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93.54% Death in Remnant / Chapter 50: Pewter City and Mt. Moon

Chương 50: Pewter City and Mt. Moon

Knowing that Ash spent about two weeks lost in Viridian Forest, Death decided to spend a week training there, increasing the levels of each of his Pokémon by a fair bit, and getting both Charmander and Magikarp to evolve.

The first two days he focused on training Magikarp, as it had a lower level. He'd set up camp by a pond for it's training and bought TM for bounce and a TR for Hydro Pump to teach to Magikarp.

Over the first two days, he trained Magikarp to use these two moves, after which he pulled out the Rare Candy. According to his comprehension of this incredible food, the first 5 times a Pokémon used it was relatively safe, though only one could be consumed per day or potential might drop. Also, Potential might drop if the consumption was not followed by serious training, so for the last five days he would give each of his three Pokémon a rare candy with their breakfast and then commence serious training for these days.

Having Rasu evolve into a Charmeleon and and his Magikarp, which he had temporarilly called Nemo, evolve into Gyarados by the end of the training, though, made it all worth it in Death's opinion. He had encountered three Bulbasaurs that visited this pond during the week, but chose not to catch them since their Potential was only Red or Orange, so he considered them to be not worth training. He occasionally wondered what Misty was up too, since she still ended up following Ash until he replaced her bike, but Death wasn't going to let it get him down. Sure, she was hot, but then so were his wives, so he wouldn't get depressed over her choice, especially when he still didn't care much for her personality.

Death wasn't going to act desperate and beg for her to ditch Ash or anything like that. If anything were meant to happen, it'll come about naturally, but he wasn't going to go out of his way to make it happen. He had never much liked her in his previous life, so even if she is more grown up and attractive, he has no real urge to pursue her. May and Dawn, though, he would likely pursue and snatch away from Ash as a companion, so Ash could enjoy having Misty around if he wanted too for now.

Death's Magikarp, Nemo, had even reached Green potential before evolving to Gyarados, and was now close to Blue potential after evolution, though he guessed that now that it was fully evolved it's potential would not be increased so easily in the future. He figured he would be lucky if his Gyarados could reach purple potential eventually, while White Potential was just unrealistic. Even so, he gave Gyarados the new name, Leviathan, in honor of his new form.

In terms of size, Leviathan was just monstrous. Between unlocking Leviathan's aura as a Magikarp (only succeeding after it had reached Green Potential) and the best possible food that Arc of Embodiment could provide for him (It could do this thanks to his old semblance, Foodie, being incorporated into it), Leviathan, had grown to a length of over 28 feet long, which was similar in size to an average Onix. Death believed that Brock would be in for a shock when he arrived for his gym battle.

Death's system gave him a weird crystal called a gyaradosite when Magikarp evolved into Gyarados, but apart from it having Gyarados in it's name, Death knew nothing about the odd crystal, aside from the quest commemorating hi first fully-evolved Pokémon .

Thinking that it might strengthen Gyarados somehow, he decided to use Arc of Embodiment and made an accessory for Gyarados's neck with that weird crystal on it, planning to discern its true purpose later.

Before entering Pewter City, Death stopped a distance away to check the current status of his three Pokémon, even though he expected to steamroll Brock's gym with Leviathan the Gyarados, so he wouldn't need Genesis or Rasu for this battle. He was already planning his next actions after he got the boulder badge, but first he swung by the Pokémon Center to Register for the Pokémon League, which he had forgotten to do in Viridian City


While he was confident that Leviathan could steamroll Brock, but as he waited in line at the Pewter City Pokémon Center, Death looked up TM's in his Shop again. He could search according to type or name, and this time he was looking for a very special attack that could be variable types. It was none other then Hidden Power. Just in case Brock somehow managed to take down Leviathan, he thought this might by a good move to teach Rasu and Genesis and see what element it would be for each of them.

Genesis could learn a far larger number of TM's and TR's (Presumably all of them), so he was mostly wanting to see what element Hidden Power would be for Rasu, to incorporate it possibly into his future battle strategies. Once he bought a TM from his shop he could use Analyze on it and determine which of his Pokémon could learn it, and he hoped that Hidden Power would also reveal the elements for each of his Pokémon if they learned it, and TR's, which were single use items, showed which Pokémon could learn them within his system even without buying them.

He willed his system to purchase hidden power and it appeared in his inventory. He then put a hand into his pocket and willed the Hidden Power TM to appear in it, and then he pulled out what appeared to be similar to a 3 1/4 inch floppy disk like his grandmothers old computer from his first life had, but the TM was quite a bit thicker.

He was still waiting in line, so he used Analyze on the TM, and found that, as he hoped, the TM showed what element it would be for each of his Pokémon. For Genesis, it was Fighting type, for Leviathan it was Poison, and for Rasu it was '?????'

That surprised Death, though when he thought about it, he had seen that once before. A female Nidoran that he'd seen back in Viridian that had been with a female trainer he had walked past on his way out of time, that he had casually used Analyze on while he was walking past them, had a move that he thought was supposed to be Normal type, but Analyze had said it was a '?????' type move.

The move had been Charm. He had bought it from his system, but hadn't used it yet, though he had verified that before and after purchasing it, his system had still called it '?????' type. Now that he was seeing it again with Rasu's Hidden Power element, he was beginning to question if there was another element beyond the 17 he had already known about.

Death decided to research this further, and to watch for any other moves, or even Pokémon, that might have this typing.

After registering for the Pokémon League, Death start making a journal related to this mysterious unknown typing.

Thinking that Fighting type special moves would also be very effective against Brock's gym,he decided to register for the Pokémon League and then spend the rest of the day training Genesis to use Hidden Power just in case a second Pokémon is needed to fight Brock, then challenge him in the morning.


After training with Rasu, Genesis, and Leviathan in his Pokémon Ranch dimension to get Hidden Power down passably well, particularly for Genesis who was to be his back-up fighter just in case, they returned to the Pewter City Pokémon Center late and slept in a room there for a couple hours.

Since Rasu wasn't fighting in this particular gym battle, Death had let Genesis and Leviathan rest early while he kept training Rasu until well in the morning, while trying to comprehend her Hidden Power element and taking notes on the technique. Death could get by on a couple hours of sleep every few months, but he still enjoyed sleeping sometimes, and thought it might be a good idea to sleep before his first gym battle.

After what most people would call a short nap of about two and a half hours, Death was up and quickly got prepared and headed to the gym, and made it there at 8 a.m. which was when it officially opened for the day.

Brock, who was just opening the door to peek outside, looked surprised to see a trainer approaching this early in the morning "Hello. Are you here to challenge the gym?" Brock asked him.

Death nodded in response "I am. I can't collect all fifteen Kanto badges without starting somewhere.

"Then eventually you'll take on the top three, Giovanni, Linda, and Lacy" Brock noted "That's impressive if you can pull it off. Most trainers avoid these three like a plague, and they only accept challenges from trainers with at least 7 Kanto badges."

Linda was a Dragon-type gym leader and considered Lance of the elite four, and was quite powerful herself, while Lacy was a bug-type gym leader that had immigrated from Sinnoh. Linda's ace Pokémon, similar to another famous champion from Sinnoh, was a Garchomp, though she appeared to have travelled to many regions before settling in Kanto, because she also had a druddigon, an altaria, a hakama-o, a dracloak and a noivern, which she had displayed in an exhibition battle against Lance, which she lost inspite of having a more diverse team then Lance had, with Lance only displaying two Dragonites which were just at a higher level and were better trained then Linda's team. Even so, her team was pretty impressive and included three Pokémon that he had never seen before in his first life.

Similarly, by finding an exhibition match between Linda and Lacy, Death had familiarized himself with the six Pokemon that Lacey had used, which were Yanmega, Scizor, Drapion, Heracross, Golisopod, and her Ace Volcarona. While Linda had swept through her team in that time, it was atill clear that Lacy's team was impressive, and she also had a Pokemon he'd never seen before.

"Those three might be tough opponents, but I am determined to beat them all, so I can't lose here" Death insisted.

"Well then, step inside and lets see how things go" Brock agreed and led him inside the gym.


As Death had expected, the battle against Brock ended really fast, as neither his Geodude nor his Onix were able to withstand against Leviathan. The Gyarados could probably steamroll the Cerulean Gym as well, since he couldn't face elite rank Pokémon until he had at least three badges, but he had other ideas.

Following his victory over Brock, Death headed towards Mt Moon, and on the way there he created a body double and passed Leviathan's Luxury Pokéball to it to take the Gyarados on a private training excursion. While the true Death continued heading to Mt. Moon with his aura and magic-enhanced speed, and the body double he had just created teleported to just south of Pallet Town and headed to Cinnabar Island.

Leviathan would become a true powerhouse for him in the future, but he intended to wait until he challenged Blaine to use him again, so his body double would train him and collect other Pokémon until that time.

Furst and foremost, Death wanted a ditto, and one of the places those could be found was Cinnabar Island, so originally that was the main reason for this planned training excursion, but his plans were now a bit derailed after he beat Brock and his system gave him something called a 'Sail Fossil'.

Death had never heard of, but a 'Sail Fossil', since the fossil came from his system, if it could be resurrected it might have a white potential like his Chameleon.

While Ditto would of course be an incredible find, it wouldn't be an offensive powerhouse for Death like the Pokémon from this mysterious Sail Fossil might be. He trusted that to his body double, though, and he could still keep an eye open for a ditto while it was training there.

In the games there was a laboratory on Cinnabar Island that could restore fossils, but Death did not know whether or not it was in this world too, so if it wasn't he could only be able to get the Ditto and hold on to the fossil until he could use it in the future. Either way, he needed to check out Cinnabar Island, though.

Well, being a Champion might not be as important to him as taking down the various evil teams that he knew about (Most notably Team Galactic), but Death did not see any sense in doing anything halfway. If he was going to be a Pokémon Trainer, then Death was determined to be the very best, like no one ever was. Maybe it was vain and prideful, but so what? With his capabilities, Death figured aiming for mediocrity was just stupid.

The trip to Mt. Moon was mostly uneventful, with Death only encountering one Yellow Potential Nidoran (Female) which he caught in a Luxury Ball after a short and easy match, and he made it to the cave and entered it without encountering anything else worthy of capturing and training. The whole trip from Pewter City to Mt. Moon, which would have normally taken at least a day on foor for anyone else, was completed in around an hour, and that included stopping for about ten minutes to catch Nidoran and then to treat her minor injuries.

With Rasu the Charmeleon's flame, lighting his way forward was possible since the cave was dark. Team Rocket was not here at this time, at least. While passing through the caves to head to Cerulean City, he looked through all the Zubat, looking for a Yellow Potential one to hopefully catch since he always liked Crobat. His plans changed a bit when he spotted and happened to analyze a Clefairy.

This Clefairy only had a Red Potential, so that obviously was not what stuck out to him. No, what stood out was it's typing. Even though Clefairy was rare, Death had originally ruled out trying to get one because he thought it was a Normal type Pokémon, but according to his Analyze skill it was '?????' Type! He had never even heard of a Pokémon with this typing before! Death immediately understood that this was likely the same typing as the move Charm and as Rasu's secret Power element 'Since Clefairy is the first Pokémon I've seen with this typing, I guess I'll call it fairy. for now.' as he thought this, the Clefairy's element changed to Fairy.

As an afterthought, Death thought that fairy was also an appropriate name since the color of Rasu's Secret Power attack was pink.

Unknowingly, he had coincidentally came to the try name of the typing, all because the first one he met of that typing was Clefairy.

He temporarily stopped caring about finding a good Zubat and followed that Clefairy hoping to find one with a higher potential then Red. After following it for more then 20 minutes, it lead him to a particular cavern where many other Clefairy were gathered.

After Analyzing each of them, most were Red or Orange potential, and two were yellow, with one female showing signs of being close to Green potential! The second Yellow Potential Clefairy was even a male, which made Death quickly start planning the best way to get the strongest Clefairy.

Death decided to approach them peacefully, while calling out Genesis the Mew to translate for them "Hello." he said in greeting to all of the peaceful little Clefairy. There were no other people around them, so Mew was actually floating in her true form, thus getting a fair bit of interest from the gathered Clefairy.

The Clefairy started talking, and Genesis translated to Death telepathically "they want to know what you want with them'.

"I was wondering if I could bring each of you with me for a while to train you. I want to get one of your eggs and raise it as a partner in the future, but we can hold off on that discussion off for another day, and while I am training you, I can let you determine whether or not you think I'd be a good match for your child. And when you want, I can bring you all back to Mt Moon and you'll all be much stronger at that time, even if you decided not to let me pick an egg." Death explained "I wont catch any of you of you against your will. I just want to raise a clefairy from an egg. I promise I would take great care of him or her." raising a clefairy from a baby would make it far easier to get it's potential increased, and if he managed to get an egg made by the two with the highest potential after he had helped them raise their potential, it would have the best chance at a great starting point for that baby clefairy, and it might even reach violet or white potential.

"I have a safe place where all of you can stay while I train you all, and excellent food will be provided, and like I said you can judge for yourselves whether or not I am worthy to raise one of your kind while I am training you all to become stronger. Isn't it a win for you either way? What do you think?"

The Clefairy talked amongst themselves a bit, and then spoke to Mew again.

'They said that they have to protect the moonstone and can't leave it here unguarded.' Genesis the Mew translated.

"I can bring the moonstone to that safe place where I'll be training you so you can still guard it there, and when you want to come back to Mt Moon, I'll bring the moonstone and all of you back here" Death offered.

Some more talking occurred before speaking to Genesis was able to translate 'They agreed'

Death was relieved and used space magic to create a portal that led to his Pokémon Ranch, and followed that up by using magic to move the huge moonstone through the portal, and the Clefairy then followed it through, leaving Death alone with Genesis. and Rasu

Death created one more body double and gave it the Luxury ball for his newly caught Nidoran and sent it through the portal to train all of the Clefairy, and then he could only wait for his much-anticipated egg and hope that they would agree at the time

Once Death and closed the portal, he, Genesis, and Rasu resumed making their way to Cerulean City, and he did find an Orange Potential Zubat that was considerably smaller then the others and he realized it had been recently born, probably hatched within the previous few hours. Even if it was Orange Potential, it's age gave him hope of raising it to higher tiers eventually, he he tossed a Luxury Ball at it and caught it easily without a fight, since it had still been learning to fly and had been crashing a lot and injuring itself. He fled from some angry Zubat after that and finally exited the Mt. Moon caves on the Cerulean City side.

Thanks to Aura and Magic again, Death then ran and made excellent time heading to Cerulean City before coming upon a familiar car parked near a sign near sunset, which none other then Gary Oak was writing on. It had taken Death less then a day, having left Pewter City at around 9 am the same day.

'Gary was here, Ash is a loser?" Death read the note and chuckled "Ash and I are on foot, and you are in a car. What does it make you that you are barely keeping up with me with such a travel method at your disposal?" he teased.

Before he had approached Gary, he called out Genesis the Mew, which had transformed into his Kadabra disguise, so Gary and the girls didn't get a chance to see his true form.

"You're that weirdo from the lab" Gary recalled "What are you doing here?"

"I am heading to Cerulean City to challenge the gym leaders. It looks like I'll have to wait until tomorrow morning though." Death insisted "Well, smell ya later, Gary Oak." he declared smugly before starring to jog towards Cerulean City with "Kadabra" alongside him. It felt fun to throw Gary's words right back at him like that.


Traveling with Death : Genesis (Mew), Rasu (Charmeleon), Zubat (Baby)

Traveling with Death's Body Double headed to Cinnabar Island : Leviathan (Gyarados)

Pokémon Ranch : Clefairy from Mt. Moon, Female Nidoran

Splendora_Gaming Splendora_Gaming

Need names for male zubat and female nidoran

By the way, pointing out that while anyone from Remnant can unlock Aura, for other people (and Pokemon) that's not necessarilly true. They require a certain level of potential to use Aura, which is why young, healthy and fit Padme Amidala was able to unlock Aura but Anakin's mother was not. She lived her whole life as a slave and just had much poorer health and thus weaker potential.

For Pokemon, with for exceptions they need at least green Potential to unlock aura, as alluded too by the fact that Death's Magikarp could onlt successfully awaken it after reaching green potential.

Since even with Analyze, humans do not show a quantifiable potential stat, Death had no metric with which to investigate why some could awaken aura and others could not.

Note that Riolu, Lucario, and togekiss can awaken aura through the ritual even with lower potential, but these are the only exceptions.

Next Chapter thursday

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