All was quiet in the dragon's bedroom as Jinxing woke up.
He slumped forward and flipped off silk blankets, walking towards the vanity to approach the ice hewn mirror.
Gone was his soiled blanket, replaced by delicate sheer fabric in celestine blue, embroidered with a pale gold lotus at his navel. The style was exotic, light, and form-fitting, leaving his back and waist free while the sheer collar wrapped around his neck held the same golden stitching of a lotus blossom. He shook his wrists and ankles, where small gold bells tinkled quietly. Mysterious markings on the adornments drew his attention, and he scratched at them lightly.
"Stop that, human!"
"What did I do?"
"Why would you talk to him?!"
"Fae garb is dangerous! Why would master dress a human in this?"
"..We're supposed to be hiding!"
Jinxing paused, surprised as he looked at the reflection of his hair. Wrapped intricately in his tresses were two small dragons, one with scales of tulip yellow, and another, autumnal red.
He unraveled the two beings very easily, and held one in each hand, looking from one to the other.
An stared in shock. He looked into the clear eyes waiting for him to speak, and raised his head. "Yeah! Fae Garb! A special garment spun by the Fae of the Southern Highlands. Those little bells are imbued with power. If you damage them, they'll explode!"
The human looked at the small adornments for several moments quietly. He looked back at the dragon and nodded. "No touch.."
"That's right!" An cheered with excitement and his tail swayed. He let his mind wander for several moments. "Hmm. Let's teach you some phrases that'll surprise master.."
"Don't make him say strange things.." En sighed, a knowing look in his eyes.
"Mind your business!"
"Jinxing, was it?" En decided to plainly address the human and leave lost causes alone.
"Jinxing." Gesturing to himself in affirmation, Jinxing pointed to the door leading downstairs.
"Ci Ci, Give.."
"Yes, master told us that he gave you a name.." En had watched as countless souls spent centuries beside his master, never garnering a single glance or an ounce of regard. This youth had been beside his master for only two weeks, and seemed to have his undivided attention.
En met the human's eyes and held them, searching for any signs of deceit..
Jinxing exclaimed suddenly in recognition, the dragons voices and appearances finally jogging his memory.
"Bad Dragons!"
"You 'just' realized we're the dragons from earlier?"
"Don't antagonize him En!"
"I just asked him a question! You're not his guardian.." En snapped while lashing his tail out.
The hands holding En and An tensed suddenly. The dragons went silent.
"Bad..dragons.." Remarkable strength was found in the human's grip, which accompanied an eerie glow. Jinxing's gaze was weary, eyes flickering with caution.
"What's.. ..happening, En..?"
An was the first to feel the effects of the eerie glow. Vision blurring, his world began to spin..
"We're... being..drained..An.."
In the exact same situation, it was all En could do to keep from slurring his speech and losing consciousness..
"..but he's.. human.."
"..damn ..mage.."
"Dragons hurt Yinyun!"
The accusation from the human's mouth was an admonishing of fierce proportions. Expressing his displeasure, the hands holding them grew tighter. Jinxing only wanted to keep them from moving for a while, but the dragons were more than not moving now.
Scales dim and grey, vibrant colors leached from their bodies at a rapid pace.
"En..isn't this..really..bad..?"
The danger of the situation finally hit home. There were only a few ways a human could kill a dragon, and this human was doing the most impossible one of them all.
"Master…!" An mustered up his strength and let out a mangled roar for help.
As the dragons worlds began to darken, the bedroom door creaked open.
"Ci! Ci!"
Tian Ci opened the door with a free hand while the other held Yinyun who bounced around in great spirits. The dragon's gaze was casual as he glanced at his companions being drained of their life force. It held a hint of firmness when they regarded the human causing it.
"Let them go, Jinxing."
"No! Bad dragons! Hurt Yinyun!"
"They've been punished already."
"You're shortening your lifespan. It is forbidden for humans to kill dragons in this age."
"Not kill! Fight!"
"You're clearly killing them."
"Not killing!"
"What part of them is fighting back?"
Jinxing looked at his hands and gazed at a dragon in each of them. They were the color of stone and not at all the striking shades he recalled. Their eyes were unusually bright, staring towards the 'big dragon' with a pleading gaze. A strange sensation filled his chest; He contemplated in silence.
It was true. They weren't fighting him.
"Why not fight?" He held them up high and shook their sagging bodies. Each groaned in pain and cursed in their hearts. Nothing was worse than a clueless tyrant.
"You have the nerve to ask this as you actively drain them.."
Once again, Tian Ci was reminded of the type of human he was dealing with. This was a being who had lived a completely unique life; and a rather tragic one. He couldn't help his limited view of right and wrong.
Tian Ci strode forward, and held out his hand. "To keep it simple..those are my minions, so hand them over."
"Ci Ci has minions?" Jinxing's eyes widened in curiosity and he drew closer.
"Of course. And those two are first among them. You can't kill them yet."
En and An stared with bulging eyes that seemed to scream the same thing..
Jinxing grew quiet and looked down into the eyes of the miserable dragons. He nodded in understanding.
"Jinxing...hurt..dragons.." Acknowledging his part in injuring them, he quickly perked up. "Fix!"
"Fix?" Tian Ci raised an eyebrow, genuinely intrigued. "What would a mage who can summon the dead know about healing?"
Jinxing saw the doubt reflected in the dragon's eyes. He puffed up his chest and raised his chin, eyes bright. "Jinxing Fix!"
Tian Ci glared at this youth who seemed confident for no good reason. He recalled their initial battle and grew aggravated. "You drenched the land in blood. Chaos mages.. are no healers."
But Jinxing did not wilt under the dragon's gaze. He straightened his posture even more. "Fix!"
"Can you really do it?"
Sighing heavily, the dragon at last relented. "Let me see then. But screw up, and that will be the end of you."
Jinxing nodded, knowing only that he was finally given approval and not the consequences of failing. With a gentle inhale, his palms began to glow, and on the exhale, golden light flooded the room. Bearing the brilliance of a summer's dawn, it was filled with vitality and warmth. En and An were overwhelmed, awash in a gentle power..
"Ci Ci!" Jinxing exclaimed in excitement while looking at the dragons transform. Color returned to their bodies, scales glittering with the iridescence of jewels.
"Stay focused." Tian Ci stood at a distance and watched the human carefully. The veins beneath the youth's skin were aglow and pulsing. It was the same set of light veins that had supplied him with destructive power. But it was unheard of for a mage with such prowess in Chaos, to also have ability in Restoration.
Jinxing was not returning the dragons power, but filling the void he had created, with his own lifeforce. During exchange of 'cera', a dragon could discern the true nature of a being. En and An could not reconcile.. that such a terrible human... held such purity within.
"Come, Jinxing."
Jinxing closed the distance between himself and the dragon to show off his handiwork. Yinyun bounced from father to human, receiving warm hands and cheeks as he was showered with attention.
"Yun! Yun!" A deep sense of relief filled Jinxing and he looked all over the ball of snow white and squished his fluff gently.
"Ao! Ao!" And of course Yinyun was very happy to return to his vessel.
En and An were tossed casually to Tian Ci's open hand. He gave them a cursory glance. " I told you lizards to scram. And look what happened to you."
"We were curious about the human, Master. It's been hundreds of years." An was uncharacteristically calm, his eyes never leaving the human who had given them his life force freely. En found himself gazing as well, watching the human as he harmlessly nudged the cheeks of their young master.
"He is an existence you can not handle." Tian Ci spoke softly, his gaze wandering to the human as he coddled and played with his son. "..and because A-Yun is within him, he will exhibit more aggressive behavior if he perceives a threat."
"Isn't 'he' the biggest threat?" En looked on as Yinyun bounced on the human's head and made sounds of pure delight. "..he contains knowledge of the inner workings of humanity's last great empire and all of their magic systems as being General dictates. He also has the power to kill a dragon without weaponry..."
En frowned deeply, rising from his master's palm to float before his eyes. "..we should hold a meeting with the Celestial Council to discuss his fate."
Tian Ci paused from watching the two youths play. "I owe the council nothing. This is my business and none will interfere. "
"But master.." En trailed off, unsure if he should continue. Floating some distance away, he spoke slowly, and cautiously. "...the seven lords grow bold in the courts of the Celestial Den..they say that the heir is dead and-
"Be silent, Enzhou."
As expected, Tian Ci would not let the dragon continue. Enzhou slinked away quickly and dove into a basket on the vanity to hide.
Stalking towards the cause of his ire, Tian Ci easily found the small dragon and gripped him by the mane to shake around. "Get it already. I care nothing for the intrigue and schemes of the dragon clans in the Celestial Den. I don't owe the Celestial Court anything! The laws in place and those appointed, allow for autonomy. The Council is not worth my presence, and A-Yun will not be subjected to those who scorned his birth!"
En did not struggle and merely hung his head low as he was punished. Were any other being to grab the scruff of his neck, he would kill them on the spot. With his master however, he could only dangle and look pathetic. "Master, I'm wrong.."
"Stop calling me master."Tian Ci rolled his eyes, releasing his hold. "I haven't been anyone's master... in a very long time.."
"Yes! We can finally call you brother Tian again!" Leaping over, An twirled around the two dragons and smiled. "Let it go Enzhou. Brother Tian won't go back there even if you cry. Once again you're missing the point of being loyal."
"You call him that anyway, lizard. And don't use my full name, Anle.. " Enzhou hissed, refusing to be lectured by the mischievous dragon.
"Well..that's because 'my' master is Tian Yinyun!" Anle tossed his hair over his shoulder and raised his chin. "I don't owe Big Tian anything. I'll even beat him up if little Yin says so!"
"Big Tian? Show some respect! Who found you as an egg-
Enzhou paused, feeling a cold chill on his back.
"What was that?" Mostly focused on Yinyun and Jinxing, Anle had missed the last few words. He faced the red dragon and waited.
"N-nothing. I'm done talking to you.."
"Good choice." Tian Ci narrowed his eyes and glared at his over zealous companion in warning.
"If you're going to play as my servant, play it fully. Showing your royal temper when it's convenient will get you cast from my sight. It's about time you lived your life and moved on anyway. Start a family or something.."
Enzhou paled at hearing the words, quickly shifting to his second form, bowing low on bent knee. "My family is you, lord Tian. Your life, is my life."
"No it isn't." Tian Ci couldn't help but shake his head. "My life, is 'my' life."
"Isn't it time for you to settle down too then, brother Tian?" Anle couldn't help but join in.
"I am settled."
"In what way?"
"All of humanity is in peace with the natural kingdoms."
"But you're still living in a den... and have the old home of that witch. You settled things with the world, but 'you' aren't settled at all..!"
"..and even though you made Dragon's Eden...we find that Little Yun's been sleeping in a soul stone and only just started growing. His egg hasn't even formed.."
"You have a human now, too. And he's a General! ..He also won't die if you bully him, so very reliable.."
Anle rambled incessantly while thinking of many things. "The orchids will bloom soon, so all of the beasts in the 8 kingdoms and humans in them, will be seeking companions and making family!"
The more Anle spoke, the more pensive Tian Ci became. The usually still and solemn expression of the dragon was marred and his brow furrowed deeply. Eyes clouded, he looked down at nothing in particular, remaining silent to the point of concern. It was only a strange sound emitted from across the room that brought the dragon from the depths of wherever his mind had wandered.
"Yun! Yun! More!"
Curled up on the cushioned bench built into the room's bay window, Jinxing held Yinyun, both very excited. Inhaling to the point of fluffing himself up, Yinyun opened his mouth and exhaled with great force..and following that force was a brilliant amethyst flame. It flickered with flecks of gold and silver within, shooting straight for it's target; the human's waiting face.
"What are you doing?!" Tian Ci immediately went over to separate the two, taking the melon sized Yinyun in one hand, and using the other to raise the human's chin and look over him for injuries.
"No touch!"
"Be quiet. I'm saving your skin. A dragon pup's fire is volatile. Why did you let him blow it in your face?"
"Even if you like it, this is too much. Your brows are smoking.." Releasing his hold on the dragon child, Tian Ci cupped the human's face with both hands. His thumbs lightly raked across the youth's eyebrows, snuffing out the amethyst embers causing them to smoke. While at it, he got a good look at the small golden diamond mark above his brows; The mark was shimmering brighter than before. "Is this..what protects your body..?"
Because the dragon mused quietly rather than asked, it went unheard by Jinxing, his concern more with the things being done to his forehead. "What..eyebrows..?"
"These are your eyebrows.. " The dragon smoothed over them with his thumbs again for emphasis, even tapping the little forehead they belonged to. "..these thinly arched things on your face. They keep sweat and dust from your eyes."
"Ci Ci too.." From his angle, Jinxing could also see the dragon's face clearly, and mimicked his motions, reaching up to hold his face and smooth finely arched but much thicker brows.
"Ao.." Yinyun floated in the space between his father and his vessel, looking up at both of them. Reflected in the young amethyst eyes, were a dragon and a human gently holding each other's faces and gazing.
"Cold.." Beneath Jinxing's fingertips, the dragon's skin was cool to the touch. As his fingers wandered, eventually they ghosted over his lips, which were considerably different in temperature. "..warm..?"
Tian Ci watched the human's fascination, before parting his lips slowly.
Jinxing yelped as sharp fangs punctured his fingers. He quickly removed his hands and threw a punch, grazing the dragon's cheek which did little to phase him.
"Your fault for getting close." Tian Ci grinned, all too pleased as the human hurled child like insults. "..calm down, I didn't pierce your skin.."
Enzhou and Anle watched the dragon, child, and human quietly. Each dragon held the same understanding in their eyes.
Tian Ci reached for Yinyun who cooed and rolled in his hands. "A-Yun. Congratulations on your first flame. It is an iridescent amethyst fire, clear as glass, with sparks of silver from myself and.." His gaze wandered to Jinxing, who listened while stroking the child's head with bitten fingers. "..flecks of gold, from this silly human. It is a powerful flame with attributes of nature and divine. This means you will pose a threat to those of the light 'and' dark. I could not be more proud."
"Ao ao!" The dragon pup responded with a few more flames of excitement.
"Yinyun good fire!" Jinxing also offered his sentiments, with what little beast language he knew.
"Lord Tian."
For awhile the two accompanying dragons had kept silent. It was Enzhou who calmly spoke.
"We should celebrate the young master's first fire, by letting him experience the wonder of the Gem Road. Hasn't it been awhile since he's had an outing?"
Tian Ci turned from human and child to regard the dragon in suspicion. "Something 'should' be done to celebrate. But why the change in focus?"
Before Enzhou could reply, Anle decided to hurry things along. "What do you mean focus? Our focus is always on Little Yin! Today is his first fire! And, he has a vessel that's attending Academy. Both need for the young master, and supplies for the little empress..!"
"What-" Tian Ci was sure he had heard something strange.
"Are you ready? You want to go out, right? Let's go out!" Anle darted towards the human who was watching his enthusiasm with growing interest, taking his hands and giving them an affectionate squeeze. Jinxing perceived this dragon's meaning clearly, and nodded eagerly.
"Jinxing Go!"
Yinyun, who was comfortably resting on his lap, floated up and mimicked the same. "Ao!"
Starting a march, Anle led the two in a small circle as they chanted 'Go!'
In the face of a juvenile dragon, human, and child's excitement, Tian Ci could only put away his suspicions and grill both dragons later.
"Alright, alright. We can go to the Gem Road."
"Yes!" Anle spun on his heels, mirroring a leaf on the wind.
Enzhou sighed, shoulders sagging with relief. Tian Ci redirected his attention to the human and brought out a gold object with a lotus etched onto it's center.
"Come, Jinxing."
Looking forward to the trip to come, Jinxing joined the dragon at the vanity and sat before the mirror. Tian Ci placed the gold object on the table, allowing him to mess with it while he gathered his hair, doused it in amber fluid, and ran his claws through it's length several times. Enzhou watched in fascination as a dragon expertly conditioned and de-tangled a human's hair. Tian Ci felt the eyes on the back of his head, pausing as he began to section. "If you don't even know this much, you can forget about having a human."
Anle was equally stumped. "Why do you put the honey on it?"
"It's not honey. It is conditioner. Hair of this type needs intense moisture or it will never behave..even if combed a thousand times. It will also look sickly." Jinxing's hair, once a thick and dry mane of twists and turns, became a softer, more shiny mane... of twists and turns. Tian Ci brushed and gathered the front section of hair into a tight bun, securing it with the golden lotus ring he had let him play with. The back of Jinxing's hair simply fell in a loose waterfall down his back, the coils and labyrinths defined and mirroring black marble.
"Well." Stepping back, Tian Ci looked at the human to gauge his thoughts. But the human simply gazed at himself, tilting his head one way, and then another. "What..." Bringing his hand up to touch the new state of his head, he turned to the dragon, clearly unsure.
"Your hair is healthy now..and done! It looks cute!" Anle joined the human on the bench, and pointed to the mirror.
"Good?" Jinxing looked to Anle for confirmation. This dragon was very expressive and spoke simply, so he could perceive his emotions clearly and his words a lot better.
"Yeah. Very good. And when you look good, you have to do this.." Anle tilted his chin up and pouted his lips, batting long lashes and giving pure doe eyes. It was an expression between innocence and not so innocent, as only he could deliver.
"Why is he so confused?" Enzhou used the opportunity to draw nearer to his master, the dragon currently watching the human pose before the mirror as instructed. It was hard to tell what he thought of them.
"Today was the first time he saw his reflection. His confusion comes from not knowing how he should respond to it changing."
"How does one never see what they look like?"
"By growing up in a Tower, without windows or mirrors.."
Enzhou looked at the human who seemed to be a young and fresh faced prince from an unknown land. "He should be grateful.."
"For what?"
"You've given him a lot of firsts today. A proper bath, nourishing food, a bed, being All of the finest quality." Enzhou looked up at his master but quickly put away his smile. The dragon's gaze was deeply disapproving. He fell silent, now confused himself.
"..Lord Tian?"
"These are not things to be grateful for as though they were luxuries, Enzhou. And to think so is the folly of humans. All intelligent beings should have at least this much. I'm only granting him the basics... that his humanity should have warranted at birth."
Quickly seeing where he went wrong, Enzhou nodded in agreement. "Of course, master. With my other occupation as scholar, I've been pouring over the writings of the ancient human cities recently. It's very easy to get stuck in their mentalities.."
"Take a break from all the reading. There's so many holes in their old concepts on one another, it's maddening. Don't get infected by stupid."
Tian Ci returned to the vanity and produced another item from his sleeves. The red box was placed before Jinxing, and he opened it to reveal a pair of clear slippers. They appeared to be made of glass, were it not for the pearl like sheen that was visible when they were turned a certain way. Anle saw the small shoes and slapped the vanity table.
"What the hell! That's clear bismuth!"
Tian Ci raised an eyebrow "And?"
"What do you mean, 'And'!? Only the armor of the Endil are covered in clear bismuth..You don't use it to make slippers! What kind of Master Crafter are yo-
"An!" Enzhou quickly intervened "They are to protect the human's feet. And it's obvious master 'bought' them, not 'made' them, right? So what if they're made of clear bismuth? So what if it's also used by legendary beings..?"
The two dragons shared a knowing look. Anle recovered himself, mumbling out of earshot. "Right. It's fine... since it's for the little empress.."
Tian Ci looked from one dragon to the other, his suspicions heightened again. What two clingy lizards thought of his actions didn't sway him one way or the other. But if they were scheming, he'd rather know of it before he had to clean up a mess.
"..Be wise in your steps. I'm not sure what you two are thinking, but I'll pulverize you if I need to find out."
Enzhou paled and Anle feigned upset.
"We swear we aren't up to anything. Since everyone's ready, let's go! Jinxing! little Yin! Come on!" Anle quickly tried to corral the two but was stopped by Jinxing deciding to head to Tian Ci instead. Jinxing made sure the dragon's eyes were on him, and brought a hand to his head and then tapped his feet now clad in the world's strongest slippers. "Like."
Distracted by the human, Tian Ci's focus left the dragons and rested gently on Jinxing. He didn't respond right away and simply looked at him. "...that's good, then."
"A-Yun. You must stay between me and Jinxing at all times. No floating off on your own."
Tian Ci, Yinyun, and Jinxing, headed downstairs and shut the door, leaving Enzhou and Anle to themselves. Tian Ci had had enough of the two for one day and would not wait.
"Looks like, you're finally catching on.." Anle turned to Enzhou and flashed a cheeky grin
"Don't be gross. But yes..I get it. Master showed us clearly." Enzhou gazed at the empty space..where a dragon, a human, and a dragon pup once were. "He always shows us..without speaking...without asking...what he wants..needs.."
Anle continued the thought, "..but we never 'see', never saw, and never heard.."
"I saw, today. I heard, today." Enzhou calmly declared before his eyes watered inexplicably
"Cry baby." Anle shook his head, and with it, their sombre mood. He stretched his arms towards the ceiling, releasing the tension in his spine as he headed towards the door to follow the object of their attentions. "Our second chances start now, don't they? We've got our work cut out for us. I'm glad we didn't tell master what was coming..or we never would have seen all this."
Enzhou looked towards the vanity and sighed. "Yeah. That was smart on your end. Let's not screw this up, An. No matter what, things have to go smoothly."
"Have to, is an understatement.." Reaching for the knob, Anle paused, hand trembling as it rested there, still feeling the warmth from the dragon who had just departed through it. The usually sunny exterior cracked for a moment and his eyes reddened. "...because.."
"..if master has another bad ending, his soul will really shatter this time.."
Having a hectic life means not having time to write as much as I want to...
...but I will never abandon my stories, so it will always update eventually and one day be complete. That's my promise ~
I'm very grateful there are those who wish to take a journey through this world, see through these characters, and grow with them as they traverse their lives :)
Thank you to the few who have been waiting!
Next Chapter: Day Out x Test
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