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Chương 87: Under the Cherry Blossoms!


Chapter 83: Under the Cherry Blossoms!

Jutsu of the day:

<FastoKissu no Jutsu >

Courtesy of Yours Truly


3rd April, Year 78

Location: Hokage's Office



"When is the young Lord coming?" Asked an old samurai sipping on his tea.

"Hohoho, Aki-Dono, if you are so eager to meet the young prince, then why didn't you simply visit him at the mansion?" Another old man asked jovially, with his own tea cup in his hand.

"I simply felt it was most appropriate for the young Lord to meet his family first, and spend some much-needed time catching up, before meeting this old servant." Aki replied with a slight smile.

"Sensei, the old man is right, you know. Mitsu hasn't seen his mother and sister for almost 3 years. He should spend some time with them before anything else.

That's the reason I didn't tell him to meet me here immediately, as per custom." Tsunade replied as she drank her canned sake.

Sarutobi nodded in understanding as he continued to drink his tea in comforting silence with his student and friend.


The door to the office opened, and in came Shizune.

She first bowed to the people in the room before addressing Tsunade, "Tsunade-sama, Mitsu-kun is here."

Shizune said with a smile.

This got all the occupants of the room excited. As Tsunade directly ordered, "Well? Quickly send him in!"

But before Shizune could answer, someone walked in through the doors.

It was a young man, wearing Golden haori. He had a cheeky smile on his face as he greeted them,

"Missed me?"

Before Mitsu knew it, he was in a bone crushing hug.

'Damn... Don't tell me mom taught <Death Embrace> to Tsunade-Neechan...' Mitsu thought in his head as he was being crushed under the hug.

"You cheeky little brat! Do you have any idea how worried we were about you? And you have the gall to simply ask that?" Tsunade scolded lightly, but there was genuine concern in her voice.

Mitsu didn't retort. He simply returned the hug and said, "I missed you too Neechan."

Tsunade's hug tightened, "Sigh… Welcome back brat." She smiled.

They soon separated, but Mitsu still received a light smack on his head.

"Ouch! Oi!" Mitsu mock glared at Tsunade.

"That's for the extra work and the worry you put me through, brat." Tsunade laughed as she went back to her seat.

Mitsu actually didn't mind and only chuckled at her antics.

He then turned to the 2 old men in the room and grinned at them.

"Well, well, Oldie Moldie and Aki da Baki, seems like you guys are doing well."

Sarutobi and Aki could only laugh hearing the age old nickname Mitsu had given them.

It sent them back a few years, remembering all that occurred after they got acquainted with the prince. Others might find it offensive. But to them it was endearing.

Aki bowed, "Welcome back, young lord. Things weren't the same without you." He stated with a smile.

"Jeez, old man, you should stop bowing. Who knows when your back might give out. And thank you, it's good to be back." Mitsu answered. He respected the samurai.

Not only was he his guard and teacher, but he was also the man he trusted his family's safety with.

"Indeed, Mitsu-kun, it fills this old man's heart to see how much our great village has prospered with your help. With all the new alliances, Konoha and the Land of Fire are going towards a bright future. The will of fire, burns so brightly in you." Sarutobi said with a small bow.

He knew of his own failures. So after seeing the improvements Mitsu brought in just a few years, he felt ashamed of himself. But his respect for the young boy grew that much more.

He finally realized how much Konoha was held back due to Danzo and the elder council.

"You are welcome, Old Man. This is my country and my village. Of course, I would do my best to improve it." Mitsu said plainly. To him it was simple and most logical.

This earned him smiles from all the occupants of the room.

After that, Mitsu started catching up with his surrogate sister, the previous Hokage, and his trusted samurai.

The conversation between them was light-hearted, as it was mainly Mitsu regaling stories of his travels while the rooms occupants listened intently, interrupting him from time to time to ask questions or show disbelief.

"So the princess of the Land of Waves will learn from Madam Shijimi?" Sarutobi asked.

"Yes, she was thrilled to have her. Actually, seeing that she literally has no other family left, no distant uncles or such, I am pretty sure my mother will adopt her in a few days." Mitsu said.

Tsunade nodded at that and added, "It will be for the best. By doing so, the princess will be a member of the Kaneko Dynasty, which will pull the Land of Waves directly under the Kaneko Dynasty's rule. And it won't have any political whiplash due to all the alliances you forged."

Mitsu chuckled.

"Yes, that too, of course."

'Damn that was wonderfully planned... I didn't even think about that...' Mitsu thought in his head.

Aki and Sarutobi could only feel awe at the brilliance of the young boy. Sometimes they forgot how young Mitsu really was. And yet accomplishing things that people a few dozen years older could not.

The rest of the conversation was light and cheerful, but Tsunade felt like she needed to address an issue.

"Mitsu… you know about your brother, I presume?" She asked nervously.

"Oh, the Marriage Contract he wanted to set up? Yeah, don't worry about that. It was 'politely' declined." Mitsu answered nonchalantly.

"But Mitsu… This might cause problems with the land of Wind… The Daimyo is quite adamant about you marrying his granddaughter." Tsunade replied.

"Well, he can be as adamant as a donkey with its food, but I am not getting into a political marriage. If he wants a prince, he can let his granddaughter marry my eldest brother." Mitsu shrugged.

"Your eldest brother is already engaged to Nakamura Clan's daughter. The only way he can marry the princess is by taking her as a concubine, which will be an insult to the land of Winds." Sarutobi pointed out.

But Aki came to Mitsu's defense.

"But Yashiro-sama isn't the only choice, now is he? We still have the second prince after all. So why not him?" Aki said while sipping on his tea.

'Ah! Right I have a second brother… I almost forgot…' Mitsu felt awkward.

"Yeah that's right, second brother isn't engaged so he can take the princess."

"But your second brother is the second prince and literally has nothing to his name…" Tsunade felt a headache coming.

"Well, if we look at it from that angle, I am the third prince… Well, yes, I have the most accomplishments among my brothers, but I am still the third prince. On paper, I am only supposed to inherit some lands to rule. *Cheeky smile*

So unless that old man wants his granddaughter to be the next daimyo's wife, there should be no issues with marrying my second brother." Mitsu spoke the facts.

"Sigh! If only it was that simple… I know you are only acting dumb, but I will spell it out for you anyways… 80% of the population is in your support to be the next daimyo, including most of the nobles.

The only ones that are supporting your older brother are those who gain something by having him as a puppet daimyo. Not to mention with your <Wood Release> the land of Wind stands to gain a lot with you, as their son-in-law." Tsunade stated with a bit of irritation.

"Well, it's not my fault for being so dazzlingly handsome. Hahaha. But, yeah, one can't jump the line of succession. And I won't be an usurper. So for now, whatever all those nobles do, won't matter." Mitsu answered with a slight laugh.

But everyone in the room looked at him incredulously.

"Are you seriously telling us that, you have literally conquered and allied with so many nations to give it to your idiot of a brother?" Tsunade shouted in frustration.

This was everyone's question.

"Pfft. Of course not. I am simply saying, I won't need to usurp my brother. I will simply move up in the line of succession in time. Simple, right?" Mitsu said with a smile.

"And how would you go about doing that?" Sarutobi asked a bit concerned. He didn't want a civil war occurring. But remembering how Mitsu literally quelled 3 such wars… He shut himself up.

"Well that would be telling, now wouldn't it Old Man? Don't worry, I am pretty sure there will be a grand council meeting in a few months, where things concerning me will be discussed. I will deal with it then. No worries." Mitsu smiled and took a sip of his tea.

Tsunade stared at Mitsu for a bit, trying to figure him out. But seeing his confident visage, she just shrugged and started chugging her sake.

Sarutobi still looked concerned, but knowing who this young man was decided to believe in him.

Aki on the other hand, was completely loyal to Mitsu, and had complete faith in him. So he was unconcerned.

They talked for a while more, before Mitsu got up and got ready to leave.

"Well, Neechan and oldies, I will take my leave now. It was nice catching up."

"You too Mitsu. Don't be a stranger and drop by often." Tsunade smiled.

"I will. Oh before I forget. Is Team 7 in the village?" Mitsu asked excitedly.

Sarutobi wanted to answer, but saw Tsunade give him a discreet look.

Tsunade smirked internally and decided to play a prank.

"Oh unfortunately for you, Team 7 is out of the village on a month-long mission. They just left yesterday. Sorry brat, but meeting your little girlfriend will have to wait a while." She said in a regretful tone.

And Mitsu visibly deflated.

He shook his head and replied, "Doesn't matter. I will see her when she returns. Thanks for the info by the way. And Hina isn't my girlfriend… Yet."

Saying so, he left the room.

Once he was gone, Sarutobi gave his student a knowing look.

"You want to surprise the two?"

Tsunade had an evil grin as she laughed, "Well of course… After all the headaches he caused me with all the improvements, that's the least I can do."

"Is it a reward or a punishment?" Sarutobi asked with concern.

"Gah! Who cares! Its gonna be entertaining!" Tsunade replied, waving his concerns off.

Aki only chuckled and wished his young Lord luck.

Tsunade then called two ANBU.

"One of you go and wait at the Gates for Team 7. The moment they return, give this piece of paper to Hyuga Hinata. Consider this as an A rank mission. No failures will be tolerated.

And the other will find Uchiha Shisui and give him this letter. Tell him, HE. MUST. NOT. FAIL. Now go."

The two ANBU left after a bow.

"Isn't that too over the top?" Sarutobi asked.

"For my little brother? Not at all. That's what older sisters are for." Tsunade had a fond smile.

"And I am sure, the two lovebirds will have a wonderful reunion under the cherry blossoms."

"Ah, young love." Sarutobi chuckled as he looked out the window, remembering his time with his late wife.


Around 4:30 PM

Location: Shore near Naka River



*Sounds of fighting*

"Heh, you sure have improved Shaggy." Mitsu complimented as he kicked his sparring partner straight in the stomach, trying to send him away for it to turn out to be an afterimage.

He then ducked to avoid a kick to his head.

Turning on his axis in the same movement, he grabbed the scruff of the other man's flak jacket, and Judo threw him to the ground, before kneeing his throat, but that turned out to be a clone.

Taking the chance the other man showed a victorious smirk, as he lodged a kunai at Mitsu's neck from behind, but to his surprise someone was tapped on his shoulder.

The man felt a cold sweat run down his back as he noticed the figure in front of him was an afterimage, one not unlike his own. He didn't need to turn around to know who was behind him.

"Mah, mah, Mitsu-sama… How in the name of Rikudo Sennin did you get so skilled? You are like what? 14?" The man felt indignant.

He was now the Uchiha clan head, and one of the strongest Ninjas Konoha had to offer. Not even the Hokage had a guarantee to beat him if he went all out. He was proud of his skills.

And yet, his former employer, a teenager beat him down like some mutt.

"Heh? I am not even 13 you know. Yee, I look older due to my training, but damn Shaggy, at least you should remember your boss's age. What a sad minion you are." Mitsu shook his head dramatically.

"Hahahahaha! It's been way too long since you called me your minion, Mitsu-sama… It's great to have you back." Shisui started laughing as he hugged his old friend and master.

"It's good to be back, old friend." Mitsu returned the gesture.

Shisui only grinned at that.

"So did you call me out here only to spar and catch up?" Mitsu asked curiously.

"Eh? What else could it be? Hmmm~ Don't tell me~ Mitsu-kyuuun~ Did you perhaps… Thought I was going to confess to you?~ How scandalous?" Shisui started giggling like a school girl, only to get kicked hard.

"You haven't changed at all, Shaggy." Mitsu said in amusement.

"That I have not! If I did, how would the ladies of Konoha feel? Won't they be heartbroken?" Shisui said in passion.

Mitsu raised a brow at that comment, "And since when did you become a pervert like Kakashi?"

Shisui smirked and proudly took out an orange book with a familiar signature on it.

"Ever since the great prince bestowed onto me the greatest treasure of life!" Shisui declared.

Mitsu was dumbfounded for a second, before bursting out laughing.

He was laughing, coz he recognized that book. It was the exact book he got Shisui for his 18th birthday.

Shisui too started laughing.

But soon they stopped, as Mitsu felt something or rather someone familiar approaching them in a fast pace. He stood up with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

He looked towards Shisui in askance, only to see Shisui giving him a shit eating grin.

Before he could ask, Shisui quickly said, "Good luck, my dear old friend." Before flickering away.

Mitsu was speechless, as he turned towards the stairs that led to the opening he was at.

And right on cue a figure appeared there panting and huffing, trying her best to catch her breath, as she frantically looked around to find something… Or rather… Someone… Him.

With wide eyes, he stared at the beautiful girl in clear wonder.

'I thought she was in a month long mission... What's going on?' Mitsu thought in disbelief.

It was of course Hinata. His beloved Hime.

Hinata finally turned his way, and their eyes met.

One golden and one lavender.

Both looking at each other in disbelief, which quickly turned to longing.

Time seemed to have stopped.

As the sakura blossoms fell around them due to a gentle breeze.

One such blossom fell on the river, setting off a slight ripple, which set of a chain reaction. Starting with switching on time itself.

As the girl rushed towards him in a frantic pace.

Jumping into his warm embrace as soon as she reached him.

The dumbfounded young prince finally awoke from his stupor as he embraced the girl desperately.

Everything around them seemed to have vanished.

Nothing else mattered at the moment.

It was as if a blank canvas was erected to create a painting that pertained only the two of them as they embraced each other.

[A/N: Illustration boys! Mobile users check Comment. But this isn't the only illus for today!]

At that moment, only they were real, and everything else was only decoration to embellish their little world.

As they embraced tighter, making sure it wasn't a dream. Making sure this fleeting moment won't turn into dust due to some sick witch's illusion. Making sure they were… Real!

The embrace continued for how long, neither could tell. But Hinata separated a bit from the embrace.

Mitsu was confused by the action, but looking at the desperate eyes of the girl, he instinctively knew what to do.

He leaned in.

Capturing his Hime's lips, much to her surprise and joy. She didn't stop his action as she stood still in his arms, taking in the feeling of his lips as they kissed for the first time.

It was a long chaste kiss. But it was everything the girl ever hoped for.

After a bit, they separated, looking into each other's eyes.

Both smiling gently, neither needed to speak.

The setting sun's magical glow, combined with the falling blossoms of Sakura, then to be enhanced by dim light of fireflies, made the moment a scene out of a fairytale.

And thus began the start… of something truly beautiful…


[A/N: A full illustration. This is also the new cover for this Fanfic. I dedicated a lot of time on this one. Enjoy!]


[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people!

HEHEHEHEHEE! They finally found each other! All hail the new couple!

If you want to join the discord! The link is on the synopsis!]

LuminouShadow LuminouShadow

<3 Mitsu and Hina

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