With her friends gone, Mbali stood there with the woman who was supposed to make her happy and had successfully failed, thanks to her last name. She knew her friends were hoping for a better reunion for some reason.
However, to Mbali, there was nothing that could ever happen between her and Amina. The woman came from a cursed family and that was something that Mbali wasn't sure she wanted to be a part of.
At the same time, when Ruru said that she needed to get laid probably with Amina, Mbali wouldn't deny the tinge she felt in her heart and in her core. She wanted Amina in ways that she couldn't spell out yet, but she was going to hold back.
She wanted to prove to herself that she was stronger in mind and that she could keep her desires in control. But then now that their friends had left, the stench of both their lies was in the air. Would Mbali give in though?
Come onnn fuck each other already and get it over with... pleaseee