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69.84% The Legend of Baldur [DROPPED] / Chapter 41: Science

Chương 41: Science

~~~Two Years later~~~

Avalon: 1144 AD: 180 Years

I was walking towards the Goblin Village, after two years of moderately hard work, on the Serums I wanted to give, to the Goblins.

It took me, and Omega that much time, to isolate the factor that defined the height in both the Goblins, and the Dwarves, and then manipulate it using Celestial technology, so it doubles the height, weight, and with it, strength.

I say moderately hard work, because it was not the only thing I did. I also managed to isolate each and every X-gene that Apocalypse ever absorbed, and let me tell you, there were a lot of them. But that's a story for another time.

I used a little bit of X-gene data, that made En Sabah Nur into the tall being that he was, a bit of Aesir DNA, as we were also a bit tall, and the bone marrow for the only bone of an actual giant, that was conveniently kept in the Room of Lost Things. I also used some of the Heart Shaped Herbs, which were blessed by, yours truly, so they get better senses and agility.

End result? Three serums, one brown, one blue and other green. All three are effectively the same, increase height, strength, weight, and improves reflexes a bit. But, while the green one will only work for Goblins, the blue one would only work for Dwarves.

What about the third Serum, you ask? Well it's for the hybrids silly. There were 15 new children in the village, 4 of which were half Goblin and half dwarves. Don't tell them, but the hybrid kids are better looking than original Goblins, and Dwarves.

Anyway, the brown Serum, it was made using the genetic data of both the Goblins and the Dwarves, and Omega made it so it'll work on any combination of Dwarf and Goblin. It doesn't matter if the Goblin genes are dominant in the child, or Dwarf genes, the serum will work.

Of course, it's not safe to give it to them yet. They're still kids, as young as 1 while the oldest is only 5. So, I'll enhance them after they've turned 10, or more, depending on the parents.

Once applied, the serums will turn their respective users into at most 6 foot tall beings, as strong as Captain America, and Black Panther, with reflexes the same as Black Panther's. Of course, it won't include whatever benefits BP has had due to Bast, or Captain America's instant weapons mastery, but that's okay. They're mêlée kinds of guys anyway.

"Are you sure this will work?" Sharptooth asks, looking at the green serum sceptically.

I shake my head, and answer, "I tested the serum extensively on your blood. Other than a mild increase in activity, there are no side effects. You will get stronger, bigger, and better. Of course it'll hurt, a lot, but I think Goblins can tolerate pain, what do you think?"

Sharptooth grins wide, and takes the serum from me. He says, "Such a big gain is bound to have pain. And it's no different than any ritual."

Well, it is actually a kind of a ritual. Only less giving, and more taking, with a side effect of a lot of pain. The only benefit this has, is that usual rituals don't pass on to the descendants, but this one will. Well, there are exceptions, one of which is the beast tongue ritual.

I nod at Sharptooth, and say, "I have no idea what effect this will have on your lifespan. It can increase, or stay the same, but it won't decrease."

Sharptooth nods, still looking at the vial. He asks, "Will my children have to take this Potion once they are born?"

I shake my head at him, and answer, "No. Once you take this, and the effects have appeared, each and every on of your descendants will have the same changes, right at birth. So they won't have to go through the pain separately. So who would you volunteer for the test?"

"Me and Yakdurs." Sharptooth immediately answers, handing the serum back to me.

I nod, and answer, "Good. Once the effects are confirmed, and checked over for 2 days for any side effects, we will move on with the rest of your people, except for the kids. They will have to go through with it once they're old enough. And after that, your 100 year probationary period as an Asgardian Noble will start."

Sharptooth nodded, and scowled. He must have expected a probationary period, but it must have felt like cheating. He glares at me, and asks, "How do we take this Potion? Do we drink it?"

"NO!" I stop him, before he can take a sip. I shake my head, and show him a syringe, and say, "This is an injection. The serum will go directly into your blood. One vial per person. Green for you, and blue for Yakdrus."

I had made Vibranium needles, especially for this. Vibranium, while having less cutting power than Adamantium, or even Uru, was enough to get through even Asgardian skin, of it's sharp enough.

Well, I really hope it works.

~~~Three months later~~~

1145 Years: 181 Years(17)

Good news! It worked! The serum made them into taller versions of themselves. The Dwarves look like Volstagg, beard and all, with a wide girth, while Goblins look like brown Skrulls, which I'm really hoping mellows out when they mate with the Dwarves, and even a few Aesir.

Aesir as a people are very free spirited when it comes to marriages. Grandpa Bor married a Jotun, Odin's first wife was a Light Elf, and yes, I saw her in the Mirror. She was beautiful, but unfortunately, she died giving birth to Hela, which is probably another reason for her.. behaviour.

So, if Aesir King's can marry Jotuns and Light Elves, the nobles definitely won't mind marrying Goblins. They've been thinking of changing their Race's name though, to represent both the Dwarves and the Goblins, but they're still thinking on it.

Anyway, back to their heights, the Goblins now had an average height of 5'8, with their tallest being 5'11. It was about the same for the Dwarves.

Their strength is where they improved the most. In the three months, we did a lot of testing, and I even had Omega scan the Goblins discreetly. The average Goblin is definitely as strong as Captain America, while the strongest can even give Spider-Man a run for his money.

This is just pure Strength though. The two human heroes have other factors working for them.

While the Goblins did get an improved agility, and reflexes, it's nothing compared to what the aforementioned heroes have. They just improved as compared to before.

Anyway, now moving on to Apocalypse's genes. I had, as I said before, isolated different powers in his blood, and learned how to add those individually, to anyone I want.

There were 3 mutants that Apocalypse took over, that had different degrees of Healing factors, 5 with Pyrokinesis, 2 with telekinesis, one with matter manipulation, which I think was his own power, 2 with Telepathy, a single mutant with Energy manipulation, and for some reason, a half Jotun, half human.

At least now I know why this one got so big.

The Apocalypse from my Universe, as far as I could see in the past, was 5'9 in height. And his new body is 6'2, but he's yet to wake up, so I don't know.

Anyway, I was going to add all the genes to my body, with a year between each, as a cool down. The most important, at least to me, being the one that gave him Energy Manipulation. This is the one that allowed Apocalypse to use the energy absorbed by the Armour, to fire those lasers from his eyes, that could hold back Scott's Kinetic Beams.

And, don't misunderstand, Scott, while being an arrogant dick, has strong powers. His eyes, pull in energy from a Dimension filled with Kinetic Energy, and can fire at will. He also passively enhances his own body with that energy, which is why he's physically capable of taking hits from Wolverine, and even Apocalypse, and still get off with only minor bruises.

Thanks to either his own inadequacy, or Sinister's manipulation, he can't control them though. Which is why he has to use those ruby quartz glasses.

Anyway, back to Apocalypse, he did not have any connections to any mysterious Dimension, thankfully. But the Energy manipulation aspect of the mutant he took over, along with the Energy Absorption of the Armour, allowed him to contend with Scott.

Which is why, I am going to insert that gene into my DNA. Later. But before that, is something I sorely need. A healing factor. Sure, my own Light Dimension healing factor can heal probably anything, but it requires me to channel that energy.

The healing factor uses.. I don't know what, to heal the body. And 3 mutants worth of healing factor? Yup, I'm taking it the first chance I get.

"Are you ready, Master Baldur?" Omega asks, as I'm laying down on the healing bed.

This bed and the liquid below it, like the Altar which I stole from the Pyramid of the other Universe, has intrinsic healing properties. I can sleep on this bed with a hole in my head and a broken neck, and still wake up. Celestials, man.

I nod, using my Telekinesis to move the armour away from me, and setting it down on the table. I say, "Omega. You know the drill. Inject the HF serum, and then drop me inside the liquid."

"Yes, Master Baldur. This is not my first time doing this." Omega says, manipulating the tentacles.

"There'll be 6 injections. 4 for each limbs, and two for the lower and upper spine. It'll hurt. Good luck, Master Baldur." Omega says, lightly poking the needles on the respective spots, and then without any warning, he binds me to the floating bed, and inserts the needles deep, into my bones.

"AAAARRRRGHHHHHH!!!!" I scream out, in pain, as the pain was unbearable.

Why oh, why did this Apocalypse not have genetic tampering powers of his own? I could have simple willed my DNA to change to that of his own. Now I'll have to go through with this each and every time.

It was sometime after my fifth second of screaming, that I am dropped inside the liquid, silencing my voice, while the liquid still provides me with breathable oxygen. I have no idea why. I'm not allowed access to the composition of this green liquid.

When I next wake up, I am on the dry bed, feeling fresh. I expected to feel sore, but this was amazing. I feel completely healed!

I immediately move and bring out my swords, Duskfang and Dawnfang. I first use Dawnfang, and cut into my arm. The cut hurts, but it heals as soon as the sword moves from it's spot.

Next, I channel my Solar Energy through it, making it glow red, and then cut. The flesh burns, and cuts, making me wince, and hold a scream in. When I remove the sword though, it is already healed. But this time, I felt my Light Dimension Energy helping my healing factor.

"So, Solar Energy passed through Dawnfang, at least the Divine kind, inhibits healing factors a little." I mumble to myself.

"It looks like it, Sir." Omega says, his hologram scanning my hand, and swords. "Scan complete. The Basilisk Poison, and your Divinity, is the reason your Healing factor was weakened, prompting your other Dimensional Energy to fill in. Stimulation shows, the same will happen with your other sword."

I look at the sword in a new light. I had never tried using the swords, in the 2 years since I've made them. I should definitely go out and test my swords.

"What about in saber mode?" I ask, turning to Omega.

He does a hologram equivalent of a shrug, and says, "While I know what happens, why don't you find out for yourself."

I smirk, and stand up. Crossing the Fangs in front of me, I breathe out, calming my excited heart. Channelling both of my Divinities, at once, I pass them both to the Fangs.

Meaning both, my Dawn and Dusk, are channelling Solar Energy, and Photon Energy, of the Divine kind.

Within a second, the glow of the swords increased, and becomes sharper. The Light swords become encased in a blade of pure energy, yellow in colour, which began lengthening, until both my blades were 4 feet in length.

It was a bit cumbersome, wielding two 4 feet swords, but I could get used to this.

"Ooh, yeah. I have Light Sabers, baby." I whisper out, making a few experimental waves, and getting the expected buzz sound.

Channelling both of my Divinities, at the same time, was not at all easy. It was downright difficult. Pulling energy from the Sun, while doing the same from my Light Dimension? Yeah, it's tough. Anyway.

Ignoring Omega, who was scanning the sabers, I move the one from my right hand to my left, so it barely touches my hand.

Nothing happens. Literally. The Saber passed through my hand completely.

"Uh.. Omega? Did I just create a pretty much useless weapon?" I ask, looking at Omega.

Omega shakes his metaphorical head, and answers, "Negative. You created a perfect weapon for yourself. This sword, carrying your own flavour of energy, and fuelled by you, is completely incapable of harming your body. The Light portion of the Sabers, completely passed through your body, recognizing you as their source. If you notice though, you'll see a cut where the metallic sword blade touched your arm."

I look, and sure enough, it's there. It's still there. I quickly conjure a simply Asgardian dagger, and cut my arm along the length. It healed up. Correction. It healed up everywhere but the spot my Saber passed through.

I forcefully tried to heal it with the Light Dimension energy, and guess what? It healed up nicely. So only the Mutant Healing factor was inhibited, not my own Light Healing.

I look at Omega with wide eyes, and say, "My Saber completely disabled my healing factor!"

"Yes, Master Baldur." Omega answers, already knowing that.

I jump up into the air, excited. I have something that can completely disable healing factors! So I can harm Hulk, Abomination, Wolverine, Sabertooth, and each and every one of those Dimensional beings, who use their energies to heal themselves.

"Awesome!" I mumble out.

I am about to carry more tests, when Omega flashes in. He says, "A ship has been detected travelling towards Earth. My passive scans indicate Ravager designs. ETA 25 seconds."

Well, let's go protect the realm. Let's see what the Ravager wants. Hopefully, they're just injured and came here to rest or something. If not, I'm gonna have to punish them.

"Thank you, buddy. I'll go see what they want." I say, and make a portal to Earth. I'll meet them when they come out of the Jump point.


A/N: So, yeah. Those are the mutant powers which Apocalypse from that Universe had. He'll get them all, one by one, but he doesn't necessarily need them all.

My opinion on this is, that more of the same kind of mutant power enhances the effect. So 3 healing factors is the reason why Apocalypse was such a fast healer.

And yes, Baldur inserted all 3 healing factors into his DNA.

The Light Sabers, was something I had planned on making separately, but then realized. How many weapons does he need? He already has 3. So, I added the Sabers to the Fangs.

Now, the Light won't harm Baldur, but the healing factor is an external addition, so the Sabers still inhibit that. The blade does not simply "pass through" Baldur though, it still cuts. The Plasma of the Sabers just covers the blade.

And as you probably guessed, his space adventures are starting.

Anyway, Caio!

HelloDarkness07 HelloDarkness07

What does the Ravager want with Earth? Is he here to escape from someone? Or is he here for nefarious reasons?

Find out, on the next episode, of Dragon Ball Z!

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