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61.9% The Legend of Baldur [DROPPED] / Chapter 36: The Apocalypse

Chương 36: The Apocalypse

A/N: Here it is. The final battle. I hope I did justice to it. Warning, long chapter.

~~~Hogwarts Medical Wing~~~

A day after I rescued/kidnapped Nina and Magda Gurzsky, the daughter and wife of Henryk Gurzsky, aka Erik Lehnsherr, aka Magneto, I am still keeping an eye on them, waiting for them to wake up.

Well they would have woken up before, but I did hit them pretty hard while knocking them out. They had a concussion, which I healed immediately after bringing them here.

Meanwhile, in Poland Magneto just packed his shit up, so he can attack and kill the factory workers he worked with for snitching on him. So I have, maybe 3 hours until Charles tries to find Magneto and gets captured.

While the movies were unclear over when it happened, the mirror showed me enough to correctly estimate the time.

Sol is roaming around Hogwarts, trilling her songs, and calming the animals around, as the magic here attracts even the mundane animals to this land. The Magical animals, or what's left of them, have already been hidden by Lady Gaia.

Finally, 2 hours later, Nina wakes up first. She slowly opens her eyes, and widens them. Sitting up suddenly, she looks around, and shouts, "PAPA!" making the animals agitated.

Sol appears immediately, flashing into the room, and trills a calming song. She says in her mind, 'Calm down, child. Your Father and Mother are both alive, and alright.' I look at Sol, absentmindedly noting that Nina's powers don't work on Sol. Either because she's a Magical animal, a phoenix, or because she's bonded to me.

Nina calms down immediately, thanks to Sol, and looks around. She sees her mother first and dropping down from the bed, approaches her, without even noticing me sitting on the couch.

Oops. I was invisible.

Dropping my invisibility, I say, "Don't worry. She'll wake up in a few minutes."

Nina jumps with shock, and asks, "Who are you?" her voice trembling with fear.

Sol again trills, calming her down, and sits down on my chair's arm. I stroke her feathers, and answer, "My name is.. not important. You can call me Surya."

Sure I can tell her my true name, but I don't want anyone to know Norse Gods exist. Not even the mutants.

"What do you want?" Nina asks, instinctively summoning a few birds to her, ready to attack me.

I shake my head at her control, and say, "I don't want anything. I saw you and your mother being harmed, and saved your lives, while your father killed the ones who attacked you."

"Uncle Jacob." Nina whispers, shocked, and with tears in her eyes. Sol flies from my chair, to her, and hugs her, making Nina cling to the Phoenix, crying

I ignore them for a while, and go check on Magda. She should have woken up by now. She's probably only this late waking up, because she's not a mutant. Nina continues crying and her summoned crows, and ravens fly around erratically.

"Calm those birds please, Sol." I say softly. This is a hospital, and this kind of behaviour is not allowed.

Sol trills out a sharp whistle, freezing Nina in her place, and making the birds immediately drop down and stand in front of Sol, in a line. Did Sol just pull a drill Sargent on the birds?

I shake my head, and put a hand on Magda's head. Using my Telepathy, I say, 'Wake up Magda. Wake Up!'

She immediately snaps up, breathing hard, and puts a hand on her chest, where she remembers being shot with the arrow through Nina. Yup, I changed her memories to remember being pierced in the chest.

"You won't find a wound. I healed it." I say, from my chair on her bedside.

Nina looks up from her crying, and immediately runs to hug her mother, "MAMA!" She shouts.

"NINA! MY BABY! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Magda babbles hugging her daughter, and checking her over for wounds.

After a minute of checking her over, Magda finally pulls her behind herself, and looks at me, sitting there, with my eyes closed. I was actually using the Sun to keep an eye on En Sabah Nur, who was in Berlin, recruiting Angel/Archangel, along with his other two Horsewomen, Storm and Psylocke, Magneto, who was walking leisurely towards the factory he worked at, and Raven/Mystique, who had just reached Xavier's mansion, and was waiting for Charles to get home.

I was also looking at Jean, who was still ignorant to her hidden memories, but by the looks of things, she was beginning to suspect Something was up. It was like, she was feeling Déjà vu on every turn. She'll find out soon anyway.

I was doing all that simultaneously, so it would have been impossible for me, if not for the Phoenix Force shard in me. That Shard, is the Shit! Seriously!

One small shard, about 1% Strength of the Original Phoenix Force, and I can multitask. My mind and body can be busy doing separate tasks. My mind was keeping an eye on those individuals, while my body was in Hogwarts.

"Sorry? What did you say? I was distracted." I say, looking apologetic, for missing what Magda said.

"I asked, what do you want with us? If it's money, gold.. myself, I'll give it to you, but just Nina go, please." Magda repeats resolutely, but has a pleading tone in the end.

I widen my eyes and wave my hands in front of my in a "No." Motion. I say, "No, no, no. I don't need anything from you. I brought you here to heal your bodies. If you want, I can simply drop you back into that forest once you're ready to leave."

"You don't want anything?"


"You healed us?"


"Where's my husband?"

I pause at that question, and then sigh. I'm doing this a lot lately. I simply conjure Illusions, showing Magneto's walk towards the factory. I say, "Right now, your husband is on the way to kill the factory workers."

Magda cries seeing his defeated face, and hugs a crying Nina again. Sol begins calming them down, so I say, "I would have simply dropped you both to your husband, but it's not a good idea as of now."

"What? Why?!" Magda cries out.

I shake my head and show them En Sabah Nur, in all his glory. 8 foot tall, grey-blue in colour, with a dark blue, silver armour covering his chest, arms, and head. In one word, he looked evil. He even had some tubes going from the back of his head, to the armour.

"This.. is En Sabah Nur. A mutant, from more than 5000 years ago. This mutant is going to manipulate your husband to work for him." I explain patiently.

"Then let's go and stop Henryk from meeting this En Sabah Nur." Magda says, wiping her eyes, while Nina nods from her side, letting her mother do the talking.

I shake my head, and say, "He will find your husband anywhere. And if you're close to Henryk when En Sabah Nur appears, he may threaten your life so Henryk agrees to work for him."

"What do we do then?" Nina asks, softly, as Magda was silently thinking.

I smile at her softly, and say, "How would you like to stop your father from destroying the planet, while also making him agree to fight against En Sabah Nur?"

"He's going to try destroying the planet?" Magda asks, horrified, while Nina looks with wide eyes.

I nod, and say, "Yes. Your husband believes that humans killed you, as he did see you being shot by the Police. He did not see me bringing you two here, and healing you, you're welcome by the way. So, he's blaming every other normal human there is, and hence, he's going to destroy everything."

"Why would he do this?" Nina asks softly, crying.

I pat her head, making the pair flinch, and softly answer, "Losing your family makes you do stupid things, kid. Right now, your father isn't thinking straight, and En Sabah Nur is going to take advantage of it. So, what we can do, is show him that you're alive and well, which might hopefully bring his happiness back, and hence save him."

Magda nods, agreeing with me, and says, "If he carries through with his plan, and fails, the government will kill him."

"I don't want Papa to die!" Nina shouts, angrily, again making the birds agitated. Sol trills out angrily, making them stop again.

"What is this?" Magda whispers out, horrified, looking at the 20 Something birds around. Only 5 were on the ground, while the rest were in windows, on the other beds, and even on the chandelier. A chandelier. In the hospital wing. Wizards.

I simply say, "That's little Nina's Mutant power. My guess is, she can control animals, and birds. She also has a minor control over trees, as you can see." I point towards the forbidden forest outside the window, which was blowing in a non existent wind.

"Sol will stay here to calm your daughter down if it happens again. Meanwhile, food will appear in front of you, so don't be scared. Eat up." I say, and stand up to walk out.

"Wait! Who are you, and what is Sol? I've never seen such a beautiful bird before." Magda says stopping me.

I look at Sol, and smiling at her, I say, "Sol is a Phoenix. A fire bird, from mythology. And me? My name is Surya, I'm a wizard."


An hour and few minutes later, Magda and Nina were ready, wearing the same clothes they came in. Apocalypse had taken Magneto, and had also kidnapped Charles, just 10 minutes ago. While doing that, Apocalypse also fired each and every nuclear weapon in the world, high up into the air.

Jean, Scott and Kurt were in the military base, under Stryker's control, trying to find a way to rescue Hank, Raven, Peter, and Moira.

I see Apocalypse, his four Horsemen, and Charles, talking in Egypt, after which the rest of the world begins getting his "Message to the world," which did not reach us. Hogwarts wards stopped anyone from sensing us three, so Apocalypse's powers never reached us.

"Well, no time like the present." I mumble to myself as Charles gives his message, and then turn to the Gurzsky's. I say, "Let's go. We'll take a detour, after which we'll immediately go towards your husband."

The girls nod, so I make a portal right inside the room where Wolverine is kept. Summoning the Mirror Dimension, so no one sees us, I go inside, followed by the Gurzsky's.

Once inside the room, I invisibly exit the Mirror Dimension, and steal all the blood samples of Wolverine kept there, and wait. Magda and Nina were still in the Mirror Dimension, along with Sol, to keep them company, so I stayed outside, invisible. They can see outside, and follow me, thanks to Sol, so I was not worried.

Barely a minute later, Jean, Scott, and Kurt entered the room, and Jean immediately turns towards the cage containing Wolverine, or James Howlett.

"What is it?" Scott asks, wondering why Jean is staring at the cage in wonder, and concern.

"It feels like an animal." Kurt says whispering a prayer.

"No! It's... A mutant. They've turned him into an animal." Jean whispers, reading his mind.

"You're right about that." I say, turning myself visible, making all three of them shocked.

All of them turn towards me, with Kurt teleporting Jean away, while Scott fires his laser beams at me. I simply put my hand in front of me, and condense the energy in my hands, and keep doing it, using my Telekinesis.

"SCOTT, STOP! HE'S ON OUR SIDE!" Jean shouts, making Scott put on his glasses again.

I look at the fist full of red energy in my hands, and try and absorb it, unsuccessfully. I simply bring out one Vibranium brick, which I had brought from my home, and transfer the energy inside it. I'll do something with it later.

"Hello, Jean." I say, looking at Jean, and smiling.

"Who are you?" Jean says, a bit scared by not knowing why she trusts me.

"WHO ARE YOU?! DIDN'T YOU JUST SAY HE'S ON OUR SIDE?" Scott shouts, in disbelief, looking at Jean, while Kurt is ready to flee with them at a moment's notice.

"I somehow know he's on our side, but don't know why." Jean says, not letting her guard drop.

"You recognize me, Jean. We're the same, you and I." I say to Jean, looking like a cliché villain, and laughing at their faces internally. I continue, "Open your mind, Jean. Let go."

As soon as I said that, the Phoenix Force unlocks her memories, making Jean remember everything.

Jean gasps, cries, and then laughs happily, all in 5 seconds, and then goes in a trance.

"What did you do to her, you bastard?" Scott shouts, getting ready to attack me.

"I freed her, you idiot. Now wait there like a good boy until someone frees you." Saying that, I use my telekinesis to make him sit down, facing the wall. I look towards Kurt, who was looking at Jean's crying form in concern, and pull all three of them in the same corner.

Ignoring them for now, I wave my hand, making all four of us invisible, as the soldiers of Stryker were coming inside this room.

Kurt becomes silent again, and makes Scott silent too, while Jean was in a trance, leaving me to deal with them.

Why change this? I simply pull my finger up, the titanium lock holding the door to Wolverine's cage coming with it.

Like the hero that he is, Logan walks outside the cage, already angry. Ignoring our scents, he immediately begins attacking the 3 soldiers.

"Logan." Jean whispers, getting out of her trance, and gaining Logan's attention.

Logan stops in shock, as I feel Jean dig up a few of his memories for him, while I remove all the equipment from his body using TK.

"That's your name. Logan." Jean says again, making Wolverine nod, and run out of the room.

It was actually his current alias, but sure, whatever works.

"You back with us, Red?" I ask, freeing Scott from his time out.

Before Scott can even say anything, Jean says, "Thank you, B-"

'Uh-uh.' I interrupt her in her mind, and then continue, 'My name is Surya, don't say my true name. I don't want anyone to know that Asgardians exist.'

Jean nods, and says, "Thank you for freeing me, Surya." She then turns towards Scott and Kurt, and says, "Don't worry. He's on our side, I'm sure."

"If you say so, Jean." Kurt says, and readily trusts her. He offers his hand, and says, "Kurt Wagner. Teleporter."

I shake his hand and say, "A Christian son of a demon. Ironic."

"Wait, what?" Kurt whispers out, while I look towards Scott.

Scott, taking Kurt's lead, offers his own hand, and warily says, "Scott Summers. You've seen my powers."

I nod, and say, "My name is Surya. I'm a Wizard. You'll see my powers soon enough."

Scott has a really high potential, if he manages to get out of Essex's control, but that's another story.

I look to Kurt, and say, "I know who both of your parents are. And your father is a demon. If you want to know, Jean will tell you later. For now, we have a fight to win."

Kurt opens his mouth, to argue, but Jean beats him to it. She says, "He's right. This.. mutant will kill everyone if we don't stop him."

"Yup. And that's why I'm here." I say, nodding.

"What's the plan?" Jean says, walking to go out of the room, to a hallway full of military bodies.

"Urgh!" Scott says, grossed out, while Kurt begins praying for the dead.

I nod, and say, "We'll free your friends from this place, and then go to Cairo, where Xavier and Magneto are. I'll deal with Magneto, while you keep the big bad guy busy. After Magneto is back on our side, I'll take the big bad."

"What do you mean 'after Magneto is back on our side'? How are you sure he's going to change sides?" Scott asks, doubting my plan. Hmph. Mortal.

I ignore him, and say, "Magneto went with Apocalypse because his family had been killed by normal humans. He'll switch sides, because I've actually saved his family."

Not letting any other Idiot interrupt, I turn to Jean, and say, "You go find your friends. I'll be right back."

Saying that, I turn invisible, and move right, while the three young mutants go straight, following Jean's lead.

Why am I turning right? Because this base has something that I need, and don't want to let it fall in someone else's hands, along with the computers here. I can probably work them out using Asgardian technology.

5 minutes later, I'm done clearing out the base, and make a portal towards where I feel Jean is. I come out, and see Jean waving down Mystique, Hank and Peter, so they don't attack me. They were standing near the warplane, and Scott was standing near the flight suits.

"It's okay, he's a friend." Jean says, getting closer and hugging me, shocking everyone there.

I look Mystique up and down, and I have to say, I like what I see. She was in her white Jennifer Lawrence form. I smirk at her, and say, "Well, hello beautiful."

Mystique rolls her eyes and says, "I'm way to old for you, kid."

"He's 180 years old, actually. And Ba- Surya, not the time!" Jean says, first to Mystique, and then to me.

I wave her away, and say, "I'm keeping an eye there, and Apocalypse hasn't started with his plans yet. Plus, a man can appreciate a beauty, can't I?"

"180?" Scott whispers incredulously, looking at Kurt in confirmation.

Kurt shrugs, and says, "He says he's a wizard. Anything is possible."

Leaving ogling Mystique for now, I look at Hank, and say, "I have to say, Dr McCoy, your Time Travel Watch works spectacularly well. If Jean hadn't destroyed hers after exiting her time stream, I would have loved to study it."

Everyone gapes at me, while Moira whispers in shock, "Time travel? Wizards? Gods? What's next, is Atlantis real too?"

"Yes, actually." I say, in a matter of fact tone.

Again, everyone is shocked silent, and finally Hank looks at Jean, and says, "I haven't even mentioned the watch to you. You've time travelled already? What went wrong last time?"

I use my Telekinesis, and shut everyone up. When no one is able to move their mouth, they look at me. So I say, "Not trying to inconvenience you, but can we have this discussion later? I need to stop Apocalypse before he takes over Xavier's body, and you guys are the distraction."

"What.. what do you mean?" Mystique says, able to open her mouth.

I look her over again, grinning, and say, "Well, my dear changeling, Apocalypse intends to take over the body of your friend Charles. Once he does that, he'll have Charles powers, and will be able to take over each and every mind on the planet."

I pause, letting them understand the seriousness of the issue, and continue, "Well, except me and Jean here, but we're special cases. Other telepaths might resist for a while, but even they will fail. Before that, though, Magneto will summon every piece of Man-used metal to Cairo, which will kill millions in the first wave itself."

"Well.. crap." Peter Maximoff says, summing it up for everyone, while Raven looks sad for her two closest friends.

I smirk at him and say, "Yup. And that's why, we're going to turn Magneto over to our side first."

"How? Erik won't listen to us." Raven says, with Hank nodding behind her, probably still thinking about his time watch.

I grin mysteriously, and say, "Let me take care of it. You'll see, Raven. You'll see."

Clapping my hands, I gain attention from all of them. I say, "Well, listen up. In 90 seconds I'll open a portal to Cairo. As soon as you get there, Kurt will take on Archangel, the guy you fought in the fighting rings."

Kurt nods, so I continue, "Hank, Mystique, you will take on Psylocke. Mystique, she's the mutant who guarded Caliban. Keep her busy, and don't let her interrupt others, she's dangerous."

"Jean, Scott. You two will keep Apocalypse busy. You don't have to fight to win, fight to delay. Peter, you're fast. Your job, as soon as the portal is open, is to take Charles to a mile away from our spot. Once you're done, help Jean and Scott, but no matter what, don't get close to him. Help them out by getting then out of any danger." I say, ordering the group. Thankfully, Jean trusts me, so they trust me.

"Agent McTaggart." The lady jumps in shock, as she didn't think I'd call her. I say, "I'm sorry to say that you'll be completely useless in the coming fight, so your job will be to take care of Charles. Once Peter brings him to you. Everyone clear?"

"What'll you do during that?" Scott asks.

I smirk at him, and say, "Me? I'll drop Magneto to his family, and then deal with the second strongest mutant there. Just.. get out of the way of the white haired girl there. She can control the weather."

"Control.. Control the weather? Like all of it?" Peter asks, getting a bit concerned.

I nod, and say, "Well, right now, she's a newbie, so only a bit of wind and lightning. Don't worry, I'll deal with her."

I look towards Magda and Nina, who were watching the show from the Mirror Dimension. Well, the general direction of where I feel they are, anyway. I say, "I'll send your father to you. Make him see sense. Sol, bring him to Cairo if he decides to join the battle."

I turn back to the X-Men, who were looking at me like I was weird, which I probably was. Hank, finally asks, "Who.. were you talking to?"

"Nevermind that. Here comes the fight." I say, and spin my right hand around, holding my left hand straight. They all look at the glowing portal in front of them, in shock, but get out of it immediately.

They're mutants. They've seen this shit before. The portal opened up, about 100 feet behind Apocalypse, his four Horsemen, and Charles, who was fortunately still conscious. Apocalypse had put his hands up, and was about to create the pyramid by destroying the city of Cairo.

"Let the games begin." I whisper, as Peter immediately runs through the portal to get Charles away, while Jean uses a telekinetic force to push Apocalypse and distract him. Kurt teleports right on top of Archangel, and ports him away, while Mystique and Hank run to get close to Psylocke.

I meanwhile, immediately create two portals and push Magneto and Storm through each of them. Magneto's portal leads to the Mirror Dimension, back in Canada, where his family is, while Storm is in the same place, but in the Mirror Dimension.

"I will take care of her, Surya." A voice says from beside me. I turn, to see The Ancient One, standing with her hands behind her, as we see everyone fight. The time was slowed around us, thanks to Ancient One, and we were seeing everything in slow motion.

Jean had forced the bad guys to separate, and had taken to fighting Apocalypse by throwing rocks and fire at him, while pushing him away if he got too close, while Scott would fire his laser beams in between.

Hank was fighting Psylocke in hand to hand, a few hundred feet away, Kurt was struggling with Archangel, thanks to his metal wings, and Mystique was waiting for an ample opportunity to get into the fight.

The Ancient One says, "The Sorcerers have failed to deal with Apocalypse before. Let me help in taking care of his Horseman. Or woman, in this case."

I nod at her, allowing her to go to Storm, while I summon Ljosgeirr. Time to fight Apocalypse.

Running towards him, I dodge the laser he throws at me from his eyes, and get close. Dropping low, I hit Ljosgeirr on the back of his knee, making him unbalanced, and kick the side of his head.

Jumping down, I look at the now gaping Scott, and Jean, and the simply strolling Peter. I look to Scott, and say, "Go help Kurt, he's having a hard time. And Peter, go tell your father about yourself." I create a portal for Peter to go through, which he does, and duck just in time for Apocalypse's fist to pass.

He uses Telekinesis to push me back though, sending me near Jean. Jean was now fired up, literally, so I too do the same. Summoning my Sun Divinity, and the Phoenix fire, I conjure flames around my fists, and legs.

Apocalypse looks at us in anger, and shouts, "WHO DARES INTERFERE IN THE WORK OF GOD?"

"No one important. Just your death." I say, shrugging and now wielding my Venomous Sword of Godric Gryffindor in my left hand, and Ljosgeirr in my right. I wanted to see if Basilisk venom works on him.

On second thought, I store the sword back, and make do with Ljosgeirr. I don't know if he can manipulate everything in his body, and I don't want to give him Basilisk venom to replicate in case he survives.

"Jean." I say simply, as I feel Apocalypse attacking my, Jean's, and Charles's minds.

Jean nods, and takes control of the fight on the Astral Plane, along with Charles, while I fight him on the physical plane.


I run towards Apocalypse, as I see him running towards me, and punch up. My right fist hits his left, creating a shockwave that pushes a lot of dust away from us. I stab Ljosgeirr with my left hand, in his foot, and jump away as he punches his right fist down, leaving Ljosgeirr in his foot.

He screams in pain, and anger, "AARGH!"

Before he can do anything to Ljosgeirr, I summon it with a wave of my hand, and store the blood I have on it for later use.

"You made me bleed." Apocalypse says, first surprised. His wound was already healing up at an amazing speed. He then shouts in anger, "YOU MADE ME BLEED!!" and fires red hot laser beams from his eyes.

I reply, by firing Phoenix flames from my left hand. Taking the opportunity, I spin my right hand in a circle, and make a portal right on top of Apocalypse, dropping high pressure Antarctic water over him.

It makes him stop firing his laser, which in turn makes my flamed reach and burn his hand and face.

Unfortunately, his armour stops me from harming him any more, and he heals within a few seconds. But, I see that the cold inhibits the healing factor, not by much, but it does.

Knowing that without removing his armour, the fight will keep going on, I put Ljosgeirr on my back, as I feel his anger, and float into the air.

"You call yourself a God? You shall know the true meaning of the word, God! You shall know pain!" I say, looking at Apocalypse, and then shout, "FEINDFYRE!"

Uncontrollable dark red flames, in the shapes of a Phoenix, and a Basilisk, emit from my left hand, and travel with amazing speed towards Apocalypse. They are more dangerous than normal Feindfyre, as they are fuelled by Phoenix flames, and my Sun Divinity themselves.

While he's shielding against the flames, badly, I see Storm coming out of an orange portal, Magneto and Peter coming out of flames courtesy of Sol, and Jean smirking to herself, courtesy of her almost winning the mental fight.

Apocalypse, getting afraid, as every one of his Horsemen was either defeated, or turned on him, creates a sphere around himself, to teleport.

"Oh, no, you don't." I hear, and Storm summons a Lightning barrage on top of Apocalypse, destroying his teleportation sphere.

Magneto is about to attack him with the metal from around, when I act. Without any hesitation, I use my telekinesis, and pull the armour, every piece of it, off of him, and store it into my PD. The armour pieces, some of which were merged to his flesh, immediately get pulled out, taking a few pieces of his flesh along.

"AAAAARRGHHHH!!" Apocalypse screams out, in pain, anger, and desperation.

The Feindfyre flames get pushed back a little, so I exert even more force.

"CRIMSON BANDS OF CYTTORAK!" The Ancient One shouts, summoning said bands and binding Apocalypse so he does not flee.

Magneto shouts out in anger, and pulls those construction thingies made of iron out of somewhere, and throws them through Apocalypse, stabbing him, and making him stay in place.

Apocalypse, now way too desperate, transfigures the iron bars to dust, and turns them into titanium plates to stop my flames of Feindfyre. He looks to the Ancient One, and fires lasers from his eyes, but thankfully, Kurt and Scott reach there in time, and Scott counters with his own lasers.

Magneto keeps his metal firing going, while Jean starts floating in the air, waiting for an opportunity. Mystique, Hank, Charles, Peter, Moira, and Sol, look on from the side, while Charles is also helping Jean in the Astral plane.

"I WILL NOT LOSE!" Apocalypse shouts, and lets out an uncontrolled burst of Psionic energy, pushing the Crimson Bands off of him, while slowly moving the titanium shield towards me, still battling eyes with Scott.

While his armour is gone, he's still healing at an insane rate, even from my Phoenix empowered Feindfyre. Letting Feindfyre lose with an intent to only attack Apocalypse, I summon my Phoenix Sword, and teleport right behind him.

He turns to look behind, getting distracted and makes a huge mistake. Possibly the last one he ever makes.

At the same time, Jean loses control and lets go, destroying his partial Astral form, and burns up, going full Phoenix. Magneto manages a lucky hit with a steel bar right into Apocalypse's chest. Scott's laser beams, having no opponent, hits Apocalypse, pushing him towards me, and I take that opportunity to cut his head off with my Phoenix empowered Sword.

"PHOENIX! FULL DISINTEGRATION!" I shout, and jump back, letting Feindfyre run it's course.

Phoenix, in Jean's body, nods her burning head, and takes control over my Feindfyre. She burns and disintegrates every last piece of Apocalypse, not even letting a little bit of blood survive.

And so, Apocalypse died, without saying any meaningless last words. Jean drops down to the ground, tired from both the Psychic and physical battle she's had, while Scott does the same on his spot, both unconscious before they are down.

Hank immediately catches Jean, while Kurt takes Scott. Magneto floats down to the ground, joining his son Peter, while Moira and Charles hold hands. Oh yeah, she doesn't remember him, nor their love story.

Psylocke, and Archangel were unconscious, and Storm was slowly floating down, going to stand near the Ancient One. Everyone was looking around, waiting for some other danger to pop up.

Finally, after 10 seconds of silence, Peter asks, "Is it done? Is he finally dead?" and looks at me

I shake my head, and say, "As of now, Apocalypse is dead. Thankfully, without any major harm."

The Ancient One nods, and says, "He is dead. Even his soul got burned by that.. abomination."

"Hey!" I shout, indignant. That's my Feindfyre. Speaking of, it was beginning to lose control now that Jean was unconscious and Apocalypse was completely burned, so I put my hand forward, and pull it towards me, and absorb it into myself.

"Hah! That felt Goood!" I whisper to myself, at the feeling. The flames were about half of Phoenix flames, and they really hit the spot.

"Damn. I never got to punch the blue dude." Peter says, making all of us look at him in disbelief.

"Neither did I." Kurt says, both of them looking a little sad.

"Okay, I'll revive him then, you can punch him." I say, smirking mischievously, and completely lying. I will never revive him.

"NO!!" Everyone shouts, thinking that I simply could, seeing how many miracles I carried out today.

"By God, do you have a bad sense of humour." The Ancient One says, shaking her head.

I look to her and put a hand on my chest. I say, "Yeah, yeah. Whatever baldylocks. Now, everyone. I would love to have a chat, and everyone might have questions, so let's get out of here before the American Government gets here, claiming they found oil."

This time everyone snorts, even the Egyptian Storm, while I simply make a portal to Hogwarts Medical wing.

"What is this place?" Peter says, zipping around, but is unable to leave the Hospital, thanks to locked doors.

I raise an eyebrow, and push him towards the bed. I say, "This is the medical wing of my home. We're in Scotland, by the way. Sol, go get the girls, please. And Hank, Kurt, drop Jean and Scott on one of those beds."

Sol leaves, and comes back with Magneto's family, who immediately go to hug him, while Peter stands to the side awkwardly. Hank gently lays Jean on a bed, while Kurt does the same for Scott.

"Is that a Phoenix?" The Ancient One asks, looking at Sol in wonder, and making everyone awake look at her too.

I smile at her, and say, "Aye. She's mine. She's been my companion, familiar for a few years now."

Seeing that everyone was sitting, I raise my voice, and say, "All right, listen up. Apocalypse is dead, but that doesn't mean what he did, didn't happen. You'll have to deal with that, as it's not my problem."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." Charles says, looking a bit upset.

I nod at him, and turn to Magneto. I say, "I'm sorry for the subterfuge, but I couldn't risk Apocalypse harming your family to get you to agree with his plan. You can hate me if you want, but I did what was necessary to save them both."

Magneto clenches his hands, but nods. I know he'll stay angry, but I don't care. It's not my Universe anyway.

"Anyone has any questions?" I ask, looking them over, and sitting down on a Conjured chair.

Peter raises his hand, and asks, "Yeah, who the fuck are you? Like, I have never even seen you, and you came and took over this whole thing like a bulldozer."

I chuckle at his description, and look at everyone else. Other than The Ancient One, who already knew, Charles, who failed to read my mind, and the Gurzsky's, who knew me, everyone had that same question on their minds.

I stand up, bow exaggeratingly, and say, "My name, is Surya. And I'm a Wizard from the past. 1142 AD to be exact."

Hank asks next, "How do you know Jean? I mean, the full story?"

"Hmm.." I sit back down, and think a bit. When Hank opens his mouth to ask again, I say, "You have designed those Time Travel Watches of yours correct?"

Hank nods, while Charles looks surprised at my knowledge of them, so I continue, "This is a changed timeline, you see. In the original one, Apocalypse won the fight against you all, and managed to take over the body of Xavier, which as you can imagine is very bad."

"He could take over every mind on the planet, all at once." Charles says, in a grim tone from his place on the bed, where Magneto had dropped him. He looks around, and explains, "Just by being near me, he managed to amplify my voice to reach each and every mind on the planet, just imagine what if he was inside my body, and he tried the same?"

"World domination, in a single minute." I answer the hypothetical question, and elaborate, "I actually saw it happen in the last timeline. Now shall I continue?"

They nod, but stay silent, each one in different shades of horrified. I say, "Jean lost control over her powers, and in a bid to kill Apocalypse, she destroyed the whole planet, and Apocalypse with it."

Everyone gasp, looking at Jean in a new light. Peter takes a step back from where he was standing, while Charles looks at her sadly. Magneto, looks contemplative.

"Yeah, first of all, she just saved your ungrateful butts, so a little thank you would be nice. Secondly, if either of you dumbasses try and manipulate her, you will die." I say the last part glaring at Magneto and Charles, who are the most likely to do that.

Charles opens his mouth to argue, but I interrupt him, "Did you, or did you not bind her powers and block memories from her mind when she was a child?"

"Please tell me you didn't!" the Ancient One says, glaring at Charles.

Charles looks hesitant, when he says, "I had to do it. She accidentally killed her own mother, and her father abandoned her. I had to save her the pain."

The Ancient One takes over for me, and says, "You actions could have destroyed us all, you moron. She's the host of the Phoenix Force. Once awakened, and she would have awakened, she would have been unstable, and killed indiscriminately."

I ignore their horrified faces, and say, "Yeah, she was mighty pissed, I tell you. Now, if you try, the Phoenix Force has told me that she will disintegrate you. Instantly. No pain. Even your soul would be destroyed, making it so you won't be able to get reborn, or reach whatever afterlife you believe in."

Moving on, I continue, "Now, Jean floated around space for a few years, after which she finally activated the Time travel watches her Hank had given her in cases of emergencies. So, she came to my time, and immediately began trying to dig Apocalypse up from his resting place so she could kill him in that time."

Shaking my head remembering her stupidity, I continue, "Unfortunately for her, I and my master felt her come to Earth, and stopped her before she can dig deep enough. We fought, she lost, and then we talked. After that, I got rid of the binding on her mind, freed her, and helped her train her powers."

Looking at the captivated audience, I smile, and say, "After that, using a device I had access to, I sent her back to her own time, which was 1987, and came right behind her. Using a highly dangerous, and highly difficult spell, I managed to reverse time, enough so I can change a few things without damaging the timeline."

I look at Magneto, who nods, understanding what I'm saying.

"What next?" Peter asks from his spot next to Jean. Now he's not afraid of her?

I shake my head and say, "That was a week ago. After that, I stayed here, as this is a place hidden from everyone, and everything currently on Earth, saved a few people, and got you all to Egypt in time to save Charles's chastity."

Raven snorts at my poor joke, while Charles grimaces.

"Okay, is no one going to talk about how he simply reversed time?" Moira says, from beside Charles.

"Damn, I'd forgotten you were even here." I say, whistling. I shake my head at her question, and say, "That was a one time deal. I can't do it again. It was either do it, or die."

Moira nods, accepting the answer. I look at Charles and telepathically say, 'Charles, please make sure she doesn't tell anyone about this place. I don't care if she tells her superiors about Apocalypse and the threat he posed, but this place is important.'

Charles nods hesitantly, so I look around.

"Once I reversed time, Jean lost access to her memories of the time she spent in my time, and only unlocked them when I met her in Canada. Kurt remembers that." I point towards Kurt, who nods for everyone else, so I finish, "The rest, is as you know."

"Will you be leaving for your.. time now?" The Ancient One asks, and the way she said the word time, makes me understand she's going with my lie. More like, omission of truth.

I nod, and say, "I have some things to take care of, after which, yes, I'll return to my time."

I look at everyone's tired face and say, "Now, you can rest here, for as long as you like. But you won't be able to get anywhere else inside this castle. It's a private land, so I hope you respect it. If you want to go home, simply tell her.." I point at Ancient One, who was standing to the side with Ororo, "..or you can tell me once I return, and we'll make a portal to wherever you like. I'll be back. Eat up."

Seeing everyone get shocked by the food appearing in front of them, courtesy of the elves, and then hesitantly nod, I open a portal and enter it. One last loose end to tie up.

~~~Essex Clinic, California~~~

A group of black suited people enter the office, carrying a few crates, and suitcases, and leave it on the table, right in front of a tall man, sitting on a high chair. He turns the chair around, making his face appear in the dark. His skin was grey, and he had a red 4 pointed star in the centre of his forehead.

He smirks to himself and looks at the suitcases. Opening one of them up, he pulls the phial filled with blood outside, and smells it. Smirking to himself, he says, "Weapon X. I finally have your blood."

"Are you sure about that, Essex?" I ask, coming out of the Mirror Dimension. I calmly step forward into the light, and raise an eyebrow at him.

Hearing that, he immediately opens the phial, and tastes the blood, getting chicken blood instead. Getting angry, he throws the phial at me, which I casually swat aside.

"What do you want, Surya?" He snarls out, recognizing me as the one who killed Apocalypse, and knowing he has no chance.

I ignore his anger, and sit down on a conjured chair. I ask him, "What are the chances that He will return?"

Essex calms down, seeing I'm not attacking him, and snarls out, "100%. If not now, in a decade or two. Or 50 years. But he will return. Ozymandias will make sure he returns."

I nod, and stand up. I say, "Egypt, India, Genosha, Krakoa, China, Salem, London, Sydney, should I go on?"

Nathaniel Essex, villain extraordinaire, snarls, and looks at me in anger. The places I just told him, were the ones where all his clone bodies are hidden. There are more, obviously, but I don't mention them, and he now knows I know them.

"What. Do. You. Want?" Essex says, clenching his fists.

I look to him seriously, and force him down on his knees using Telekinesis. I say, "Stay away from Jean Grey. Do not try and manipulate her and Scott to get together. If you do that, all your bodies will die. At. Once. I don't care what else you do to prepare for Apocalypse's death, but do not mess with her."

While I don't care for Jean much, except for the fact that she's a good subordinate who fights well, she's the host to the Phoenix Force. I don't want anyone trying to control the Phoenix, and giving rise to Dark Phoenix.

Essex nods, gritting his teeth. So I say, "Good."

I hold my palm up, and summon a small sun in my hand.

"What are you doing? I AGREED?!" Essex shouts, from his place on the ground.

I keep working, and start compressing the sun as much as I can, and say, "Yes. But you need to know what will happen if you break this word, don't you?"

And I keep compressing the Sun in my hand. Within a minute, I'm holding a 5 inch wide blue sun, which keeps getting compressed. Finally, after 5 minutes, I'm holding a 5 millimetres wide sun, white in colour, which is my limit as of now.

I look at the terrified Essex, and say, "This will happen if you mess with Jean. Remember that Essex. I don't care about anything else. But, you don't. Mess. With. Jean."

Saying that, I drop the unstable sun, which immediately explodes, taking the entirety of Essex clinic with it. I teleport outside, and contain the explosion within the clinic itself, so that nothing else gets destroyed. Obviously, I was invisible again.

There was a bright white explosion, taking the whole Essex Clinic out, while only smashing the windows of the other nearby houses, and buildings. Essex should have woken up in his back up body in China by now, along with the memories of our conversation.

He'll try to find out who I am, but he'll only be able to learn that I am a wizard from the 12th century. He won't find me, ever, and even if he does, I'll hold on to my word and destroy him.

No one messes with the one's I call friends. Even if they're annoying little bitches like Jean.

My job done, I portal to Egypt, and bring out the Eye of the True North. It was time to find a Celestial spaceship.


A/N: Whooshh.. Finally done. This was really hard to write for me. I had to change a lot of things, a lot of times, which is why I'm so late in uploading. Hope you guys like this.

About Apocalypse's powers. The only extra power he used, were the laser eyes, and Pyrokinesis. That was because I couldn't think up anything new. My mind was... just fixated on those two.

For those asking, how can he return if all his blood was wiped out? All of his blood that was in front of them, was wiped out. Apocalypse is a genius, and paranoid too. He'll have kept at least some blood hidden somewhere. And his healing factor is that good, that he can heal from a single drop of blood.

Ozymandias is his slave, look him up, if you want.

Anyway, he'll go back in the next chapter, and we'll see what happens next.

I have a question. In X-men Apocalypse, Apocalypse was shown to be asleep from 3600 BC to 1983 AD. So how the hell did Nathaniel Essex become immortal?? We see in the post credit scene, some scientists take Wolverine's blood in suitcases labelled, "Essex Corps." So how?

Hope we get the answers soon.

Now, the Physics regarding the Sun, are obviously a guess and not entirely accurate, so go with it, I guess

HelloDarkness07 HelloDarkness07

Dun dun dun.. The battle is done. I left the ending open, because they might bring Apocalypse back again.

Anyway, tell me how it is.

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