Midnight had a questioning expression. She had never roared while in the dragonkin form so she had been unsure how it would work. But she could feel that she was able to still breathe flames if she wanted. She could even tell that the wings she had would allow her to jump and glide in the air, so why wouldn't she be able to roar?
The air Midnight sucked in to her lungs was under great pressure. Walker could feel that she was using a decent amount of mana to rival the roar she had heard before. She couldn't be outdone in her very home territory. She needed to be the loudest and toughest dragon in Genesis.
"I would cover your ears. It seems that Midnight is trying to outdo your champion instead of just sending a message." Walker sighed a little and waved a hand to make the wind pick up around them a little. He knew that messing around with the wind would dampen the roar directly next to them.
I hope you can all support my new novel in the spirity contest; Spirit Tamer