"Come on just say yes" Ji-Sang pleaded with Hei-Ran over the phone.
"No, for Christ sake that's too impromptu. You can't just do that" Hei-Ran said in a firm tone. Ji-Sang had just called to inform her about his send-off party which was to be held tonight. She didn't see how he could just invite them with no prior notice, they were his best friends for Christ sake.
"I know it's impromptu, but I swear I didn't plan it out like this. I thought I'd leave in two weeks, but I just got a call to resume in two days, so my colleagues decided to do a rushed party. That's why it became like this. Please you guys are my only family here and I can't go away without seeing you guys. I've booked my tickets for tomorrow, I leave by morning." He explained.
It's good Friday.... Let's all be sober.