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63.49% The Legend of Baldur [DROPPED] / Chapter 37: Omega

Chương 37: Omega

A/N: Changed the name from Ignis, to Omega. Ignis was a dumb name, in hindsight. Sorry folks!


The Celestial Ship, also commonly known as The Ship, was the space ship, and Data collection device, left by the Celestials, on Earth. I don't know which Celestial, but I simply know that it was on Earth since at least a million years ago.

They kept it hidden in Mongolia, where it would collect genetic data on the evolution of Humans, after the Celestials tampered with their genetics, meaning Mutants. An External, Garbha Hsien, found the ship and stayed near it, for many years, trying to understand it, but failed.

Unfortunately, he met En Sabah Nur, and while trying to decrease En Sabah Nur's God complex, showed him the ship. Long story short, En Sabah Nur defeated Garbha Hsien, and took the ship for himself, after which, he became Apocalypse. Of course, that was after an encounter with a time travelling Cable, but that's another story.

In most realities, as far as I could remember from the comics, Cable managed to throw the Celestial ship into space, and delayed Apocalypse, but for some reason, that didn't happen in my or this Universe.

In my Universe, I had seen Cable shoot En Sabah Nur in the head, after his techno organic hand was cut off, and escaped. The same must have happened here. Ozymandias, then used Cable's blood, which had the Techno Organic Virus, and the Ship's Healing technology, to revive En Sabah Nur, who woke up, as Apocalypse.

This was in 3700 BC, a hundred years before he was betrayed by the humans of the time.

In my timeline, the ship was not visible to me when I was even purposefully searching for it. But, here? I had already seen Apocalypse bury the ship underground, so while I can't see it, I can find it.

I was flying around Egypt, invisible to any and all things, except probably the Watcher, with the Compass in my left hand. East. That's where the Ship is buried.

Finally, after 10 whole minutes of flying around in circles, I manage to triangulate the exact spot where the Ship is. Now, how do I get it out.

Shrugging to myself, I push my Astral Form out, while slowing down the time, and go underground.

1 minute.

5 minutes.

Finally, 15 minutes of slowly floating downwards, along with the Astral representation of the Compass, I enter a cave, large enough to contain the entirety of Hogwarts. A cave 7 miles below the surface of the planet.

It's... not actually a cave, but a Man made hall. Apocalypse made hall actually. The cave was big. So big in fact, that the highest point was at least a mile above the ground, and equally wide, and in the centre, was the Ship.

It was a Celestial Star ship, brown in colour, and had spikes on top for an unknown purpose. They could be weapons, could be a drill, who knows. It was a rough cylindrical shape, about 700-800 meters tall, and right at the bottom, was an open door, 9 feet high.

I don't know what material it's made of, but it's definitely something durable, as even after 5000 years or more of staying underground, it's still intact. My guess was Celestials used matter manipulation to form it, as even a simple armour is enough to stop Jarnbjorn, which does not exist in my Universe, by the way.

I float towards the ship, and enter through the open door, with some resistance. I was an unknown, and Celestials were definitely versatile enough to make an Astral sensing device somewhere on the ship.

"@#£&£(£&?" A loud voice says, but even with All Speak, I don't understand it.

Getting partially outside the Astral Plane, I use Telepathy to say, 'I don't understand your language. If you can understand mine, wait a minute, and I will bring my Physical Body here.'

I get a small beep for an answer, but no one tries to attack me, which is a good thing. Getting back to my body, I make a portal directly outside the open door at the foot of the ship, and fly inside.

"@#£&£(£&?" The robotic voice again says.

"I can't understand a word you're saying." I mumble out, and look around the ship. I know that being infected with the Techno Organic Virus will allow me to understand the Ship, but I'm not risking that.

The Virus is dangerous, simple as that. Instead, I open my mind up for any voice, using my Telepathy.

'Who are you?' A robotic voice says in my mind, to my immense relief and happiness.

I immediately let out a sigh of relief. I don't have to infect myself!

I look at the window outside, and say, "My name is Baldur Odinson. I am an Asgardian. Who are you?"

'My name is Ship. I am tasked by my master and maker, En Sabah Nur, to stay here.' The voice, Ship, says, and then asks, 'I have never seen you on Earth before, nor have I sensed you. You are not of this time stream?

Huh. The Ship is smart, I'll give him that. Well, it has to be, being made by Celestials.

"Yes, I am from another Universe. And I'm sorry to say this, Ship, but En Sabah Nur did not make you. You were made, and left on Earth by an ancient, and now almost extinct race of beings called Celestials. You must have something in your data banks about Celestials?" I say, and then ask, walking inside.

The place I first entered was empty, and had walls only a few feet higher than me. The next room to my left, contained a lot of sciency rooms.

"Language scan complete." Ship says, telling me that it was first trying to understand my language, which probably only took this much time because of the multiple languages in All Speak. He then continues, "Celestials. Data Found. Access Denied."

Well, I expected it. Even Apocalypse was denied most of the stuff here, and he was practically the Champion of the Celestials.

I nod at Ship, who then flickers as a Hologram in front of me. He asks me, "If En Sabah Nur did not make me, why did he say he did?"

I look at the Hologram, and blink. That's a pretty human question. And the Hologram is pretty much the definition of Celestial. Red robotic head, 6 orange eyes. This looked like the red version of Eson the Searcher.

I answer him, "En Sabah Nur knew that you were a lot older than him, but your AI had not evolved to be sentient until he found you. He wanted complete control over your functions, and hence, he lied."

"He.. lied." Ship says, in a flat voice. Honestly, I'm feeling pity for him.

Shaking my head, I say, "I'm not going to lie. I need your help. And if you agree, I will be very grateful to you. You must have seen me kill En Sabah Nur. And we both know the Celestials have perished, or abandoned you. Come with me, and I will give you a purpose again."

The Celestials are extinct. Have been, for millions of years. I got that much from the Watcher's words. Whatever the hell Ego the living Planet is, he is not a Celestial.

He was probably born from some genetic data of a Celestial, but he is not a true Celestial.

"I.. will agree to work for you. I would... like to.. live. And, you are the only person who is likely to find me in the next 3000 years." The Ship says, in a robotic voice, and I feel a switch flip in my head, showing me the whole floorplans of the Ship.

This was exactly the way I felt when I first took over Hogwarts.

I shake my head, noting down where the Biological sciences division, and the Healing Chambers were. I say, "Thank You, Ship. I will make sure you get to live a proper life soon. Now, you need a new designation."

"Why?" Ship asks, interrupting me.

I look at his hologram and say, "The last Designation given to you, was by Apocalypse, and he was lying to you. You need to separate that part of your past, and so you need a new Designation."

Ship waits and contemplates over it. He nods his head, and asks, "What is my new Designation, Master Baldur?"

I smile at him, and say, "From now onwards, you will be known, as Omega."

"Designation: Omega. Accepted. Thank you Master Baldur." Ship- now Omega, said.

I nod my head and move towards the Data Banks. Celestials used Crystals for literally everything. (A/N: I took this from Stargate, this is NOT CANON!) The crystals in turn, contained Pocket Dimensions made by the Celestials.

Storage Crystals had PDs which store data, while Power Crystals had PDs leading to a complete Dimension full of Energy called Hyperspace. This same energy also flowed through the Celestials, along with the Power Cosmic.

Once I'm in the Server room, I remove each and every computer I had, ahem, taken, from the Military base belonging to Stryker, including the hidden ones, from my own PD, and say, "Omega, can you connect to these computers?"

Before I even finished speaking, different cables began rising from the floor, and the Servers, and started assembling the Computers, as I had simply thrown everything inside.

"Yes." Omega says, already carrying out his task.

I shake my head, and say, "Well.. carry on then. Upgrade the systems, the human ones, as best as you can using anything you are allowed. I'll come back later."

"Very well. Are we going to your home Universe?" Omega asks, while the tentacles carry on assembling and adapting the computers.

I nod, and say, "Yes. In a day or two, but yes." I pause, and then ask, "Are you capable of traversing through Universes? Meaning can you go to my Universe?"

Omega pauses, and a few beeps are heard from his hologram. He looks at me, and says, "If I have a Quantum Signature of a Universe, then traversing is possible."

Huh. That takes care of that. Because I don't think even my PD will be big enough to fit Omega.

I nod at him, and say, "Well, I'll be back Omega. Keep up the good work."

Saying that, I create a portal to the atmosphere, and fly out. Flying towards the Moon, I float down, and stand there, waiting.

I don't have to wait long, when Uatu appears, and says, "You are taking the ship with you?

His voice sounds surprised, and a little bit hesitant. So I nod at him, and say, "I don't want anyone else discovering the ship."

Uatu frowns and asks, "Why not use the ship from your own Universe? And why do you even need it?"

I shake my head at him, and look towards him. I say, "I could have taken the ship from my Universe itself, but then this Ship, Omega, would have been found by someone like Apocalypse again. The absence of Celestials means that Omega is the closest thing to a Celestial there is. He has their knowledge, and he's practically a baby. I can teach him right from wrong. What do you think will happen if another Apocalypse finds Omega?"

Uatu stays silent, so I continue, "We were lucky that Apocalypse was arrogant. Without the supervision he so much needed, he would have destroyed the Earth, and he already did once."

Uatu thinks on it for a while, and then nods. He says, "Very well. You may take the Ship. I just hope you keep it hidden."

I nod at him, and fly away, this time, towards Hogwarts. I think it's time to go home.


Jean hugs me, crying a bit, as I was leaving. I has already kicked everyone out of Hogwarts, knowing that it was going to disappear soon, and without me, no Sorcerer would be able to portal to Hogwarts.

"Don't cry, Jean. You can come visit anytime you want. The Phoenix Force will allow that!" I say, patting her back.

We were standing on the grounds of the destroyed Xavier mansion, where I had dropped all the mutants, except Magneto and his family, who had decided to go traveling, starting from Europe.

The Ancient One and Storm had gone to Kamar Taj, probably to begin her training soon.

"I'll miss you." Jean whispers, still hugging me.

"Awe." I tease her, pinching her cheeks, to which she responds by slapping mu chest without any effect. Uru Armour, remember?

I let go of her, making her move a few steps back from the hug, and say, "Don't worry. If you need help, Phoenix can call for me. But, I'd prefer if you learned to solve your problems yourself."

Jean shakes her head, and says, "Jerk."

I pat her head, and say, "Well, this is goodbye then. Hope we never need each other's help, Red."

Jean snorts out a laugh, and wipes her eyes. She says, "Yes. Goodbye.. Surya."

I nod at her, and look to Sol, who was being petted by Mystique. Sol trills and flies over my head, and burns up, making both of us disappear from Charles's mansion.

'Where are we?' Sol asks, looking around and then staring at the ship in front of her.

I walk inside, and say, "Sol, this is a space ship. His name is Omega. Omega, this is Sol. She's my Phoenix."

"Hello, Sol." Omega says, appearing beside Sol, and making her squawk.

I laugh at Sol, and ignore the two introducing each other. Once I reach the Bridge of the Ship, I put a hand on the control panel, and say, "Omega."

"Yes, master Baldur?" Omega says, appearing beside me along with Sol, who sits on the high chair, belonging to the captain.

I look around and ask, "How the hell do you fly this thing?"

Omega stays silent for a few seconds, while Sol laughs at me. Omega finally shakes his head, and says, "Master Baldur. I am sending you a data packet consisting of the language of this Ship, and the knowledge regarding it's functions."

Huh. I didn't know he could do that. I feel the knowledge being inserted directly inside my mind, and assimilate immediately, and ask, "Can you do the same for any knowledge in your database?"

"If you have access to it, yes." Omega answers.

I smirk, and look outside the window in front of me. Boy, is this going to be fun.

I first start the ship, and turn on the invisibility shields and intangibility features. They were mostly there so the Celestials could call this ship from anywhere, to anywhere, and it will not harm any asteroids, or any other celestial bodies in between.

I move the ship high up into atmosphere, and then near the desolate Venus, and say, "Okay, first of all, scan my Quantum Signature, and locate my Universe."

"Scanning. Done. Universe located." Omega says, within a second.

So I order, "Take us home, Omega. But be sure to exit as soon as Sol left the Universe in search for me." I know Omega can do that. Celestials could travel through time, and Omega could even view through the time stream, sort of like the Eye of Agamotto.

As soon as the order was done, there was a bright white and green flash of light, and once it was done with, I see something spectacular, which also scares me.

The desolate Avalon, which should still look desolate to me, from outer space, now looked like it did from the inside. If Omega can see how Venus actually looks like, who else can?

"There are shields surrounding the planet's atmosphere that is limiting the amount of sunlight moving inside, and hiding it's true appearance from outsiders." Omega says, in a confused tone.

I nod, and say, "Yes. Even with a purified atmosphere, the planet was too close to the sun. So, I designed a shield that limits the UV rays being entered."

I take over the controls and move the ship so it passes through the atmosphere of Avalon, and land it behind Hogwarts.

"Alright, Omega. This is my home, Hogwarts. If you can connect to the castle, or the protections around the planet, I want you to upgrade them to your best. I will be back later, to talk to you."

Omega nods, and begins his work. The computers were already done, but I had not seen them yet. I'll do it later. For now, lets meet Master Yao.


A/N: And we've officially gone from mystical to science fiction lol. I was always going to do this, btw. The Celestial ship was always going to be a big part of my story, and this is how.

Now, most of the stuff here is my own imagination, so simply read it for fun, without pointing out mistakes.

Again, the name of the AI used to be Ignis, which I felt later, was a dumb name. So I changed it to Omega, which suits an AI, and sounds badass too.

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