I understand why so many children die by falling into wells. The slick, wet bricks, the lack of talons, and most tellingly a Might/Athletics/Climbing/Climbing Techniques of less than five. For me, not quite so deadly. I wouldn't want to make that climb with people firing arrows down at me, but it wasn't that bad.
Squishing around in soggy armor that you forgot to take off the night before? It raised more than a few questions, let alone the unusual looks.
It was my first experience with mixed infantry; a heavily armored spear and shield soldier, with an archer under their protection. They would remove the shield only briefly, irregularly, at the direction of the bowman (or woman).
So sorry, there was a way to break this particular battle into a single chapter summary. It deserves more than that, and will continue for a second chapter.
Todays shout-outs: Wertiger, Hopehard, and hardlinebruiser, our top daily power stone donors.
Highest gifters: (most recent in case of ties) Certo, Dark_Matter_045, and tie between Cagera and ApexAesir
As always, thank you for your readership, it matters more to me than I can find words for.