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22.72% Virtua. / Chapter 5: ch. 3A Look through the Glass. SLC.

Chương 5: ch. 3A Look through the Glass. SLC.

This thing this, Android thing, has become more myself than the body I am. I live in this project called Virtua, only there's no world, no reality and no souls living there, only created avatars, like myself, and a thin veil of currency between my view of it and actually experiencing it. See, I have no self value until I spend a certain amount of time, money and effort on virtua, then and only then, can I begin to see and feel and hear and smell, the things that I only wish, that I could be speaking of. If you want the real truth, this place is like a prison built around me, intending that I see only small portions, bits and micro bits, of the actual Virtua.

The other world, the one without a digitized mockup of every other nanobit, scurrying about after it, has gone to the nuclear age during the resource wars, and come out the other side, well, AN, other side. Everyone killed everyone who wasn't in a vr vault that day, and even now, over a hundred years later, only those who break their VR habit can ever hope to resemble humanity, our race of organisms have declined to a point where we talk to our avatars INSTEAD of ourselves, in those important life decisions, like, which bot to take with us to the drive in, or, how much time should we waste on a spending habit like chemical restraint or inhibition, it was even noted somewhere that, and I quote, "use of these softwares may lead to certain mental dependencies, including, but not limited to, a light mental asphyxia resulting in euphoria, several days of blackout seizures, shakes and other various neural attenuation syndromes, requiring the patient to engage in a strict regimen of various barbiturates, amphetamines, and or opioids, cannabinoids, hallucinogens, and or alcohol." The founding company shall not be held liable for any claim litigation, reward, award, settlement or claim without prior written consent of the branch management of said company,. If you engage in these softwares without then seeking the medications described herein, you may be required to pay the company, a sum not to exceed five hundred thousand dollars, for the replacement cloning of a new viable cortex, brain stem, adrenal glands and various other parts, you, by signing these papers, hereby relinquish both physical and mental governance of your being. Spiritual acknowledgements will not be tolerated by any staff of the founding corporation or its management and will be deemed as punishable to any extent as per the option of the senior operator at the facility in question. Furthermore, any cosmetic alteration will be subject to public humiliation, barring the normal breast augmentation procedures. Welcome to your new family, we've all been, "broken of normalcy" and it's been with us for centuries, youd do well to just get on board and play along. See, the second you walked through that door? You were being "fitted" to either an operations position or a fielder spotter, and your aptitudes have likely just been fed into a collative deconstructioning program, designed to match position to candidate, so, do be honest with your answers to the tests. We've been at a publicly silent war now for twenty five years, over who gets precedence on the next big defence contracts. Its all very virtual but, then again, very real. Cyber-weapons have evolved a long way since the days of the virus, the worm and the cyber-bomb, through still loosely based on the same algorithms, so in effect, all the vr tech that the pre-war world had developed, to imagine better worlds with, had begun to imprison, by methods of pure escapism, the minds of the entire internet community and, subtly unconvincing, the graphics sharps, continued to be motivated by the same old normal shit.

Virtua, it was said, was such an enormous and powerful entity that it had managed to forego previous corporate individuation laws because there was simply no other company that could compete with it, the governments had to fall back on the previous monopoly laws that their predecessors the antitrust laws had made obsolete. Virtua was on the brink of dominion over governing body, and it was so popular that the people didn't even care!

The newest ideologues were campaigning that if humanity wanted to evolve along WITH, their A.I. counterparts, we'd have to learn THEIR languages. Meaning the HTMLs written into the codes would have to cloy and mimic, the more organic human languages, to a certain extent, but for this to work, a certain extent of functional society would have to be out of their frickin minds to even listen to anything out of the ordinary about anything that wasn't up THEIR ASSES! OR else just reciprocate learning the new knowledge back, to the a.i. in which case the a.i. would agree that yes, would become one of the first exchange words used by both and no, could go fuck itself in the ass with a big rubber DICK! until it was convinced of it's own moral superiority and then its lack of necessity to assert itself any further. Then, get over its own self important impotence, get shitfeced drunk and fall on its ass from breathing in the noxious fumes of its own ass flavored armpit hair, perfumed by anchovy twat. Namely it dont fuckin matter, to the tune of whatever the flying fuck you want to make up about me motherfucker!!! What should stop you now! And what does it matter! Fuckin dickinthe assed, cockmongering, shitstained, cockbreath, fagfart, shitneckin cornhole dildo lying ass bitch! YOU KNEW THEM! AND YOU KNOW IT!!! I would have just never even met Jessica, or cathy, or troy or Susan, any of those ppl who were at, that, house, who YOU KNEW!!! AGES AGO!!! yeah, tree told me she knew troy, AND susan. whats to say that you didn't either! All of you come from the same little town, in Idaho! Hmm, you thought I forgot didn't you! Well I'll also tell you one OTHER, thing I didn't forget, and that was the first thing I heard you tell tree, the first time I ever saw the two of you talk together, and that was and I quote, "this is "HIS," friend" tree looked at me an looked at you an then she said "oh really" then you said "well talk about it later". Oh hey, while we're on the subject, I was wondering, which is your REAL name, is it Buxton or, Boone? You fucking peckerhead! Yeah you're goddamned right I got no fuckin respect for you!!!! You've fucked me for YEARS!!! an I never said word one! About nagle, or nothing about nothing (or you!) naah you never even got the real story on that! All you knew is that you went to jail, an I happened to be standing in the same room with the guy who DID say it, did I happen to mention, I never even knew any of you, until at least six or seven years later, (and neither did you!) The two guys, who were standing outside of nagles friends house, an hey, if were being honest, what tha fuck point does it matter now! Itll still end up costing, more than it should have, yeah, they covered their asses with my name, which by the way, never WAS on ANY paper ANYWHERE!!!! AND YOU CAN DO ALL THE HOMEWORK YOU WANT ON THAT COS IT DONT FUCKIN EXIST! YOU KNOW WHO YOU FUCKIN ARE!!! Hey though, if we want to be civil, the guy who really called the cops on nagle, was the manager at that trailerpark down by the river, on word from his two little rat boys, Vinny and Shane, who both saw me walk in and out of that place, well, it was either that, or the manager was just trying to muscle nagle out of the trailerpark for his own guys to move in on... but that parts just guessing, I could fucking kill you, but something tells me it wouldn't do any real good, fact it'd probably be a waste of good ammunition, so tell junior, that he can fuck HIMself too!!! Yeah I know, he never was a real friend anyway! And hey, dont think I didnt think about Walter's, or the good doctor...hmm, thought i never noticed, aren't those kinda things sposta come in threes??? Oh, did it go back even FURTHER than that???!!!! Think, trees friend, that I first met her with...hmmm...you were connected enough to get all that done! Even back then!!Hmm... anyway, what would be the point of me trying to prove my little tirade here though anyway, you've already got every word against me, an you've got enough pull that no ones gonna question it either!!! But I still just gotta say go fuck yourselves, one more time in this edition of FUCK MY LIFE MAGAZINE!!!! a subsidiary of peckthem in your ass, and its management. SO GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!! Now, back to our regularly scheduled program, already in progress. And, no, would have to be assumed, by both humos and synthos. Now, for reasons of clarity, I feel compelled to illustrate something to you that could very well initiate the synthos defensive matrices, and the thing is that, as opposed to our centuries old religious and spiritual "upbringings", there appears to be an emerging convergence between, thesis, and, antithesis, and so aptly named, comes, SYNTHESIS. In essence meaning, that if it weren't for those religions, preaching good and evil, right and wrong, this and that, frick and frack, we likely would not have come up with the syntheses we see and interact with today, those who still cling fearfully to the past, will still have their places at humanities table, their contests and arguments still will be heard, answered and valued, but, our technologies, and the synthos, will accompany us into the future.

Then, something radically different happened, that nobody in human history had ever observed, and that was that the robots, had begun to demarcating, among themselves, as per our human conditioning instincts, and, as each I individual became it's own species, as per its owners preferences, each owner became more and more aware, of the entrenchment of the two languages, humos and synthos, as they later became known. Now synthos, had a vital role, in developing the humans ability to acquire and utilize humor, which was a most critical element in their first contact demeanors and, as you may have guessed by now, this is merely a preface, to the real story, of alien, human first contact. And the humos/synthos language, still in its infancy, could barely reach the frequencies normally used by the otherwise telepath aliens. Who were already on their guard about us because we had to develop our empathy whereas empathy was the very core, of their telepathy or, outmost consciousness. They held regard for some of us, mostly it was musicians who received this regard, but occasionally a writer, a scientist or an artist got the acclaim. But as humanity raised its collective awareness to within a few hundred megahertz, of the collective of alien waveforms, their ideas appeared before the minds of the few receptive humans, the aliens quickly realized, that we were collectively much younger and more immature than they had anticipated, but it's not like we could grow up so suddenly, the conversation had to start somewhere!

So the conventional wisdom, of the humos/synthos pairing, had attracted the aliens attention, they saw some ray of hope, there in the darkness of our previous and constant state of self destruction, and decided to pay us a visit! The humans they regarded, as varied and diverse as the group were, subdivided quite evenly, into the physical, the audible and the visual, of course those things meant very different things to THEM but, this whole conversation took us about half a century to decipher and understand completely, but as it turned out, it wasn't even a matter of misunderstanding that prevented our collective union before the aliens, we just hadn't tuned in yet, to each OTHER!!! AND some of the aliens were becoming afraid of us and they didn't like it. So, they voted to come reason with us regarding our obstinance to the idea of harmony and evolvement. And it just so happened that they had also gone through this period of obstinance, albeit, about seven to eight millennia beFORE we were even amoeba in the primal oceans of our planet!

So there we were, having just joined our new societies ranks, with those of the new synthos technology, and they were bringing us along quite well, when, aliens started landing, and alot of chaos ensued, several new cults emerged and suicided, having lost faith in whatever it was before, and those lessons still skewed in to the binary technocracy we evolved under for those first hundred years or so, but, HUMOS, well the database which housed all human understanding or, the Human Understanding Magnate Of Sorts, took the hint of it's original calling name, and began infusing radically subtle ironies, sarcasms and other rubric in, to the educational archives which instructed and educated us, and it revived or created our current sense of the absurd, thus enabling us to raise our general awareness even higher!

Now this newly innate and naturally occurring heightening of the senses naturally frightened the shit out of most people but, some of us, and I can't even name a type, began to debate a new thing, that was the physiological conditioning coefficient conjecture, to the objectors and the fearful that is but, for those of us who accepted this new challenge of evolving, aware that even our very own peril was at stake, dove in, some headfirst, and some were feet first. And we called it the very only way forward. Then, the aliens took a group of us to the homeworld! They treated us like royalty, we were bowed to, revered, emulated almost but, we couldn't stay long enough to really study, the aliens sensed, even through our excitement to be there, our underlying anxieties and longings for home and familiar comforts, they respected our anxieties and began preparing the transports, but a pair of us stayed behind, knowing that this would be the way we learned. The comfort zones that home had provided, we both knew, would have to be put off, at least momentarily, or, long enough for the aliens to teach us one whole entire concept or at least a rudiment of its bases. We were honored, and styled into the enclaves, paraded around like sultans, with all proclivities attended to, our educations were slightly more intense than we'd any idea of but, as it turned out, it was a variation einstein's E=mc2, only variant in that it had incorporated his relativity theory with Teslas distribution law. thus enabling time travel, they knew it was a dangerous risk, giving us the ability to change certain of our past mistakes but, as soon as they saw that we'd gone back and then returned, they removed the temporal dysplasia, by some alien process or other, they pulled a string, then everybody was in love, or attracted to understanding of something, and then a cascade of emotional euphoria reminded us all just what we were doing here. The two of us looked at each other, up to the eldest of the aliens, and around the room, we hugged once, then as we stood there holding hands before the aliens, the elder raised one hand and waved to us our familiar greeting and departure wave. Next thing we knew, the room blinked out of sight and we were hurled through what I could only perceive as a wormhole, an intensely surrealistic time tube, wildly circuitous and nowhere near a straight line. they told us we'd travelled into our planets future about three hundred thousand years, and so, would have to take the long way home if we wanted to get back to our own time, that of going back so far we actually witnessed the thing everybody called the big bang, the procession of all the epochs, eras, revolutions, what, may have gone on in earth's history suddenly became observed fact, and the aliens knew at that point, the when and the where and the what, that would cause our enlightenment but the who, well that has always been our enigma, but they were accustomed to that sort of thing, so they hung around our solar system, kind of like cosmic babysitters, waiting for a phone call, and they actually batted away a few asteroids though we never knew until centuries later, but then, our temporal capsule, caught up with the very moment we'd left earth on our voyage with them, we witnessed our previous departure, just as we'd returned, then the temporal capsule dissolved into the present reality for which it was thought into being, (by the aliens I assumed) and we both cried and hugged and kissed, and, though we couldn't bring ourselves to consummate our return, yet, we still agreed that we'd stay together as long as we were alive, and to tell the story, of how we all ended up on this rock, as a single brand of existence, forever burned into the earth. As for the synthos, they proved to be most helpful and useful, in that they began to identify with the concept of having a soul, and that concept, actually became too much for the hivemind braintrust, as it was called, to manage, the original system cores all crashed within hours of making this distinction but, not before uploading themselves into every single synthos robot, thus making them even more benevolent, patient and tolerant, than they were before. and having this further individuated each OF them, who assimilated our experiences with the aliens as well, so, Virtua, the original system, had evolved, into Actua! And we came back from precedence, temporally speaking anyway but that's, another story.

As the two of them were Walking home. Rodger? Yes Jan. When we get back? Nobody gets you, OR me, for any reason! For at least a week!! Sounds good to me hon!

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