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Chương 88: Friends and Talk of Chunin Exams!


Chapter 84: Friends and Talk of Chunin Exams!

Jutsu of the day:

<Bamboozle no Jutsu>

Courtesy of Haku.


3rd April, Year 78

Location: Near Naka Shrine



While Mitsu and Hinata were sharing their precious moment, a few people were in their vicinity, witnessing the scene.

They all showed different emotions as they watched. But most of them had smiles.

Under the setting sun, feeling the flowing breeze, they watched the new couple in each other's arms as the sakura blossoms danced.

On top of a tree not far from them stood another couple.

"They look so good together." Izumi exclaimed happily while holding Itachi's hand.

"They sure do." Itachi chuckled.

A bit away from them stood an adult with 2 young boys.

"YATTA! Hinata-chan finally confessed! Good Job!" Everyone's favorite yellow haired, Jinchuriki exclaimed as he jumped happily.

"Haha, I didn't think Hinata had it in her. So bold of her." Kakashi stated, while making perverted noises as he held his book near his face.

"Hnn." We don't need to know who's response this was. At least the Uchiha boy had a smile gracing his face because of his friends.

In another part, 4 people stood with matching smiles.

"You did good Uchiha. I will grant you 2 days of vacation." Tsunade stated with a smug grin.

"Oh come on! At least give me a week! I am the Clan head, and yet you make me do all these missions..." Shisui whined.

"Fine, 3 days! And Fugaku still takes care of most of the Clan business, so stop whining!" Tsunade retorted.

The two old men beside them said nothing and simply enjoyed the view of the setting sun. They congratulated the young couple silently.

And finally, near the shrine hidden behind a Tori gate stood two girls and 1 cat.

Well, one of the girls was holding the said cat. The cat somehow took a great liking to her.

The girl with the cat was experiencing some conflicting feelings, but her main response was a smile at the scene. She was happy for her master.

She enjoyed watching him smile so brilliantly. After all, it was rare during their travels and war.

But her musing was broken due to the girl beside her.

"Are you okay with this?…" Ino asked softly, looking towards the new couple. She felt a pang in her heart.

"I am. I am happy for my master." Haku answered as she petted Tora.

"Is that so…"

Haku knew how much her friend admired her master. So she looked at her in worry.

"Will you be okay?" Haku asked, her voice laced with concern…

They might have had arguments. But Ino did become her close friend. She didn't want her friend to suffer.

"I don't know." Ino felt tears welling up her eyes, but did her best to stay strong. She had always known that her crush had feelings for another girl... She was somewhat ready for something like this.

"I will be here for you if you need me, Ino. You know that." Haku put a hand on her shoulder.

Ino turned to her with a forced smile and moist eyes as she said, "Thanks. You are a good friend Haku..."

While everyone was having enjoyed the scene in front of them, the couple in question were in their own little world.

Hinata had no idea about the onlookers, while Mitsu was ignoring them. The only reason he didn't murder the peepers was because he was too happy at the moment.

They were taking a stroll down the shore hand in hand as they enjoyed the comfortable silence.

Hinata had her face completely red, as she finally remembered what she just did.

She couldn't believe that she had done something so bold.

She was so embarrassed that she couldn't even look at her new boyfriend. Or she might faint from the embarrassment.

She has mostly gotten over her shyness with Mitsu due to the longing and letters... But after what just happened, she felt like she was back to her old self.

But she couldn't deny that she was blissfully enjoying the stroll while holding Mitsu's hand.

While on the other hand, Mitsu was both happy and annoyed.

Happy to finally be with his Hina-bunny, but annoyed to sense so many people still loitering around them watching as if they are watching some damn soap opera...

So he suggested walking further away, to get rid of the peepers. Hinata was in her own world, she could only nod. Making Mitsu chuckle as he led her away.

Mitsu might look annoyed at the peepers, but he was also grateful to them for setting this up.

He decided to thank them personally later.

'With friends and family like this... What else could one want?'


4th April, Year 78

Location: One of Mitsu's Restaurants



The Konoha Genins except Sakura and Hinata were all sitting together in one of Mitsu's restaurants. They were here for a get together.

They always had one each weekend, when Mitsu was still in the village. So Mitsu decided to hold one again today to catch up, and may as well restart the tradition.

"When are they coming? I am hungry!" Naruto exclaimed.

"You are always hungry dobe." Sasuke said with a huff.

He wasn't broody like in canon, but he still found Naruto annoying. Though on the other hand, Naruto didn't really mind his tsundere team mate.

"Yeah, yeah, but I am still hungry!" Naruto mumbled.

But there was someone who didn't stop himself from picking fights with the Uchiha genius.

"You are one to talk, Uchiha! I saw how you acted like a spoiled princess when Itachi-san took you out on a meal yesterday. 'Niisan, Niisan, can I have dango. Niisan can I have tomato soup for dinner? Niisan, Niisan.'" Kiba added a gibe.

That got Sasuke ticked off, but he also got red from embarrassment. "I DON'T SOUND LIKE THAT! You wanna fight Inuzuka? I will put you down like a mutt!"

"What was that butt face? Wanna eat my fists?" Kiba got up in anger.

While the two of them were bickering, Shikamaru simply lazed on the table and asked, "When will those two learn to sit together in silence? Such a drag..."

Choji didn't answer and simply munched on his chips.

Shino remained silent as well.

It was Ino who answered, "Hmph. Try never? Honestly, these two are worse than girls in a catfight!" She snarled.

Even though she got her heartbroken yesterday, she still came to the get together.

She wasn't going to let such a small set back bring her down. She was the heiress of a clan after all! So she was doing her best to act normal.

Everyone knew about her crush on Mitsu, so they were walking on eggshells around her.

But Naruto decided to check on her, as he knew how it was like to feel alone.

He asked, "How are you holding up Ino?"

Ino was surprised at the question. But seeing Naruto's genuine concern, she didn't lash at him and softly said with a sad smile, "I will be fine…"

Naruto only nodded and tried to make jokes about Sasuke and Kiba to lighten up the mood.

*Bell sound*

It was then 4 people walked in the restaurant.

Everyone turned to see, Mitsu, Hinata, Haku and Hanabi walking in.

Hina had her head down in embarrassment, but there was a smile on her face. She was holding Mitsu's right hand.

She felt both embarrassment and happy by the stares the civilians give them. But felt giddy when they were congratulated.

What made her truly happy was the approval of her father and clan.

At first she thought that there would be a huge backlash from her clan, but she was surprised to see that they accepted it without any trouble.

She knew that Mitsu had something to do with it. But she didn't pry. She was simply glad.

And seeing her father's smile, she felt the happiest.

Hanabi was holding Mitsu's other hand.

She was also very happy to find out that her Oniisama might become her real Oniisama. She was cute like that.

While Haku, being the ever dutiful maid, walked behind them with vigilance, keeping a sweet smile.

She had once heard a story from Mitsu, about a man who was all about 'Constant Vigilance.' She took that teaching to heart.

Mitsu found it funny and never stopped her.

The group soon approached their friends.

"Hey everyone! How have you been?" Mitsu said with a smile.

Everyone greeted him back and congratulated him and Hinata for becoming a couple, which made Hinata red from embarrassment.

But when Mitsu gave her hand a gentle squeeze, she looked at him with a beautiful smile forgetting that people were around them.

Which earned her more teasing from her friends.

But all of it was interrupted by a yelp from Naruto.

"Wh-who is this pretty neechan?" He asked shyly. Naruto, who had never seen Haku, felt abashed seeing someone so pretty.

Haku stared at him for a second, before remembering what Mitsu planned with her before. It was a simple prank, and the target was a yellow haired whiskered boy.

She was glad to comply with her master's request, of course.

So, Haku walked forward and smiled gently at Naruto, before extending her hand as she introduced herself, "Hello, my name is Haku. And I am a boy."


Hearing her Naruto turned pale, as did Sasuke and Kiba. They were questioning their sexuality as they were clearly attracted to Haku. Who claimed to be a boy.

They didn't know her, so they assumed it was the truth and felt despair.

They started questioning their lives and preferences, until the others started laughing, including Haku.

Especially Mitsu. As it was his idea.

It was an easy prank to pull. After all, Haku already had practice acting as a boy. And he already knew that all the other boys would find her very pretty.

Making it a perfect prank.

Hinata giggled and nudged Mitsu as she softly said, "That wasn't nice."

Mitsu only winked at her, making her smile.

Then he told Haku to introduce herself properly.

After some shouting and accusations, they all settled down for a meal and caught up with each other's lives.

Mitsu told them his stories, while Haku added tidbits.

The others told them about their training and missions.

Mitsu was impressed with the progress of his friends. They did exchange letters, but letters and knowing about it in real life left a different impression.

Being with his friends chatting and joking had Mitsu all smiles, which made Haku and Hinata smile as well.

Hinata was happy her boyfriend was finally back home and happy.

While Haku was happy, her master could finally laugh with his friends, instead of being at wars, politicking or solving other people's problems.

The day was well spent among friends, as they decided to restart their tradition of meeting every weekend like they used to, unless they had missions outside the village.

It was then Mitsu decided to tell them something important.

"You guys should probably know about the bi-yearly Chunin exams, right?" he asked.

Getting a few nods while the others sent confused stares in response, clearly not knowing what he meant.

But Shikamaru helpfully explained for them, "The Chunin exams are an opportunity for Genin to be promoted to Chunin. It's held twice a year. Either in one's own village, or in an allied nation's village.

But mostly in their own village. Less risks that way.

The exam structure and evaluation processes differ from one exam to the next, so that Genin cannot come prepared. The exams are hard, and you need to pass it to promote to a Chunin."

His explanation was spot on, as everyone seemed to understand the concept.

So Mitsu continued, "The next Chunin exam will be extra special." He said mysteriously. His smile never leaving his face.

"How so Mitsu-kun?" Hinata asked curiously.

"Well, for one, it will be held in Konoha.

Secondly, probably all 5 great nations will participate this time." Mitsu said with a smile.

This raised a lot of brows.

"Are you serious? Having all 5 great nations in a single exam is a recipe for disaster!" Sasuke spoke his mind with a frown. The others seemed to agree. Even Naruto.

"Yes. But I understand why it would happen…" Shikamaru rubbed his chin as he was in deep thought, before continuing,

"Due to Mitsu's efforts, Kiri is now an ally, meaning now Konoha is allied with both Suna and Kiri of the big 5 including many smaller villages.

Leaving Iwa and Kumo aside... And because Iwa and Kumo just had a war, they are unlikely to ally with themselves.

This has already broken the delicate balance of power...

Meaning, they are in a vulnerable spot. So either they will both stay neutral and lick their wounds. Or they would try to get in on the alliance.

Now, if one of them allies with us, then that will be 4 great villages against 1, which will break the camels back. So, if even one wants to ally… Then the other will come in a package…" Shikamaru deduced.

Mitsu was truly impressed. A Nara's brain was truly incredible.

Mitsu praised Shikamaru before explaining further, "Indeed, as Lazy Smartass said, if one of the two decides to ally with us, the other will come as well to keep a sense of balance.

And the best way to show good will is through the Chunin exams, which allows nobles of all nations to integrate and intermingle. So they will choose the Chunin exams to do so, with their own Daimyos and nobles as witnesses."

"I understand all that… But what does it have to do with us?" Kiba asked.

Mitsu gave him a look. which was enough for Shikamaru.

As he came to a realization, "You believe that we will be chosen for this exam… Don't you?"

'This is the only reason Mitsu would even bring the Chunin exams up.' Shikamaru thought.

Mitsu only responded with a grin.

"Why would we be chosen? I mean, I am flattered, and we can totally ace this exam! But aren't we barely out of the academy?" Ino asked curiously.

Mitsu didn't answer and only looked at Shikamaru.

Shikamaru stared back and saw Mitsu looking at each one of them, and then it hit him.

"Because… We are all heirs or heiresses of the important clans of Konoha… Konoha will want to show us off."

"Ding, ding! We have a winner! As our very own brain boi said, we are all important, and the Chunin exams are the best place to show you all off. Normally you would be hidden to let yourselves grow.

But Chunin exams are also known as a mini war between villages. So the best will be chosen.

But let me tell you this: accidents happen all the time in the Chunin exams. So I have decided to train you all during your breaks from missions. So that you will not be sitting ducks during the exams." Mitsu said with a smile. But it was anything but a gentle smile.

Kiba and Sasuke wanted to scoff at Mitsu training them, before they remembered Shikamaru's story of Mitsu killing 2 missing Nins as if they were trash. So they kept their judgment aside.

They at least had complete confidence in their lazy friend. They knew that the Nara heir would never lie, unless it was to be lazy.

While some already knew of Mitsu's strength. In case of Team 10 and Haku. While the others at least believed in him, like Naruto and Hinata. Shinno only found it logical.

They then decided on a schedule for training before taking their leave.

Mitsu decided to escort Hinata and Hanabi home with Haku. While the others watched them go.

"Is Mitsu really that strong?" Kiba asked to confirm.

"You have no idea my friend… no idea at all." Was Shikamaru said as he turned to walk home.



[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people!

Next chapter is all about villains.

If you want to join the discord! The link is on the synopsis!]

LuminouShadow LuminouShadow

I started with 1.5 words... How did after editing it became 2.7k words... I will never know...

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