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46.36% One Piece: Blood Unleashed [Revamped - in the synopsis] / Chapter 83: A small trick, nothing more

Chương 83: A small trick, nothing more

At the harbor of the Sun District, the people working at carrying cargo and preparing the trade vessels spotted over the horizon moving toward their ports a small caravel of only 11 meters and a larger ship moving at the back of this caravel that had 28 meters.

The people on patrol and watching over the port spotted the two ships moving toward the harbor, but when they saw the black caravel that sported those red marks on the sail, they transmitted a message to Aldenis.

However, as soon they said that the person who took the ship on the sail came back, the old man turned them back to their posts, knowing already about Vlad's returns after he received a call from Vlad when he passed Valent.

Back to the port, there was a sensation around the younger guys who saw for the first time a ship big as the pirate one was, but soon they moved toward where Vlad and the pirate crew anchored next to the wooden platform.

Vlad used his blood powers and dropped the wooden stairs of the ship down when he settled down the ship, and to his surprise, he saw the group of young lads around 13 to 15 years old looking at him as if waiting for a job.

"You kids can carry the cargo out of the ship and move it to the warehouse to be placed on the trade ships. Here some extra money for the work. Don't mess it up boys, there's some delicate cargo inside." explained to the younger guys as he stepped down from the caravel while also handing some cash to the young boys since he had plenty from ending Dethel and taking over his fortune and treasure.

"Yes sir. Thank you for the extra money, we'll be able to buy some clothes for ourselves if this money, apart from the usual salary we get."

"You better do so. Right lads, I've heard that there's a school in construction. What do you think about this?"

"What can we say, lord. We can't wait to join and learn how to write and other useful things, but from what my friends told me, it would be hard to attend because it's set to only be open in the mornings."

"Ohh, I see. Don't worry lads, you'll see that it will be fine with the school too. Now enough chit-chatting, get to the work lads. I'll also take my leave and let you focus."

After ending chatting a little bit with the young boys working on the harbor, he turned to Robert and the newly acquired sailors. As he looked around their faces, he saw most of them surprised, but there was only one who was calm along this entire journey.

Along the journey back to Sagletius, he also went to the pirate ship and talked a bit with the guys, hearing their life stories, but the one who stuck the most to him was the one of the calmest of the pirates, Peter.

He lived a hard life, too, living in the worst kind of conditions inside a city in the Briss Kingdom. His family got killed by the local criminals there from a young age. Since then, he lived on his own, doing all sorts of things, from stealing to even kill others for their food, just so he could survive. Vlad could understand that this calmness he showed right now was genuine.

From the story he heard, Peter seemed a person ready to die at any moment, or as he said in his own words.

"Why should I fear you killing me when my life should have ended when my family got killed on that day."

Yet at that moment only asked him this. "Then why don't you join them? Or don't tell me, you're doing this pirating because you're looking for a befitting manner to die?"

"You can say it like that, lord."

Looking back at that conversation with Peter, he felt this guy had great potential if only his mentality shifted slightly.

Walking a bit out of the port followed by the sailors and Robert, he turned toward Peter and gave him some instructions.

"Peter and you guys will follow me to the city. I'll have to settle you down since you probably don't know this place that much."

"No boss, I've been here a few times with Dethel. I remember him cursing this place as a swamp where only dirty guys live, but I can't believe my eyes. This place looks like an ordered city."

"That's good to hear, Bolt. This place is no longer what you guys knew. So you better keep your pirate mannerism to yourself. Now let's go, I'll introduce you to a gentleman who will assign you some jobs in my place."

"But boss, aren't you the ruler of this place? Why have some else give orders on your behalf."

"That's because I'm still waiting to fish out some guys that I better let them think that the city isn't ruled by me. You'll understand the situation of the Sun District pretty soon, so don't stress about."

Moving along the alley, the pirates who once visited Sagletius and arrived in the Forgotten District couldn't believe what they were seeing. People wearing clean clothes and all seeming to be washed, people building houses, roads, and other constructions they saw for the first time.

Soon they were woken from their admiration by Vlad, who stopped in front of a mansion guarded by some guys that when they saw Vlad bowed a bit.

"Sir, It's been a while since we saw you. Are you here to meet the Mayor again?"

"Yes, can I go up without bothering with the procedures. We already know each other for a while."

"There's no problem sir, but those guys have to wait outside." pointed the guard to the sailors, Robert and Aerius.

"Sure, you can go back to your patrolling."

Entering inside the mansion, he saw the same flow of people working around doing logistics or other mischievous things that he didn't want to know. As he walked upstairs to the mansion uninterrupted by anyone, he saw the 3 guys who had large scars on their faces who, in fact, were the first people Aldenis took from the streets and offered a better way of life.

"Lord, is it fine to come all the way here and meet pops?"

"It's fine I haven't been followed by anyone. You can relax Pablo." replied Vlad to the guy he encountered when the cleaning operation happened.

Then an old voice was heard before the guy could say more.

"You can retreat lads, there's no risk for today, our enemy is busy these days with other things."

Nodding their heads, the guys made way for Vlad to enter Aldenis's office, and when inside, he could see the old guy sly smile.

"Your Highness, I've heard about the great capture you had from my boys at the harbor. A heavy ship of almost 30 meters, do you know how much that type of ship costs? You can fork about 100.000.000 𝔅 for one of those. By what luck that pirate managed to acquire it, I don't know, but it will be in good hands starting today." gave Aldenis his sly smile when looking at Vlad, who walked casually toward his office.

The old man rose on his feet and shook Vlad's hand before both were seated on their respective seats.

"Old Aldenis, you said something about the nobles being busy? Mind elaborating on that?"

"Obviously Your Highness. I've received some news from the Common District that the guilds began implementing a new form of governance, just like the nobles they pulled a council of guilds to oversee their district."

"Interesting, so those nobles would rather focus on the guilds than us "lowly peasants". Go on old man laugh if you want, you probably held that laugh for some time."

Aldenis give a hearty laugh that was heard down the first floor.

"How can I not be happy when those snobbish bastards suffer because of their arrogance. They think that they can boss us around when in fact, they are just some privileged bastards without much power outside their little fief.

Outside of that, you can imagine those nobles bleeding hard because if they don't have our port, they can't get their illegal cargo and trade."

"Don't get your expectations to high old man, those nobles have deep pockets. If they reach so deep on the ground they will probably resort to another event like the Bloody Massacre where they would just kill all their enemies standing in their way. So, while you can jab them a bit, don't go overboard yet. Wait 2-3 more years and you can go start strangling them economically."

"You're wise Your Highness. I got excited too quickly over those past events. But let's move away from the nobles, tell me, did you found what you were looking for in this expedition?"

"Yes, this journey was successful. I managed to kill Dethel Blokted, find some clues toward my mother, establish some connections with the islands outside of Kaysang territory and lastly stumble upon an interesting person."

Hearing Vlad tell about his achievements on this journey, he thought about who could Vlad categorize as interest.

"It's some I know or heard?"

Listing some names after Vlad nodded his head made Vlad look at him with a weird expression.

"Sigh, you sure are bad with people old man. The person I found acting as a doctor on Picodras was Earl Patrick Cochrane."

"YOU WHAT? You found Lord Admiral who was said to be dead 20 years ago?"

Laughing heartily at Aldenis after hearing that comment, he told him about old Patrick and how he got to Picodras.

"So that's what happened, no wonder. So His Majesty actually protected Lord Admiral from the nobles. But I still don't understand why he chose to do it that way. Announce that he was a traitor and execute him."

"How should I know? But let's move away from that part of the conversation, what it matters is that he's in healthy condition and still eager to blast those Sorbetians and Briggotians on the seas."

"Haha, that's so like the Lord Admiral. How did he called the people from the Brigg Kingdom? Yea, cheese eaters. I still wonder why he choose to name them like that."

"You'll get your chance to ask him in the future, especially if you give him enough funds to build the fleet."

"That. Your Highness, you know we're tight on budget. Maybe after you take over Mayer's fortune and strike the fortune of the nobles. But currently, our budget is already set in motion for our projects. The school, the farms, harbor, road constructions, some leather workshops, rebuilding the citizen's homes, and other fundamental projects. We have only some money for some medium size ships, maybe 3 to 5."

"I understand, there's no worry. Old Patrick can still wait for his fleet, he also doesn't seem to be bored in Picodria."

"Did you told them about trade and other things?"

"A bit, but not in detail since I might have misled them. Better have one of the logistic guys visit the islands of Calmaria and Picodras and settle the trade route and priorities for an efficient trade network."

Aldenis noted down on his notebook about the trade route toward Picodras and Calmaria as they continued talking about all sorts of things, even reaching the subject of finding work for the pirates he captured.

"Your Highness, are you sure it's fine to have those pirates working for us? What if they betray us?"

"Heh, if they try that and news come to my ears as long they are in my range, I'll explode their heads."

"It's one of your blood abilities?"

Raising from the seat as in preparing to leave, Vlad nodded his head toward Aldenis' question before adding to him.

"Better have them instruct the young lads in the art of sailing ships and sea warfare to have them prepared for old Patrick. Now, since we settled down all the plans going forward. I'll await the news about Mayer."

"Don't worry Your Highness, I'll have my men inside Valent tell me about his movements, if he leaves toward Sagletius I'll probably be part of the first people to know, well next to Lady Felicia."

"I see, that's good. You better also keep an eye on those spies, there's always a bad apple on a tree."

As he said that, Vlad exited the room and walked out of the mansion. Reaching outside, he told Peter and the pirates to wait there before someone would invite them inside. Ending that part, he took Robert and Aerius back to his wooden house.

When they reached the Forbidden Forest and inside the secluded zone, the first thing Vlad saw was the orphan boys training while Sophia was giving them instructions on how to move their bodies.

"Go on you brats, start pushing yourselves harder, even I can do that much. Aren't you embarrassed that a girl can beat you?"

"Big sister can you not rub salt on our wounds. Compared to us you're far stronger. Go fight with brother Robert or big brother Vlad if you want to test yourself. You're just bullying us." commented Mathew, the youngest of the three boys.

Smiling at that comment, she said with a cunning expression on her face.

"Hmph, you little brats think I can't beat Vlad? I only need to use a trick and I'll take him down."

Then Vlad, who heard the white-haired beauty say that only replied with.

"Ohh really. Do you wish to try your luck with me already after only one week passed?"

Turning toward Vlad, Sofiya turned at first a bit embarrassed but then miraculously, she was saved by an angry expression that masked her embarrassed self.

"You. You're back already? Since when did you come and stared at me making a fool of myself?"

Looking at her acting angry made Vlad give her a sly smile as he approached her slowly, and after only some moments, he was already standing right in front of her, admiring her face.



"Go on, my lady. Did you miss me and want to hit me for not showing up faster?" said Vlad while looking at Sofiya's beautiful face.

"No. I kind of knew that you would be away when you came and said that you'll go on the sea. In fact, I'm far more surprised that you arrived so fast. So how was your little adventure?"

That was the simplest question she could ask Vlad in those moments she was flustered, especially when Vlad tried to tease her.

"Nothing grandiose as you might think. Sailing on the sea is a boring process, only when you actually fight you can enjoy yourself. But I digress, do you want to drink some coffee I brought from Picodras and talk along the way?"

[Sophia's POV]

Hearing Vlad's question made my flustered heart calm down a bit. I thought he would continue pushing me around that subject and make a joke out of myself.

I obviously know I can't take him down, but if I cheat and do that, I could take him down. Yet, this would be even more embarrassing. What if he thinks I'm a lowly woman and no longer wants to see me.

I can only thank my luck that I didn't add more on that comment when playing with those boys. Hmph, damn you, little Mathew, I'll teach you a lesson when I check on your progression next time. Don't you think I'll forget this.

As I stared briefly at Mathew, the little guy noticed my gaze and quickly hid behind his older brother, seeming to sense that he would have a bad time around me.

Looking back at Vlad's calm face and smile as he awaited my answer, I could decline his invitation and go back to my grandfather's shop, but the temptation of finding more about the outside world was stronger than the need to protect myself.

"I hope you don't have those bitter taste coffee like the one you brought from the bazaar. I barely hold myself from spitting that cup."

"Don't worry my lady, this time we have sugar for your taste."

Hearing him say that with a gentlemanly tone as he made way for me to walk to his wooden house. I could just smile back and follow along.

[General POV]

Bringing Sofiya to his wooden house and taking a bag with coffee beans he had in his trousers, he started a fire and began preparing the beans for the coffee.

Minutes passed, and he talked with Sofiya about their days in this week that passed. Vlad started to tell Sofiya about what he saw while on the sea without missing details as if trying to paint for the white-haired beauty the exact things he saw.

His story continued the entire process he prepared the coffee beans and later the drink, leading Sofiya to different emotional states. Curiosity of the sceneries he saw and told her, surprised about the stories of how he got back to his first home and sad about hearing the situation Vlad's mother was at that time.

Her emotions fluctuate along with Vlad's story, but the pinnacle of her emotions reached the part when he told her about Dethel Blokted, from the time he was a child taken in slavery by this exact person to now killing him. From anger to nervousness and being scared for Vlad's safe being, she leaning back on her chair and asked Vlad in a kind tone.

"It's your wound better now? Do you need treatment?"

"Yes, a treatment could do me well."

Her face turned rosy in color, but as he leaned toward her when saying that, she also moved her head closer to Vlad. Slowly the two bonded their lips to one another, exchanging a deep kiss.

The atmosphere around the two was harmonious. If time could be stopped and the setting taking between the two, man and woman exchanging a deep kiss under the light of a fire could be immortalized in a painting, generations of young couples would look up to their monarch's example and make up.

However, there was no such painter to immortalize this moment taking place, but it would affect the two since they would have this memory imprinted in their mind until their death would part them apart.


Morpheus's Notes: - This new week I plan to do 1 bonus chapter release, all you have to do is vote for my story. So you have a new quest for this upcoming week, at least if you want a bonus chapter.

Top 100 or more by Friday or Saturday (400+ power stones)

P.S: The story progression gets faster guys.

Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed the story. It's support coming from you and also a reward for me, for delivering quality content.


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