The Crimson Lily forest was huge, and after conquering it, Ainsley could use the land for many purposes.
One of them was to make a training ground for the Crimson Lily branch members.
Currently, Ainsley wasn't only training her elite shadow guard but also training the guild's core members, the elite guild team.
"Everyone, we will depart to the capital in a week."
"By then, I hope each of you can charm a low-level monster in five minutes, a mid-level monster in ten minutes and a high-rank monster in thirty minutes!"
The requirement was high, and the training was harsh, but these thirty elite guild members could keep up with the harsh training.
They had been trained ever since weeks ago, and Ainsley really only picked the highly talented ones to be trained in less than a month.
As for other talented members, they could still become a part of the guild's core members, but they might have to train hard for months first.
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