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Chương 107: Chapter 108

[A/N: Rejoice, it may have been a while but this week will mark the end of this fanfiction! I usually write when I'm taking the train daily, which became tedious because of the ongoing strikes in France. Anyway, I don't want to dive into any political debate, just know that the next chapter will be released in two days, and the final chapter two more days after.

Afterward, I don't think I will write an epilogue (by this I mean writing chapters about what happens years AFTER Mc came back home, this story will have a proper ending nonetheless) unless I have the will to do so, who knows, maybe at some point, but be aware that there will be an Afterword Notice talking about my thoughts on this fanfiction and my possible future fanfiction projects where you can tell me which ones would you like to see the most, though the choice stays mine at the end. I will also ask you what are your thought about this story once it's over and maybe do some Q&A as well.

Nevertheless, enjoy the chapter!]


A morbid silence was looming over the battlefield since the God Tree bloomed and revealed a man who, while incapacitating Isshiki through sheer pressure, gave off a feeling of uncaringness regarding everyone else on the battlefield.

The God Tree's roots slowly receded, at least those above the ground, freeing everyone from their grasp, and yet, no one dared to move, except for Isshiki who tried but was completely paralyzed before getting teleported in front of Yuichi, an invisible force grabbing him by the neck at his arrival.

Yuichi then raised his left hand in front of Isshiki's face, the Dōjutsu in his palm facing Isshiki's version of it, and that's when he realized what Yuichi planned to do, but it was too late for him to do anything as a stream of seemingly miniature items flew from Isshiki's Hōgan to Yuichi's palm.

Many Sharingan could be seen getting absorbed, the dimensional storage of the Hōgan froze anything kept inside in time so they weren't put inside any sort of containers by Isshiki, and after a few seconds, everything Isshiki ever stored through his Hōgan was stolen by Yuichi, his 'lifesavers' now fully gone.

Yuichi then lowered his hand before the eye on his forehead shone brightly, creating a rift in space around Isshiki which started to slowly tear his body apart as if it was made of paper.

Surprisingly enough, no blood was spilled, and as Isshiki's body was painfully torn apart, Yuichi's right eye shone and absorbed his remains, leaving nothing behind which prevented Isshiki from ever coming back from the dead.

Just like this, Isshiki was gone, however, Yuichi's expression still had the same cold and uncaring feeling as before, and only one woman was daring enough to move toward him, this woman was none other than Kaguya who let out "Yuichi, are you alright?!" as she flew high enough to face him, only to be abruptly stopped as Yuichi's hand was plunged inside her stomach

"Kaguya!" Tsunade shouted as she tried to approach them while Jiraiya thought 'I didn't fear Isshiki... But Yuichi? Let's hope it's not too late' as he still prayed that this man wasn't evil

Kaguya looked at Yuichi dumbfounded before he took off his hand with something weird wriggling in his palm making Kaguya fall down and thankfully getting caught by Tsunade who saw that she was unconscious but physically unharmed despite what just happened.

Yuichi then stored the black wriggling thing he took from Kaguya, something looking like a living tumor, before looking back at the God Tree's flower and moving toward it again.

While from an outsider's point of view, it looked like the flower was calling for Yuichi, it was in fact the opposite as Yuichi was deliberately moving to it and left himself getting covered by the flower, making it look again like a bud albeit it was bigger than before.

The ground then shook once more as the bud began to emit a blue light similar to the Tenseigan Chakra Mode before a pulse of the same color radiated from it, passing by the trunk until it began to cross the ground of not only the Land of Iron but the entire planet altogether.

While the pulse knocked back those who weren't prepared a little bit, everyone soon realized that it wasn't harmful at all, it was quite the opposite.

All tiredness was gone, any flesh, soul, and mind wounds healed, any missing body parts grew back, heck, even sicknesses were cured, and those who were physically old began to rejuvenate a few dozen years.

And as if it wasn't enough of a miracle, the corpses of those who fought in the war began to breathe once more, life regaining their body while those who didn't have anything left from them reappeared in light blue energy before coming back from the dead.

This event would forever stay engraved in every shinobi's mind as they saw their friends and colleagues coming back to life, but another continent would also live through such a miracle as the devastation initially brought by the Ten-Tails was reverted, the buildings, fauna, and flora coming back along with all the lives taken by Isshiki.

And at the base of the God Tree, some people who didn't participate in the war appeared as well, familiar faces for some such as Hashirama's wife, Madara's brother, Tsunade's parents, the Third Tsuchikage's family just as initially promised, the Fourth Raikage and Death B brother, and even Hiruzen appeared, his punishment for his misdeeds would still happen since Kushina knew about it, along with Minato the current Hokage.

Despite his sins, Hiruzen had the right to see his grandchildren grow up, his reign as a Hokage was long since over and so would be his influence, after all, many powerful figures were back in Konoha, making Hiruzen, who looked in his forties, not able to compete even for the top ten.

While this miracle happened in an instant, it seemed to have taken minutes if not hours for those who experienced it firsthand, and while those brought back that didn't participate in the war were expected to be confused, it actually wasn't the case.

Tsunade as well as many others were glad to see that this man they thought to be an enemy was, in fact, not. However, while they expected him to come back from the bud as it opened back, there was no one inside, Yuichi disappeared while the God Tree began to shrink until it looked like a small version of it one could hold in his hand, the flower fully bloomed and forever reminiscing of Yuichi's Dōjutsu.

"This bastard, leaving without a word..." Tsunade let out as she believed, no, she knew that Yuichi wasn't dead, but whether or not he left or became one with this small flower was not fully certain

Konan arrived near her and laid a hand on her shoulder before saying "We should take the flower back with us, it just feels... Too much like him."

"I agree. And we can't waste too much time mourning for nothing, there's still the aftermath to deal with." Tsunade let out as she still held Kaguya who was the only one who stayed unconscious, though she was definitely fine but needed to rest despite the miracle that happened

There was a lot to do now that the war was over, and while there was no death, technically, it didn't make the aftermath easier to deal with.

One thing annoyed Tsunade, however, and that was the fact that Yuichi left them... While leaving Konan pregnant.


*Yuichi's POV*

Looking below me, I was content with my work, the planet I was reborn to was now full of life, even the previously devastated continent.

And because such a sight was appealing, it also meant that it was dangerous as it would attract unwanted visitors, so, I raised my hand and covered the planet in a barrier that gave the illusion that it was void of any life, making outsiders unable to sense the large amount of chakra this planet had, but also prevent anyone from going inside or outside of the planet.

I had no remorse for leaving them so abruptly, after all, it was to protect them... Because as long as there is even one member of the Ōtsutsuki Clan alive in space, these bastards still can come and disturb the peace I wanted to bring to this planet.

Well, Kaguya was an exception, and now that I took off the parasite that linked her to their hive mind, she would stay safe and not be used against me.

Talking about parasites, I made the wriggling thing appear on one of my hands while a familiar black entity appeared on my other hand before making the entity swallow the parasite.

This thing was branded on the soul of every Ōtsutsuki, though the low-ranked members weren't made aware of it, and it allowed the hive-mind to locate them all, and even control them to some extent though it rarely did it, so, I was going to use it against them by creating my own compass that would point toward any Ōtsutsuki's current location.

I will hunt them all down, starting with those who aren't on their planet of origin to avoid any unwanted leftovers, all while not being trackable myself.

'Let's see who the closest one is...' I thought as I found someone on a planet a few light-years away from here, an Ōtsutsuki man with short hair who barely began to grow a God Tree on the planet he was on

It seemed like the main species living on this planet were some kind of slimy andromorphic beings with no fixed form whatsoever.

Still, they looked sapient enough to have a family and care for them, seeing how they were lamenting about their fate because of the God Tree.

Well, I wasn't traveling to help them, it just happened that an Ōtsutsuki was present.

Time to exterminate some bugs.

*A long but unknown amount of time later*

After roaming in space for some time, I was moving toward the last planet I knew an Ōtsutsuki was located on, aside from their home planet, and they were actually two, one of them might have come to warn his fellow clansman after noticing many others disappear.

I stopped counting the number of planets I saved from extinction, as well as the number of religions I gave birth to by becoming their 'God' since I most of the time appeared when the God Trees were growing, not surprising since it was the only reason why an Ōtsutsuki would be on another planet.

Though, like some times before, this planet was completely doomed already as no living beings were left, it looked as lively as a dead rock.

Not caring about hiding my presence, I heard one of them let out "So it's you the 'Grim Reaper' Kinshiki told me about? You don't feel that scary." as my appearance was purposely modified to hide my multiple Dōjutsu while it seemed like they waited on this planet for quite some time

I didn't even reply to him as I snapped one of my fingers which made him flinch inwardly, though he tried to keep his false bravado and wanted to say something but noticed a black orb growing next to him that swallowed the big-looking guy named Kinshiki whole before shrinking again and coming back to me.

The orb was then absorbed by my right eye while the Ōtsutsuki I left alive was ready to run away the moment the opportunity presented itself.

"You're expression doesn't match your true feelings... Seriously, all Ōtsutsuki think so highly of themselves simply because they visit backward planets and absorb everything they have to offer, but the moment they face an opponent stronger than them, they show what they truly are: cowards." I let out as I prevented him from teleporting away, only giving him the option to fight me if he wanted to have even a slim chance to survive

His unique techniques weren't truly useful for fighting, one allowing him to create chakra pills out of someone to inherit their techniques, chakra, and life force, kind of similar to my Suijin albeit inferior, while the other allow him to absorb any chakra-based techniques coming his way to send it back later.

Because of the latter, I decided to avoid using what I used for Kinshiki in case he launched it back at me in a moment of carelessness, thus forcing me to use Taijutsu...

In fact, as much as I loved Ninjutsu, most techniques were far from being fast enough to be used against powerful opponents, mostly Ōtsutsuki, aside from Ninjutsu coming from Dōjutsu such as the Rinnegan since it was still usually faster than the rest.

At least with Taijutsu, I was sure to always be close to my opponent, leaving them no chance to rest or easily evade.

Nevertheless, I was eager to end this 'battle' quickly since the next step was also the last one, and I knew a lot of time possibly passed since it flew differently in space, I don't want to come back and meet my grandchildren...

As such, I teleported in front of who was called Momoshiki according to the memories I got from the big guy and delivered a right hook directly at his face with enough speed to make his entire preparation useless as he went down because of my hit and cracked the lifeless ground below him.

I then created from the same hand a black orb that began absorbing his face before spreading until his whole body, as well as part of the ground, and my body, though it did not do anything to me, was covered before shrinking back, leaving nothing of him behind.

Combining my speed with the creation of black orbs gave birth to my most lethal technique as it made it impossible for foes to absorb or evade them, thus dying helplessly regardless of their strength.

Nonetheless, I then absorbed the orb even though his abilities were worthless to me before looking at my next, and final, destination, the home planet of the Ōtsutsuki.

It was time to end their reigns over this universe once and for all, but first... I had to bring back life to this planet, an easy feat for me now, even though the planet was as lively as a rock.

*An unknown amount of time later*

'A massive planet like this is such a waste for parasites like them' I thought as I saw this mostly white planet once more, thought it was currently covered by an invisible barrier that was endlessly attacked by most of their clansmen

Indeed, it was the second time I came here, not surprising considering it was the center of their influence, I had to pass by there to catch some Ōtsutsuki in the opposite direction of my planet of birth.

I also took the opportunity to completely lock down this planet on my first passage to avoid having more Ōtsutsuki to find and catch across the universe, thus making sure that it was the last place I needed to go.

The barrier prevented them from using space-time abilities, well, actually, it just made it impossible for them to use such techniques to go outside of the barrier.

They continuously struggled to get out, just like flies stuck inside a closed bottle, but it was in vain...

Their numbers did decrease since I last came here, cannibalism was the most probable reason since it made those who did it stronger, though I saw how most of them had black ooze leaking from their orifices.

The reason? Well, the core of the planet was actually a massive sentient black wriggling tumor, and right now, it took control of all Ōtsutsuki on the planet and tried to break out of the prison I created.

For the first time since its existence, this thing felt fear, the fear of losing its life, the fear of facing death instead of causing it.

And worst of all, it was completely powerless against it.

As such, I raised my hand toward the planet and created an extremely undersized black orb, my action made some Ōtsutsuki gather in front of me, still behind the barrier, and the only reason for this was probably because these ones could possibly absorb it, and defend the planet this way.

Nevertheless, I launched the orb toward the barrier, and as it was about to pass it, I smirked as it vanished right in front of them, making them all look around in confusion.

Not a second later, an inhuman and deafening shriek began to resonate across not only this planet but possibly the whole universe as the edges of the black orb were now visible and swallowed the entire planet and its population as a whole from the center of it.

'No wonder Shibai was known as their God, he didn't even need to plant God Trees to increase his chakra...' I thought as the black orb, once eaten, transformed life force into chakra which was making an Ōtsutsuki live longer as well anyway

The only reason he didn't use it against his own Clan was because of this wriggling thing's influence, otherwise, he would have done my job ages ago... Though it would mean Kaguya wouldn't be alive.

Nevertheless, the black orb then shrank and came back to me, leaving nothing behind, not even my barrier was spared.

I raised my hand to take the orb before absorbing it with my right eye, and the moment I did so, I felt a massive surge of power course through my body, increasing my already gigantic chakra capacity even more.

The only downside of absorbing my foes with these orbs even with Suijin was that I didn't get their life force since it was fully converted to chakra, not that it mattered to me anyway.

Once the digestive process was over, and thankfully it was near instantaneous, I exhaled a long sigh of contentment, my objective was finally done, all Ōtsutsuki were gone and the only threat my planet could face was through internal conflicts...

'Though aside from Kaguya, there's still one left...' I thought as I looked at the horizon, my eyes peering beyond our universe, toward a higher place

Shibai ascended while leaving behind his physical form, a choice that allowed him to easily do so but also prevented him from coming back here... At least I believed, after all, I'm sure he could find another way to come back, though he might not want to right now.

It was only a hypothesis of mine, the chance of him coming back if left alone was surely low, but low didn't mean zero, and a threat like that is still a threat I must take care of.


'If I want to ascend and come back then I must keep my physical body, but doing so will come at a cost' I thought as I shifted my gaze toward the direction my planet was at

There was a possibility I couldn't come back, but then again... I must deal with him so they can live without the fear of being annihilated by some overpowered alien.

Well, if I didn't lessen most of my emotions, maybe my choice would have been harder to make, but as of right now, I was willing to do it without thinking twice.

'Shibai, today will be the day where your title as the God of Ōtsutsuki will be revoked' I thought as I gathered a huge amount of my chakra to open a gate between this realm and the upper one he ascended to

I will also need to use an even greater amount of chakra to protect my physical body from being teared up in the tunnel between the two realms.

And, well, I said today but time was such a weird concept in space it might take me more than I expected.

It didn't change that in the end, Shibai's life would be mine to end.

And with that in mind, I stepped inside the newly opened tunnel.

Yasashiki Yasashiki

Done, 3k2 words.

Some may think it is kind of rushed since I didn't show Mc find and kill all Ōtsutsuki individually, but honestly, it would be pretty pointless and would instead drag the story even longer than I already am because of the release rate.

I would find it boring.

If you find grammatical mistakes, please comment about them.

Thank you for reading and I hope that you enjoyed it!

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