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31.16% Avatar: Macai's Journey / Chapter 24: Serma's Legacy

Chương 24: Serma's Legacy

Macai is requested to visit Commander Kenshin during his brief R&R (rest and recuperation) time at Sarchanna. It is early morning, and the sky is teal. The sun is faint and light orange. Macai's hair has grown from short to medium length. Macai enters the city's two-story capital building which has light brown walls, light green markings, and two Fire Nation flags mounted on it.

When Macai opens the front door, he notices that the building smells like lemons. Macai crosses through the hallways which have light beige walls, light grey floors, and a light green ceiling. Macai knocks on Kenshin's door and the commander swiftly opens it. Kenshin: "Well, hey. It's my favorite captain."

Macai smiles, "Thanks, Kenshin. You wanted to see me?"

Kenshin sighs, "Indeed, I do. It looks like your next mission is coming sooner than expected."

Macai: "No problem. Are we getting revolts from some locals?"

Kenshin: "Perhaps, but not in the city. Several of our army forces have been picked off in the outskirts, within the swamps."

Macai: "Sounds like guerrillas. It'll be just like when he battled the Purple Burrays. Except easier."

Kenshin: "Hopefully, good hunting." Macai respectfully bows and Kenshin does the same. Macai exits.

Macai meets outside with his marines. Macai: "Team, enemies have been sighted on the outskirts of the city; within the swamps. We don't have any specific details on their position. Code yellow. We are going to move in cautiously, be ready to respond to traps or ambushes."

Kanna smiles, "This is something we can handle. We've been up to a job like this before."

Kett asks, "Who are you sending on this mission?"

Macai: "I got plenty of action last time. So I'll let you take the lead this time Kett."

Kett grins, "That works for me."

Macai: "I'll stay with the ship and naval forces garrisoned on the beachhead. From what I've heard, the most disappearances of friendly units have been on the Eastern outskirts. Which is what the right team would cover. So I want, Kett on that team. Arret, Dade, and Rosier; you will also be on Kett's team. Dade, you're going to be second-in-command of that squad. Rosier, I want you to more so be a guide for them with your experience step in when you have to."

Dade: "Nice, so I get my crack against guerrilla warfare."

Macai: "Since many of us have seen guerrilla warfare, I'm not going all out on this mission. However, I am still going to make some safety precautions and I'm going to try something different. Because I have a feeling that there is something more to this. There will be two spear warriors, two sword warriors, one archer, and three benders in each team."

Kett: "Sounds like you're using a lot of benders on this one. Could be risky for this type of warfare."

Macai: "I know, but I've got a feeling that's the way to go. We've done a few guerrilla warfare drills recently. Prepping for false ambushes and traps. I've not heard of them using traps here, but there has been no trace of the soldiers who disappeared. I'm going to be sending you out quickly because I've heard that most of their attacks have been in the morning. I also plan on deploying three squads this time, but I'll have another three on reserve."

Kanna: "Can I fight this time?"

Macai: "I really risk many of my best warriors too frequently. But I'll allow it this time, but you'll have to sit out the next mission. Kanna, I'll put you on the center team. It may useful to have a fast leader like you in this engagement. You'll be with Sonna, Samira, and Basin. Samira, I want you as second-in-command, you really took the lead on that last mission. If you do well, you might get a promotion."

Sonna: "I've also gotten a lot of action recently, but I'm not complaining."

Macai replies, "Well, it's always helpful to have a sharp archer like you. On the left team, I want Asad, Ronin, Kedo, and Cosal to be there. Asad will take the lead due to his experience, but Ronin will be his second-in-command. But Asad, do not ignore the opinions of your subordinates. Your word is final, but consider what they say." Asad nods his head.

The squads advance across the forest into the wetlands. There are several shallow streams of water scattered throughout the ground. Most of the water stands about six inches. The grass is also tall and stands over the waters below. Several tall trees are scattered throughout the swamp. The team can also hear several birds and insects as they march into the unknown territory.

On the Center flank, Kanna advances with her squad. Kanna: "I really don't like these swamps. This is my least favorite environment, ever."

Sonna: "Yeah that's true, but I'm happy to be out of Ullon. When you've been stuck in one place so long, sometimes you just want to see what the rest of the world looks like."

Samira: "I'm glad you see the positive side to it. Because I'm going to have to clean my uniform after this. My boots are already soaked in mud."

Fire Nation male marine: "Don't let your shoes get you killed. Dirty or not, we fight."

Basin: "I wonder if they have crocodiles out here. I sure hope not. Those things are terrifying."

Kanna: "We have the weapons to kill them. Sonna would probably see one and shoot it before it gets close." Kanna suddenly stops when she notices a shoe on the floor. Kanna sprints toward the shoe and picks it up.

Basin: "What did you find there?"

Kanna: "A shoe, it looks like a standard Fire Nation shoe. It's the same as ours."

Sonna comments, "It must have belonged to a Fire Nation trooper."

Kanna: "I think they were attacked here and their bodies were taken to remove evidence. The enemy doesn't want us to track them, but they left a shoe. We are almost on their trail."

Basin: "That still won't help us find them. We are just running around these swamps, looking to see if we'll be attacked."

Samira: "They will attack us unless they expect we are onto them. If they don't attack or follow us, we can come back and bring some Gath Hounds. They are good at tracking and smelling enemies. They can find some people in the swamps. Macai doesn't have any, but maybe Commander Kenshin could get us some."

Kanna's eyes widen, "That's a great idea, Samira. You're honestly a natural." While this discussion is happening, a man in a dark green uniform watches Kanna's team from the distance. His uniform has light green stripes on it.

Meanwhile, Kett's team scouts the left flank. Kett: "Nothing so far. Not even a trace. Maybe we'll have to go back and scout another time." Arret looks left of their position and notices some movement behind a tree. Arret takes a second look in that direction and sees nothing.

Arret warns, "Wait, I think I saw something."

Kett asks, "Where?!"

Arret: "On our left." The team looks and sees nothing.

Kett: "Are you sure?"

Arret: "Let's walk over there. You go first, Kett."

Kett frowns, "Trying to get me killed?"

Arret: "You're the best bender in this squad and you're the one with doubts." Kett orders two marines to scout the position. One spearman moves on the left and one swordsman moves on the right. Kett closes in behind them while the rest wait.

The soldiers don't notice anything. Kett moves between them and they scout the area. Kett yells, "Still don't see anything!" After constant searching, Kett calls the rest of his team with him.

Arret: "Did you find anything?"

Kett: "Nope."

Dade leans on a tree. One of the marines makes a right step and notices the ground shift. Marine: "I think I found something." The marine bends down and backs up. The marine picks up a three-foot wide and three-foot long clay bar. The bar has several leaves glued to it, to make it look like it's a part of the natural ground.

Marine: "This leads to a tunnel. I see a latter below."

Kett raises an eyebrow, "What? You'll be vulnerable if you use that latter."

Marine: "Got any better ideas."

Kett: "Yeah, I'm going to shoot a stream of fire through the tunnel and it'll flow through the room. Then we can enter."

Arret: "The only downside, is that it may give away our presence. Also, it may just destroy the tunnel altogether and start a fire."

Kett: "Good, that will prevent them from using this tunnel against us."

Rosier responds, "It may be better to use the tunnel and find out where it leads. It may lead us to more enemies."

Kett: "I don't like it. I say we burn it."

Arret: "You're the boss."

Kett: "If may be fireproof." Kett fires a stream of light orange fire into the tunnel. Steam flows from the tunnel below, but a fire does not ensue. Kett: "Looks like we can do both, but wait a minute for it to cool. It's going to be hot down there."

Kett takes the lead and the team moves down the tunnel. It is a thin and narrow tunnel. Kett's squad walks through it for several minutes. Sonna stays in the middle of the squad to avoid being vulnerable. Kett takes the lead and notices a tunnel in the right direction. Another leads straight ahead.

Kett: "No splitting up, I don't like it. Let's try the direct path, I'll tell reinforcements to check the other route." Kett's team continues down the path and Kett notices a man with a camouflaged uniform at the end of it near a bar.

Kett: "Surrender."

Man: "Umpadanana!"

Kett: "What?!" The man holds his sword out and points it at Kett. Kett prepares to incinerate the man.

Arret: "Wait, let's take him captive. Maybe we can learn something from him." Kett extends his right leg and kicks a flame into the man's chest. The man falls backward and his sword flies to the left.

Kett pulls the unconscious man up and looks at a male marine, "Drag him back." The marine puts his sword in his utility belt and does as he is instructed.

Dade: "What was he saying?"

Kett: "I have no idea, it sounded like he was speaking another language." The team moves up the tunnel and finds themselves closer to the shore. A nice cool breeze flows from the shore. Kett climbs up first and leaps out of the exit. Kett looks around but doesn't notice anything. Kett's squad moves in behind him.

Samira, "Well, it's been a boring mission. A bit too boring for my taste. I feel less comfortable with this silence."

Kett looks right of their position and notices a cave. Kett: "Looks like a cave, near the shore. Let's get in there."

Dade murmurs, "Oh no, I don't like this." As Kett moves toward the cave, he notices that is illuminated with several mounted torches.

Kett: "People were here." Dade moves on Kett's right flank, Samira moves on his left, Rosier stays behind him, and Arret readies her arrow. Several marines are around Arret. Kett notices five camouflaged enemies. One of them is sitting and has a massive round helmet on his head. He is also wearing a grey cape and seems to be praying.

Kett: "Sorcery! You are all under arrest for committing treason and insurrection against the Fire Nation!"

The sorcerer tilts his head up and shouts, "Oraga Due! Mee Fit!"

Arret launches a metal arrow through his neck. Sorcerer: "Gak!" The Sorcerer's body slums backward. The other cultists draw their weapons. Two of them have swords and two of them have morning star clubs.

Sarchanna warrior: "Condezanma!" One of the warriors with a club charges at Dade and swings at him vertically. The marine horizontally tilts his blade and blocks the attack. Dade feels his sword shake, as he blocks the powerful blow. The commoner horizontally rotates his blade and cuts the man down. Rosier presses his hands forward and fires a ball of fire into an incoming sword-wielding warrior.

Kett notices an enemy with a morning star leap forward and horizontally swings at his head. Kett rolls forward and springs back on his feet. The man turns around and Dade thrust's his sword through the warrior's back. Kett: "Geez Dade, that's brutal."

Dade shrugs his shoulders, "Just getting the job done."

Kett: "Looking for a raise I see."

Dade: "Yeah, tell Macai to give me a raise."

Kett: "I'll consider it."

Arret: "What do you think that sorcerer just did?"

Kett: "Nothing. That was just stupid superstitious mumbo jumbo. It will get them nowhere."

Dade: "I don't know man. I've heard some crazy stories."

Kett: "It's fantasy."

Stranger Things Have Happened

It starts getting darker as the sun begins to set. Asad's team is still searching in the swamps when five warriors move on their right flank in the bushes. Two of them have spears, two of them have swords, and one of them has a silver horn. On Asad's team, three marines stand at the right flank. One has a spear, another has a sword, and another is a firebender.

On Asad's left flank, Ronin, Cosal, and a swordsman stand. Left of them are several warriors behind the bushes. Two of them have maces, two of them have swords, and one of them has a horn. Kedo and Asad are in the middle of the team. Kedo is behind Asad.

Asad freezes, "Wait, do you hear that?"

The warriors immediately stand and shout, "Arrahahhahah!" The marines look around them and prepare for battle.

Asad: "At least they didn't immediately attack like the Purple Burrays."

Ronin: "And they don't use traps. But I've got a feeling that we're in for a different kind of challenge today."

Kedo: "Let's not wait for them!" Kedo charges up a fiery arrow and the enemies charge from both sides. Kedo pounds his arrow into one of the warriors with a horn, on the right flank. The Fire Nation spearman on the right notices an enemy approaching with a sword. The man leaps forward and thrusts his blade through the swordman's chest.

A spear-wielding opponent charges at him next. The marine pulls his blade back and lunges his spear at the warrior's neck. The warrior tilts his spear left and swats the marine's spear to the left. The cultist charges and thrusts his spear into the marine's stomach. Marine: "Ahhh!"

The cultist kicks his body aside and charges at Fire Nation swordman. The spearman moves low and aims his spear at the swordman's stomach. The swordman lifts and swipes his blade left and smacks the spear in the other direction. The swordsman sprints and vertically impales his opponent.

The firebender on the right flank sees an enemy with a spear charge on his right flank and an enemy with a sword on his left. The firebender kicks a flame into the swordman's chest. The firebender turns and fires a beam of orange fire into the spearman's chest.

While this is happening, the battle is just as intense on the left flank. Ronin notices an enemy with a sword charge toward him. Ronin presses his hands forward and pours a beam of orange fire into the swordman. The duelist is melted alive.

Another swordsman moves toward Cosal. Cosal horizontally extends his sword to the right, as he prepares for the attack. Cosal swings left and the swordsman vertically blocks the attack.

The swordsman vertically lashes at Cosal's face and Cosal diagonally thrawts the attack. Cosal rotates his blade and swings low at the swordman's stomach. The cultist bobs backward and skips toward Cosal with a spinning diagonal attack. Cosal shifts his blade to the left and blocks the strike.

Cosal bumps his enemy's blade against his face. The cultist holds his sore forehead. Cosal pokes his blade through the man's stomach. An awkward growling sound is heard as Cosal sinks his blade into his enemy's flesh. Cosal slowly pulls it back and his opponent's body caves in. Two maces charge at the marine swordsman on the left flank.

The mace-wielding warrior on his right flank closes in first and diagonally swings at the marine's left shoulder. The marine tilts his blade left and blocks the attack. Another mace charges toward his right flank and the marine kicks the cultist in his stomach. The cultist falls backward in the mud below.

The warrior that he has locked blades with uses all his strength to knock the marine's sword out of his hand. The warrior prepares to finish the marine off, but Kedo fires a burning arrow through the cultist's back. The cultist falls forward and the marine nods in respect.

Asad looks up and notices the cultist with the horn on the left flank. The cultist blows his horn and Asad throws an orange flame into his chest. The cultist falls backward. The mace-wielding warrior who was kicked down gets back on his feet and rushes toward the unarmed marine. Kedo readjusts his focus but, the cultist thrusts his blade through the marine's stomach. The marine screams, "Nooo!"

The cultist dashes at Cosal who swings up vertically and cuts him down. Kedo murmurs, "I tried to save him."

Cosal: "You did the best you could son, sometimes it happens."

Ronin: "I wonder what those horns do."

Cosal: "I could have thought they would be used to disorient us. Apparently not." The ground shakes and the six marines stumble.

Ronin shouts, "What was that?!" Asad looks up on the right flank and notices three six-foot-tall creatures with light-green exoskeletons walk toward them. Kedo hears a noise on left and notices another three green creatures move on their left flank. They have yellow eyes without pupils, sharp silver claws, wide ears, study necks, massive calves, broad shoulders, and long noses.

Ronin backpedals. Asad: "No running here, we're surrounded."

Ronin tilts his head at Asad, "Any ideas?"

Asad: "Just one, we fight!" Asad presses both of his hands forward and propels a beam of orange fire through the creature of the right. The beam burns through the creature's skin and splits it in half.

The creature in the center of the right flank screeches, "Baaaahh!" The creature immediately jumps seven feet in the air and lands directly in front of Cosal and Ronin. Cosal raises his blade and moves toward the beast. The creature raises its right leg and kicks the veteran five feet back. Cosal flies into a swordman on the right flank and they both are sparked out.

Ronin throws a fireball at the creature and it leaps to the left. Ronin: "These things are fast!" The creature leaps in front of Ronin. Ronin kicks the creature with an ignited right kick. The creature rolls two feet backward, then leaps back on its feet.

Creature: "Umbagga rye!" Ronin starts sweating. Ronin directs a ray of fire at the creature's chest. The monster leaps five feet in the air over the blast and toward Ronin. Ronin fires two rapid flames into the beast's stomach. The creature collapses and spirals toward Ronin. Ronin leaps right.

The other creature on the right flank sprints at Ronin. Ronin: "Come on!" Ronin pulls his right arm back and swings a fire tentacle at the monster. The monster leaps left and closer to Ronin. Ronin presses his hands together and blasts an explosive brick of fire at it. The creature weaves right and still closer to Ronin.

Ronin steps forward and tosses a ball of fire from his right hand into the creature's chest. The beast falls. Ronin sighs. Meanwhile, the fight on the right flank is heated. The marine firebender on that flank notices a creature sprinting toward him. The firebender rapidly hooks two flames into its chest, sending it tumbling backwards.

Another creature springs at Asad and the other charges at Kedo. Asad presses his hands together and shoots a beam of orange fire at the monster. The monster jumps over the flame and lands a foot from Asad. The creature lengthes its arm and leaps at him with a spinning vertical strike. Asad flips behind the creature. It turns around and Asad presses his hand forward; launching an explosive brick of fire through it's body.

The last creature charges at Kedo. Kedo fires a burning arrow at it and the beast swats it aside with its right hand. It does this by thrusting its long claws against the arrow. Kedo fires another arrow at it and the creature knocks it away with its left hand. The monster moves closer toward Kedo and the sharpshooter gets a hold of his side dagger.

The firebender on the right flank zaps a beam of fire at the creature. The creature changes its focus and leaps behind the bender. The creature swings vertically and up, carving up the marine. Kedo: "Man down!!" Kedo fires two scorching arrows at the monster and it bats both of them aside while moving toward him with a watering mouth.

As the creature move closer, Cosal wakes up and fearlessly leaps behind the creature with his sword aimed at its back. The monster turns and kicks Cosal aside. The creature turns around and faces Kedo again. With its concentration off, Kedo fires a heated arrow into its chest. The creature collapses. Asad takes a deep breath, "I wonder how the others are holding up."

A Rough Mission

While Kanna's team is advancing, several enemies wait to flank them. A swordsman, Samira, and a firebender are on the left flank. While a swordsman, firebender, and spearman stand on the right flank of the team. Kanna is in the middle of the squad with Sonna behind her.

Kanna: "Welp, I guess we'll have to head back."

On the right flank, three local warriors emerge and let out their battle cry. Sonna: "Or not." Three warriors emerge (one with a sword, another with a morning star club, and the third has a spear). The cultist swordsman charges at the marine swordswoman on that flank. The woman has dark chocolate skin, brown eyes, and curly hair.

The cultist lunges at the woman with a vertical strike. The woman raises her blade horizontally and blocks the attack then knees the man in his groin. The man kneels and shouts, "Moon poo." The woman thrusts her blade through the man's mouth.

The warrior with a morning star rushes toward the firebender on the right flank. The firebender lowers his hands and ignites the ground then pushes his hands forward. A stream of fire engulfs the warrior. The warrior screams in agony as he is burned to death.

The cultist spearsman charges at the spear-wielding marine. The spearman swings at the marine's stomach. The marine horizontally tilts his spear to the left and smacks the enemy's blade out the way. The marine shifts his blade forward and through the cultist's gut.

On the left flank, a warrior with dual swords, a spearman, and an ax-wielding warrior advance towards the marines. A marine swordsman braces himself as a cultist with dual swords advances. The cultist berserker swings his right blade horizontally at the marine's chest. The marine tilts his blade horizontally to the left and blocks the strike.

The berserker shifts his right blade through the marine's stomach. Marine: "Ooof!" The berserker kicks him aside and charges at Sonna. Sonna bolts an arrow at the man's neck, but the berserker swats it aside. Sonna aims low and fires an arrow at the berserker's stomach. The bseserker also knocks that aside and pushes forward as blood soaks from his belly.

Sonna blasts a third arrow through the man's left nipple. The berserker groans and Sonna fires a fourth arrow into his neck. The spear-weilding warrior charges at Samira and lunges his spear at Samira's chest. Samira vertically shifts her blade left and butts the blade away from her. Samira bumps the back of her spear into the cultist's stomach and the cultist stumbles back.

Samira rotates her blade and advances toward him. The cultist readjusts his spear and swings low at Samira's left leg. Samira leaps over the attack and slams her spear through the cultist's throat. The man's body is launched into the floor from the blow. Samira pulls her spear back.

A warrior with ax charges at the firebender. The firebender shoots two flames into the Axman's chest. The axman backpedals as steam flows from his armor. The firebender tosses an explosive ball of fire into the axman's chest. The axman crumbles.

Kanna: "Only one casualty. Not bad guys, we are getting the hang of this." Three light green monsters suddenly charge on both flanks of the squad. Kanna opens her mouth widely. Sonna immediately fires an arrow into the next of the creature in the center of the left flank. The creature falls and the other creatures immediately charge forward.

One creature leaps beside a sword-wielding marine on the right flank. Creature: "Baaaaaaaaaaha!"

Marine: "Your breath stinks."

Creature: "Muuufh!"

Marine: "And you're ugly."

Creature: "Faaaah!" The creature leaps at the marine and the marine vertically swings up and cuts it half.

Marine: "And you suck." Another creature charges at the firebender and spearman.

Firebender: "Alright, let me attack first. We will work together against this one. Wait on my signal." The firebender flings two flames at the monster. The monster skips over the flames. Firebender: "Now." The spearman runs forward and gravity pulls the creature down. The creature lands in the spearman's blade.

On the left flank, three creatures move toward Samira and a firebender. Samira: "Don't be afraid soldier. We can take them!" A creature charges at Samira, but Samira studies its movements. Samira leaps and thrusts her spear through its neck; then rapidly rips it out.

Another creature gallops on Samira's right flank. Samira rotates her staff to the left and blocks two incoming attacks with her metal spear. Samira butts the creature in the stomach with the back of her spear. The creature backpedals and leaps at Samira again. Samira extends her blade into the creature's stomach.

The firebender haymakers two fire torpedoes at an advancing creature's body. The creature flips behind him. The firebender pulls his right hand up and sending a shockwave of fire flying toward the creature. The monster swivels right and weaves forward at the firebender. The firebender turns and knocks a beam of fire into the creature's stomach.

Kanna smiles, "You guys killed it."

Samira pumps her spear in the air and shouts, "Arrrraaah!"

Sonna: "I'm just glad that turned out a lot better than I thought it would have."

Kanna: "We can beat any foe, together."

The Face of Endurance

Kett's team advances through the cave. Kett: "I heard more horns outside. Sounds like the enemies have attacked full force."

Dade: "Our team can handle them."

Arret points forward, "Look ahead, it seems like some sort of pathway." Kett looks in that direction and notices several sticks planted in the ground. The sticks are directly behind each other and point in a specific direction.

Kett: "Interesting, I guess they never thought we would make it this far. Let's go." Kett's team advances across the pathway until they make it to the deeper woods. However, there were still some swamp elements present in the environment, such as shallow water streams. But the streams were only three inches deep here.

Dade: "I thought they were concentrated in the swamp."

Arret: "They were, but they may still have a camp in the forest." The team notices a circular formation with a campfire in the center of the position. There are about thirty warriors centered around the position. They are armed with swords, spears, and short axes. A man stands in front of the campfire with yellow tattoos on his face, light skin, medium-length dark brown hair, a pointy nose, attached ears, and medium lips.

The man walks toward Kett, "Hello invader. You are not welcome here."

Kett: "Who are you?"

Man: "I am Tanto. Warden of the Watch."

Kett: "The Watch?"

Tanto replies, "Yes, we are Serma's Watchmen."

Kett: "Serma, is she your leader?" Tanto shakes his head. Kett: "Take me to her!"

Tanto: "Serma is in the spirit world, my friend. But she leads us in spirit."

Kett: "Why?"

Tanto: "Years ago, the Fire Nation tried to conquer our land. It was before Azulon's time. It was over a thousand years ago. Serma was an earthbender, native to the land. Your ancestors burned the old village to crisp and slaughtered the civilians. They also took several of the women as their wives, against their will."

Kett: "That's not going to work on me. I don't want a pity story, I'm not going to spare you."

Tanto tightens his fists, "I'm not afraid of you child. Listen to me (pointing at Kett). Serma studied the spiritual world and fought bravely against the Fire Nation forces but she couldn't beat them alone. So she learned how to talk to the Noganna spirits who worked closely with the Umbo creatures. The Umbo are strong defenders who protect this land and enforce the will of the Noganna. They were gifted to her by the Noganna spirits to overthrow the Fire Nation forces, together they succeeded."

Tanto continues, "Serma gathered several dedicated followers and recruited them in a group called Serma's Watchmen. They worked alongside her to defeat the Fire Nation forces. When Serma died on this land several decades later, Serma's Watchmen continued their Order and remained in the swamps and forest outskirts of Sarchanna. For decades our order continued, defending the village and preserving her teachings. Now she guides us as we continue to protect this land. Your friends will be consumed by the Umbo in battle."

Kett: "Those outer-dimensional freaks are no match for the might of the 31st. If they have deployed, then they are being mopped up as we speak. I'm going to give you an option to surrender."

Tanto: "Ha ha ha, what? I'm not going to surrender. But I'll give you an option. You can fight my entire unit and be wiped out. Or fight me one vs one in traditional combat. If you succeed, then my warriors will surrender and they will release a curse that they have already set on your unit. As long as you honor your word. But they must be allowed to escape and not killed."

Kett: "Why should I let terrorists survive?"

Tanto: "Because you won't risk more of your men dying in this clash."

Kett lies, "Fine, but we keep the captive we took."

Tanto: "No, you will also let him go. You don't need him anymore. I will call my forces off and they will wait in the shadows. However, they will not fight. They will not kill anyone unless they are hunted and attacked. They will stay on the furthest edges of the outskirts. You have my word."

Kett: "And what if you win?"

Tanto: "Then your squad will surrender to me. We will use them as collateral to ensure the enemies surrender."

Kett pounds his chest, "Macai will never stop, even if we die."

Tanto: "He will if your unit returns and tells him the coast is clear."

Kett: "Why would they tell him that?"

Tanto smiles, "Don't worry, I have a ritual for that. But it takes time. So until then, we must fight."

Kett: "Good, I'm getting tired of your mindless rants." Kett presses his hands together and fires a beam of light orange fire at Tanto. Tanto extends both of his hands and points them at the ground. Several strong roots and large vines raise from the ground toward Kett and Tanto raises a wall of clay to absorb Kett's blast.

Kett notices the roots and vines moving toward his feet. Kett stomps his feet and sends a surge of light orange fires flowing through the vines. The vines and roots are evaporated. Kett scoffs, "A futile attempt."

Tanto: "You are getting more and more indoctrinated as the days go by. I can feel it."

 Tanto engages Kett.

Kett: "You're going to feel my fire, you wasteman!" Kett claps his hands together and surges a beam of fire at Tanto. The cultist slams his hands together and creates an incline of stone that absorbs the flames. Tanto kicks his leg forward and launches the incline at Kett.

Kett zooms over the incline. Kett pulls his left hand back, engulfing it with flames. Kett presses his hand forward and fires a storm of light orange fire at Tanto. Tanto raises his left fist and elevates himself on a platform of clay. Tanto swirls his arms around in a circular motion and creates a bubble shield of stone to absorb the incoming flames.

The front of the shield turns light range, as it takes on excessive heat. Tanto rotates his shield left when he realizes one side of it is caving in. Tanto creates an opening out of the back end of the buddle shield and dives out of it. While Tanto leaps out of it, he pulls his right arm down and launches the massive stone bubble shield at Kett.

Kett presses his hands right and raises a massive flame that launches his body left of the object. A loud crunch is heard as the ball pounds the ground and rolls forward. Kett looks at Tanto and Tanto extends his hands then pulls them to the left. The bubble shield rotates from its position and rapidly hurls toward Kett.

Kett points his arms at the ground and launches himself in the air using jet propulsion. Tanto: "Impressive. You are a very skilled firebender. But not skilled enough." Tanto raises his right hand and flings several sharp blades of stone at Kett. Kett presses his hands to the right and narrowly blasts himself away from the blades.

Kett readjusts and points his arms at the ground again. Kett shoots fire from his feet and keeps himself in the air. Kett: "Not bad, my turn." Kett presses both of his hands from side to side and fires several rapid fireballs at Tanto. Tanto pulls both of his hands back and launches himself ten feet past the attack.

Tanto shifts his body left and creates a massive log of stone then shifts his body right and chucks the stone at Kett. Kett douses his flames and lands on the ground below. Kett looks at Tanto then presses his right arm forward and fires an explosive rod of fire at Tanto. Tanto jumps over the fire and lands a few feet away from Kett.

Tanto lifts his hands and raises seven-foot bars of stone around Kett. Tanto presses his hands together and the bars rapidly slide toward Kett. Kett presses his hands on the ground and launches himself over the stones. The stone bars ram into each other and Kett lands on them. Kett presses both of his hand together and fires a beam of light orange fire at Tanto.

Tanto raises his hands and raises a wall of earth over himself. Kett's flames burn through the wall of fire and Kett keeps firing at Tanto. A stream of bright orange and yellow fire hits Tanto and sends him sliding seven feet back. Tanto: "Ahhh!" Smoke flows from Tanto's position and Kett flashes from the bar to ground level.

Tanto looks at Kett, "Noo, impossible. I cannot be defeated."

Kett stands over Tanto, "Think again." Kett creates a light orange fire sword and thrusts it into Tanto's stomach. Kett looks at the remaining warriors who kneel before him in respect. Kett smirks.

Dade: "Don't let this get to your head man."

Kett: "You were scared this whole time."

Rosier: "Are we going to honor their agreement?"

Kett: "What for?"

Dade: "Maybe those monsters are real."

Kett: "Then where are they?" Kett approaches the locals, "Where are the monsters?"

Cultist: "They are at battle with your allies."

Kett: "Why would I believe in your fake curses?"

Dade: "If you guys can prove that the monsters are real, then we'll believe in your curse."

Cultist elder: "I can release them, but we will leave when they come. They may leave with us, but they may not. If they are waken by your request, they will most likely attack."

Kett: "I won't hold that against you. I will let you all go if you prove it."

Cultist: "If not, we would stand and fight rather than surrender."

Kett: "I killed your leader; I would slaughter you all too."

The cultist elder waves his hand to calm his friend, "Don't worry. We won't fight. We will prove it to you and if you survive and honor the agreement. The curse will not apply to you or your unit."

Kett: "Then do it."

Cultist elder: "Very well."

Kett: "By the way, how did you understand me?"

Cultist elder: "We know the common language of the land. We know your Fire Nation language as well. We simply speak the spiritual language of the Nanganno as well. It is our dominant tongue." The cultist elder sits down and prays. Four other cultists pray with him and make several chants. The ground starts shaking.

Dade: "Oh dear, it seems they have been on to something."

Kett nervously jokes, "Or maybe this land gets earthquakes." Five holes form in the ground and five light green creatures with yellow eyes emerge from them.

Creature: "Zeebucho!"

Kett: "Um." The creature rapidly charges at Kett while two creatures charge at his squad. The other two creatures wait and watch in the distance. The creature extends its claws and reveals its sharp teeth. Kett rapidly presses both of his hands together and bombards a volley of light orange flames into its chest.

The other two creatures dash at Kett from his left and right flanks. Kett shifts his body right and shoves a ray of light orange fire through the chest of the beast on the right. The creature on the left dives at Kett. Kett backpedals and the creature swings right horizontally at the lieutenant with its left claw. Kett evades then the creature swings at him vertically with its right claws.

Kett bobs behind the creature and presses his hands together, firing a brick of orange fire into its back. Another creature moves at Dade. Dade falls backward in fear but keeps a hold of his sword. Dade rolls away from the creature without cutting himself.

The creature rotates and looks at two Fire Nation marines. The one on the right has a sword and the one on the left has a spear. The creature leaps behind them then grabs a hold of both of the marines and slams their heads together. Both of the marines are knocked out, the creature turns and throws the marines' bodies at Arret and Rosier.

Rosier ducks and Arret gets hit by one of the bodies. Arret is knocked out. The creature shouts, "Saymoona Chu!" Rosier gets back up. Meanwhile, another creature charges at two firebenders. The firebenders fire several orange flames at the monster. The monster rolls forward, then leaps back on its feet as it closes in on the troopers.

The marine on the left fires a stream of flames at the monster and it darts right. The marine of the right fires an explosive torpedo of fire at the beast. The creature leaps behind the troopers. But the marine on the left turns and shoots a fireball into the creature's head. Marine (on the right): "Good shot. That was close."

Marine (on the left): "Tell me about it."

Rosier gets back up as the creature in front of him sprints in his direction. Rosier pops his back, "I'm really getting too old for this." Rosier presses his hands forward and fires an explosive flame at the creature. The monster leaps over the flame and attempts to kick Rosier with its right leg. Rosier dives to avoid the attack and the monster falls hard on the ground.

The creature leaps back on its feet and Dade calls it out, "Hey you!" The creature sprints at Dade and Dade starts shaking. The marine remembers Oktai's teachings. Dade gets in his battle stance and waits for the creature. The creature diagonally dives toward Dade and the teen leaps right past the attack.

The creature growls and hops toward Dade again. The creature swings both of its arms at Dade and Dade jumps backward. The creature rushes forward and swings its right arm at Dade's face.

Dade pivots right. The creature readjusts and looks at Dade again. A volley of orange flames fly into its back. Rosier: "Well done Dade, you held off that monster."

Dade: "I could have beaten it too."

Rosier: "You were doing well, but it was starting to get boring. You were taking a bit too long. Besides, those beasts were overpowered. I'd rather not have you take your chances. We'll get plenty of action after this. That's guaranteed."

Kett meets up with his team, "At least no one was killed because of me."

Rosier: "That's a blessing. Because that almost happened. Arret and two marines will need to get checked for a concussion. That stuff gets serious overtime."

Kett: "Well, I'll take that over a death. At least we knew they weren't lying."

Rosier: "That doesn't mean they'll lift it."

Dade: "I'd like to believe that the spiritual world honor honestly. So hopefully not. Even evil ones like those guys, have to follow some rules."

Rosier: "Define evil? They were defending their land. We took it from them because we can. We have our reasons and they have their reasons."

Dade: "Communicating with the dead and using monsters to win battles is never good. Any creeps that have to channel spirits are not good."

Kett: "Save the philosophical discussion for another day. I need to check out of all this crazy stuff now. The last time I want to think about this is when writing my briefing report, at least for the rest of today."

Dade: "What about tomorrow?"

Kett points at Dade, "No, maybe in a week. But not for longer than ten minutes."

Dade: "Ten minutes, why not twenty?"

Kett: "I thought you didn't like these sorts of things."

Dade: "I don't but it already happened. So now it's interesting." The team exists and meets at the briefing room with Macai.

Macai: "You said you saw monsters?"

Kanna nods her head, "We all did." Macai bursts out laughing.

Kett: "It's true."

Macai: "Do you have any proof." Two marines (one male and one female)enter the room with a monster corpse.

Male marine: "Sir, we wanted to share this corpse with you. It's one of the creatures we killed. These things were fast and they could jump really high. All part of Serma's curse or something like that."

Macai takes a deep breath, "Well, this is going to make our unit look really good. That you defeated them."

Kett: "I bet you are glad you sat this one out, aye Macai."

Macai: "If you guys could handle them, they would not have been a problem for me. I also would have blinded them."

Dade: "I remember you were much humbler when we first met you."

Macai: "Humility is overrated. My dad is actually humble, but I guess the rest of the Fire Nation is rubbing on me too much."

Kett: "I bet your girlfriend has a lot to do with that."

Macai smiles, "Probably, but I don't see her that much anymore. I'm always busy with missions."

Kett: "It still has its effect. If you're not careful, you'll end up crazy like her."

Macai puts his right hand on his chin, "Possibly."

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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