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95.93% Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer / Chapter 118: Chapter 118 The End of the Old Republic

Chương 118: Chapter 118 The End of the Old Republic

Chapter 118 The End of the Old Republic

The Galactic Senate which had stood for over a thousand years as the heart of law, diplomacy, and reason was now stricken of all such concepts at the mind-boggling stature of the incomprehensible figure displayed before them. What few would appreciate until later was that the hologram was not showing a side of the image, but the front from every angle. It was the type of projection that allowed all to see it as if it was looking directly at them no matter where they sat within the enormous Senate floor.

The only exception was the seat of the Supreme Chancellor that sat below the projection and was therefore spared from viewing it head-on. Everyone could only regret their decision to wake up this morning as the soul-piercing yellow eyes of the hideous green abomination bore into their memories and dreams. Many forgot where they were and screamed or fainted. Their cries fell upon deaf ears as few if any of the assembled Galactic representatives could form coherent thoughts. They were like mice looking into the eye of a snake getting ready to strike, completely unable to move.

Other than some of the constipated Jedi, Palpatine was one of the only members of the Senate currently lacking in brown patches on their trousers. Besides his inability to see the full scope of the hologram from his position, he was easily able to rationalize the situation as the farce it was. The initial figure claiming his name was fake, so it didn't take a grand leap of judgment to determine the second figure was artificial as well. But how was he going to convince the Senate of this?

Before Palpatine could formulate any plan, a sound echoed through the Senate like the bubbling of sewage and crunching of bones. The image of the yellow-eyed Cthulhu spoke in an unintelligible language that crawled like slugs through the senses but was somehow understood by every conscious being in the Senate. <<The age of the Republic under the Jedi has ended. The gift of light has been abused. You have been rejected by the stars and all will return to origin. It was I who created Darkness. I am the origin of Fear. My brethren have awoken from their long slumber and shall seek out the light and all who serve it. Dissolve the Republic and the Jedi Order, or my cleansing of Darkness shall never cease.>>

The massive hologram vanished and the lights returned to the Senate, but no one could speak. The horror instilled into their very beings was not shed quite so easily, and many had not even grasped their newly soiled state. Sidious and the Jedi knew the language thing was a trick of the Force, though not one they were thoroughly familiar with. Sidious knew and the Jedi at least suspected this was a hoax, but conveying that to the assembled, panicked masses was not an easy challenge.

Still, Palpatine was a Politician, so at the moment, he did what any good Politician would do in a situation where control was taken away from him. He took it back.

"Citizens of the Republic. Do not falter before our enemies. Whether or not this is an elaborate hoax or a true threat will be made clear. However, we will not bow to any threat that does not dare to face us in person. A mere message is not enough to shake the thousand-year foundation of the Republic. We stand strong and we stand united. The Separatists and this Cthulhu-"

The moment the name was spoken, the lights in the Senate flickered and for some reason, the sound of neighing horses crying out in terror could be heard, but no one could locate the origin of the sound.

Palpatine continued as if he had not been interrupted, "The Separatists and this Cthulhu-" *horses neighing in terror in the background* "-will face the might of our Clone Army and they will fall!"

The sound of applause started slowly but gathered momentum as people tried to psyche themselves up.

Palpatine, unable to ignore the smell any longer, stated, "For now, this session will come to a close." Everyone then quickly made their way out of the senate to change their pants. The smell would remain for months.

Watching everything from a private room, Anakin asked Harry Potter, "What the Force is Cthulhu?"

*horses neighing in terror in the background* *lights flicker*

Anakin pointed up and continued, "And what the Force was that?"

Harry smiled. "Cthulhu is an imaginary god written about by a very fun Author from my world. Thankfully he isn't real so I can use his name all I want and there's no real one to worry about."

At least Harry was pretty sure he wasn't real. If Cthulhu was real, that meant Azathoth was real. According to H.P. Lovecraft, the Universe was Azathoth's dream so if he ever woke up, the Universe would end. Harry was pretty sure his Universe and this Universe were not dreams of Azathoth, so Cthulhu wasn't real.

As for the specific reason for choosing Cthulhu, it was because there would always be idiots trying to delve into the darker arts for power. Harry Potter intended to replace the Sith Order with Cthulhu Cultists. The difference of course was that since Cthulhu wasn't real, no amount of worship from virgins in their parents' basements would generate any results. You could never remove evil and darkness, so might as well trick those who seek it out into barking up the wrong tree. Centuries from now, Cultists wanting to overthrow whatever new government order existed at the time would be praying to Cthulhu rather than looking for Sith Holocrons.

Harry then continued, "And thanks to some excellent Hacking and help from the Force, that will happen anytime someone says Cthulhu."

*horses neighing in terror in the background* *lights flicker*

Padmé asked, "How is that possible?"

Harry explained, "Anywhere with a communicator of any kind has been fully hacked and if that word is heard, a program will cause the lights nearby to flicker. The Force is helping by making people who hear the word also hear the sound of horses, though this won't work on droids."

Padmé skeptically clarified, "Wait, the Force is helping you prank the Galaxy?"

"Oh yeah. Want to see what happens with the Jedi?"

Anakin answered with maniacal glee, "Oh yes. Yes please."

The TV changed to show the Jedi council, all meditating.

Padmé asked, "What are they doing?"

Anakin answered this time, "Seeking answers from the Force. They're probably trying to determine if this is a hoax or a real threat."

The Jedi on screen all opened their eyes at once. None looked pleased. In fact, they all looked uncomfortably constipated. Yoda spoke up first. "Incomprehensible, this is."

Master Windu asked, "How can this be? How can that be the answer? I don't understand."

Although Obi-Wan was not a Jedi Master, he had been invited to sit and meditate on the answer and asked, "I don't understand. What does it mean? That can not be normal, can it? We asked for an answer, but how can that be an answer?"

Yoda's frown deepened. He muttered aloud, "42."

Master Windu asked, "42 what? What kind of answer is 42?"

Yoda asked, "Perhaps, understand the question, we do not."

Obi-Wan stated, "I was asking if the threat is real. Does that mean there are 42 of these Cthulhus?"

*horses neighing in terror in the background* *lights flicker*

Everyone looked up at the lighting. Mace Windu stated loudly, "Cthulhu."

*horses neighing in terror in the background* *lights flicker*

Yoda raised a hand, "Perhaps, say this name we should not. Send the Jedi to locate this threat we should. Learn more about this unknown being we should."

Obi-Wan volunteered, "I'll go. The Force has advised me what to do if I should depart to investigate."

Mace looked interested, "Oh? What meanings have you deduced from your meditations?"

Obi-Wan smiled. "That I should not forget to bring a towel."

Master Windu looked confused, so he sought an answer through the Force. It helpfully informed him that the towel was one of the most versatile items in the galaxy and one should never travel without a Towel. Master Windu frowned at this. He did not have a towel. If even the Force recommended it, he should get one as quickly as possible. He wondered if there was one in his quarters he could take with him, unaware that many of the Jedi in the room were having the same thought.

Anakin watched this scene with a smile and Padmé shook her head. She looked over to Harry and asked, "How many planets will be taken today?"

"Probably about a hundred. I'm starting in the Hutt Space and we'll go from there."

Anakin smiled, "Couldn't have happened to a nicer race of gangster slave-owning slugs."

Harry's plan, besides messing with the Republic as a distraction, was to send his Replicator fleets to every planet in the Galaxy and do a couple of things.

The Replicators had Asgardian Scanning and Beaming technology. When a planet was attacked, all sentient life would be beamed into a matter storage buffer. The Replicators would then devour all metal and technology on the planet and create a city using replicator blocks. The homes in the city would include computers, internet access, video games, and security. The replicators would also create a few farms and Alteran Matter conversion technology would be used to create seeds and the minimum amount of required food.

Exceptions would be made for planets where a species originated like the Gungan cities beneath the waters of Naboo and the Wookie cities of the forests of Kashyyyk, but the metal in most other cities would be devoured and converted into replicator cities.

Once a planet was edited, a population of one or two species would be sent to inhabit the planet, teleported directly into the prebuilt homes where they could register themselves as the homeowners. The only weapons they would have would be whatever they were carrying when they were beamed into matter storage. Facilities to create more weapons and ammo would not exist and they would have to make anything like that themselves.

Those that had family could use the computers to register the names of their family members and request to be reunited if separated into different planets.

Every city on every planet would have a Stargate. For the first few years, Stargates would only allow transport between cities on the same planet. After a few years, Stargates would allow transport between planets with the same species. If a planet with two species ended up killing one of the two species, that planet's Stargate would likely be locked from interstellar transport. Most Planets would include Humans and one other race, allowing interspecies trading via different planets which both contained humans or both contained another popular race.

If the planet could support a higher population, species would also be able to request to move to a specific planet prior to the opening of the planet's access to interstellar trade. Most Wookies for example would likely prefer to only live on Kashyyyk. If Kashyyyk could sustain all Wookies, that would be allowed. Especially since the houses of Kashyyyk were made of wood and would not be destroyed by the Replicators.

The people of the planet would be left up to their own devices to build what they wanted to, but Replicator Ships would eternally scour the stars and any ship they found would have their occupants beamed into storage and the ship devoured. For a very long time, there would be no starship travel in the galaxies.

According to Jean's interpretation of the will of the Force, Starship travel has been heavily abused and is the cause of all other problems in the Galaxy. Because the planets with the highest populations were incapable of self-sufficiency, they became parasites that devoured the resources of the galaxy, preventing there from ever being excess or abundance. There were correct ways to solve most problems that planets had, but the existence of starships allowed people to incorrectly solve their problems for countless eons, resulting in the Republic as it was today.

The plan stripped away everything but the people and encouraged self-sufficiency. After a planet had been edited and one or two species had been delivered, the Replicators would not interfere in matters other than the destruction of space-faring ships that leave the atmosphere and the regulation of the Stargates and matter converters. Just about everything else would be left to the population. They could even use the computers to edit the form their replicator cities and homes took.

Was the plan perfect? Far from it. Padmé argued this point at length, but Harry countered that perfection was unattainable to begin with and the best they could hope to reach was a strong foundation for something better, something the people of the Galaxy could decide amongst themselves to build.

According to Jean, the Force grew with the number of intelligent species, so the plan promoted population growth along with self-sufficiency. The Replicator cities would provide shelter, security, and the bare necessities of food along with communication, access to knowledge, and education. Everything else was up to the people who lived there.

Padmé did ask for an exception for Naboo that Harry partially agreed to. The Gungans were already self-sufficient and the planet's original inhabitants, so the replicators would not touch them. The human cities were mostly made of stone, so even if the replicators were unleashed, most of the foundations of the cities would be untouched. The exception however was the buildings crafted by the Trade Federation to mine plasma that was built beneath the Royal Palace. Harry explained that the Trade Federation did not build the mining system with sustainability in mind so it would slowly cause the planet's deterioration and had to go. After some convincing, Padmé reluctantly agreed. However, all the starships would still be devoured. She wasn't the Queen anymore and couldn't tell her people to just not use them, so they'd have to go no matter what, but the remaining vehicles would be spared.

The plan also included terraforming many planets, including Tatooine. Tens of thousands of years ago, Tatooine was destroyed and was still partially radioactive from the violence of the destruction. That's why it was still a desert thousands of years later. Many other planets had been made uninhabitable through a variety of means. Phoenix Fire bombs would be used to cleanse these planets and an ocean or two from other worlds would be shifted over via Superstargate. Planets like Kamino would benefit from having their oceans reduced as that would reduce the strength of their endless storms and uncover the long flooded continents, allowing more locations for cities to be made. After a planet was terraformed using phoenix flame, it would be flourishing with life in a hundred years or so, and a Stargate would be activated on it, allowing other species to expand to new planets and allow populations to grow.

This was what the Force desired, the continuous growth of all sentient species. According to Jean, there were massive dangers outside the Star Wars Galaxy, and the Force was maintaining something of a barrier around the Galaxy. Once every planet was filled with life, the Force would be strong enough to protect itself from the dangers of the Galaxy and could open the barrier, allowing the people of the Galaxy to expand even further. Of course, that was just the Force's super long-term plan.

The Jedi would be mostly left alone, but everyone would believe that the Galaxy was attacked because of the Jedi, so peer pressure would encourage the Order to disband. The Jedi would be evenly distributed to planets including their species and could do as they pleased there, but would be discouraged from reforming their Order. Although the computers of each city would allow communication, there would be only limited communication between planets, except for the information required to reunite separated families. The Jedi would likely find and take apprentices, but without the Order, they would have to teach their own beliefs rather than the Dogma of the Jedi. Many Jedi would form mini-Orders, different from the original. They would have time to develop before the Stargates allowed for interspecies travel, and by the time all the branches of the old Jedi came together, they would have countless cultural differences allowing for greater flexibility. According to Jean, this is also the will of the Force.

Not long after the meeting of the Jedi Council ended, Jean and the rest of Harry's girls entered the room hosting Padmé and Anakin.

Jade asked, "So hows the communism going?"

Harry sighed and repeated again, "It's not communism. Well, it's not meant to be. If I wanted it to be communism, I wouldn't include the Stargates to allow for long-distance trade. Even if it kinda looks like it is starting that way, it will turn into capitalism on its own."

MJ smirked and sat down on the couch with some popcorn, "If you say so."

The girls had been tweaking him repeatedly ever since MJ pointed out that he was essentially redistributing the wealth by having the replicators devour everything and then provide the same level of comfort for everyone, regardless of how much they had before. Harry didn't care too much since even if it did look like it, communism never lasted so it would fix itself eventually.

Besides, he was taking people from one world to another using mysterious means. He preferred to think of his plan as the Grand Isekai!

Anakin and Padmé had met the girls a few hours ago during the discussion on the future of the Galaxy and had gotten along quite well.

Padmé took a seat next to MJ and started shamelessly stealing her popcorn before asking, "So, what's on next?"

Harry didn't answer but smiled and changed the picture on the monitor from a view of the Jedi High Council to a view of the Supreme Chancellor's room.

Palpatine was currently in the midst of redecorating. Using his lightsaber. There was also a dismembered body in the corner.

Padmé gasped but Anakin just calmly asked, "Who was he?"

Jean answered, "Palpatine's local problem-solver, spy, and information gatherer. Pap's not happy that he missed this."

Not happy was an understatement. Palpatine's desk had been sliced into countless pieces, his chair was in shambles, his walls and just about everything but his door was scorched from the blood-red saber he wielded. Every couple of breaths he would stop slicing randomly and start shooting lightning at the pieces of the charred corpse which were already starting to smoke.

Padmé continued to watch the galaxy's biggest drama queen vent his frustrations and throw a hissy fit while casually eating popcorn.

Within the office, Palpatine was seething. Lashing out without allowing his presence to be felt in the Force was a trick he'd mastered long ago, and its effectiveness proved useful even today. Very little about today made sense. Obi-Wan was on Geonosis and should have been captured. The Jedi should have sent a rescue team and Dooku would have slaughtered them, starting the war and the extermination of all Jedi. Somehow Obi-Wan had found himself taken from Geonosis and placed back on Coruscant. Though Palpatine was able to obtain Emergency powers using Obi-Wan's report, the Sith Lord was not pleased that their first opportunity for spilling Jedi blood had been denied.

That wasn't the only thing amiss before this Senate meeting. The boy, the chosen one. He should have found his mother's corpse by now and taken his first step into the dark side, into the path to becoming his apprentice. It should have happened by now, but it had not.

As Darth Sidious, he should have been able to peer through the Force to view its secrets. The whole of the Galaxy was a stage and the players were moved according to his whims, so nothing should be hidden from his sight. But when he peered into the Force for answers, he only found two pieces of information. The number 42, and the fact that a towel was a very useful item to carry around.

This greatly infuriated him. The Force was his! The Galaxy was his! Both should bow to his will yet it was clear he was being mocked! The Senate floor where he rose to his seat of power and completed his grandest of schemes was now stained with the smell of incompetence and he knew deep down the scent would eternally linger. His rule was now mired by the stench of failure.

The sound of beeping brought him out of his internal rantings and he noticed the communicator on the remains of his desk was still functional. Someone was calling him, and he recognized the number. Palpatine used the Force to lift the device into the air and turned it on. "Report Dooku. How was Obi-Wan able to escape?"

From the other end of the communicator, his new apprentice answered, "We were unable to determine this and things have changed. I am now on a ship fleeing Geonosis with the remainder of the Separatist leaders and the executives of the Trade Federation. Although we left only half an hour ago, we are no longer able to contact anyone on the planet."

Palpatine cleared his mind at this. Such a situation required his undivided attention and his outbursts could wait. "What has happened to Geonosis? Why did you flee?"

Count Dooku answered, "A massive cloud of what can only be described as darkness was observed heading for the planet. It was not there some hours ago. Probes and crafts were sent to gather information, but no signal has been received from inside this cloud and none who have entered it have returned. The cloud was larger than the planet and I deemed it prudent to evacuate the essential commanders before the cloud reached the surface. After the cloud collided with the planet, it began to spread. We did not receive any signals from those left on the planet and the darkness cannot be penetrated by any of the sensors we possess. Last observed, a third of the planet had already been engulfed by the cloud, and ships that were unable to leave before the cloud covered the spaceports have gone silent. Sections of the cloud seem to seek out our ships in orbit and those engulfed have also gone silent, so my ship and all others have fled the planet. Our last successful communication to the planet was five minutes ago. Geonosis has now gone silent."

Dooku did his best to speak stoically and hide his fear. He really did. But Sidious was quite sensitive to fear and he could tell that his apprentice reeked of it. He was sorely tempted to berate his apprentice, but in truth even he was a little freaked out by that description.

Those watching him on screen noticed his apprehension and Wanda smiled, "Nice. Holograms are awesome."

Padmé asked, "Holograms?"

MJ answered, "Harry's toys are just hiding with holograms. They beam out everyone in the area covered by the holographic darkness and spread slowly. They are also masters at signal jamming and stealth."

Anakin asked, "Why wait? You could have taken Dooku then and there."

Rogue answered, "Now where's the fun in that? People don't fear a quick and painless death. They fear the unknown. They fear the slow, creeping crawl of that which cannot be stopped."

Wanda continued, "Harry wants to scare Palpatine shitless. That kind of performance needs atmosphere, ambiance, and time."

Padmé asked, "What are you gonna do with Dooku?"

Harry answered, "Not now, but eventually I'll just send him home. Serenno is actually a fairly balanced planet. It has a large population, but also a large agricultural industry and is quite self-sufficient. I feel he can share the planet with Dathmorians and maybe he'll build his own Jedi temple. One of the main problems his planet has is that many workers have been displaced by droids, but after the Replicators are through, all droids and droid production facilities will be devoured."

Anakin asked, "Are you gonna send Palpatine somewhere or kill him?"

Harry smiled. "No. I won't kill him." He didn't elaborate, but there was something about his smile that made Anakin understand Palpatine would not be getting a happily ever after.

Technically, Palpatine had never tried to kill Harry. Harry couldn't just kill a stranger because he was a jerk. The only person Harry killed since coming to this Galaxy was a Tusken Raider and only because that guy shot him first.

On screen, Palpatine considered what to do carefully before relaying to his apprentice, "Keep the leaders calm and prioritize gathering information. We must learn the origin of this darkness and take its means for ourselves. The Galaxy will be ours. This is only a minor setback."

Dooku replied, "Understood my Master. It will be done," before cutting off the call. Palpatine stood in silence for a few moments in thought before using the communicator to call some droids to repair his office. He'd have their memories wiped when they left so there would be no evidence of his hissy fit. It wasn't the first time.

Anakin felt through his bond with Obi-Wan that he was leaving Coruscant. He asked, "Where are you gonna put Obi-Wan?"

"Kalevala. It's a Mandalorian world with a girl Obi-Wan is sweet on. The Mandalorians could use a Negotiator and she could use Obi-Wan. Though that's later. It will take a few weeks to finish off Hutt Space and then we'll slowly start on the outer rim."

Hutt Space had a frighteningly large amount of perfect planets with almost no population. The Hutts used them as Resort Planets and only high-level Hutts from high-level clans could visit. Anyone else on the Planet was a slave and none besides authorized Hutts who visited were allowed to leave. The local aliens who once lived on these planets were long since exterminated by the Hutts. Because of all this, these planets made an excellent starting point to edit first.

The Planets in Hutt Space were protected by the Hutt Security fleet which was larger than any other fleet in the Galaxy. Even the Separatists and Republic Fleets at the height of the Clone Wars could not match, but the Hutt Fleets were used only to protect Hutt Space and ensure that their planets belong to them and them alone. For the Replicators, it was a feast.

And in the same way that the Phoenix Force could tell Jean what planets needed burning, so too could the Force tell her what planets were safe to live in but uninhabited by intelligent life. Such planets were not located on any known Hyperspace lanes, so current means of star travel would not discover them easily. Like the edited Hutt Space Planets, these planets would receive a few Replicator Cities and Stargates and soon be home to one or two new sentient species.

Anakin asked, "How's R2?"

Harry pulled out a tablet and after a moment answered, "Having fun it seems." Harry converted R2-D2 into a Replicator Dreadnaught and the no longer little droid was in charge of the fleet currently devouring all the ships in Hutt Space while surrounding himself in a holographic cloud of impenetrable darkness.

The Hutts themselves would be stored until the Hutt Home World of Nal Hutta could be edited. It was a polluted swamp world that literally rained grease and in Anakin and Harry's shared opinion, the slugs deserved to live there forever.

The plan was to slowly allow the news of worlds being devoured to spread. Some key planets like Geonosis would be devoured early. Kamino would be attacked in a few days so no more clones would be bred. Collected Clones would be spread out through the planets and could perhaps work with local Jedi as impromptu law enforcement.

The purpose of the attack was to shake the mentality of the Republic. They would never accept simply being relocated, but if they thought they were going to be devoured by Darkness and then discovered they were only being relocated, they'd have an easier time accepting it.

Anakin compared it to telling someone, "Your wife is dead. Just kidding, she's pregnant." He honestly considered Harry a horrible person but accepted that the Galaxy needed something horrible to happen to it and this was the best of the worst that could happen.

A week later, Anakin had been summoned back to Coruscant. Padmé stayed on Naboo and spoke with the Queen about the changes that would be coming so they could be ready for the future. Things like calling their relatives back to the planet and using their available ships to plow some fields for self-sufficient crops before they lost their use.

Obi-Wan had also returned with news from the Outer Rim. Almost a hundred planets were taken a day, and though most were in Hutt Space, not all were. The slow taking of planets allowed for many evacuees to tell the story, and no one who returned to a planet that was taken was heard from.

Anakin was invited to the High Council Chambers to hear Obi-Wan's report with the rest of the Jedi Masters.

"Things are worse than we knew. Multiple planets every day are experiencing the phenomenon of Going Dark. Any planet that has Gone Dark cannot be reached through any form of communication. Piloting a Ship near any planet that has Gone Dark results in losing contact with the Pilot. There is something of a safe distance, but even that is not a guarantee. The only vessels that have escaped after a long-distance scouting voyage claimed that the moment they entered the system, the Darkness approached at unbelievable speeds. I imagine that the ones who were not heard from again did not escape the pursuit of the Darkness that came for them."

Master Windu's perpetual frown deepened. "This is very dangerous. What if a Planet goes Dark without our awareness and vessels continue to travel there? It would be a one-way trip and they would never know."

Anakin did not speak up or show his amusement at the fear displayed in the Temple. Instead, he asked, "Do you believe the Darkness would abate if the Jedi Order were dissolved?"

Every aged and weathered face turned to give him a hard look, but as one who had seen the endgame, he was not cowed in the slightest to these players on the board. He returned their glares with an expression that said, 'yes, I am serious.'

Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi stated plainly, "The Jedi will not dissolve at the word of one who claims to be a Sith."

Anakin asked, "So you know how to stop the Darkness then? Please enlighten the rest of us."

Master Saesee Tiin shot back, "As someone who is not even a Jedi Master, you do not have a place to speak here."

Anakin didn't react with aggression as some felt he might have. Instead, he simply smiled. "If it is the opinion of the High Council that the Chosen one destined to end the Sith has no place discussing a threat that claims to be Sith in origin, then I will take my leave from these chambers. Before doing so, however, I have something to deliver. Master Obi-Wan, Master Yoda, these are for you."

Anakin took out and handed both a card. Obi-Wan opened it first and asked aloud, "A wedding invitation?"

Anakin smiled brightly, "Yes, mine and Padmé's. You're both invited."

Obi-Wan and Yoda glanced at each other and shared a look of equal bewilderment.

Yoda recovered first, "Inappropriate, this is."

Anakin shrugged non-committedly, "I suppose. But I've been meditating on the Force over our feelings and I've received a distinct impression that the Force has given us its blessings."

Mace Windu and the other Masters were equally appalled. He stated, "That's not how the Force works."

Obi-Wan stated with panic in his voice, "Anakin! You have not even been Knighted yet. You cannot expect the Order to accept this!"

Anakin shrugged again with a smirk. He looked Obi-Wan in the eye and said "I've tried to fall out of love with her for ten years and have failed miserably. At this point, I think my love for her will probably outlast the Jedi Order. You can keep me or kick me out, but neither will change our Wedding Date."

After calmly receiving the glares of the remainder of the Jedi High Council, Anakin left the room.

Yoda asked the Force if this would lead to tragedy. He was told that if he was going to the wedding, he should not forget to bring a towel.

*Author's Note*

Will try for another chapter Next Weekend. But can only do so if I can think up more ways to prank and mess with the Jedi and Sidious. All suggestions are welcomed.

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