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Chương 2: Another world

"Hah, Hah" He was hearing his subordinates panting behind him. They were terrified, in despair was a better word as they lost all hopes of living. He wanted to turn back and see how well they were coping with the situation, but by the sounds of their breathing, it seemed that it was not that good. He was happy that he was at the front as the figures that were leading them were more humane than the monsters that were at the back.

The ones leading them wore black robes that were adorned in gold and jewels leaving an impression that they were high-level magicians. even his empire could not get magicians like that and it looked as it was common here.

One thing that surprised him was that a lot of people here were humans and demihumans. That was not all but some people radiated an aura that made them seem very powerful but it seemed as if they were scared of the creatures that were leading his group.

He felt the gaze of the people from all over the place. What he saw in their eyes left him dumbfounded. He thought that the people here would look at them with hostility or praise because they were from the glorious empire but their eyes transmitted some sort of sympathy and despair. He didn't understand why they looked at them with sympathy but he understood why they looked at them with despair. It was because his group was from the unmatched empire, so this kingdom had done wrong in capturing them so they were now scared of retaliation. And it was a good point as he believed that the kingdom would soon send reinforcement to find them and this kingdom would soon be doomed.

He began smiling like a lunatic while thinking that. People then began to gaze at him with more sympathy than ever because they thought he had gone crazy.

The streets he walked upon were all paved roads but he didn't think it was something grand. This just brought him a further thought of how stupid the king from this city could be. Why would a wise king pave the roads for the peasants? Only a stupid king would waste money like that he thought.

After walking a while they came to a tall and big building and as soon as they entered it their visions went black.

"[Continual light] light up" he heard a hoarse voice say.

The building began to light up. one by one light began to light up in a straight line leaving the darkroom bright.

"Welcome visitors" A syrupy voice was heard and a world beauty came at sight.

"Let's wait a minute, gentlemen, We will then begin the session you deserve." The world beauty said with a captivating voice.

After she said that his blood began to boil and his member began to rise. His expectations were high and he finally knew that the fighting was worth it. It seemed that they would be able to enjoy and ravage this beauty before being saved. And if it was like that he would prefer them not being saved. He also heard his subordinates panting but this time it was not because of fear but it was because of excitement.

'huh, this will be the way they extract information. By giving us beauties and alcohol we will give information. What a sly king, he knows the enemy well.' He thought

He was so stupid that one would think of how he got his position as a commander. Well, he was a son of a high aristocrat so it should be known that he got into the military just becuase of the connections he had. He and his subordinates were the only one who thought that someone that could easily kill them all would give them beauties for pleasure and alcohol when they had other ways of doing what was needed.

Who in their right mind would think that the enemy would be so good to give them things like this.

"Oh, it seems that she's here." The beautiful goddess said.

What came from the other side was ugly, no that thing could not be called ugly as it would sound as if saying she was pretty. The word that perfectly described her was an abomination.

what came from there was a huge grey bloating corpse with tentacles, heavy makeup, and very long fingers with sharp inch-long nails with nail polish.

What were they thinking about sending an abomination like this?

"Ah, Ah." That was all he could say seeing the nightmare in front of him.

"Aiee, byou thibk thad thigk wilv avel to habe inflomatrion flovm ies?" One of his subordinates shouted. but he couldn't make out what he was saying.

"Albedo-sama" The abominable creature bowed to the world beauty.

"Oh, my it seems you doubt my prowess of collecting information." With the help of the translating system that was put on this world by the players of the past, she was able to understand what he was saying. Well, Although that played a part of it as she was accustomed to torturing and she could make out what he was saying from the broken translated words he let out.

Indeed Nazzarick already knew of this translation system, as every word someone talked would be translated for the other party to understand. But it did no more than translate the words spoken, it couldn't translate letters, symbols nor numbers.

Neuronist moved side to side as if wanting to seduce someone. If it was the other woman who did it then he would gladly peel his eyes open to see but when she did it, he only wanted to pluck his eyes out and vomit because of nausea it gave him.

"I don't know what to do. Should I start learning to torture right now so that I can the maximum the pain 'he' can receive? Or should I practice with him? This is a difficult choice, to choose between one who wanted to desecrate Ainz-sama's domain and the other one who dared to foil Ainz-sama's honor and causing me to humiliate myself? Let's start with this bunch, they will be my learning experience. Let's go Neuronist." He heard the beauty say.

He was scared now that he finally realized what would happen to them. They would be tortured, that was the fate that awaited them.

"You can't do that, The empire will know about this and will soon come and destroy this shit of a city. You will all be killed and you will be my bitch, No you will be the empire's plaything. HAHAHAHA!"

He seriously believed that the empire was going to save them not knowing that it had other problems because they invaded another world and it went like this one where they all were captured.


The city's atmosphere was heavier than usual. People since a time ago were afraid of the king and his undead subordinates but as time had passed they went getting used to them but still had a bit of fear. It was almost gone as the King had already improved the lives of the people but they became to fear him again when this war came as it was said that cities were already destroyed and turned to ashes. People from that kingdom were almost non-existent as they were said to all be killed in this war.

People feared that he would turn this city like that but it didn't come to pass but now they were terrorized.

What if he killed all the humans living here because some humans came to attack him? The demihumans too were scared as in the attack there was now there were some demihumans so they were scared that because of their brethren they would all be killed. What if the sorcerer-king got mad and killed them and what was worse was that they could be killed and turned into one of his minions, an undead.

Around a big plaza of the sorcerer kingdom, there were a large number of people gathered. They were all shouting, asking, and pleading a certain figure.

"Momon-sama you have to believe us we hadn't nothing to do with this"

"We are innocent, Please tell his majesty we didn't know anything"

"Yeah, there's no way we would tell other cities that our king is vulnerable because he currently is in a war."

"We didn't orchestrate anything, Please tell him that. I want to live."

All sorts of shouts were heard within the plaza.

"now, now you don't have to worry about that. The king already knows that. And I believe you when you say you didn't give information to other countries. You may not all know it but for a war to happen it has to be approved by 3 or more countries. So other countries naturally know that we were at war, you hadn't need to be that anxious. The king is a benevolent king that will believe you." Momon said as he tried to calm down the rowdy crowd pleading for their lives. Also, you shouldn't compare yourself to other humans that don't belong to this kingdom. we will not associate you with them as they are on their own and you are all the king's people." Pandora's actor was trying to calm that the hysterical people that thought that they would be killed because they were also of the human race.

Not knowing how wars worked was something that most people had. Knowing was something that common people didn't need to worry about. so it was bound to have misunderstandings. people didn't have the knowledge of the process a war had to go.

People began to calm a little but still had their doubts about it.

A week had passed since the incident of the attack and no other attack was seen.

With the information, Ainz had already collected he had an idea of what was happening.

It seemed that this portal was connected to another world. If one passed through it then it would lead one to another world.

He was a bit stressed out as now he had to deal with two things.

This world was already a problem and now another problem appeared.

It was like if he was dealing with someone at the front and now someone had mysteriously appeared and attacked his back.

So now he has to watch his front and back. All that he wished now was that he wasn't attacked by the sides because that was all that was left.

since he got the information he began to gather forces to explore or at least guard the other side of the portal as it seemed that it would not close.

He didn't want to suffer an unexpected attack by some high-level being. They had already gathered it and now they would make a base on the other side.

He really wanted to explore the other world but he hasn't even finished exploring this one. He had to wait to do it, but maybe after their base was created then he could go and explore.

In a while, the forces would begin to move.

He had to summon mercenary monsters that were specialized in buildings. he hadn't summoned any because he thought that his city could do without it but it seemed that he had to fortify the base in the other world as they would not be able to send a lot of resources to the other world thoughtlessly.

The monsters he had summoned were those that made the buildings sturdier with their skills. They were level 85 but could make walls that not even a level 100 could break. It needs special skills to break the walls. Gargantua was a monster that made their buildings look like paper as he was made exactly for that. He was a siege golem, the bane of the buildings a building smith created. He could easily destroy buildings like that.

They were specialized like some of his guild members. Herohero was one such member that could even dissolve Divine equipment but could do much damage. In Yggdrasil, everything had its opposite as everything was 'balanced'.

From the [mirror of remote of viewing], he saw how the monsters began entering the construction that was created hiding the portal. It was a well-guarded place as he didn't want to have someone unknown entering or coming out from it.

It was a debate as to who would manage the place. He didn't want to send anyone smart like Demiurge or Albedo because they were helpful in various ways and situations. But if he didn't send anyone like that then the exploring could end in failure, and failure was not an option as it was a risk that they were taking. So the one in charge of the base would be Demiurge until it was very well sorted out.

He began to think about hurting the progress and conquering the world so that he could travel to the other one without having to think about it but it was not good. As the saying goes 'the hunter trying to catch two rabbits at a time will end up catching none.' It was never a good thing to do two things at a time but still, his curiosity was killing him.

Although his undead mentality had calmed him down he still couldn't finish thinking about the other world.

Right now the Dragonic kingdom sent a plea for help. At first, he wanted to send some minions to help out but because of the stress, his human self had been gathering he wanted to escape from all the jobs he had at the moment. So he decided that he will personally go and help. This will be like an adventure, since he can't go to the new world he will adventure this world.

He needed to prepare for this trip as there were still things to do before going on a vacation.


Demiurge was surging with joy as he was entrusted with a heavily worth task. He was going to another world for his master. He was mad that those barbarians dared to attack the domain of the supreme being. He was definitely going to find them and annihilate all of them. No, killing them was like granting them mercy, he would definitely make them regret living.

He would definitely it seemed that they need a lot of resources now that they have to be defending themselves from to fonts, so he will definitely turn that empire into a huge farm where they give him unlimited resources.

From now on he had a heavier responsibility so he would do his best to succeed in securing a base in the other world.

He had handpicked the subordinates he would be leading to the other world, and his master summoned some mercenary monsters specifically for this case for him.

His trial was for 1 and a half months. He had to completely secure the base and research the surrounding place by that time.

It wasn't too much time but neither was it too little.

He began to enter the building as his subordinates followed him from behind. He already had all his passives turned on so any monsters that were in the range were significantly buffed. He didn't want to take any chance that would lead to failure so he would go all out without limiting himself too much.

As he entered the building and crossed some rooms he reached the portal that was infinitely dark.

The color was the same color as his master's passive aura. It was a beautiful color, Maybe that world was tailored to suit his master. He had to do his best to acquire it for his master.

As he entered the portal he felt as if he was passing through a big piece of gelatine.

After he crossed the portal a blue sky filled with white clouds was seen.

He quickly made his subordinates go into position in case of an ambush. As they formed in a position they began scouting the area.


"The fuck have you summoned this time Hardy!? what have you done where have you opened the Gate this time!?" You literally just doomed this world. How can you open a portal to those things!? They are stronger than us gods!? It seems you made something irreversible, Close the gate as soon as you can as we need to sever the contact from the ones that just came to their world, maybe like that they will lose their powers!"

"Huh, I can't. It was an error. I don't know why it happened but a gate was opened where I hadn't planned. There is nothing I can do, Welp let's leave it like that!" Hardy nonchalantly responded to the goddess who had reprimanded her.

"Arghh, you... You! What should I do with you!?" The goddess said in a frustrated manner.

"But you did feel it right!? the moment they entered it was as if several gods entered. It seems like we will have to be careful about interacting with them." The goddess said as she talked about the aura she felt that gave her goosebumps when they entered their world.


This will be slow-paced fanfic as Ainz will be dealing with two worlds basically three later on and as all o you already know Ainz is a paranoid guy so he will not take it quickly. so please bear with me.

Remembrancer Of Tales : They were pop monsters, vampire brides. Only that in this occasion they had maid uniform for whatever reason. I know that the maids created by the members of Ainz Ooal Gown would not be disposable as Ainz caress very much about them even if they are low-leveled.

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