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13.68% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 39: Kanto - Cerulean City

Chương 39: Kanto - Cerulean City

After the contest was over, Misty's older sisters split up, Daisy had a meeting, Violet and Lily had to man the gym. Jessie, James and Meowth stayed with Misty, Brock and Ash to celebrate with a feast lunch. Lucario was praising and congratulating Jigglypuff and Butterfree on the success with the other Pokemon. He noticed Ash was however distracted from the food infront of him.

Lucario, -Ash, are you okay?-

Ash, "Huh? Oh yeah! I'm good. Just the trainers I told you about, I saw them again."

Lucario, -The ones from the previous contest?-

Ash nodded, "Yeah! They give me a bad feeling."

Misty joined the table after getting her food, "Who has a bad feeling?"

Ash, "Just a few trainers I came across."

Brock made an understanding sound, "I know what you mean. I had to take away a few of the trainer's license myself, when I was a gym leader."

Ash, "Dealing with them must have been annoying."

Misty frowned, "Which ones? Tell me I can get a few people I trust to keep an eye on them."

Ash took out the video of the contest, "This girl and boy, Anne and Michael."

Misty hummed, "Weren't they in Viridian too?"

Ash nodded, "Yeah, I hope I'm wrong about this."

Jameson, "Better safe than sorry. Now let's eat. Tomorrow is Misty's battle and after that yours."

Jessilina, "Do not fret, we can keep an eye on them too."

Ash smiled, "Yeah!"

Lucario nudged him and Ash grinned back eating his lunch feeling a bit better. He knew he could depend on his friends to help out and relaxed a bit. After the lunch feast Misty left to train, her Poliwags were almost ready to evolve into Poliwhirl, the same for her Metapod. They just needed to train a bit more and they would either evolve today during training or tomorrow after the battle. Brock was off to study more theory on medical care of Pokemon if he planned on becoming a Doctor. Jessie, Meowth and James went back to work and also to keep an eye out for the two, if they really were as suspected, they would have to pull a heist on them.

Ash decided to call his mom, "Hey mom!"

Delia, "Ash, sweetie! Lucario, dear! I saw you on TV. You were amazing."

Lucario -Hello mom!-

Ash grinned, "Thanks mom! It was a fun contest. I'll be challenging the gym day after tomorrow for the Cascade badge."

Delia, "That's wonderful dear. I hope you are remembering to take a break and enjoy your time now and then."

Lucario, -I make sure he gets rest. Pikachu and the others too.-

Ash smiled, "I am, we are! We just had a party after I won today. Did Fearrow or Primeape drop in?"

Delia laughed, "They sure did, such gentleman too. They brought fresh berries with them as a gift."

Ash, "I'm glad they are happy there."

Delia, "They even came with some of their friends to watch your performance. Aren't they just cute?"

Ash, "Very!"

Pikachu climbed Ash's shoulder and greeted her, "Pika pika pikachu!"

Jigglypuff on his other shoulder, "Jiggly Jigglypuff."

Butterfree was on his head, "Cree!"

Kakuna by his side, "Ka ka!"

Milotic on his other side, she had become very sticky after the others explained how he had fainted, "Lo!"

Delia, "Hello Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Butterfree, Kakuna and Milotic. Take care of my baby okay?"

The Pokemon chirped and trilled while Ash just blushed as he mumbled he could take care of himself, getting a dubious look from Milotic. Ash went to train after finishing his call with his mother, he decided to call the Professor later in the evening. As he was going to the training fields he noticed a familiar girl walking towards the alley. Being curious as to why he started to follow her only to watch her release her Pokemon.

Anne, "Alright listen up you stupid Pidgeotto and Togepi. What the hell was that?"

Togepi was hiding behind Pidgeotto who was looking at the ground, "Otto!"

Anne, "I don't want excuses, I want to win, it's the reason why my parents spent money on getting me two shiny instead of a normal Pokemon."

Ash felt bad for Pidgeotto and whispered, "Pst, if things get physical, Lucario get ready to defend Pidgeotto and Pikachu you protect Togepi."

Lucario nodded, -Alright!-

Pikachu, "Pika!"

They didn't have to however as Anne simply destroyed the pokeballs, "You know what? Just leave and stop wasting my time."

Ash got pissed, "Hey Stupid!"

Anne, "What did you just say?"

Ash, "You heard me, stupid! You are the most idiotic, foolish little girl I have seen in my life."

Anne, "Who are you to judge me?"

Ash, "I'm the winner of two ribbons. How many do you have stupid?"

Anne opened her mouth then closed it before pointing at Pidgeotto, "It's all their fault, they are incapable of winning."

Lucario snarled as he stood infront of the bird Pokemon, -You are right Ash! She's stupid!-

Pikachu's cheeks sparked, "Pika pika!"

Ash's eyes twitched, "Stupid, stop talking. We all heard the moves you wanted Pidgeotto to do. Hyperbeam can be learned once he's a Pidgeot, with training. And Togepi cannot use electric attacks. Speaking of how did you train them? Did you train at all?"

Anne who had flinched at Lucario's snarl just answered, "Who wants to waste time on something stupid like training?"

Ash, "You don't train them, you don't know what moves they have and yet you expect them to win? You are the height of stupidity."

Lucario wanted to punch something, -You have my condolences Pidgeotto.-

Pidgeotto, -It's my fault, I'm not good enough.-

Anne, "Shut up, it doesn't matter! She's not my problem anymore."

Diamond spoke up from behind him, "Is that so Anne?"

Anne was shocked, "Di Di Diamond! What are you doing here?"

Diamond spoke sternly, "What am I doing here? Aunt and Uncle asked me to check on you and what do I see? You neglecting your Pokemon. I'm very disappointed in you young lady."

Ash, "Do you know her Diamond?"

Diamond gave a wry smile, "Afraid so! I'm so sorry about this Pidgeotto and Togepi. My foolish cousin is as this young man said very foolish."

Pidgeotto shook his head, "To Otto!"

Lucario, -It is not your fault, she never trained you.-

Pikachu was liking the girl less and less as well, she reminded him of the previous trainer who caught him then left, "Pi pika!"

Ash approached Pidgeotto, "It's not your fault Pidgeotto and Togepi. My tutor told me something that I will tell you so listen to me, please?"

The two Pokemon were startled at the gentle voice but Ash continued, "A Pokemon is born with immense power unlike humans. And it's upto the trainer to unleash this power. Failure is not just on the Pokemon but also on the trainer who is incapable of reaching that strength."

Diamond, "Excerpt from Professor Oak's book on Pokemon and Human connection."

Ash, "What will you do now?"

Diamond grabbed Anne, "Take this brat here home and tell my Aunt and Uncle everything."

Anne, "Diamond!"

Diamond, "Be quite, you are in a lot of trouble already."

Anne kept quiet as Diamond took her and left the alley after telling Ash they would be leaving the next day and apologizing to the Pokemon one last time, telling them, they were free to go wherever they wanted. Ash watched them go and sighed before turning to the Pokemon left behind and offering them to come with him, Lucario and Ash back to the centre. Pikachu and Lucario grinned at them as they encouraged the two to join them and returned to the centre surprising Nurse Joy.

Nurse Joy, "Ash? You are back early."

Ash nodded, "We ran into a situation. Could you give this Pidgeotto and Togepi a check up please?"

Nurse Joy, "Of course, Two Shiny Pokemon. My my! Your luck must be something."

Ash, "They are not mine. They were released and abandoned just a while back."

Nurse Joy, "Oh dear! Alright then you two, let's give you a full check up."

Ash sat in the lobby, "I hope they are okay!"

Nurse Joy returned after a while, "Pidgeotto is fine except for a mild case of malnutrition. The same for Togepi, you might have to give them both a calcium specific diet for a few months however."

Ash sighed relieved, "That's a relief. I'm happy you are okay Pidgeotto, Togepi. Guess we're buying more milk then."

Pidgeotto chirped in answer before flying to stand next to Ash, "Otto ot!"

Togepi sat on the table however, "Ge."

Ash, "You want to come with us? Are you sure?"

Pidgeotto nodded, she had thought about what Ash said earlier and wanted to try again and maybe train properly and prove her previous trainer wrong, she wanted to become strong and win her challenges.

Ash turned to Togepi, "What about you Togepi?"

Togepi nodded, "Ge."

Ash went outside and took out his Pokemon it was time for a meet and greet. Ash had explained what happened to Pidgeotto and Togepi getting a disgruntled look from the four Pokemon, who surrounded the two Pokemon asking if they were okay. Pidgeotto backed up a bit surprised by the sudden onslaught of questions but nodded, Anne may have been neglectful but she never hit her or Togepi. Togepi was hiding behind her shivering, Ash asked his Pokemon to give them some space. Milotic noticing how tense Togepi was gave off a soothing aura to calm Togepi down which worked in calming the young Pokemon.

Ash, "Alright tell you what we will first let you watch our gym battle. You have seen what contest are like, now you get to see what gym battling is like. After that I'll catch you okay? Or you both will be sent to the lab the moment I catch you."

Ash then turned to his Pokemon, "Alright so Kakuna will battle and who else? Milotic? Okay, what about the third match? Lucario?"

Lucario, -I want to try battling in a water field.-

Ash clapped, "Great, let's train. You two can join us in training too."

Butterfree and Pidgeotto trained together starting from common attacks like tackle and quick attack to other attacks specific to their types. Jigglypuff took Togepi under her wing and taught him how to use the basic moves before moving to other attacks. Pikachu and Lucario trained together with Milotic and Kakuna, helping them get immunity against electricity while helping Lucario move around a water type. They practiced the rest of the day away and in the evening Ash called the Professor.

Samuel, "I see, so you met the Coordinator Master of Sinnoh. Huh, I didn't expect that type of behavior from his cousin. That was surprising!"

Ash sighed, "I know Professor, she's no doubt having her trainer's license revoked permanently."

Samuel, "How are the Pokemon?"

Ash, "They are getting along well."

Samuel, "Do you plan to catch them?"

Ash nodded, "After the gym battle, I'll ask them if they want to come with me again. If the answer is yes, then I'll catch them. If no I'll let them go. I'm not in a hurry to gather Pokemon."

Samuel nodded, "Alright then, by the way you should call Gary, he has a new Pokenav. I'll give you his number."

Ash took a writing pad and pen from his bag and wrote it down, "Got it Professor! I'll call him next. I think I'll consider getting one myself. I have the money for it and I can call you three from anywhere I get network."

Samuel, "That's not a bad idea and yes you do have more than enough in your account thanks to your books. Speaking of have you thought about a fourth?"

Ash nodded, "I'm done with a quarter of it. I write when I reach towns and the Pokemon centre. I should be finished by the time I return to challenge Blue for a badge."

Samuel, "He'll be happy to hear that, will probably want to read it first too."

Ash grinned, "I still can't believe it became popular in five regions already."

Samuel, "Believe it son!"

Ash talked a bit more telling the Professor about the incident in Blue's apartment, which the Professor mentioned Daisy had informed him about. The Professor was pretty stumped by what she had told him but had to believe it because Red had called saying the same thing. Besides if staying in Kanto kept them safe from poacher then let them. Ash hung up with the Professor after talking a bit more, tomorrow was Misty's battle and the day after was his.

Violet, "This is an official gym battle between challenger Misty and gym leader Daisy for the Cascade badge. Please choose your Pokemon."

Daisy, "Let's go Maril!"

Misty, "Misty calls Cloyster!"

Ash, "Shellder's evolved form, so this was the extra surprise she had for us!"

Brock nodded, "Nice! She must have caught it while training."

Violet, "Begin!"

Daisy, "Maril water gun!"

Misty, "Cloyster withdraw!"

The water gun bounced off Cloyster's shell leaving him unharmed.

Misty, "Now ice beam!"

Daisy, "Dodge it!"

Maril jumped into the water to dodge the ice.

Misty, "Into the water ice beam."

Cloyster entered the water and shot another ice beam getting Maril's tail. Maril jumped out of the water clutching her tail.

Daisy, "Maril."

Misty, "Now icicle shard."

Maril was covered in ice making it impossible for him to move.

Misty, "Finish this tackle!"

Daisy, "Perish song!"

Cloyster tackled the Maril hard knocking her out but unfortunately become of the perish song Cloyster's was knocked out too.

Violet, "Both Pokemon are unable to battle. This match is a draw."

Misty and Daisy both praised their Pokemon as they returned them. Ash could feel the sibling rivalry in the air by looking at them and couldn't help but get excited. Unlike the anime Daisy was a good coordinator and trainer and she wouldn't make it easy for trainers to win. He looked forward to the second match and his own the next day.

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