"It looks like you met the keeper in all his glory." Current spoke first. Walker was clearly a little confused and was not up to starting another conversation immediately.
"From this day on, This little one is recognized as the new nature dragon of the royal dragon court. Genesis shall be inducted in to the flow of villages. Welcome your new brother and youngest sibling. The future shall show its merit." The voice of the keeper rang out and the room was silent. Bit Walker was still getting out of his own head with everything that he wanted to ask.
"And that is why I leave it up to the keeper. I assure you that he was able to make an informed decision well beyond what I would have. That is why he has access to the history." Ignus made his case again but Walker was not looking at him. Instead, he was focused on Terron. The words about Terron being the most accepting stuck with him.
drop those golden tickets!