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36.36% Harry Potter One Shots / Chapter 8: Ronald Bilius Weasley ✔ Deal

Chương 8: Ronald Bilius Weasley ✔ Deal

Everyone on Hogwarts knows how crazily in love Ronald Weasley is with the brightest student of our generation, Hermione Granger. Sadly to say, no one even knows how crazily in love I am with him, aside from Hermione Granger. What a clique right? Love triangle. The only thing is, Hermione's in love with Draco, and so the Malfoy is to her. It's just, Ron's too blindsided by his feelings that he won't even care about that fact.

I've tried everything for him to notice me. I studied so hard. I joined Quidditch and became a well-known Chaser. I even rejected every sign of interest from the other boys just for him. But I was never a choice for his love interest.

I wanted to give up. I wanted to push my feelings out of me and just swallowed the fact that I'll always be his friend. Just a friend. But unfortunately, my stupid heart won't even listen. I mean, there's a lot of good-looking guys around the school. There's Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Terry Boot, and many more, but why did I end up loving a stupid oblivious guy like him?

Letting out a frustrated groan, I close the book I was reading and throw it on the couch, before pushing myself up from laying on the matted floor. I stretch my arms and stare at the fire in the fireplace. I wish my feelings could die down as easy as killing a fire by throwing water on it.

"Why are you still awake?" I stiffened at the sound of his voice, clenching my fists on my sides, I turn around and face him.

He's already wearing his pajama. His hand clutched tightly into a book I recognize as Hermione's.

"Did you stole that from Hermione in the library?" Ron stared at me with wide eyes. Not expecting the straightforward and certain question of mine.

How could I not know? I've been watching him too much to the point that I can even figure out what's running on his mind.

"Did you saw me took it?" He asked, plopping himself down on the couch in front of me.

I cross my arms across my chest and rolled my eyes.

"Even Neville can read your plan on your face. You stole that because you want her to notice you."

He groans at the sternness of my words and rolls his eyes at me.

"You sounded like Hermione."

I felt the stinging pain as my nails dug into the skin of my palm. Did he just compared me to his love interest?!

"I am not, Hermione!" I muttered under my breath, biting my tongue to stop myself from cursing him.

"You're not. She's a lot hotter than you." I know he meant it as a joke, but I can't stop myself from letting out a scoff after he said that with a straight face.

How can he be so oblivious to everything?

I grab the book that I was reading earlier and hit him with it in the head.

"Blimey! What is wrong with you?!"

"Don't you dare compare me to Hermione again! Or you'll find yourself hex into oblivion where you belong, you idiot!"

I walked past him and run to the girl's dormitory room. I let out a frustrated huff, as I bury my face in my pillow.


I ignored Ron all day, the next day. Harry, Ginny, and Hermione noticed that something's up, and thank Merlin, they didn't try getting me to spill it out. Because no one knows how bad it will end up.

Ron tried to make me talk to him, but he wasn't even lasting for a minute of trying to, because I would be already pulling my wand up the moment he opened his mouth. Eventually, he gives up. I wish I could give up on him that fast.

I thought everything will keep on going like that, for no one knows how long, but Ginny suddenly came up with a stupid idea one afternoon.

We made our way to Gryffindor's table. Ron makes sure to sit away from me since I won't stop glaring at him.

"I've got an idea." We all turn our attention to Ginny when she almost screamed that out.

Ignoring the wary stares from the other students, she continued.

"Since the next visiting to Hogsmeade is near, I came up with the idea that you should go there with a date."

At first, I thought she wasn't talking to me, but when I stare at her dead in the eyes, I knew well who she's talking to.

"Don't be ridiculous, Ginny." I started, crossing my arms over my chest, a habit of mine that I got from Hermione.

"I'm not!" she exclaimed, glaring momentarily at Harry when he didn't back her up. "Don't any of you had to think about it too? You're the only one who never dated anyone."

"If you're implying that I'm the only one single around here, you might want to look around you."

I was determined to dismiss the stupid topic, but Ginny won't easily back down.

"That's not what I meant. I'm talking about in the circle of our friendship. I used to date Dean, now, I'm with Harry. Hermione got Draco, and Ron used to date Lavander. Are you seeing my point now? You had never gone out with anyone."

"Maybe, because I was busy wishing for your brother to see me?"

I muttered that under my breath, and fortunately, no one had heard it. I lift my head once more and caught Hermione's knowing look. I just give her a forced smile, before looking back at Ginny.

"Don't stress yourself out, Ginny. I'm not going out with anyone."

Ginny looks disappointed, knowing that her habit of matchmaking won't be needed this time. Well, that was what I also thought, until he speaks up. Seriously?!

"Yeah. It's not like someone would even like to go out with her."

We all glared at Ron. Even Harry was looking at him disappointedly. He was giving Ron a look that screams, 'You better shut your mouth now, mate'.

I slam my fist down on the table and that surprises them.

"What makes you so sure that no one will like me?!" My glare intensifies when he only snickered at my question.

"Is there even a need for an answer? I mean, you've been single for almost seven years because no one had asked you out, right?"

Sometimes I wonder, is there something likable about this guy? He has good looks, yes, but that's only a counterpart because his attitude stinks.

"Then let's make a bet." His back straightened at that. The rest of them look at me with anticipation, waiting for my next words. "If I got a date with me for the Hogsmeade, I don't want you near me anymore. No talk and not even looks!"

I look at him straight in the eyes, and my angry facade almost slips off when I see the hesitation and pain across his orbs. But I wasn't that foolish. I'm fool enough to fall in love with him. That's enough.

"Deal." I take his hand and shake it, before grabbing my things and getting out of the Great Hall.

I can't regret any of it. Maybe, this would be the break I need to get out of my toxic feelings for him.


I don't know if I would be glad or not when I found a date. I surprisingly got a lot of candidates for my date. Maybe, I was also blindsided by my feelings for Ron, that I didn't even notice that other guys are interested in me too. To be honest, I did notice them.

But I didn't choose someone who likes me. I chose someone that'll help me keep my mind off of the deal I made with Ron. Knowing that the end of this day also signifies the end of my stupid hope that Ron will notice me too.

"So, would you mind telling me why you hastily invited me to come with you to Hogsmeade, knowing that there are others that want to come with you?"

I glance up at him, the slight surprise visible on my face.

"How did you know?" I asked, wondering how he finds out.

"I saw you rejecting a lot of them, kindly, when they asked you for a date here," he answered, gesturing his hand around the crowded place, which is Hogsmeade.

I let out a sigh and slip my hands on his. He shakes his head with a smile on his lips and slips his hand back. Intertwining our fingers together. A habit we grew together with, whenever one of us is nervous or stressed out.

"You're the only one that will come with me without thinking of anything aside from it's just a friendly date, Blaise."

I look up at him and he looks down on me. He smiles at me and leans to kiss my forehead.

"I am your best friend, and if this helps you relax on whatever you're dealing with right now, take all your time."

I smiled widely at him, before letting him pull me inside Honeydukes.

Not a lot knows it, or will even believe it, but Blaise Zabini and I have been best friends since we were six years old. He is my anchor and so am I to him.

We spend the whole day looking around. Buying souvenirs and sweets, before riding the carriage back to Hogwarts.

Blaise and I were still far away from the gate of Hogwarts, but I can already see Ron standing on the side of it and staring right back at me.

I caught his eye when we got near, but I ignored him and walk past him with Blaise on my side, still holding my hand. There's no need to greet him or anything. The deal is done and I won it.

"Tell me, and I don't want any lies." I look up at Blaise and caught his calculating eyes with mine. "Did you do all of this, starting from the date, just to get rid of Ronald Weasley?"

I badly wanted to lie, but Blaise won't let me. Besides, I had never lied to him. He knows everything. Everything, to the point, that he even knows my menstruation cycle.

Sighing to myself, I nodded at him.

"But why?"

I look up at him and he was taken aback after seeing the tears freely rolling down my cheeks.

"Because, I am already tired of loving him, Blaise! It's too painful. I can't bear the fact that he's too in love with Hermione, and I don't stand a chance..." I cried out, fisting on his robes and ignoring every stare we're getting from everyone around us.

Blaise shakes his head softly and lifts his hands to my face. He wipes the tears away with his thumbs and cups my face.

"What makes you so sure?"

"Do you think I would still be single if I wasn't sure?" He chuckled at my sarcastic comeback, but then get serious in an instant.

"If he pushes me or punches me, it'll prove you wrong."

"What are you talking–"

I didn't need to finish my question and get his answer to finding out what he was talking about. Just one action from him is enough to know it all.

My eyes are wide as I look back at Blaise's close ones. His hands are on my neck, softly caressing the skin, as his lips brush against mine.

Every noise was zoned out as I slowly close my eyes.

It snapped wide open before it can even last a second.

In just a blink of an eye, Blaise was already on the floor, sitting on top of him and beating him, was none other than a furious Ron.

I was too stunned to even move. Ron keeps punching Blaise for a reason I didn't even know. The other students started gathering around us. Amuse by the fact that the two boys were fighting with fists instead of spells.

The fight was only stopped when Harry pulled Ron away from Blaise, while Blaise, was pulled up by Draco.

I watched Blaise scoff at Ron's flush face and pointed an accusing finger at him.

"If you don't want anyone kissing her, gather your fucking wits to yourself and make her yours!" Blaise spits out, glancing at me for a moment before storming out of the Great Hall with Draco after him.

Ron glance at me, but I didn't let him speak up. I walk past him and run out of the Great Hall too.

What the hell did just happen?!

I hastily use the back of my hand to wipe my lips, not because I was disgusted by Blaise's kiss, but because it wasn't Ron's.

I was walking rashly towards the Gryffindor tower when I was roughly grabbed by someone.

I stare at Ron's flustered face. He was almost red from being too mad.

"Let's talk."

I tried to pull my arm out of his grasp but it was too tight.

"There's nothing for us to talk about, Weasley! Did you forget about our deal?!"

"You can't expect me to believe that Blaise was your date!"

"We just kissed, remember?! Are you that blindsided to the point that you can't even see anything aside from Hermione?!"

"I saw everything! Hermione has nothing to do with it! And this would be the last time that I'll see you with him!"

"You're not my boyfriend! Don't act like one!"

"Then I'll be your boyfriend!"

I let out a sarcastic laugh and push him roughly. I give all my strength, as I keep on shoving him away. Tears streaming down my cheeks again.

"I hate you! I hate you, Ronald! Are you that oblivious to the fact that I love you? When will you stop hurting me like this?!"

"I... You love me?"

I wipe the tears hastily and shove him again.

"Aren't making me feel stupid for falling in love with you wasn't enough?!"


"No! You listen here, Ron! This would be the last time that we will talk. It's a better choice for me."

"It is not with me! I love you, okay?! You can't make me watch you ignore me and go out with other guys!"

I slapped him hard, and even it stings on the palm I ignore the pain.

"How much more do I need to get hurt before you stop?"

"Nothing... Because I am not playing with you! I do love you!"

"Love me?! You're freaking in love with Hermione! Not with me!"

"I used to! I used to be in love with her until you make your presence known. It was really hard not to notice. The smiles, the laughs, the jokes, the witty comebacks, the excellent plays in Quidditch, everything! Do you think I'm that dense to not even notice?!"

"Yes, Ron! So much dense! I've been in love with you for four years!"

"I'm sorry that I made you wait that long. I am, sorry. But believe me or not, I love you. I love you so much."

I back away when he took a step forward, but I didn't get to go any further when his arms snake their way around my waist and pull me tightly into his body.

The fresh scent of mistletoe and breeze cover my nose, and I am undeniably relaxing against his touch.

He leans forward and his soft lips brush against mine. I wrap my arms around his torso and kiss him back.

He softly nips at my lower lip, before sliding his tongue on my mouth. Slowly pushing me into the wall without breaking the kiss. His hands started dropping from my waist to my ass. I let out a moan when he squeezes them before putting pressure on it and hoisting me up.

I wrap my legs around his waist and entangle my hands against his red flaming length. Ron's kisses were nothing like any of my pleasurable imaginations. His kisses are more lively and fiery. It makes me all feeling hot.

We pulled from each other, gasping for air. Ron wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and press me deeper into his body. Securing me away from falling.

"Do you believe me now?" he asked, grinning at the sight in front of him, which is none other than my flustered state.

"Yes, Ronald Weasley. I believe you now."

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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