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64.8% One Piece: Blood Unleashed [Revamped - in the synopsis] / Chapter 116: Match of Poker & Blood makes his appearance felt

Chương 116: Match of Poker & Blood makes his appearance felt

Both Vlad and Kirin stared at each other while also holding in their hands a sheet of paper that had a lot of stuff written on it. However, the most visible was the blood fingermark at the end of all the written stuff.

"Prince Vlad, make sure to contact me in advance so I can get my boys on the ships and also strengthen the block access of people in Valent."

"That's nothing you should worry about. Sigh, I'm still annoyed that I couldn't keep at least one of those two rats. But it is what it is. I got no time now to mourn my failure.

Commodore, the contract has been signed. After I put an end to the nobles and stabilize the kingdom, you will also be conferred the status of Governor without you coming to the palace for all those tedious ceremonies."

Hearing Vlad and looking at the signed contract, he nodded his head and bid his farewell to Vlad, who canceled his [Blood World].

Leaving the marine base, he passed past some marine recruits as if nothing happened.

Getting out of the base, he enhanced his senses using the blood powers and began slowly to walk toward the Valent Casino, like he was checking to see if something was wrong around himself and Valent.

'There's no sign of assassins following me. Nor there are any suspicious guys in my range, except those idiots who think they can steal my money. Were only those two rats tasked to assassinate Kirin or there is an entire squad that managed to hide in the city.'

'If this is the case things will be dangerous. The news of those two demises will get out faster and reach Sagletius in no time. I need to get home immediately. Little Robert and Aerius can't handle the pressure of an invasion coming from the nobles and the assassins.'

As he was planning many things ahead of him and walking the streets in a blank state, he arrived 15 minutes back at the casino. However, to his surprise, he was welcomed by the chilling atmosphere of silence where most people were gathering at a table.

Seeming curious about these people who gathered around the table to watch, he also moved, and slowly he could see someone responsible with the cards, the dealer, and three players.

Two middle-aged guys who seemed to wear noble clothes and a young woman that had her white hair tied in a low bun that she was covered with a dark hat while her familiar dark dress let the guests admire her body and bare legs.

'Hmm, what is she doing now? That game, what was its name? Right, poker. She seems to be losing. Sigh, she will probably get angry for that, but as long as she enjoys herself, it's all good.'

Meanwhile, the lady playing the actual game was staring calmly at the two nobles and using a swift technique. She looked at her cards before placing them down then turning her head at the 3 showed cards for matches.

There was a red J ♦ , a red 9 ♦, and a red Q ♥.

Staring at the two players around the round table, she thought to herself while showing a calm exterior.

'This hand seems questionable. A 10 of spades followed by a 6 of clubs. From what Peter explained to me, the match I can make is maybe hope for a 6 ♣ and have a pair or a 10 ♠.

She stared at the nobles who were fiddling with the betting chips, and finally, she could hear one of the guys say.

"Raise 600.000 ฿."

The other middle-aged noble, in a casual manner, called the raise.

'It's my turn now? Let me think, I have a budget of 5.000.000 ฿ that Peter lent to me. I can fold since it seems this guys have also good cards to actually raise.'

'Wait, no. Let's play these bastards by their game.'

The nobles waited as Sofiya fiddled the chip on her side of the table, and with a casual manner, she placed the chips for 1.000.000 on the table.

"Raise 400.000 ฿."

This made the noble surprised a bit, but they thought that Sofiya was blatantly bluffing since she lost her cards most of the time.

Well, it could be said it was on the small bets, yet they still kept playing, calling the bet.

The dealer, without saying much, took the chips from the table, got them to his side, and revealed the next card.

The three looked as he put a card down and slowly revealed the card for the combinations.

'Tsk, damn this shit game. That's a red 2 ♦. It's useless with my hand.'

'Look at these snobbish guy's faces. I can see your enjoyment from a distance. You struck your combinations?'

It came to the turn of the second noble to raise the bet, that he did it in a casual manner and tone, even feeling a bit beneath himself to look at the ones around.

"Raise 1.000.000 ฿."

"Call." said the other noble, feeling confident in his hand and the future outcome of the match.

Looking at those two, Sofiya was moving her cards forward and backward and thought to herself.

'Now what? Should I try to mess things idiots going for everything?'

'Heh, why not? It would be funny to see their reaction if I get a 10 or a 6 to do the pair.'

"Call." said Sofiya with a calm expression before turning her attention to the dealer side.

The dealer, which seemed pretty professional, took the chips and brought them to the typical bucket and, putting the following card face down beside the other 3 cards, he revealed the last card, which was an 8, that made Sofiya hold her smile to herself.

'Good, that's better than I was hoping for. Hehe, let's play it now snobbish bastards. Hmph, you dare call me a slut? I'll show you what this "slut" can pull for you.'

"It's your turn to call, woman. Will you raise, check or fold your hand?" said one of the nobles at the table.

"Ohh, you are worrying for me? Or do you think I don't know how to play this game?"

"Hmph, whatever." snorted the noble when hearing Sofiya's sarcastic tone.

Looking at those nobles and then turning her view a bit on her cards, she put on a stern thinking expression.

Time was passing, yet she still had that skeptical expression that was honey to the noble eye's.

'Heh, this commoner bitch doesn't even know what she should do? Probably she has a pathetic hand with only a pair, yet she thinks she can win against my hand?'

Yet as the two nobles were thinking that, in confidence that they were winning, they heard Sofiya's clear and soft voice.

"Raise, all-in."

"What?? Are you sure, commoner? That's all your money on the stake." asked the noble surprised by what Sofiya just did.

"Sure, like I said all-in. Would you tag in your excellencies?"

This time, Sofiya did a jab against the nobles while calling them a bit sarcastically "your excellencies".

'Fucking slut? Don't you dare look down on us, proud nobles with your meager sum of money. 5.000.000 is just a small investment for us.'

"Sure, you commoner. No problem, call."

"Call." added the other noble at the table while looking a bit angrily at Sofiya.

Then the dealer took the chips and starting with the first noble who revealed his hand J ♠ and 9 ♠.

The other noble smirked and revealed his hand in awe of people watching the table who started whispering around. It was a hand containing a pair of 8's.

"That is a three of a kind. Count Almeira is the winner."

"Wait, let's see what that chick pulls off."

Sofiya saw the cards of the nobles and finally released a bright smile and flipped her cards, having all the people watching the table nod their heads impressed, fully knowing about her match.

"She got The Straight. Damn, this chick really won this hand."

Meanwhile, the nobles at the table looked angry at Sofiya and her hand and only said to her.

"We haven't finished our match, girl. Let's continue to the next round."

Sofiya looked at the nobles with confidence and nodded her head at the nobles, signaling the dealer to make the cards faster.

Like this, further matches of power were taking place in the eyes of Vlad, who looked calmly from behind Sofiya as the two nobles he picked their names from the people whispering, Count Almeira and respectively Viscount Galler began getting more annoyed.

As Sofiya was only playing whenever she felt her chances were good, leaving her with a good balance of 15.000.000 ฿ while the nobles also had about 15.000.000 ฿ worth of chips with them.

Then it was a new round where things finally began to settle down for the group.

Sofiya received her new hand and looked at the new cards that were 8 of clubs and 6 of clubs that made her think to herself while fiddling a chip in her hand.

'I could try to go for a Flash with this hand. Let's try, since I have money.'

The dealer, after the three checked, pulled the initial cards. It was a 6 ♦, 2 ♦, and 8 of ♥.

'Hmmm, this one I already have 2 pairs. I could probably go for a full house or 3 of a kind?'

"Raise to 500.000" called Sofiya in a calm manner.

It was the noble turns, and also, each of them had cards good enough to allow them to continue the bet.

"Raise to 2.000.000. Woman, if you want to play with money, do it in big style. It's insulting for us nobles to have to do 500.000 ฿ raises." added Count Almeira while looking a bit disdainfully at Sofiya.

'Ohh, you have a good hand, you stupid noble? Then let's test it.'

"Call." responded the Viscount without much emotion in his tone.

Sofiya also called and got the amount of chips to be raised to 7.500.000 ฿, making the people watching gulp their saliva at this high amount of money being played around as if it was nothing.

The dealer took the chips and placed the next card. It was a 5 ♠ that kept the atmosphere silent in the casino and the poker table.

'This doesn't help me much. What now? Should I go with the two pairs and try to force those nobles to fold?'

It was her starting round, and taking off the option of folding her hand, she said with her calm and soft tone.

"Raise 5.000.000 ฿."

The two nobles stared at her as if she swallowed some poison on her own.

'Is this whore bluffing? I already put in play 2.500.000 ฿. My hand is also decent a pair of 2's I could get if luck is on my side get a full house? Sure, let's do this."

"Call." said Count Almeira while keeping a poker face while the Viscount also followed in tandem with a call, not folding his hand.

The dealer took the chips and revealed the last key card. This time it was an 8 ♠ which, like magic, instantly made count Almeira and Viscount Galler seem more relaxed while Sofiya was having a celebration in her mind.

'Good, good. I think dear is close by since I all of a sudden got lucky after half the poker match.'

'Let's hunt those pigs down. They seem to also have strong hands from their eye reaction, but it remains to be seen.'

"Heh, what are you going to do, woman? Fold?" added the Count when seeing Sofiya thinking and keeping silent.

"Hmph, didn't the one who taught you poker, tell you to keep quiet when playing? Fine, you want to act tough, all in."

This lead to a sudden chain reaction in the audience, who were shocked and even called her crazy for throwing away money like this.

"Hahaha, you said it, little slut. I think you are looking down on us nobles too much. Hmph, commoner slut, let's go all-in then."

As he said that, he suddenly felt a chill run around himself and even felt his heartbeat going faster, for no reason to him.

'What is going on? Did the gambling rush got to me?' thought the Count to himself while pushing all the chips toward the table center.

While he was thinking to himself, Vlad's eyes were crimson in color while frowning at those nobles for daring to insult Sofiya in his face. However, he calmed down when Sofiya's serene expression, as if she remembered the times he would tell her, that regardless of who would insult her, she would be his dearest.

'I will remember your two mutts. Pray you are not part of Lacilet faction, or I will see you at the gallows.'

Back on the poker table, after all the three of them settled down with the all-in raise, it was time for them to reveal their cards.

Viscount Galler revealed his hand. It was a strong hand that had 5 ♥ and a 6 of ♥.

"Viscount got three pairs. That's quite strong, but would he win?"

After the viscount, Count Almeira revealed his hand it was a pair of 2's, one of ♥ and one of the diamonds.

"Wow, lord count got Full House. Let's see what this chick has."

Sofiya revealed her hand as she looked at the two noble hands, and with a calm tone, she said.

"Full House, higher cards."

"WHAT!? BUT HOW!? What are the chances of you getting an eight? DAMN IT!? That's half of my estate revenue!?" said the Count while raising himself on his feet and staring at Sofiya as if wanting to do something.

He moved to her, making all the out lookers be surprised and even call out.

"Ohh no, the Count is angry for losing the poker match. Ahh, look even the Viscount is going for that girl."

Peter, who was watching all of this from another part of the casino, looked surprised at the noble's reaction and said to himself.

"Fuck, if something happens to my lady, Lord Vlad will most likely break all my bones in anger."

Vlad watched all of this, and before he even reacted, Sofiya took out a pistol from her holder that she strapped on her bare leg and said while giving them a smile.

"Why so angry, your excellencies? Are you reacting like this for all your losses in life? Don't try anything weird or I'll shoot your brains out."

"Hmph, you think you dare to do this? All my retainers waiting outside will jump on you, find who you are, and purge your entire peasant family." said the Count while moving toward Sofiya in a more aggressive manner.

In all this tense moment, the sound of gunfire resounded loud and clear, and the Count screamed in pain while touching his ear.


Sofiya starred at the Count and the viscount, who seemed to back off after seeing that she was crazy enough to shoot at a noble of high rank.

With the Count's cry, 20 people seem to storm the casino while holding pistols in their hands and targeting Sofiya.

"I dare you shoot me. I'll splash your dirty Count's brains out before your bullets even reach me."

As the guards approached, Peter also made his appearance and tried to calm the tension while some blood began to move toward Sofiya's legs and slowly embrace her and move to spread around her.

"Now, now. Your excellencies is no need to get tenser than this. The losses are minimal for you sirs, also Count Almeira, Viscount Galler, if you think Lady Sofiya cheated or anything like that, then I must inform you that there are no such things in my establishment."

"Shut up Peter, know your place, you dirty commoner. I don't give a shit about your cheap casino that used to belong to that retard Mayer Loftso. This whore shoot at me and even injured my ear, I want revenge. So you better don't intervene, or I'll demolish your casino when I come back next time."

"Why you nobles are so stupid. I could splash your entire pig's head if I wanted, but I give you a warning shot. Don't approach me with your dirty arrogance, you noble fuck." added Sofiya, who still didn't notice that Vlad was beginning to envelop herself in his protection.

Peter's smiling face that tried to pacify things also crumbled and turned frigid cold, and looking at Sofiya and observing the crimson layer rising around her bare legs, he added to the two nobles.

"Your excellencies, this time I will tell you as a friendly reminder. You better don't do anything stupid and cease this fighting, or."


Then, suddenly the minimalistic layer of blood around Sofiya finally rose in an incredible manner and turned out in a skin-fit crimson armor, and along with that, the appearance of a young man who had a crimson mask on his face.

His appearance for the outlookers felt like a phantom showing itself to its target.

The people instantly began whispering around, and they saw this crimson masked guy.

"The crimson mask, someone take out Blood's wanted bounty immediately!?"

"Here man, I have it with me close, since I thought of hunting him down and take his bounty." said a random guy that seemed like a bounty hunter.

The one who asked for the bounty quickly give the guy drawn on the poster a run, and later at Vlad, who made his appearance, and said with shocked eyes and also with some fear.

"It's him. The Scourge of Kaysang. He came to kill us."

"Not us, but the nobles. Don't you know that he has only been targeting the nobles?"

After one of the outlookers said that, the rest seemed to calm down a bit and stared at this conflict that seemed to be at its climax.

Vlad, who appeared at the scene, swiftly grabbed the Count's throat and staring him down with his crimson eyes, he said coldly.

"Since when did a little noble like you dare to show his so-called might in my place? At first, I thought I would leave you scram from here, but this privilege you've been born with seems to be running high in your brain, like the rest of them, holding hostage this kingdom."

The Count looked as if he saw death itself appear before him and screamed in his mind, cursing his hot reaction.

'This guy is Blood. The one I've been hearing stories coming from Sagletius, coming from the nobles inside the Noble District and from Lacilet's faction. I'm dead.'

"Misun … derstanding. Release me. No. Lacilet." struggled Count Almeira to said some simple things.

Vlad heard that and released a bit of his grip on his throat, saying still in a calm tone.

"You've calmed yourself? So this is all a misunderstanding?

"Indeed, Lord Blood." said the Count after being able to breathe a bit better.

"Ohh, so you know me? You also say you are not from Lacilet's parasitizing group?"

"Indeed, lord. Those guys wanted to invite me in this madness of theirs, but I don't have such aspirations to power."

"I see, I see. Still, I have another problem, the attitude you show for the commoners. Especially for this young lady, do you think by chance that you are beneath those simple people?"

Hearing this humiliating question, the Count swallowed his saliva. In doing so, also the lingering arrogance he was holding in himself because it would be all useless in the face of death.

"No, lord. I'm sorry if I offended any of them, and also I am sorry for overreacting with the beautiful lady."

The outlookers, who all were of common origins, stared at the Count with big eyes and looked at Vlad with admiring looks, some younger guys even having an idolizing stare at him.

'He made the proud noble swallow his arrogance and even say those things. How scared are the nobles of him?' thought most of the people when seeing this scene.

"Good. You still have a brain on your shoulders and can still think. It seems you aren't so stupid. Now scram from here, also don't bother with your money. You've lost fair and square against this young lady."

Releasing Almeira's throat, the Count began taking some deep breaths and touching his neck skin. He quickly walked to his guards, who still targeted Sofiya and Vlad, and walked out, followed by the viscount, who smartly made his way toward Almeira's guards before Vlad appeared.

Seeing all of the tensions being released, Peter looked at the people inside the casino and said in a cold and high tone.


The people hearing Peter for the first time sound so cold when talking and looking at Vlad's crimson mask and tall body, they made their way out of the casino, leaving the staff members of the casino and some guards who were taken by surprise by this conflict.

"Peter, have someone get the money, I'll walk up with Sofiya. Let's go upstairs and have a talk, Sofiya." said Vlad while staring at Sofiya, who was in the crimson armor and begging to walk toward the command office.


A/N: Quite the intense poker match, or is just me? Do you guys know to play poker? Or blackjack?

What do you think of this chapter and my approach to pulling those types of elements inside a story?

Also, we see more nobles from now on, so expect those "arrogant" type of characters, but also the humble ones or just like the Viscount someone who knows to scram fast and not get hurt (lol)


Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed the story. It's support coming from you and also a reward for me, for delivering quality content.


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