Darius rose up from his seat in the final room of the Restricted Section of The Great Library of Krona. After absorbing all the Magical, Professional, Cultural, Historical, and Technology related knowledge Faust, in general, had to offer, Darius could now be considered to have completely integrated with this world.
The first thing that struck him was bitterness, as hindsight loved appearing when a person increased their knowledge/wisdom about a matter, mocking them for the mistakes they made in the past.
This was especially the case for Darius, as he saw that without the Supreme System's help, especially in regards to his high Luck, he might never have really made it out of the Divine Glade.
For one, he had immediately set out from the Divine Glade back then because to him, it was the wisest choice. After all, He had just been told to make a monkey out of himself for a Goddess or it was oblivion for him.
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