questioning him. "why are u asking all of this?" suga shrugged. "u look fuckable. if u want we can do it" tae flinshed. he got furious and stood up. he raised his hand and slapped sugas face. "we were happy, we were in love, we shared everything. i know all your secrets, you know mine. and now u wont recognize any of our memories and drag our love into dirt for a cheap thrill? are u fucking crazy?" he screamed at him. suga shot up. one side of his face had a red handprint inprinted on him. he shoved tae with force to his bed. "do that again and i will fuck u so hard that u will need a wheelchair for the rest of your life!" he had taes throat into a tight grib. tae struggeld to get air. he tapped sugas arm to let him go. suga tighten his grib one last time and let him go. tae fell on the bed and cought. suga looked coldly at him. "dont make any noise. i wanna sleep." he climbed up the ladder and layed down. tae got his breaths back, pulled his boxers up and layed also down. after some minutes suga noticed some sniffeling sounds. "i told u to shut up!" he growled. but tae couldnt hold it anymore. the sniffling became louder and more, until he started to bawl his eyes out. he couldnt get his act together, everything just broke down on him. he couldnt breath, he got a panic attack. suga jumped from his bed down in rage, ready to stop the noises with murder if necessary. he reached for tae and turned his body. taes face was still red and his chest was heaving un natural. he couldnt breath properly. suga was shocked. deep inside he didnt want that at all for this boy. he pulled him closer to him and layed him down on the floor. he put a pillow under his head, put taes legs on the chair and got up to get a wet towel. "shsh calm down" but tae still cried like a child. it was heartbreacking. suga felt awful and guilty. he tried franticly to get tae calm. "shsh breath, come on be a good boy! breath." he tapped the towel on his face and neck. suga saw how red the mark was he left on him. "i am sorry. breath" after a couple of minutes tae started to calm down slowly. eventually he fell asleep. suga watched him breathing normal again, only a hickup was out of the ordinary. he sighed and picked the exhausted boy up and layed him back onto the bed. "what is wrong with me?" suga whisperd to himself.

the next weeks were horrible for tae. he tried to avoid suga for any reason. he stood up quietly and very early every morning, took his breakfast with him in the libary. he learned now nonstop for college. even kook and jimin didnt got a hold on tae for long. it was as if he was playing hide and seek every day. tae changed his job too, he got out of the kitchen and started at the barbershop. suga noticed his behavior, but was okay with it. they never talked about that night ever.

kook sighed and punched the table. joon flinshed. "whats with u?" "i am frustrated. did u see tae? he is getting thinner, he lost all of his beautiful tan and he has black packs under his eyes. he looks like a racoon." joon smiled at the comment but containd a serious face. "u heard the doc. the punch on his head caused this. he can get his memories back though. we just have to wait." "how much longer will this take? tae is getting smaller and smaller every day." joon shushed him when he saw suga came their way. "hey! did u get brenner on my case?" "the cell?" suga noded. kook tensed up. "the earlier the better." "u fucking ugly shiteating fuckhole! u could at least try to remember tae! u ungrateful asshole. if it wasnt for tae u would be dead! he searched for u, he was the only one and he found u and he cried his eyes out when he thought u were dead. i could punch your ugly fuckface till not even your mother would recognize u!" joon held kook back and tossed him around at the right time when sugas punch came flying. "stop yoongi" jin held yoongi in an armlock. "get kook away" jin huffed. suga was smaller than jin but he got strenght. "stop moving. u stay in my lock until you calm down"

joon pushed kook into their cell. "what is the matter with u? do u have a deathwish?"he yelled at him. kook crossed his arms. "he is a fucking scumbag! he is treating tae like trash and is proud for it. i HATE him!" kook yelled back. they starred at each other fuming. joon snapped out first and hugged kook tightly. "dont do this ever again okay?"he locked his hand in kooks hair. "i dont wanna loose u or get hurt over such a stupid subject" "love u too, joonie"

tae was working at the barber shop. it was a descent easy job. he just finished up his last costumer for the day, when carrington came in. "can i be the next?" tae nodded and smiled. "sure sir" carrington sat down. "so what do o wanna have?" tae asked and looked into the mirror infront of him. they locked eyes. "whatever u think would fit me" tae showed a small smile. "whats wrong taehyung? u dont look so good." tae looked with big eyes. "i thought nobody would see. sorry. its just..." "i know the story. i am sorry for it. i was there when u found him, do u remember?" tae looked surprised. "no sorry. i was not in my mind that day." he sighed. carrington showed him a caring smile. "everything will be allright in the end, taehyung. in one way or another. u should get some more sleep" he turned his chair and caressed taes cheek. "u lost your golden tan, it made u look like an angel" he trailed his fingers over taes lips and caressed the other cheek. tae sighed. he wasnt been touched for a long time now. after living his life without love or comfort from his parents, than reciving a tsunami like love with yoongi, and had it ripped away again, it took its toll on taes innerfeelings. he leaned into the touch and closed his eyes. that was nice, it felt like he was a dryout plant who recived finally some water. carrington pressed his lips onto taes and pressed the skinny boy onto his body. kook was shocked. he looked at jimin. jimin had a small weird smile on his face. jimin grabbed kooks arm and pulled him away from the sight.

joon looked up when kook came in. he just only had his sweatpants on and rubbed his abs with a towel dry. kook didnt even look and layed straight on his bed. joon bowd lightly down. "whats wrong" "i just dont get it" "what? something with the college stuff?" "noooo." he sighed out. "i dont wanna talk about it now. i dont want to get a headache. can u get me to some other thoughts?"joon smiled a bit. "okay. if u still cant wrap your head around after it, than u can tell me if u want." kook pursed his lips. "kississsss"

"do u expect somebody anytime soon?" tae shook his head. "let me see you" carrington pulled taes shirt off. "god u are beautiful!" he caressed taes upper body. his hands travel around taking everything in. taes breath got heavy. the guard cupped his face and kissed him more rough this time. carrington couldnt belive his luck. this wonderful angel let him touch him. he was so happy that he helpt the guys to get suga. even he didnt die on it, but lost his memories, was the luckiest outcome. now he could win over taehyung. he had his eyes on him since he saw him on the bus. he got lost when he layed his eyes on this beautiful creature. he slowly pushed taes pants and boxers down to have him fully naked. "oh god u are hot" tae didnt say anything. he had his mouth open and his eyes hooded. he wanted warmth. he was living without it since months now.

jin forced suga to watch the couple. jimin told everything to jin. jin hatched a plan and grabbed suga to follow him. now they were standing behind the half closed door and watching tae with the guard. when suga noticed who it was, he wanted to turn away but jin didnt let him go. "u stay here. u need to see what u are just loosing at this moment" suga turned back to watch. he saw a etheral male whos every move shoots out erotic vibes, washing over everybody who dared to look at him. carrington kissed down taes chest and belly. tae let out heavenly moans and whines. suga tilted his head, it seemed that his brain reacted too much to taes sounds. like a dejavu. the hair on the back of the neck stood up, he got goosebumps. something in him didnt want to see that at all. didnt want to hear tae making this noises for another man. he moved his head back and forth. jin smirked. he knew for a very long time that carrington wanted tae. and this scene now, he hoped, would at least trigger some jealous feelings or memories. carrington and tae were still making out. the guard had two of his fingers in taes ass and fingerd him fast. tae was a moaning mess "dont stop, oh please dont stop!"suga shot his eyes open... *i know this scene...i felt it* suga started to breath hard. smell, sounds, texture of skin, a laughing mouth, sparkling big eyes, golden skin with the finest fluffy hair.... all that rolled in on him. he scrunched down with a small moan. "lets go" he whispered to jin. "wait its almost over" indeed. taes moans indicated that he was close. carrington intensefied his efforts and smiled happly when tae came in his hand. tae leand his head on carrington and pantet hard. "i...i ... think we should put your appointment for your haircut on tomorrow." the guard laught and kissed him deeply again. "come on i help u with your clothes"

jin pushed suga back into the block and got him to his cell. "sleep tight yoongi"

tae came in with a small smile on his face. he even hummed a bit. suga watched him with squinted eyes. the boy sat down on the table and pulled his college stuff out. after some minutes suga cought loudly. tae didnt react. "so u are cheating on me now?" tae flinshed, than truned around. "cheat? i had to have a boyfriend first for cheating" he statet and looked angry at suga. "i thought i am the love of your life" tae scoffed. "the love of my life apperantly doesnt know that i exist at all." "so thats it?" "what is?" "u just start something with a guard like a snitch and leave me?" he gestured with his hands. tae looked at him with open mouth. "are u shitting me? u forget everything about us and treat me like trash and now u want to let me look bad, because i did the same as u and went on with my life?!" tae slightly raised his voice. suga jumped from his bed. he grabbed taes shirt and kissed him rough. tae was surprised. sugas eyes took everything of taes face in. "u stink after that guard. go and wash his scent off." he coldly said, turned and got up on his bed again. tae tried to slow down his heart and breath. *he is such a huge fucking asshole* sat back on the seat and tried to concentrate on his studies again.

"do u think it helped?" jimin asked. "hm. i hope so" jin stroke the boys hair. they cuddeld in bed and jin just told the scene he witnessed. "but isnt it bad if tae gets involved with a guard? could this be dangerous for him?" jin sighed. "yeah. if the other inmates find out he is dead meat." jimin tilted his head up. "u want him dead?" "no. but i wanted that yoongi sees it. if i wasnt sure that might trigger something i would interviend very soon." "and if taes now in love with carrington?" jin scoffed. "do u really think tae would eat vegan after he had the best meat there is? u saw them together" jimin smiled at the memorie of those two crackheads together "i was always jealous" Of coongi and tae?" "and joon with kook" "i thought we have something more special?" jimin smiled big and kissed jin. "now i know we have"

joon looked at his sleeping baby. he couldnt imagine how tae felt. he would go ballistic if kook ever lost his memory and wouldnt remember their time together. he sighed. he felt bad for his best friend. first he had to fight for his life and than he lost his big love. life really kicks your nuts when u least expect it.

suga had a vivid dream. it felt so real. he tossed and turned in bed which woke up tae. he stood up and climbed up to him. he pushed the boy to wake him up. "yoongi! yoongi wake up!"

*"WAKE UP! OH PLEASE DONT DO THAT TO ME! WAKE UP! YOONGI! YOOONGI!!!" i heard the voice. he sounded desperate. he cried and screamed my name. but i couldnt move. i wanted to hold him one last time, kiss him, tell him that i love him. see his smile, oh i love his smile. hear his erotic deep voice and his delicious moans. i wanna touch his warm skin. TAE! MY TAETAE! he kissed another man! he let another man touch him! he...he came on his fingers! my taehyung!"*

yoongi shot up from his dream. he panted hard and was drenched in sweat. he opend his eyes wide when he recognized tae beside him. he had a troubled face and looked at him worried. "are u okay? u only had a bad dream" suga huffed. he raised a hand and slapped tae hard. "owwww." suga pulled him harshly into a tight hug. "that was for cheating on me. and this is for still loving me" he kissed him desperatly. tae was confused. the side of his face stang from the punsh but sugas kisses sent shivers down his spine. "i thought i stink after carrington?" tae asked after they parted for air. "never say that name next to me again" he pressed his lips on tae again. tae pushed him back. he wiped his lips. "whats gotta into u? u dont know me, remember? i am nothing to you" suga shook his head. "no tae u are everything to me" "shut up! dont u dare to screw with me!" he started to cry. suga pulled him into a hug again. "i am sorry . i am so sorry! i dont know how i could forget u!" tae stopt crying and looked at suga with wide eyes. "yoongi?! are u my yoongi again?" he couldn belive it. suga cupped his face and their forheads toched each other. "i am here. i am here. i love u" he whisperd. tae started to cry even more. he punshed against sugas chest. "where have u been? u promised to never leave me alone! u promised! i hate u! i fucking hate u! u put me through hell!" yoongi hugged tae very thight. "shhhshhh i know. and i am so sorry! i will never let this happen again. okay? i love you babe, god i love u" he kissed taes, wet from tears, lips again and again. they tangelt their hands on each other, despratly to feel each other. for both it was the best homecoming ever.

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