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Chương 99: Chapter 100

[A/N: Finally chapter 100 and almost 300k words to boot!

Quick note: I updated the Mc Status auxiliary chapter to THIS chapter so if you want to check it, do it after reading this chapter to avoid any eventual spoilers]


"Does he come back with a child every time he leaves the village?" Jiraiya let out as he leaned towards Chizu and hid his mouth as he spoke when I came back from the portal, my clone warning them about my arrival beforehand

"First time?" I casually replied which made Jiraiya roll his eyes while Chizu was used to seeing me adopt orphans, heck, she was technically the first one along with her brother, though I saw them more like younger siblings than children considering our small difference in age

"His name is Toneri, as for how he ended up with me, I will tell you everything on our way back to Konoha." I said as my clone came back and from his arm Shiromari transformed into his chibi self before creating a 'door' leading inside him

It took me less than a day to finish my trip to the Moon, a timeframe long enough for my clone to rebuild the Valley of Judgement, including the terrifying tree to prevent others from nearing the portal since it didn't close yet nor did I learn how to do it either.

There was nothing left on the Moon anyway, still, I also left a clone at the base of the tree that would defend the hidden gate from any eventual intruder.

Nevertheless, the four of us got inside Shiromari and he began to travel back to Konoha at a decent pace.

Chizu, Jiraiya, and I then sat in the living room as I began to explain what happened during my time on the Moon, without forgetting to show them the Automatic Puppets I got from there as if they were some new toys.

And after our talk, Jiraiya put his hand on his chin and said "That could explain why you feel... Different." as he looked at me while Chizu nodded and exclaimed "The smell of your chakra changed since you came back Yuichi-sama."

"Does it now? No, I guess it makes sense with what I just got..." I said out loud while looking at my hands as my chakra felt a lot purer than before

"And with it I'm going to do something crazy once we are back." I added as I clenched my hands and looked at Jiraiya who asked "By crazy you mean something good and awesome or terrible and dangerous?"

"Something awesome and hopefully good I guess?" I replied as I was going to use my newfound power to bring back some useful helpers


*A few weeks later*

"You definitely improved Toneri." I said as I ate the dish that Toneri made which made him glad that he successfully cooked it

It's already been a few weeks since we came back to Konoha with him and he already went to school for a few days now, slowly but surely getting used to living with other children around him.

And a few days ago, Toneri asked me how could he impress the girl he liked without relying only on his shinobi skills, to which I replied that cooking was the way to do it since it was the daily life skill that allowed me to slightly tame the ferocious Senju Princess.

At first, he stayed in the kitchen every time I cooked to watch what I was doing, and I did it slowly while explaining all steps needed to make him memorize everything.

He was definitely smart, more mature than his peers, with a calm and kind nature that should have made him unnoticed by his classmates if not for his cuteness, or handsomeness as a child, which brought him a lot of attention.

But the girl that took his heart was Hanabi Hyūga, Hiashi's second daughter who was not easily expressing her emotions.

She wasn't timid and quiet like Hinata, instead, she made it seems like she had a cold personality, something that was only a facade and I knew it since she along with her sister came to the Senju Clan Compound multiple times because Yushiro invited them.

"Will she like it?" Toneri asked as he was still doubting his own cooking talent

"Of course. I can assure you that she like sweets, I mean, who doesn't, and your assortment is truly delicious." I replied as I ruffled his hair before he took the plate he made and rushed towards the door as he joyfully said "I will let the others taste it!"

'I'm glad that he can be cheerful' I thought before getting up from my seat as it was time for me to do something important before the Five Kage Summit

We will soon be leaving for the Land of Iron for the meeting, though unfortunately, I still haven't found the whereabouts of Isshiki who was one of the main topics of this meeting.

He was truly good at hiding, but again, he could use a technique that allowed him to stay in a separate dimension, he could possess the body of someone which meant that our only hint was the black markings his host would get, and maybe he could do something else I didn't know about.

Hiding his chakra even to me was surely possible as well... But now that I got the Tenseigan, my senses were enhanced, those related to space-time distortions which would allow me to know when he opens a portal.

I would sense the disturbance in the force the next time he uses this technique...

Nevertheless, I arrived inside my sealed room and took out two coffins before activating them by using the Impure World Reincarnation technique, thus opening the cask and revealing two old men I haven't seen in a while who walked out with slight confusion.

They first looked at each other and both said "Hashirama?" "Tobirama?" at the same time before looking at me and understanding what was going on

"How long has it been since the last time we saw each other? You don't look older at all." Hashirama exclaimed with his usual charismatic smile while Tobirama looked at him with an inquisitive look as he blurted out "What do you mean? Wasn't he only four years old when you died? He's clearly not looking the same for you, as for me, well, as young as the day he married."

Hashirama looked at his younger brother and replied "That's because he already brought me back once with that technique of yours." before looking at me and adding "How old you told me you were at that time? Twenty-eight years old or so? It feels like it was a second ago and yet I forgot about it, hahaha!" as he began to laugh like he usually did, trying to get away with it

"Yeah, I was twenty-eight years old back then." I replied before looking at Tobirama who seemed to feel betrayed so I added "I needed his chakra for something important back then, that's why I brought him back shortly." which only made Tobirama release a "Hmph." as he crossed his arms and looked away

'Tsundere' I thought before coughing in my hand to explain "Anyway, I brought you back today for the very same reason I told you I would... I need your help, from both of you." as I made Tobirama look at me again and frown

"Do you really need it now? I can easily feel that you are far stronger than both of us." Tobirama said before Hashirama retorted "Eh? He's still a kid, there's no way he's stronger than me, at least."

"...Just for your information, I may look in my twenties still but I am forty years old right now." I revealed which made Hashirama surprised as he had his mouth wide open while Tobirama only scoffed at him for not even trying to check if it was the case or not before talking

"Wait, does that mean.." Hashirama mumbled to which I nodded and declared "That's right, you are now both great grandfathers, of an eleven years old girl and a three years old boy that Tsunade gave birth to, with me, of course." which made Tobirama flinch and smile, though he tried to hide it from me and quickly recovered his usual non-expressive face

"Don't worry, you will see them soon enough, but first, allow me to explain why I still need your help despite being strong as you said." I let out as I looked toward Tobirama before both of them sat cross-legged on the ground almost at the same time

'Seems like both of them still have something in common despite being so different' I thought as they both were good listeners when it was truly important

"There are two things I need you both for... The first is to prove to the other villages during the next Kage Summit that I can bring back people to life." I first said which made Tobirama frown and said "Are you talking about Impure World Reincarnation? They should already know about it unless they forgot about me, and we are not truly alive in this state."

"No, I'm not talking about this technique, I can truly bring you back to life now, in fact, I wanted to do that for both of you today." I revealed which surprised both of them

"So you really created a technique like that! It doesn't require many sacrifices I hope?" Hashirama exclaimed to which I shook my head left and right and said "I do need one sacrifice to bring you with Impure World Reincarnation, the rest of the cost is coming from myself, but don't worry, I'm not using my lifespan for it, just a lot of chakra which is why I don't want to bring many people back, at least for now."

"I'm not against being used for political reasons as long as it is in favor of Konoha, which, since it's coming from you, should be the case, right?" Tobirama asked to which I nodded in agreement before explaining "The second reason is, like I told you before because I need your help against someone, well, more precisely against a dangerous Clan."

Seeing the expressions they had, I couldn't help but think 'Seems like I need to do the good old lengthy explanation'

And so, I told them about the Ōtsutsuki Clan, their relationship with our planet, the fact that chakra was from them, and the fact that one of them is still on Earth while the rest would come sooner or later.

Once my explanation ended, Tobirama was curious about something and asked "If they are stronger than us, why do you need to bring us back? Isn't it better for us to be affected by Impure World Reincarnation instead?"

Smirking when he said this, I began replying "You know as much as me that you cannot get stronger in this state, am I wrong?" which made him nod before I added "I will bring you back alive, to your peak strength, and I will have the pleasure to train both of you until you reach new heights you never thought was possible... And don't worry, if you die again, I can bring you back a lot more easily than now since the longer you are dead, the higher the chakra cost."

This made both shiver at the thought of being killed, then brought back, and killed, again and again.

But hey, they don't need to fear such a cycle if they simply avoid dying.

"You really don't let our old bones rest huh... Fine, I did tell you that I would help if you brought me back." Hashirama replied before looking at Tobirama and waiting for his answer

"What? Of course I will agree as well." Tobirama said as he put his hand on his head before mumbling "I want to see our new family members too..."

Smirking, I then exclaimed "Then be ready because I don't know if it will be painful or not for you." before using the Tenseigan Chakra Mode and began to generate a golden orb on each of my hands

The two orbs began to grow in size, proportionally to the chakra needed to bring my two targets back, and then they began to float toward their stomach, entering their body before making them shine with a golden color until their bodies were fully covered and impossible to define.

I then sensed their heartbeat coming back as blood filled their veins once more, before the light dissipated and revealed the two men I once knew with a more youthful appearance, around their thirties.

Both lost their cracked skin and black sclera, the two most noticeable traits of Impure World Reincarnation and the simple fact that they had a heart beating and blood pumping around their body was enough to prove that indeed, they were brought back to life.

"That's incredible..." Hashirama mumbled as he looked at his body and clenched his hands multiple times before doing some warm-ups

"Honestly, I never thought that something like this could be possible one day... You're amazing, Yuichi." Tobirama said as he made himself slightly bleed to see if he was dreaming or not

"Thanks for the compliment." I said as I stopped using the Tenseigan Chakra Mode before adding "Oh right, now that you're alive again I do have something to tell you about my blood father, Tobirama." as I noticed Hashirama flinching in the corner of my eye

"Your father? I already know that he's an Uchiha since you awakened their Dōjutsu..." Tobirama said without any feeling of hate, at least not toward me

"Well, my father's Madara, and he's still alive by the way..." I said which made Tobirama freeze before furiously looking at his brother who was sweating heavily and, with extended arms, said "W-Wait, I did know about it, but it doesn't matter, right?"

"You told me that you knew who his father was and that I didn't have to worry about it... But it's MADARA? You hid this from ME?!" Tobirama let out angrily as he grabbed Hashirama by the collar and prepared to punch him

"Wai- Wai- Wait Tobirama!" Hashirama exclaimed before looking at me and asking "You said that he's still alive, is that true?"

Tobirama also looked at me, waiting for an answer so I coughed in my hand and revealed "Yes, he's still alive and also back to a more youthful appearance... And stronger than he ever was as well."

Tobirama released Hashirama and said "Do you know where he is? We have to take care of him, he's a danger to Konoha!" while his brother sighed, as if he was glad to hear that his long-time friend and rival was alive despite having seen him dead

"Don't worry, he's on our side, I can guarantee it." I declared before deciding to explain what happened to Madara after Hashirama 'killed' him

The fact that he was controlled by a being created by the very Clan we will face, that he kept himself alive and did a lot of shit, but also my encounter with him and how I brought him back to the bright side as well as what he's been doing to prepare for the future.

"An Uchiha redeeming itself? That's hard to believe..." Tobirama said but I retorted "While he wasn't controlled before his last face-off against Hashirama, he still wanted to protect Konoha but his view of doing things was completely different than Hashirama's, and from my point of view, both were wrong anyway... Also, the Uchiha Clan is doing well nowadays, though they don't know that Madara is still alive yet, and that was all thanks to the little me by the way."

"This..." Tobirama mumbled before Hashirama stepped in and said "Thank you for everything you have done, Yuichi. You did what we couldn't do as Hokage." with an honest smile that warmed my heart

Tobirama looked at his brother and, after massaging his temples, said "...Fine. I never thought I would say this one day but I agree to work with the Uchiha, as long as it is for Konoha."

"I'm glad that you made up your mind." I replied as I knew how hard it was for Tobirama to accept the fact that the Uchiha changed

"Also, I'm no longer the Hokage, I gave my position to someone who, while strong, was a lot better than me at dealing with the paperwork." I said which made the three of us shiver simply by remembering our respective times in the Hokage Office

I swear paperwork is scarier than fighting to the death every day, though Tobirama was the one doing it with the most ease.

They were surprised that I stopped being Hokage so 'young' but with everything that was going on recently, it was a lot of work off my shoulder and I needed that.

Nevertheless, before we left this place to greet everyone close to me, I had to tell them most of the events that occurred since their death.

Beginning with Hiruzen's righteous sacrifice in his battle against the Second Tsuchikage and how I couldn't revive him since he was obliterated by the Dust Release of the later, 'sadly'...

In actuality, I told them what happened in the last twenty years, since Tobirama died, because Hashirama fell asleep almost at the beginning, so only Tobirama was listening.

Once I finished monologing, I strongly clapped my hand which woke up Hashirama, and said "Alright, now you two are ready to meet my family! Oh right, you might see a lot of children, just so you know, they aren't mine, mostly orphans I took under my wing... Well, aside from one who's a child between myself and my second wife." as I talked about Kimimaro and didn't want to go too much into the details of how strangely he was 'born'

"Second wife?" Hashirama said as he was surprised to learn that while Tobirama revealed "I remember the day Hashirama got close to another girl, Mito almost ripped his jewels off but ended up simply knocking him out for days with a single punch in his face." as he was smirking when he remembered this event I didn't know about

"W-Well, she does have the fieriest temper out of all the Uzumaki I ever met..." Hashirama said as he rubbed the back of his head

"I know an Uzumaki with a similar temper, and the Fifth Hokage might like to exchange a few words with you about it." I said as I knew how bad Kushina's temper was and how similar Minato's relationship with his wife was to Hashirama's

"You're not going to let the entire village know that you revived us I hope?" Tobirama asked as he was fully aware that doing so would make the villager restless and it would be a pain in the ass to take care of it

"No, not now, but the Hokage should at least be aware of your existence since you will be coming with us at the meeting." I replied as I intended to make them reveal themselves when the moment is right

Maybe I should warn Madara that his lover, I mean rival, is back to life... Knowing him, he's going to ask him for a fight as soon as they meet.

Well, first should be Tsunade, I'm sure she will be delighted to see her grandfather again.

Yasashiki Yasashiki


Again, I updated the ‘MC Status’ Auxiliary Chapter to this one.

The next Chapter should be the meeting followed by some action, unless I write some ‘slice of life’ which again, isn't my forte.

Anyway, if you find grammatical mistakes, please comment.

Thank you for reading and I hope that you enjoyed it!

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