The next morning students woke very early and prepared themselves for the exchange event.
The students were grouped into hundreds. About eight students from every school were placed in a group.
Students from other schools were given the chance to mingle with one another this way.
They were put in busses according to their groups.
According to Atrihea city high school principal, the groups would be visiting different places in the city so there won't be a crowd in a particular location.
Which meant, when group A was visiting the heart of the city, group B would be in another location at that moment. Same with other groups also.
At the end of the day, they would all visit the same places but at different times.
Gustav was placed in a group with some mixed-bloods from his class who mostly glared at him with contempt, mixed with wariness.
Their group was headed for a place known as Site #47 at the coast of the city.
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