When we are at the Hinatazaka dorm and Hayato have an idea of being to celebrate a reunion for all of us and Kanemura with Kento are not here but they are up in the sky.
Takemoto: oniichan? Where are you?
Hayato: he with Kanemura
Takemoto: he is up there with Kanemura
Hayato: yes
Later Kento and Kanemura are up in the sky and she can see that the clouds are very beautiful and lucky she had her phone with her to take some pictures and while Kanemura was taking the photo and sudden, Kento kiss her lips and she put her phone on his pocket and they kiss each other and we land back at the Hinatazaka dorm and they saw that Kento had a good day.
Takemoto: oniichan you got fans outside to meet you
Kento: but I didn't wear the hero suit
Takemoto: no they want to know the real you without the hero suit
Kento: are you sure?
Takemoto: yes
When Kento go outside and saw that it was Nogizaka Member are want to see him in person without his under his hero mask.
Kaki: I'm a huge fan of your superb
Kento: thanks but why?
Seira: she is a huge fan since you save the people from Japan
Kento: Yui-chan please give us hero space
Takemoto: of course
She left her brother alone with his fans and later Kento take the picture and Kaki with Seira wanted to take the video and spread the word of the truth about under the superb mask.
Kaki: Kento please change into your hero suit
Kento: you mean superb
Seira: yes that please but this time I take video
Kento: sure
He takes out the hero bubble gum and chews the gum and sudden Kento change into the superb and he was upgraded suit ever.
Superb: so how does it look?
Kaki: I like your new hero suit
Superb: thanks but I heard someone need some help I will right back oh before I forget I better take this thank you
Superb take the GoPro camera and they can see that Kento is superb in action.
Superb: okay I'm here what can help you?
Meanwhile, superb was in the Tokyo Dome at the Hinatazaka and Nogizaka members on with the new 5th gen are looking at the new hero of superb.
Superb: you are in trouble with just opening the door outside right?
Nagi: yes we are
Miku: can you help us
Superb: can you all step back
They step back from the door while superb blasts the door and they saw him and they hug and they start to run at the stage and say thank you at superb for saving them.
Nagi: thank you superb and Kento
Superb: you are welcome Nagi
She smile with a beautiful on her face and later Superb was back at the Hinatazaka dorm he change back to his normal clothes and the GoPro camera and give them back to Kaki.
Kento: here is your video
Kaki: thank you and good luck
Kento: of course
Seira: we will support you all the way
Kento: sure and thanks for coming to see me
The 4th gen of Nogizaka members are going back to the Tokyo Dome and just only Kento with his sister and his buddy have celebrated with them.
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