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22.22% The Legend of Baldur [DROPPED] / Chapter 11: Asgard

Chương 11: Asgard



1129 AD: 165 Years.

Well, the good news is, I'm all healed up 5 minutes after reaching the Healer's Chambers, or as I like to call it in my head, the Medbay. My Sun powers healed me up all nice and warm again, although a bit slower than usual.

The bad news is my Healing is apparently connected to my Light, and through it, my Magic. So because I overload myself with the Sun's energy, as I was intimately connected to it, my Light's source, my Divinity, was somehow damaged. If it was a wuxia, I would have said my Dantian/core was damaged. So my Healing factor is very slow for now, and hasn't been healing my body, or my Magic.

Also, both Mother and Lady Eir refuse to let me out of the medbay for at least a day. I don't usually mind hospitals. In fact, I love watching the healers at work. Medicine is not my field, definitely, but it's calming.

But, when I had just had an amazing discovery? When I had gotten a few more ideas simply because of that one encounter with a sun not our own, by being the Sun? That shit sucked, big time.

"Mo-therrrr!" I whined for the umpteenth time.

"No." Mother simply stated while turning the page of the tome she was reading. She had probably already read it and was reading it to simply amuse herself.

"But why????" I asked, again, whining.

"Because you injure yourself when left alone. Your Magic has damaged itself by being overloaded by your Light, as you call it. I won't let you harm yourself by training right after an injury." Mother calmly stated, still reading the book.

"Oh, come on! I do not injure myself when left alone. I do it in public view, so someone can take me to the healers! I'm perfectly fine, when I'm alone." I so wanted to be alone, and training.

I could be trying to see how many suns I can connect to at once before I run out, or how far from the sun I could see. What if I send Light at a random direction, and forget about it? Will it stay connected to me? Will it notify me if it finds a Star in it's path? Or will it take a life of its own? Or will ot simply dissipate once it's far enough away from me?

So many questions to answer! And I'm stuck in my bed.

"No means no. I can simply hear your very loud thoughts, and see it on your face. What you want to do is reckless. Why Heimdall didn't stop you in time, I don't know. But you aren't leaving my sight for the day. It is enough time for your Healing to kick in. And one more as a precaution." Mother deadpans, looking at me, daring me to argue.

I shrink back, laying on the bed again. Damnit. Occlumency has shot to hell too.

"Okay, fine. One day. I won't do any magic, promise. Can I please leave now?" At least I could go meet Lorelai. We haven't seen each other in a while, as she has been away on a learning journey across the realms. By realms, I mean Alfeim and Vanaheim. In Nidavellir, she'd probably steal something expensive, which is why I warned her not to try and go there, while the other realms are either dead, excommunicated, or simply not our allies.

"No straining exercise either, Baldur." Mother brings my hopes crashing down.

"Kick me while I'm down now, why don't you." I whisper to myself, but seeing the look on her face, she probably heard it.

Mother sighs and closes her tome. She looks in my eyes, and says, "Fine. You may go. But no magic, not even a simple illusion, for 2 days. And no.. proclivities either."

Smiling at my mother widely, I jump down the bed like an excited 10 year old, and hug her. "You're the best, mother." I say and fast walk out of there.

"Baldur?" Mother calls out as I'm about to open the door to my room in the medbay, making me turn back to her.

"Yes, mother?" I ask, warily, as she has a smirk on her face.

Mother walks up to me, says, "Look down, dear." and walks out the door ahead of me.

I look down, and see that I'm only wearing a robe that goes up yo my knees, and an open front, while thankfully wearing my undies. Oh my god! I was about to leave the room, like this?

"THANK YOU, MOTHER!" I shout out the door, opening it only slightly, and go wear some clothes. Thankfully the healers have kept my clothes nearby after I took off the armour, and other accessories.

I usually like to leave my armour in the open, so I wear an open chested tunic, blue in colour, along with black trousers. On my wrists and ankles are the training weights I had, and as normal, I had set to the weight of 10 tonnes. And yes, I have been fighting with these weights on, ever since I made them.

Thankfully, the runes are on the inside of the bracelets, so there's no changing the runes unless you take it off and then change the runes.

Guess who never takes them off? And guess how many people actually can take it off? Yup. Only one. Me. Probably Mother or Father too, if they knew what the runes were. But, again, since they are inside, nope.

My pants usually cover my ankle weights, but the wrist weights, I keep them open. They look nice, but along with the Ankle weights, they make me look like an escaped prisoner.

Thankfully, everyone knows I wear Gold bracelets on my ankle and wrists. Mother and Father obviously know that they are weight training, but haven't said anything.

On the back of my tunic, is a golden symbol of a burning Sun, and the same is on the buckle of the Leather belt holding my pants up.

I look in the mirror and take myself in. The whole 6 feet of myself. Damn! Not to be narcissistic or anything, but, damn! I look good. I'm not as lean as Loki is, but I'm not as.. big.. as Thor either. I'm somewhat in between the two, when it comes to the weight. And my face is similar to Thor's. I'm blonde, blue eyed, and have rough beard, hanging from my chin. Since I'm still considered a teenager, I only grow my beard from my chin. Just. The. Chin. It does not even touch my cheeks.

Thor is taller than me by one inch, while Loki is the same height as me. Thankfully, I'm stronger than both of them. If I had to guess, then right now, I'm about as strong as Hulk was in the Harlem fight. And that's with the weights on. Without weights, I increase my speed, and with it, hitting power. So I hit more, and faster, and also take hits less and dodge more.

Ending my Narcissistic personality, I open the door and exit the Healer's Chambers to find Lorelai. Hopefully, she's at her home.

Half an hour later, I'm outside Lorelai's modest house, but don't see her anywhere. And the door is locked. Damn.

I leave a note for her to find, asking her to meet me, and leave to roam the Bazaar.

Asgardian Bazaar is really bizarre. Literally. There are fruits and vegetables from Midgard, which is the only one of the 9 realms that is still giving a high yield in produce. The other realms have a very hard time giving such a high yield.

Asgard, Vanaheim and Alfeim have a high quality produce, yes. But it takes a lot of time. Like, apples in Asgard take decades to ripe. They are of higher quality to Midgardian apples, but Midgardian apples literally take only about 200 days.

Then there are meats. The meats range from chicken, pigs, bulls, to dragons, snakes. Goats and cattle are the most common, and almost always present in our diet.

At first I was a little grossed out by the fact that I had to eat all these types of meats. Oh I wasn't a vegetarian, not even close. I just ate chicken, eggs and occasionally, fish. I tried eating goat once and I didn't like it even a little bit, so I stuck close to chicken.

So suddenly eating 10 different types of meat in a single day... was a bit of a shock. But the body won out in the end. This body was built for those types of foods, and my spiritual opinion didn't matter to it.

I buy an apple from a vendor, who greeted me, "Prince Baldur! Please, you don't have to pay! I can't take money from you!"

I simply hand him a gold coin, and say, "My man, I'm rich. One coin won't empty my pockets. Take it."

He reluctantly takes the coin, all the while bowing to me, and I simply move on forth. Money was not something I had in spades, in my previous life. So I take care to save it. But when I'm buying something from hard-working vendors, who farm these wares themselves? Yeah, I'm overpaying.

Next on my list is clothes. Obviously, we have a royal tailor to make our clothes, and a vendor on our pay, that sends the best leather and fabrics, directly to the Palace. But even small time Asgardian tailors are still good. I bought my ankle warmers from one such couple 5 years ago, and they're still going strong!

I buy a nice blue scarf, that I know Mother will like, and a Red one for Lorelai, and leave for the palace. I may have dropped off a purse with 10-15 gold coins, and a few silver ones inside it in an alley full of orphaned kids. No one will know.

I'm not a good person, I try to be, but I'm not. I have my selfish moments. But if the small bag of coins will help those kids eat for a few nights, I'm not hesitating.

I also have a deal with a nice man at the local Inn. He lets the hungry eat, and I pay him his due. But the bag of coins will make them feel a bit better about eating there.

On the way to the palace, I check to see if Lorelai's home yet, and find that, yes, she's home. Smiling widely, I knock on her doors and shout, "Lorelai!"

"DON'T SHOUT! I'M COMING!" Lorelai shouts from inside the house. Hypocrite. I keep knocking continuously, not stopping.

She opens the door and glares at me, while I grin at her. I widen my arms and wait for her to come in for a hug.

5 seconds. She's still glaring. I'm still grinning.

15 seconds. She's still glaring. My grin has weakened a little.

30 seconds. My grin falls, and she smirks at me.

I drop my hands and say, "You're embarrassing me, Lorelai!"

"You manage that by yourself, well enough, Baldur." Lorelai snarks at me.

I mock gasp, and say, "Woe is me! Mine Lady has rejected me! And she insults! How will I show my face anywhere?"

Her neighbours and a few of the jaywalkers look at the common spectacle and smile. Some of them even laugh. Probably think I'm going to marry her tomorrow or something.

Hah! Jokes on them, we're never marrying! At least, not each other. In the last 150 years, we found that we didn't have any inclination to marry each other, or even go on dates. Thankfully, this did not put me on a dry spell.

We still f*cked, but only occasionally. I was not her exclusive bed buddy, and nor was she mine. But we mostly only had one night stands with other people. People know about that, obviously, but no one minds unless we cheat on our partners. We live for thousands of years, if we want to get some, we get some.

"Just.. come in." Lorelai says motioning me inside. I bow to her, kiss her cheek and enter the house. Her house is a spacious one, with one big hall as a living room, a kitchen, three bedrooms, and bathrooms for each of those rooms. It is modest in Asgardian standards.

Heck, my room occupies more space than her whole house with one big welcoming Hall, a spacious bedroom, a small Library, and a giant Bath. Capital B.

"So.." I turn to her and smirk, and ask, "What are you working on? I smell potions."

"They're in my room." She simply says and starts walking. Opening the door to her room, I first see that it's not at all like the living room.

I have been here before, obviously, and it was definitely not this messy. Even after the orgy we had, it was not this messy. Just.. don't ask. I was horny, she was horny, and a lot if her friends had free time. I banged every one of her friends.


Yes, some of them were male, but we're Asgardians, and I was curious about how it felt. Spoiler alert. It feels different, but not weird. Living thousands of years, tasting just one thing gets boring. But I did find out that I'm definitely not going to marry a man. Sure it was interesting, but I still prefer a woman. Or two.


Anyways, back to Lorelai's room, it's messy. There's books open everywhere, some thrown on the ground, others on the bed. Her Potions table had three cauldrons, all on heat. Reading on of the Tomes she had open, I read the title. Aphrodisiacs. She's making Love Potions. One of the potions is Red, while the other two are different shades of pink.

She's experimenting, probably to enhance them. I ask, "What are you trying to accomplish here?"

"Lust Potions." She answers simply, making me pause.

I turn to Lorelai and raise an eyebrow. She smirks at me and says, "What? You have your hobbies, I have mine."

Damn, this will be popular during parties, if this works.

"Lorelai. I'll kill you if this Potion ends up in the Palace feasts. I don't want to see any of my family in that situation." Ughh. Gross. I so don't want or need to see my brothers in any activities.

Lorelai chuckles and adds a pinch of some bone dust into the red potions, turning it maroon, and then brown. Thank God! It's ruined.

"Don't worry, Baldur. Even I don't want to see Odin in his natural state." Lorelai states.

"Oh my..! Fuck! Lorelai! I was talking about my brothers! Goddamnit." Can't even use my magic to take out or suppress those images.

Lorelai chuckles and carries on with her Potions. Rubbing my head, I go and jump on her bed, laying down, and looking at her bend down with her back towards me. Damn.

"So. What were you in the Healer's Chambers for?" Lorelai asks, without turning away from her potion.

I keep looking at her amazing behind, and say, "Oh, nothing. I managed to use the Observatory, and enhance my vision. I saw in a nearby Solar System and overloaded myself with the Sun's energy."

Lorelai snaps her head towards me, catching me looking at her butt, and says, "You should be careful, Baldur. You are a God, yes, but we are not Immortal. We have our limits, and you should know yours."

"Yes, yes. I know." I whine, but looking at her concerned face, i smile at her. I say, "I'll be careful, Lorelai. I won't do it again for a few days at least. Healer's orders. And even if I do, I'll be careful to ground myself."

Lorelai smiles at me and turns back. She does something and the potion turns transparent. It looks completely like water. Lorelai looks shocked, so I go towards the potion and try to smell it. No smell. Looks like water.

"It worked." Lorelai whispers, and then turns towards me and shouts, "IT WORKED!" and starts jumping up and down.

Although I love looking at her jumping, I have to stop her. I hug her close to me, and say, "Hey! Hey! We just know it's turned like water. What if it actually is water, made through a complex potion?"

Lorelai stops jumping, and looks at the potion in contemplation. She looks at me. Then the potion. Then me.

"No." I say, knowing what she's thinking. I'm not taking any experimental potion. Plus, I can't have sex for 2 days. Woe is me, indeed.

"But, Baldur! It's for Science!" Lorelai whines, pouting at me, and giving me the puppy dog eyes, while using her upper arms to push her tits up.

I hold her tighter to myself, which is the only reaction I give to the eyes. Damn girls and their puppy dog eyes. And say, "No. I can't do anything with my Magic for 2 more days, and I can't do any strenuous activity. If the potion works, it'll be included in both of them."

Lorelai loses her pout, the manipulative b*tch, and stops using her hands to push her breasts up, making me sigh in disappointment.

She scowls at me and says, "Well, I don't exactly want to leave you alone right now to test it out." she then again gets a contemplative look on her face and asks, "Are Thor and Stuffy on Asgard?"

I widen my eyes in fear. I'm not taking part in this prank. Sif might either kill me, or thank me, depending on where it goes.

I quickly turn off the burners, pack the Potion in my PD, pick her up, and take off running towards the palace. I ignore her shout of indignation, and keep running, prompting many people to move out of my way.

Once I'm in the palace, I knock on Loki's doors, and enter without waiting for him to answer.

"Brother. You could have waited 10 seconds." Loki says, scowling at me.

I drop Lorelai on the ground, which she lands like a proper Lady, and turn to Loki. I say, "Sorry Loki. It was an emergency." Loki immediately turns to Lorelai with a question on his face.

Lorelai smirks at Loki, so Loki smirks at me and says, "Well, it was bound to happen. I'll convince Mother to marry you two, while Mother can talk to Father."

What? Marry us? We look at each other in confusion, and look at Loki and ask in unison, "Marry who, now?"

Loki drops his smirk and shouts, "You two!"

Lorelai glares at Loki and asks, "Why the hell would I want to marry this early? And to him?!"

"Didn't he get you pregnant?" Loki asks, confused a little.



".. I sure hope not. I'm not ready to be a father yet." I whisper, looking at Lorelai in concern. Looking at her concerned face, I immediately continue, "BUT! I will take responsibility if anything happens, of course."

Lorelai smacks her hand on her face and turns to Loki, "I'm not Pregnant. It's a different emergency, one you can solve." Then she turns to me and says, "Don't worry about getting me pregnant. I drank a potion that has made me infertile for a decade. I take them every decade, obviously. You can take me as many times as I want and I still won't get pregnant."

I sigh in relief and then turn to Loki, "Okay.. ignoring that awkward conversation. Lorelai has made a potion that induces Lust, hopefully it's just water. She wants to use it on Thor and Sif. I'm not suicidal, so.. here you go. I'll want her back before night time." Saying that I push Lorelai forward and turn around to go back.

"Hey I'm not a whore to pass around!" Lorelai says, indignantly, while Loki just chuckles evilly at the ideas he's had, and I run away waving Lorelai goodbye.

Whatever they do, I'll probably be safe. Hopefully. Gods, I hope they don't ruin Sif's night. Gods, I hope Thor doesn't ruin Sif's night.

Well, not my problem.


A/N: So this was an uneventful chapter. So vote here for this question.

What do you guys think should happen between Thor and Sif?

a) Potion works, they sleep together, and become a couple.

b) Potion works, they sleep together, and ignore it happening once the potions effects wear off.

c) Potion works, Thor messes it up, and now Sif hates him.

d) Potion works for 5 minutes, after which thor and Sif get embarrassed and don't talk about it ever again.

e) Potion doesn't work and turns out to be a dud.

Reviews Please!

HelloDarkness07 HelloDarkness07

Look at the A/N at the bottom of the chapter if you haven't.

Now, next chapters will be somewhat slow, as a few people pointed out lack of character in my MC. So I'm going to establish it now. Sorry for being late, but I was in a hurry to catch up to cannon events.

Please don't criticize what I've already written as "he thought" or "he theorised" as those are just the thoughts of the MC. His opinions. He's allowed to have them, if they don't harm anyone.

Thank you.

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